Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#11666 closed Bug (duplicate)

Editor changing pasted text from word formatting

Reported by: Naresh Kallamadi Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:


CKEditor version : 3.6.2

Content pasted from word that contains indented bullet points end up having the formatting messed up when pasted into the editor. Attached is a copy of the word content and the result.

I pasted the following data from word :

Important points in 7.5.4:

o Understanding Discrete vs. Continuous

o For a Continuous Random Variable, probabilities of an interval of values are represented by areas (that are sectioned off by vertical slices).

o For a Continuous Random Variable the probability that X=(any specific value) = 0. For a continuous variable there are an infinite number of

o "expected value" is a term that means the mean (average)

o the mean (“expected value”) is the "balance point" of the area

After pasting the above data in ckeditor it will change like below

Important points in 7.5.4:

o Understanding Discrete vs. Continuous

o For a Continuous Random Variable, probabilities of an interval of values are represented by areas (that are sectioned off by vertical slices).

o For a Continuous Random Variable the probability that X=(any specific value) = 0. For a continuous variable there are an infinite number of

o "expected value" is a term that means the mean (average)

o the mean (“expected value”) is the "balance point" of the area

Source code like below :

<p style="margin-left:.5in;">Important points in 7.5.4:<br>



<li>Understanding Discrete vs. Continuous<br>


<li>For a Continuous Random Variable, probabilities of an interval of values are represented by areas (that are sectioned off by vertical slices).<br>


<li>For a Continuous Random Variable the probability that X=(<i>any specific value</i>) = 0.&nbsp; For a continuous variable there are an infinite number of possible values the variable can have.&nbsp; Even if you think of each one as equally likely (as in a Uniform Distribution), the probability of any one particular value is 1/(infinity) which is 0.<br>


<li>&quot;<b><i>expected value</i></b>&quot; is a term that means the mean (average)<br>


<li>the mean (&ldquo;expected value&rdquo;) is the &quot;balance point&quot; of the area<br>


</ul> <p>&nbsp;</p>

so can any one tell me, How to resolve it.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

DUP of #11667.

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Keywords: ckeditor removed
Version: 3.6.2
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