Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#10584 confirmed Bug

IE8 throws error on delete

Reported by: Jakub Ś Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.3
Keywords: IE8 Cc: jpleer@…

Description (last modified by Jakub Ś)

To reproduce:

  1. Open CKEditor demo
  2. Click before ^Appollo
  3. Press delete and hold it.

Result JS error is thrown.

Message: Invalid argument
Line : 295
URI: /ckeditor4/core/dom/node.js

Problem can be reproduced in both branches CKE 3.x and 4.x. I was able to reproduce it from CKEditor 3.3.

Bug History:
Invalid argument has been thrown from CKEditor 3.3. but it was thrown by different parts of code

  • 3.3 - 3.6 - /cke3.6/_source/core/dom/text.js; Line 62;
  • 3.6.1 - 4.1.2 - /cke3.6.3/ckeditor/_source/plugins/selection/plugin.js; Line: 911 and|or /cke3.6.6/ckeditor/_source/core/dom/node.js; Line: 234.
  • I was not able to get right repository - in source version first error is thrown even in CKE 3.6.2 while in release code till 3.6.1.

Possible reason:

It has turned out in my tests that simple space between image and Apollo word is to blame. If I have removed this space there was no error.

<h1><img alt="Saturn V carrying Apollo 11" class="right" src="assets/sample.jpg" /> Apollo 11</h1>

In CKEditor 4.x this image is aligned to the right and it doesn't look like source of the problem but in older versions there is something extra happening which may prove what I have written.

Copy sample code from CKE 4.x to 3.x - till version 3.3 When you removed image space was left and no error occurred. From CKE 3.3 removing image removes also this space.

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Jakub Ś

Description: modified (diff)
Status: newconfirmed

NOTE: User that reported is claims that this is different TC for #10477.

Both throw "Invalid argument", both concern single space but CKEditor versions are different for them. Perhaps one is result of the other.

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by Jakob Leer

Cc: jpleer@… added

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by Jakub Ś

#10584 was marked as duplicate.

TC from that ticket:

  1. http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/samples/replacebycode.html
  2. Click the image in the sample.
  3. Selection moves to the image (resize handlers appear).
  4. C-x.
  5. Invalid argument. @text.js:58

Sometimes also the same error in node.js:425

comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by Jakub Ś

#10240 was marked as duplicate.

comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Another similar one #11427.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.
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