Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#11113 confirmed Bug

[IE] Elementspath does not display valid path for first click after selectall

Reported by: Marek Lewandowski Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 4.0
Keywords: IE Cc:


since: 4.0 until major

This issue also appears in widgets content editables.

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. use following source:
    <p>dsadasd <a href="http://aasd">asdsd</a> dassd</p>
  3. switch back to wysiwyg mode
  4. ctrl+a (select all)
  5. click once inside link text, to place caret as follows:
    dsadasd as^dsd dassd

Expected result:
Following elementspath: body p a

Current result:
Elementspath without a element: body p

Second case:
Steps 1-4 as in case above

  1. click once text after link, to place caret as follows:
    dsadasd asdsd das^sd

... and now elementspath shows body p a but it should not.

additional info:

  1. issue does not appear after first click
  2. issue was not present in (tested with ie10), but please, double check me here
  3. present in IE9, IE10, IE11 - i didnt check ie8

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: IE added
Status: newconfirmed

I was able to reproduce this problem from CKEditor 4.0 beta in IE8-11.

To reproduce step two in my case:

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. use following source:
    <p>dsadasd <a href="http://aasd">asdsd</a> dassd</p>
  3. switch back to wysiwyg mode and click at the end of text
  4. ctrl+a (select all)
  5. click once inside link text, to place caret as follows:
    dsadasd as^dsd dassd
  6. First issue has occurred.
  7. Press Ctrl+A
  8. Click once text after link, to place caret as follows:
    dsadasd asdsd das^sd

To reproduce issue two, continuation after first TC is needed.

It looks to me like elements' path is one step behind collapsed selection. Try pressing Ctrl+A and clicking inside link or text and you will see.

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