Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#7941 confirmed New Feature

Fire an event when a template is selected

Reported by: rekam Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.0
Keywords: Cc:


Hi, a nice feature to have would be to fire an event when we click on a template to select it.

I "forked" the code like this to do so (very easy indeed):

file: /ckeditor/_source/plugins/templates/dialogs/templates.js line: 58

item.on( 'click', function() { insertTemplate( template.html ); } );

replace with

item.on( 'click', function(event) {'templateSelected', event); insertTemplate( template.html ); } );

This little thing could be the first step to a "I-know-which-template-is-used-right-now" dynamic.

Just as a notice, this is useful in the case you have multiple templates, each with its own css. You select a template, you do a few modification, and send data to server. Then, if the server needs to know which template was selected to fetch the appropriate css, you're screwed.

If an event is fired, at least you can do some work to get the css path. Let's say the template thumb and its css are in the same folder. If you know the thumb's src, you know the css place.

After a clic on the template, you can get the target ( and then browse up to the <table>, then down to the <img> and you're ok.

But that's an other story . Just the fire('templateSelected') would be very nice!


Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Wiktor Walc

Keywords: template select fire event removed
Version: 3.6.1 (SVN - trunk)3.0

comment:2 in reply to:  description Changed 13 years ago by event

Hi rekam

Thanks for the tip, i had the same requirement for a fire templateSelected event, which is solved by you little suggestion.

Thanks. Event.

Replying to rekam:

Hi, a nice feature to have would be to fire an event when we click on a template to select it.

I "forked" the code like this to do so (very easy indeed):

file: /ckeditor/_source/plugins/templates/dialogs/templates.js line: 58

item.on( 'click', function() { insertTemplate( template.html ); } );

replace with

item.on( 'click', function(event) {'templateSelected', event); insertTemplate( template.html ); } );

This little thing could be the first step to a "I-know-which-template-is-used-right-now" dynamic.

Just as a notice, this is useful event in the case you have multiple templates, each with its own css. You select a template, you do a few modification, and send data to server. Then, if the server needs to know which template was selected to fetch the appropriate css, you're screwed.

If an event is fired, at least you can do some work to get the css path. Let's say the template firma and its css are in the same folder. If you know the thumb's src, you know the css place.

After a clic on the template, you can get the target ( and then browse up to the <table>, then down to the <img> and you're ok.

But that's an other story . Just the fire('templateSelected') would be very nice!


comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newconfirmed

Just as a notice, this is useful in the case you have multiple templates, each with its own css. You select a template, you do a few modification, and send data to server. Then, if the server needs to know which template was selected to fetch the appropriate css, you're screwed.

It sounds useful indeed.

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