Opened 18 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#760 closed Bug (wontfix)

Computer Locks up on paste

Reported by: ryanh_106@… Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: SVN (FCKeditor) - Retired
Keywords: IE Cc: eric_g@…, tsimkins@…


Each of our pages has two instances of the editor, if you open a new window so it still shows the same page (two windows each containing two editors) then try the following

copy text from new window (top box) to main window (top box)

then copy text from new window (bottom box) and try to paste in main window (bottom box)

then the whole computer crashes

This is a stupid example as nobody would want to do this but its the easiest way to replicate the bug

Moved from SF:

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Martin Kou

Reporter: changed from Martin Kou to ryanh_106@…

We have encountered similar symptoms when doing copy/paste of large text segments within a single editor instance. The time to do these operations when the buffer size exceeds 1M characters (give or take depending memory) increases significantly as the buffer size grows. If the font type/size selection boxes are clicked while doing a large paste then IE (version 6.0.2900) will hang.

Steps to reproduce:

* Select a large text (e.g. 1MB) from notepad
* Paste into FCKEditor
* Click Ctrl-A, Ctrl-End, <CR>, Ctrl-V
* Repeat above step until action takes several seconds
* Click on font size/type while paste is in progress - get "not responding" in title bar

Moved from SF. Original poster: eric_g

Thank you Tim,

I am glad someone else is experiencing this issue and was able to spend more time investigating the problem than I could. With any luck the information you have provided will allow them to trace the problem and do something about it. Luckily, the last release seems to suggest they do put a lot of effort into bug fixing so fingers crossed.

Thank you once again for helping me out on this one, the level of detail you went into is great. I will be in touch if I have any new information

Ryan Heath

(p.s my reply to your email was bounced back!)

Moved from SF. Original poster: ryanh_106

We had a similar issue, and I believe I can add some additional detail. One of our customers was experiencing this, and I was able to replicate the sequence

that causes this. The page in question has five instances of the editor, each with a unique name.

Tested Platforms:

Browser affected: Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519 FCKEditor versions affected: 2.31, 2.2

Browser not affected: Firefox FCKEditor versions not affected: 2.0 RC3

Initial Problem Replication Instructions:

  1. Open a Notepad window with text, and an IE 6.0 Window

with multiple FCKEditor instances, such that both windows are visible.

  1. Copy some text from the Notepad window, click *INSIDE*

the text area of one of the FCKEditor instances, and paste.

  1. Switch back to Notepad window, copy some more text, and

click *INSIDE* the text area of another FCKEditor instance.

This should freeze Internet Explorer, and cause it to use 100% CPU. It's very important in attempting to replicate this issue that you don't click on the IE

window (for example, on the title bar) to activate it first.

I'm in the habit of doing exactly that, so I had difficulty

replicating the issue at first. I

confirmed that this is not an issue with pages containing only one FCKEditor instance. I verified the issue on three different machines.

Simplest Test Case:

  1. Open an IE 6.0 Window with multiple FCKEditor instances.
  2. Click on the Windows Desktop.
  3. Click *INSIDE* the text area of one of the FCKEditor


  1. Click on the Windows Desktop.
  2. Click *INSIDE* the text area of another FCKEditor instance.


  1. Activate the IE window containing the multiple instances

of FCKEditor before clicking inside the FCKEditor textarea.

  1. Downgrade to FCKEditor 2.0

Moved from SF. Original poster: tsimkins

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by Wojciech Olchawa

Keywords: Confirmed IE added
Version: SVN

Confirmed in IE 6.2900.2160 /WIN XP SP2

Works with IE7 and FF2.

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: SF removed
Resolution: wontfix
Status: confirmedclosed

FCKeditor is no longer supported. CKEditor is free of this bug.

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