Opened 16 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#3865 closed Bug (expired)

.Net Version of FCKeditor Removes Carriage Returns

Reported by: jbill Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: Server : ASP.Net Version:
Keywords: Cc:


In this ticket:

The user was having an issue with Javascript because the FCKeditor was removing carriage returns.

This user was using the Java version but I am using the .Net version so I looked at the .Net source and cannot find the same line:

String encodedValue = escapeXml(value.replaceAll("((\r?\n)+|\t*)", ""));

Or anything similar.

I have found numerous instances of carriage returns being removed in the Javascript files of the FCKeditor so I believe there is something in the Javascript that I must remove to fix this issue.

After reading the ticket mentioned above it appears that this is not actually a bug but by design but is causing issues for me.

It would be nice if there was a setting where you could turn this feature on or off.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo

Component: GeneralServer : ASP.Net
Keywords: Pending added

FCKeditor.Net uses this line to generate the content:

				// Render the linked hidden field.
					"<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"{0}\" name=\"{1}\" value=\"{2}\" />",
						System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( this.Value ) ) ;

So it's not clear what do you mean linking to a bug in the Java project.

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Wiktor Walc

Resolution: expired
Status: pendingclosed

There is a new ASP.NET control available: CKEditor for ASP.NET. The old control (FCKeditor.Net) is no longer maintained, so I'm closing the ticket.

The new ASP.NET control does a simple textarea replacement using pure JavaScript and CKEditor, so it is definitely not removing any carriage returns.

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