Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#10649 confirmed Bug


Reported by: Zoltan Koszegi Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 4.0 Beta
Keywords: IE9 IE10 oracle Cc:


Description: An inserted special character is being inserted at the end of the previous paragraph even though the insertion point was in a new paragraph when I opened the special characters dialog. I can only recreate the problem with these specific steps.

Win7 32-bit, IE9 Steps To Recreate:

  1. Get a new page on DEMO site.
  2. Insert a numbered list and enter text for a few items in the list.
  3. Press [Enter] after entering text for one of the numbered items to create another numbered item, but don't add any text.
  4. Move the mouse pointer over the last numbered item to display the red 'Insert Paragraph Here' tool.
  5. Click the Insert Paragraph Here button. A new paragraph is inserted after the last numbered item.
  6. Click back into the last numbered item (which has no text) and press [Backspace] to remove this item.
  7. Click below the numbered list so that the insertion point is in the new paragraph you inserted in step 5.
  8. Click the Insert Special Character button on the toolbar and select some character to insert.

The special character is appended to the text of the last numbered list item instead of in the new paragraph which is where the insertion point was.

Note: You should select really a special char e.g. select the black diamond from the last line. See attached picture.

Attachments (1)

ck_spec_char.gif (36.4 KB) - added by Zoltan Koszegi 12 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

Changed 12 years ago by Zoltan Koszegi

Attachment: ck_spec_char.gif added

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newpending

I have tried to reproduce this in IE8-10 and had no problems with inserting special char. Could you provide more details or screen cast?

Are you still able to reproduce this problem?

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Zoltan Koszegi

I can reproduce this with other special char (not with black diamond). Please try this with the last special char.

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

I have tried both IE9 and IE10 on demo page and on my local CKEditor 4.1.2 and 4.2

  1. Please provide a screen cast of the problem
  2. Please close demo page, clear browser cache, open demo page again and check this TC once more.
  3. Please check latest version of editor.

comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by Zoltan Koszegi

I see this does not happen every time. You should clear the page and start the steps and should vary the symbol inserting in. I can reproduce this about 2 out of 3 times.

comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by Zoltan Koszegi

I was unable to attach my screen cast due to the size limit. So this is a link to it:

comment:6 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: IE9 IE10 added
Status: pendingconfirmed
Version: Beta

I was able to reproduce this problem from CKEditor 4.0 beta in IE9 and IE10.

  1. Get a new page on DEMO site (use New Page command).
  2. Insert a numbered/bulleted list and enter text for a few items in the list.
  3. Press [Enter] after entering text for one of the numbered items to create another numbered item, but don't add any text. You sould have e.g. two element with text and one without.
  4. Move the mouse pointer over the last numbered item to display the red 'Magic line ' tool.
  5. Click the Insert Paragraph Here red button (magic line button). A new paragraph is inserted after the last numbered item.
  6. Click back into the last numbered item (which has no text) and press [Backspace] to remove this item.
  7. Click below the numbered list so that the insertion point is in the new paragraph you inserted in step 5. You have to click below paragraph
  8. Click the Insert Special Character button on the toolbar and select some character to insert.

The important step is clicking below paragraph or even below body (body tag which may be smaller than visible content area).

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