Opened 15 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#5899 closed Bug (fixed)

Already added ms word text gives issues

Reported by: sean Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.3.1
Keywords: Cc:


If there was ms word text added to fckeditor and saved in database and now thourgh query I fetch that text in ckeditor , the script hanges in ckeditor.

Attachments (1)

abc.txt (52.3 KB) - added by sean 15 years ago.
code example

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Keywords: Pending added
Milestone: CKEditor 3.x
Priority: HighNormal

Please provide us a sample Word document and the precise steps to reproduce the issue. It's not really possible to understand the problem with just a generic description.

Changed 15 years ago by sean

Attachment: abc.txt added

code example

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by sean

1) we create html templates for our end users 2) they can type or paste text into the html template (inside fck) 3) many users paste text in from ms word 4) we then save the templates plus text pasted in to our database (so the user does not have to re-type the email later) 5) when the user tries to load the template (with the text they pasted) - it appears that the html with the ms word code goes into an infinite loop causing a script error.

-- attached is example code from a user (the paths to the images and links have been removed - issue still occurs). When we paste this into the 'source' of our fck editor (3.3.1 on our site as well as your demo site - we get a script error. This happens in all browsers.

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by sean

One other comment.

Our database is full of this so cleaning the text as the user pastes will not help for templates that have already been saved. Already saved templates are the ones we are most concerned with.

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: fixed
Status: pendingclosed

This is no longer an issue in latest CKEditor 3.6.4

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