Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#13592 confirmed Bug

[IE] Non-editable widget can become editable by clicking near the bottom of the widget

Reported by: meyeet Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 4.5.0
Keywords: IE Cc:


The following bug was found to affect both a custom widget and the sample widget given in CKEditor documentation. The CKEditor sample widget "simplebox" and an inline version of "simplebox" are included in the attached files.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open attached sample html page in either of the two test folders.
  2. Click inside CKEditor's standard configuration, or the inline version underneath.
  3. Click the icon to add either a block or inline "simplebox" widget (labeled "1" and "2", respectively).
  4. Slowly move mouse near bottom of widget, until text edit cursor appears. Click when it appears.

Result: Previously immutable read-only widget is now editable.

Browser name: Internet Explorer 11 (v. 11.0.21) OS: Microsoft Windows 7 SP1

Editor configuration: Affects both inline and standard configurations of CKEditor 4.5.1 and CKEditor nightly build 7/29/2015.

All test cases in attached .zip folder.

Potentially relevant files:

simplewebpage.html (demo page used in test)

ckeditor/config.js (altered from standard)

ckeditor/plugins/simplebox/* (added from tutorial found at ​!/guide/widget_sdk_tutorial_1)

ckeditor/plugins/simpleboxinline/* (added and edited from tutorial found at ​!/guide/widget_sdk_tutorial_1)

ckeditor/plugins/widget/* (src:

ckeditor/plugins/lineutils/* (src:

ckeditor/plugins/clipboard/* (src:

Attachments (2) (2.7 MB) - added by meyeet 10 years ago.
Zip file containing test cases
2016-03-30_1706.swf (498.7 KB) - added by Jakub Ś 9 years ago.

Change History (5)

Changed 10 years ago by meyeet

Attachment: added

Zip file containing test cases

comment:1 Changed 9 years ago by Jakub Ś

Summary: Inline and block simplebox widgets editable by clicking near bottom of widget[IE] Non-editable widget can become editable by clicking near bottom of widget

comment:2 Changed 9 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: IE added
Status: newconfirmed

NOTE: As explained in ticket #13591, the inline simple box in not a valid example of a widget as you were having block-level elements wrapped in span. This widget was not used for testing.

Let's focus on this reduced 'block simple box' which by having only a template defined is a read-only widget. User might want to introduce something like a non-editable Note for example so IMO it is perfectly fine.

Now, by clicking near the edge of the widget it is possible to make it editable which is undesired. Please see attached video.

I'm confirming this issue. I have however one doubt which I need to investigate further. When checking placeholder plugin, I could not reproduce this problem. Although both widgets are read-only one is purely non-editable and other is. I don't see anything special in placeholder thus I'm unsure why results are different.

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by Jakub Ś

Summary: [IE] Non-editable widget can become editable by clicking near bottom of widget[IE] Non-editable widget can become editable by clicking near the bottom of the widget

Changed 9 years ago by Jakub Ś

Attachment: 2016-03-30_1706.swf added
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