Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#12786 closed Bug (invalid)

All Text is Not Fully Black - Is Somewhat Grayish (Gray)

Reported by: rojouz Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:


This is very noticeable with long documents and those that have heading tags.

For a simple example, simply enter this code below on the CKEditor (any of the online ones of yours) and compare it with the results from [ ]


<h1>Hello. Hi. How are you?</h1>

I have tested this on Firefox Version 34.0.5 only.

Attachments (2)

grayish-text-on-ckeditor's-own-demo-page.jpg (175.3 KB) - added by rojouz 10 years ago.
Grayish Text
black-text-not-grayish-text.jpg (178.5 KB) - added by rojouz 10 years ago.
Black Text Not Grayish

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

The only way to change text color is using CSS.

If your text is gray, it is because of different styles used in editor (e.g. set in contents.css). I have checked your sample and online CKEditor demo. For both text color is rgb(51,51,51).

I think this is just an ilussion. Please verify this with Firebug and check what color is assigend to paragraph and header in both cases. I don't think however this is editor issue thus I'm closing this issue as invalid.

@rojouz if I'm wrong, please provide URL to this page which displays grey text and I will verify it.

Changed 10 years ago by rojouz

Grayish Text

Changed 10 years ago by rojouz

Black Text Not Grayish

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by rojouz

I don't know how to launch Firebug since when I right click I am given the editor's copy and paste menu. I tried using the Inspector of Firefox, but I couldn't find font color anywhere.

Anyhow, as the attachments I have uploaded show, on the demo page of your site for your editor, the letters are grayish. On the site, the text is black. Also, the interesting thing is, I thought that other site was using another editor until I checked the source code and saw that they are using your own CKEditor's editor.

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