Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#2685 closed New Feature (fixed)

Integrate the "Web Spell Checker"

Reported by: Frederico Caldeira Knabben Owned by: Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Priority: Normal Milestone: FCKeditor 2.6.4
Component: UI : Spell Checker Version:
Keywords: Confirmed Review+ Cc:


We are partnering with to bring a nice new feature to the editor. It consists on a powerful spell checker (and not only) that requires no installation neither in the browser nor in the server.

This spell checker is called "Web Spell Checker". It's an online service provided by, which is closely integrated with the editor interface. It is free, but the free version displays a banner space while the spell check dialog is open.

Because of the "zero installation" nature of this solution, it is supposed to become the default spell checker in the editor. We'll still support SpellerPages and ieSpell just like before.

This ticket should handle not only the code necessary to introduce this feature in the editor, but also all documentation changes and additions to properly inform our users about the possible settings, and an explanation for the banner thing.

Attachments (4)

2685.patch (12.4 KB) - added by Frederico Caldeira Knabben 16 years ago.
icon.gif (937 bytes) - added by Frederico Caldeira Knabben 16 years ago.
Proposed icon change.
2685_2.patch (13.9 KB) - added by Frederico Caldeira Knabben 16 years ago.
2685_3.patch (13.9 KB) - added by Frederico Caldeira Knabben 16 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (15)

Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Attachment: 2685.patch added

Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Attachment: icon.gif added

Proposed icon change.

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Status: newassigned

A first patch has been attached. It should be already work, using the web services. is also proposing a new Spell Check icon, to replace the current one. It's also attached.

I'm not asking for review yet, as we are still controlling the code with

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Keywords: Review? added

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo

Keywords: Review- added; Review? removed

The dialog is reading the data with GetData() but then it sets it back with innerHTML, so any code protection won't be executed.

The coding style doesn't follow the guidelines, and there are several spelling mistakes in the comments :-)
There are several debugging statements commented out, I don't see any reason to keep them in the production code.

I'm not sure if the code should use the "default" case in FCKSpellCheckCommand.prototype.Execute or if it should work only when the value is "WSC" (and also the IsEnabled property)

The code uses frames with src="", doesn't that generate problems when using https? (I'm not sure). Anyway, the user will get a warning due to the load of from a secure page.

Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Attachment: 2685_2.patch added

comment:4 in reply to:  3 Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Keywords: Review? added; Review- removed

Ok... a new patch has been added with several modifications.

Replying to alfonsoml:

The dialog is reading the data with GetData() but then it sets it back with innerHTML, so any code protection won't be executed.

I've changed it to use SetData instead.

The coding style doesn't follow the guidelines, and there are several spelling mistakes in the comments :-)

I've fixed most of the code style. (this code has been provided by

There are several debugging statements commented out, I don't see any reason to keep them in the production code.

Cleaned up.

I'm not sure if the code should use the "default" case in FCKSpellCheckCommand.prototype.Execute or if it should work only when the value is "WSC" (and also the IsEnabled property)

True... it's not anymore a default case. No changes for IsEnabled instead, as our currently implementation means that FF and similars are not compatible with ieSpell, not that they are compatible with a set of option.

The code uses frames with src="", doesn't that generate problems when using https? (I'm not sure). Anyway, the user will get a warning due to the load of from a secure page.

I've tested it over https. It works well, but it gives the "mixed content" warning. Not a big issue for the beta, but we'll try to fix it for the stable. I'll file a ticket for it, as soon as this ticket get closed.

comment:5 Changed 16 years ago by Martin Kou

Keywords: Review- added; Review? removed

w.html, line 146: If initAndSpell() has been called, then this check shouldn't be done at all. w.html, line 109, 119, 121, 171, 199, 216: Still need to correct bracket styles. tmpFrameset.html, line 33, 36, 43, 50, 51: Bracket styles. ciframe.html, line 48, 55: Bracket styles. fckspellcheckcommand_gecko.js, line 28: Recommend it to be changed to

this.IsEnabled = FCKConfig.SpellChecker.Equals( [ 'WSC', 'SpellerPages' ] );

fckspellcheckcommand_ie.js, line 28: Recommend it to be changed to

this.IsEnabled = FCKConfig.SpellChecker.Equals( [ 'WSC', 'SpellerPages', 'ieSpell' ] );

Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Attachment: 2685_3.patch added

comment:6 Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Attached a new patch with the code style changes.

As said in my previous comments, the patch implements isEnable in a way that it specifies that ieSpell is not compatible with Firefox. Any other value is accepted as compatible with all browsers. This is intentional. The code is shorter... and we can't apply error check around all the code in JavaScript, unfortunately.

comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by Martin Kou

Keywords: Review+ added; Review- removed

comment:8 Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Ok... awaiting for the review to commit.

comment:9 Changed 16 years ago by

Review+ by

We have reviewed the patch 2685_3.patch and did not found any problem.

comment:10 Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Cc: added
Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed with [2907].

comment:11 Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

The new icon has been introduced with [2909].

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