Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#2159 closed Bug (fixed)

Undoing replaced text restores fake selection HTML

Reported by: Martin Kou Owned by: Martin Kou
Priority: Normal Milestone: FCKeditor 2.6.1
Component: General Version: SVN (FCKeditor) - Retired
Keywords: Confirmed Cc:


This bug was discovered while working on #2150. It will be fixed with the patch of #2150 since the find/replace logic of the dialog is being rewritten right now.

To reproduce:

  1. Open sample01.html.
  2. Open the Replace dialog.
  3. Look for "some" and fill in "same" for the replacement text.
  4. Press "Replace" twice so that the "some" in the document is replaced.
  5. Close the dialog.
  6. Press undo once.
  7. The "some" in the editing document is highlighted... but it's a fake highlight done by CSS effects and it shouldn't be saved by the undo system at all.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by Martin Kou

Owner: set to Martin Kou
Status: newassigned

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by Martin Kou

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed along the ticket #2150.

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