Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#7923 confirmed Bug

No horizontal scrollbar when inserting a right aligned floating element that is wider than the page

Reported by: James Cunningham Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.0
Keywords: IBM Cc: Damian, Satya Minnekanti, Teresa Monahan


Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in IE8 or IE9.
  1. Insert a table that has a width of 120% and is right aligned.

Result: There is no horizontal scrollbar so you cannot view the data in the left-most cells. If you remove the editor there is still no horizontal scrollbar.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: IE8 IE9 removed
Status: newconfirmed
Summary: IE8/IE9: No horizontal scrollbar when inserting a right aligned floating element that is wider than the pageNo horizontal scrollbar when inserting a right aligned floating element that is wider than the page

Besides IE8 & 9 I was also able to reproduce it on Firefox, Opera and Webkit.

It works in IE 6 & 7.

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Freddie Bingham

A percentage width is not required to cause this issue. Defining a px width that is wider than the editor window also demonstrates the issue.

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