Opened 14 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#6776 closed Task (invalid)

Proposal: remove obsolete translations

Reported by: Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: UI : Language Version:
Keywords: Discussion Cc:


Currently there are many translations that haven't been updated for a very long time. They take extra space for the people that don't mess too much with the provided files and with so many missing strings they are hardly useful for the end user.

There are also some files like the Canadian French that it's quite less updated than the regular French file, so I wonder if the users prefer to look at some words better translated to their country locale or see more words in French instead of English. (besides the fact that many times both translations could be used for all the French countries as the difference could be really just a point of view of the translator at that moment but it's possible to have a single file).

I will remove any obsolete translation in the next release of Write Area with CKEditor, removing the files with over 200 missing entries saved 90Kb, so I think that I might go ahead and even remove the ones that are over 100 missing entries.

Of course, a call to the translators should be done in order to try to find people that can take some time to update its locale if he doesn't want it removed.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Wiktor Walc

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

The proposal was indeed interesting at that time. Though we'e now in a different situation so I'd opt for closing this ticket.

Here's why:

  1. The translations are now split among plugins, so even if particular translation is 55% complete in total, it may happen that for the most basic plugins it is still sufficient.
  1. It is now much more easy to download a package only with selected translations. If one doesn't care about rare and less updated translations, he may simply skip them. The language selection process must be done only once: whenever user needs to upgrade CKEditor, he may re-use the build config where the languages selection is stored.
  1. New translations added @ Transifex with a really poor status (like az / id / zh_tw) are already not added to CKEditor repository unless they reach some reasonable point.
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