#11317 closed Bug (invalid)
ACF is NOT working, no matching anything
Reported by: | santaclaus21 | Owned by: | |
Priority: | Normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | Core : Parser | Version: | 4.3.1 |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Firstly - don't try to say "everything is fine" because it isn't. It's BUG.
editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'opis_' + ec , { allowedContent: 'p h1{text-align}; a[!href]; p(tip)' } );
html source:
<p style="font-weight: bold;">Z okazji zbliżających się Świąt pragniemy życzyć Państwu pogody ducha, radości serca, zdrowia, szczęścia pomyślności i wszystkiego co najlepsze, w Nowy<strong><a href="http://uuuuu" style="margin-left: 100px;" target="_blank">m 2014 Roku !</a></strong></p>
console log:
0: Object attributes: null classes: null elements: Object h1: true p: true __proto__: Object featureName: "config" '''match: null''' propertiesOnly: false requiredAttributes: null requiredClasses: null requiredStyles: null styles: Object __proto__: Object (...)
ACF isn't trying to filter anything.
Attachments (2)
Change History (12)
Changed 11 years ago by
Changed 11 years ago by
Attachment: | Selection_155.png added |
comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by
Status: | new → pending |
comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by
Yes I'm sure: You can try it on: http://autobusywieden.pl/admin/ (L/P: cke/cke). Thank you for support because Reinmar had closed my issues about ACF as invalid...
my build-config (but I was trying a lot of another, including minimal config) ACF wasn't work :(
/** * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ /** * This file was added automatically by CKEditor builder. * You may re-use it at any time at http://ckeditor.com/builder to build CKEditor again. * * NOTE: * This file is not used by CKEditor, you may remove it. * Changing this file will not change your CKEditor configuration. */ var CKBUILDER_CONFIG = { skin: 'moono', preset: 'full', ignore: [ 'dev', '.gitignore', '.gitattributes', 'README.md', '.mailmap' ], plugins : { 'dialogadvtab' : 1, 'basicstyles' : 1, 'blockquote' : 1, 'clipboard' : 1, 'colorbutton' : 1, 'colordialog' : 1, 'contextmenu' : 1, 'div' : 1, 'resize' : 1, 'toolbar' : 1, 'elementspath' : 1, 'enterkey' : 1, 'entities' : 1, 'filebrowser' : 1, 'find' : 1, 'font' : 1, 'format' : 1, 'htmlwriter' : 1, 'horizontalrule' : 1, 'wysiwygarea' : 1, 'image' : 1, 'indent' : 1, 'justify' : 1, 'link' : 1, 'list' : 1, 'liststyle' : 1, 'magicline' : 1, 'maximize' : 1, 'pastetext' : 1, 'pastefromword' : 1, 'removeformat' : 1, 'selectall' : 1, 'showblocks' : 1, 'showborders' : 1, 'stylescombo' : 1, 'tab' : 1, 'table' : 1, 'tabletools' : 1, 'undo' : 1, 'dialog' : 1, 'dialogui' : 1, 'panelbutton' : 1, 'button' : 1, 'floatpanel' : 1, 'panel' : 1, 'menu' : 1, 'popup' : 1, 'fakeobjects' : 1, 'richcombo' : 1, 'listblock' : 1, 'stylesheetparser' : 1, 'sourcedialog' : 1, 'sourcearea' : 1, 'tableresize' : 1, 'indentlist' : 1, 'codemirror' : 1, 'textselection' : 1, 'save' : 1 }, languages : { 'en' : 1, 'pl' : 1 } };
comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by
Keywords: | acf paste word filter removed |
First of all, Reinmar closed your tickets as invalid as they were invalid. Period.
I can see you are using some third-party plugins (for example CodeMirror and TextSelection). Like I said before, it seems that one of the third-party plugins is the cause here as we cannot reproduce it with our standard builds and at the same time, we do not provide support for 3rd party products.
Install one of the pre-defined presets (Basic, Standard, Full) first and show us the same error.
If it turns out that it works (against what you say), go to CKBuilder and add the 3rd party plugins that you want, one by one. See which one breaks your installation.
comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | pending → closed |
I was pretty sure, that I was checking it twice without 3rd. It seems to you have right ! I've downloaded now standard, basic and full and ACF is working for me now. Strange. So, one (or more) plugins from CKBuilder is crap. Thank you !
Ticket can be close now.
comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by
Resolution: | wontfix |
Status: | closed → reopened |
Great to hear it works for you. Pity you did not listen 3 days ago when we told you so :)
Before I close this one, let me just say that it actually was Reinmar who debugged this (again) today, I merely pasted his answers here because you seemed to be so determined to undermine his competence that you did not bother to check whether he was right. So any thanks should be directed to him and not to me really.
comment:6 Changed 11 years ago by
Resolution: | → invalid |
Status: | reopened → closed |
comment:7 Changed 11 years ago by
Maybe it will be helpfull for you, a reason was "Style Parser" plugin. After removing them from my build, everything is working like expected. Is that 3rd or CKSource ?
comment:8 Changed 11 years ago by
Ah yes, that's true, the Styles Parser plugin is incompatible with ACF due to #10136. Note that this is an optional/ additional plugin that is not included in any of the pre-defined presets -- that's why we were unable to reproduce the issue without information on what exactly you are using.
Anyway, I added a note to the Styles Parser entry in the Add-ons Repository so that it was clear for anyone using the plugin. Thanks for getting back to us on this!
comment:9 Changed 11 years ago by
For that reason I've send at the top of bug build-config list, because I wasn't sure that everything is compatibile with ACF. It's great functional, it's much better to do it on the fly by JS instead to server side what I was going to do.
BTW (offtopic): there is no icons for CodeMirror in Builder. They said me - it's problem with CKE not with plugin.. so I'm forwarding.
comment:10 Changed 11 years ago by
Glad you like ACF, it is a cool feature indeed. Do note, however, that Advanced Content Filter is not a replacement for server-side security checks and you should always secure your websites by yourself.
As for the plugin icons, I reported it to an appropriate person. Not sure why nobody has ever reported this to us.
As you can see on the attached screenshot, it works for me. Are you sure that you haven't included any 3rd party plugins that disabled ACF? I can see that you use some sort of replacement for our sourcearea.