Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#8134 confirmed Bug

[IE8] line selection / following elements issue

Reported by: Patrick Schmiedel Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: Core : Selection Version: 3.0
Keywords: Cc:


Start with an empty page. Create a heading, a text paragraph, and another heading. Source code should look like this:


Now select the text paragraph (select the whole line from left to right). Then start typing.

Outcome: The text is replaced, the heading is converted to text and moved next to the cursor

Expected outcome: the text is replaced, the heading below remains a heading (in its own line)

Found in IE8, found to work correctly in FF and IE6. Other browsers not tested.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: IE8 removed
Status: newconfirmed

First of all this issue reminds me the comment from @fredck about how some browsers let user leave element boundaries and some not -

Having this comment in mind I have made some additional tests with selecting text using SHIFT+ARROW and have found some inconsistencies.
If you place the cursor at the beginning of the text (text), select all four letters (text) and press the ARROW (still holding SHIFT) one more time you will probably get out of element boundaries. Now if you start typing the results are as follows:

  1. IE and Opera – header is added to paragraph and all looks like a normal text
  2. FF – header is added to paragraph but the newly typed text is bold (wrapped in span). Not sure if this is correct. Possible bug no.1
  3. Webkit – Header is moved up to paragraph but it is not changed. If you switch to source you will see that actually header was added to paragraph. Now if you switch back to WYSIWYG you will see that header formatting is gone. To sum up Webkit behaves just like IE and Opera but WYSIWYG area is not refreshed. Bug no.2

Back to original request still having @fredck comment in mind

When selecting text with mouse, browsers like Firefox, Webkit, Opera and IE9 don’t let cursor from element boundaries (anyway it looks like it) thus when typing new text the result is as used expects it.

In IE8 no matter how hard you try, selecting text with a mouse always ends up leaving element boundaries.

In IE6 and IE7 it depends. If you don’t catch “empty space” behind text then these browsers behave like Opera, Firefox etc. If you catch empty space these browsers behave like IE8.

Possible bug no.3 The behavior of IE6 – IE8 should be adjusted to other browsers. But I’m not sure if anything can be done here.

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