Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#11667 closed Bug (invalid)

Editor changing pasted text from word formatting

Reported by: Naresh Kallamadi Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.6.2
Keywords: Cc:


CKEditor version : 3.6.2

Content pasted from word that contains indented bullet points end up having the formatting messed up when pasted into the editor. Attached is a copy of the word content and the result.

I pasted the following data from word :

Important points in 7.5.4:

o Understanding Discrete vs. Continuous

o For a Continuous Random Variable, probabilities of an interval of values are represented by areas (that are sectioned off by vertical slices).

o For a Continuous Random Variable the probability that X=(any specific value) = 0. For a continuous variable there are an infinite number of

o "expected value" is a term that means the mean (average)

o the mean (“expected value”) is the "balance point" of the area

After pasting the above data in ckeditor it will change like below

Important points in 7.5.4:

o Understanding Discrete vs. Continuous

o For a Continuous Random Variable, probabilities of an interval of values are represented by areas (that are sectioned off by vertical slices).

o For a Continuous Random Variable the probability that X=(any specific value) = 0. For a continuous variable there are an infinite number of

o "expected value" is a term that means the mean (average)

o the mean (“expected value”) is the "balance point" of the area

Source code like below :

<p style="margin-left:.5in;">Important points in 7.5.4:<br>



<li>Understanding Discrete vs. Continuous<br>


<li>For a Continuous Random Variable, probabilities of an interval of values are represented by areas (that are sectioned off by vertical slices).<br>


<li>For a Continuous Random Variable the probability that X=(<i>any specific value</i>) = 0.&nbsp; For a continuous variable there are an infinite number of possible values the variable can have.&nbsp; Even if you think of each one as equally likely (as in a Uniform Distribution), the probability of any one particular value is 1/(infinity) which is 0.<br>


<li>&quot;<b><i>expected value</i></b>&quot; is a term that means the mean (average)<br>


<li>the mean (&ldquo;expected value&rdquo;) is the &quot;balance point&quot; of the area<br>


</ul> <p>&nbsp;</p>

And I added a word document which contains data to paste in editor.

so can any one tell me, How to resolve it.

Attachments (1)

PasteExample-1.docx (14.0 KB) - added by Naresh Kallamadi 11 years ago.
For data to paste in editor

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

Changed 11 years ago by Naresh Kallamadi

Attachment: PasteExample-1.docx added

For data to paste in editor

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: ckeditor removed
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
  1. First of all please upgrade to latest CKEditor 4.3.3 full package or at least to CKEditor 3.6.6.
  2. When checking this MS Word code in Browser, there is no information that list is indented. First paragraph has margin-left and is indented in editor but there is no such information for the list. If browser sees no such indentation, neither will editor and it can’t make wild guesses. In such case this is a 'won't fix issue' and you should manually select such list and indent it in editor after pasting.
  3. To keep word styles as much as possible (this will never be 1:1 because these are Browser and Desktop applications -> two completely different Worlds ) please set these two options to false:!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles,!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-pasteFromWordRemoveStyles
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