Opened 9 years ago

#13960 new Bug

Focus is lost for blind users of the Voiceover screen reader while editing text

Reported by: Mike Pedersen Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 4.5.4
Keywords: Cc:


Steps to reproduce

Expected result

Actual result

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

VoiceOver is the screen reader used by blind users to access content on iOS. The following was reproduced from the demo page on Friday Nov.20 2015

  1. on an iPhone running iOS 9.1 launch Voiceover from settings/general/accessibility. Note that the touch gesture interface does change at this point and a basic familiarity with VoiceOver is advised.
  2. open the demo from
  3. perform the doubletap gesture on the edit field of the demo.
  4. Swipe left and right with one finger which is the VoiceOver gesture to move between elements. This is intended to be a passive gesture allowing the user to move around the screen hearing each element spoken.
  5. Notice that the keyboard is dismissed taking the user out of the edit area and losing focus for further edits.
  6. It is expected that the user could swipe around the screen in order to interact with other UI elements such as the formatting buttons without losing his or her place in the document.

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