Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#9062 closed Bug (fixed)

Czech localization - typos and suggestions for improvements

Reported by: Pavel Fric Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: UI : Language Version:
Keywords: Cc:


I've read the Czech translation file of CKEditor and because of the fact I don't know the e-mail connection to original Czech localization author, I've made the corrections of evident typos, divided into items as in the following, made style improvements suggestions and other suggestions, saved it to plain text file. I insert the related notes here. In case the original author won't have time for it or other reason prevents to contact him, I would like to attach the corrections made into downloaded cs.js file ( - when I figure out, how to add it here. If you have the connection to Czech translation maintainer I would be able to send it to him directly to speed up the process too:

1) id : 'Id',

better (?): "ID"

2) cancel : 'Storno',

better (?): "Zrušit"

3 confirmNewPage : 'Jakékoliv neuložené změny obsahu budou ztraceny. Skutečně chete otevrít novou stránku?',

correction of two evident typos: "Jakékoliv neuložené změny obsahu budou ztraceny. Skutečně chcete otevřít novou stránku?"

4) targetParent : 'Rodičovské onko (_parent)',

correction of evident typo: "Rodičovské okno (_parent)"

5) toolbar : 'Vložit/změnit odkaz',

change of case to upper-case letter (the thing of style); but see the styl of the text later in the file "clipboard : 'Schránka/Zpět',", where can be seen, how is the equality of actions expressed using the same case: "Vložit/Změnit odkaz"

6) toEmail : 'E-Mail',

better: "E-mail"

7) langDirLTR : 'Zleva do prava (LTR)',

see further using and dictionary; Note: there is "zleva do prava" at least twice, the same the opposite variant: "Zleva doprava (LTR)"

8) langDirRTL : 'Zprava do leva (RTL)',

viz další užití: "Zprava doleva (RTL)"

9) emailAddress : 'E-Mailová adresa',

better: "E-mailová adresa"

10) toolbar : 'Vložít/změnit záložku', correction of typo (í->i): "Vložit/změnit záložku" or even the change of initial letter to upper-case letter (the thing of the style already described before): "Vložit/Změnit záložku"

11) invalidHeight : 'zadaná výška tabulky musí být číselná.',

correction of typo - the lower-case of initial to upper-case letter: "Zadaná výška tabulky musí být číselná."

12) validateHSpace : 'H-mezera musí být nastavena v celých číslech.', 434

better to express the H as horizontal and V as vertical, see next items (?): "H-mezera musí být nastavena v celých číslech." -> "Vodorovná mezera musí být nastavena v celých číslech."

13) validateVSpace : 'V-mezera musí být nastavena v celých číslech.'

better, see above (?): "V-mezera musí být nastavena v celých číslech." -> "Svislá mezera musí být nastavena v celých číslech."

14) hSpace : 'H-mezera',

better to express (?): "H-mezera" -> "Vodorovná mezera"

15) vSpace : 'V-mezera',

better to express (?): "V-mezera" -> "Svislá mezera"

16) cutError : 'Bezpečnostní nastavení Vašeho prohlížeče nedovolují editoru spustit funkci pro vyjmutí zvoleného textu do schránky

"Vašeho" -> "vašeho" - I would choose lower-case letter, it's not the same as "Váš" in the letter

17) pasteArea : 'Oblast vlkádání'

correction of evident typo: "Oblast vkládání"

18) 'E6E6FA' : 'Lavendulová',

correction of evident typo: "Levandulová"

19) allCaps : 'Ignorovat slova velkými písmeny',

better to use (?): "Ignorovat slova tvořená velkými písmeny"

20) dic_create : 'vytvořit',

upper-case letter in the beginning: "Vytvořit"

21) dic_info : 'Zpočátku se uživatelský slovník ukládá do cookies ve vašem prohlížeči. Ovšem cookies mají omezenou velikost, takže když slovník dosáhne velikosti, kdy se již do cookies nevejde, může být uložen na našem serveru. Chcete-li uložit Váš osobní slovník na našem serveru, je třeba slovník nejdříve pojmenovat. Máte-li již slovník pojmenován a uložen, zadejte jeho název a klepněte na tlačítko Obnovit.',

see the explanation above, number of item 16) - "váš": dic_info : 'Zpočátku se uživatelský slovník ukládá do cookies ve vašem prohlížeči. Ovšem cookies mají omezenou velikost, takže když slovník dosáhne velikosti, kdy se již do cookies nevejde, může být uložen na našem serveru. Chcete-li uložit váš osobní slovník na našem serveru, je třeba slovník nejdříve pojmenovat. Máte-li již slovník pojmenován a uložen, zadejte jeho název a klepněte na tlačítko Obnovit.',

22) ltr : 'Orientace textu zleva doprava',


rtl : 'Orientace textu zprava do leva'

"orientace" -> would you like to use the word "direction" (směr) instead "Směr textu zleva doprava" and "Směr textu zprava doleva" ?

but in the second case there is the thing described above, also correction of: "do leva" to "doleva"


bgFixed : 'Nerolovatelné pozadí',

this means "Pevné pozadí" ? (pevné = fixed)

24) 'Zahrnou deklarace XHTML'

should be "Zahrnout deklarace XHTML" ?

Attachments (1)

cs.js (24.4 KB) - added by Pavel Fric 12 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (10)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newconfirmed

@fri thanks for the changes.

I see you have attached cs.js file. Could I ask you to attach it once more but without HTML - only JavaScript.

Changed 12 years ago by Pavel Fric

Attachment: cs.js added

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 12 years ago by Pavel Fric

I finally found the button for downloading of pure javascript format :-) and made the changes into it - I found at least two more typos, also it really had the sense to read the file completely again.

The first cs.js file was replaced by newer version.

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by Pavel Fric


is the file cs.js I've sent some hours ago OK?

comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by Wiktor Walc

@fri - thank you for your contribution!

Would you be interested in joining the Czech translation team? See the links below for more information:

comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by Pavel Fric

I've just requested the membership - the whole work is already done, only some typos and stylistics remain. :)

comment:6 Changed 12 years ago by Jakub Ś

I have just checked this file. It looks compatible with latest trunk version.

comment:7 Changed 12 years ago by Anna Tomanek

Status: confirmedpending

Hi Fri, did you manage to join the Czech translation team? I can see that at least some of the corrections were made in Transifex, too, so can this ticket be closed?

comment:8 Changed 12 years ago by Pavel Fric


that time I contacted the Czech translator of CKEditor on Transifex, so the changes come from this typos reports to him, I suppose.

comment:9 Changed 12 years ago by Anna Tomanek

Resolution: fixed
Status: pendingclosed

Excellent, thanks again for your feedback! It would be great if you wanted to join us at Transifex, too -- it is always better if a language team consists of more than one person :-)

Closing this as fixed in Transifex.

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