Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#2250 closed Bug (invalid)

Error with convert tag nbsp while POSTing content

Reported by: Dmitry Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: Server : PHP Version: FCKeditor 2.5.1
Keywords: Pending WorksForMe Cc:


example "<p>1</p><p>2</p><p>3</p>", nothing error, content sending correctly, but if i insert in place "<p>1 &nbsp;</p>" after POST, content is break and i have in result only <p>1</p>, another part of content as "<p>2</p><p>3</p>" is absent!

Please help me with this trouble. I am looking this problem in all version 2.5 and higher

i am using a FireFox

Change History (5)

comment:1 in reply to:  description ; Changed 17 years ago by Dmitry

Replying to tspider:

example "<p>1</p><p>2</p><p>3</p>", nothing error, content sending correctly, but if i insert in place "<p>1 &nbsp;</p>" after POST, content is break and i have in result only <p>1</p>, another part of content as "<p>2</p><p>3</p>" is absent!

Please help me with this trouble. I am looking this problem in all version 2.5 and higher

i am using a FireFox

sorry, i am forget, i see this code "[nbsp;" in content on output after POST

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 17 years ago by Dmitry

Replying to tspider:

Replying to tspider:

example "<p>1</p><p>2</p><p>3</p>", nothing error, content sending correctly, but if i insert in place "<p>1 &nbsp;</p>" after POST, content is break and i have in result only <p>1</p>, another part of content as "<p>2</p><p>3</p>" is absent!

Please help me with this trouble. I am looking this problem in all version 2.5 and higher

i am using a FireFox

Another Example

i am copying some content from google insert into editor and "save", agter POST operation i see this [lt;img_class] => [quot;_height] => [quot;_alt] => [quot;_src] => [quot;_width] => [quot;

all tags in page as "&amp;" or "&nbsp;" or "&quot;" transform to this "[lt;img_class] => [quot;_height] => [quot;_alt] => [quot;_src] etc."

comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by Wojciech Olchawa

Keywords: Pending WorksForMe added; nbsp convert POST PHP removed

I've tried to reproduce your bug using FCKeditor 2.6 and the latest SVN version on FF2 and IE as well. In my case the output code works fine. The sample code: <p>1 &nbsp;</p><p>2</p><p>3</p> has the same output.

Please let me know if I'm missing something to reproduce this bug or possibly attach a screenshot of this bug.

Thanks in advance.

comment:4 in reply to:  3 Changed 17 years ago by Dmitry

Replying to w.olchawa:

I've tried to reproduce your bug using FCKeditor 2.6 and the latest SVN version on FF2 and IE as well. In my case the output code works fine. The sample code: <p>1 &nbsp;</p><p>2</p><p>3</p> has the same output.

Please let me know if I'm missing something to reproduce this bug or possibly attach a screenshot of this bug.

Thanks in advance.

i am loaded editor with ajax, and send data some code from editor

echo "<form method=\"POST\" name=\"editor\" action=\"javascript:makeRequest ('pages/save.php', 'cat_id=".$_POST[cat_id]."&subcat_id=".$_POST[subcat_id]."&doc='+document.editor.FCKeditor1.value, 'Content')">";

$sBasePath = '../fckeditor/';

$oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('FCKeditor1') ; $oFCKeditor->BasePath = $sBasePath ; $oFCKeditor->Height = '500'; $oFCKeditor->Value = .$currentcontent; $oFCKeditor->Create() ; echo "</form>";

from ajax code

[cut] http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-length", parameters.length); http_request.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); http_request.send(parameters); [cut]

if it is full ? or send another code & or full code ???

comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

The problem is that you aren't properly encoding your data. So it's a problem with your ajax that will fail also if you try to send that same content without using FCKeditor.

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