Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#10619 closed New Feature (invalid)

CKFinder connectors: possibility to use SQL instead of filesystem

Reported by: Joel Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Requesting a feature to make it possible to use an SQL database instead of the filesystem for file storage. This would make (at least for me) backups, permissions and migrations a lot easier.

I am using MS SQL, not sure what would be the best option how to implement this generic enough to allow for *SQL. At the moment, I suppose that a custom backend connector must be created for this, but there is no instructions that I found.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

@req to build your own connector you need to review this link (and all sub links):

I don't have any idea how to write good open source connector that would work with most popular DB's.
For example in Java when you want to connect to certain DB, your application needs drivers for this DB first. Of course user could download such driver so let’s say there is no problem here.
There is JDBC so standard selects, inserts would work. The problem might be with delete as in some applications DB code is designed in a way not to delete elements but set remove date on them - This is IMO first problem. Handling this with configuration option is a solution but IMHO not very nice one (there probably is no other)
We would probably need some method (perhaps large one) that could handle connection to many DB's. Again IMHO not very nice.

Finally tables for such DB would be kind of standalone. Developer who wants to add references so as to track user activity or his files could end up in writing new connector (or rewriting existing one). However cool this sounds I'm not convinced it is possible to write connector that would satisfy everyone needs.

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