Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#11371 closed Bug (expired)

File control is not working

Reported by: hari.S.babu Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:


I am integrating ckeditor_4.3.1_standard. I have observed one serious drawback. besides this RichtextBox functionality, i am usinga file control to add images and PDFs. I am not adding that images into CKEDITOR, They were nicely uloading thumbnails and docs into database earlier. now the functionality of all the file controls in the entire html document is going wrong. they are failing in uploading files.

I will further explain my problem.I named a form as form31. In the jquery submit call back I am validating a text fieds value. I put another form above form31 with id 'SchoolOverviewAddUploadImageForm' and inside this form the file control with id 'AddSchoolOverviewFile' . on this change event I am checking duplicate ina mysql table. If not duplicate saving that image as BLOB of a middleman table, and after success call back, I am paasing the value to a text field for validation from form31 submit function. when finally form31 submitted, I am just transferring the BLOB from middleman DB table into actual data table. now I have conveted a textarea in form31 into ckeditor object, anad all the other file input controls from other forms are failing to do their action - uploading functionality is gone. on a keen observation how you are processing the posted data, I have observed that all the post variables were splitting into just key value pairs,and I am speculating that Normal $_FILESAddSchoolOverviewFile? became undefined.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Status: newpending
Summary: file control is not workingFile control is not working
Version: 4.3.1

What you described is some part of a bigger system and a problem which lies somewhere in it. We cannot reproduce issue based on such description, because we cannot see this. We don't even know if issue is caused by CKEditor or something completely unrelated.

Please try to trim this problem to a simpler sample on which we'll be able to reproduce it.

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

  1. key-value pairs are sust parameter name and parameter value send in request.
  2. AddSchoolOverviewFile - CKEditor replaces textarea. When traditional submit is made this textarea should be populated with current editor value.
  3. When you want to submit content via AJAX then you should: update content of this textarea by calling editor.updateElement(), get data directly from editor instance by editor.getData().
  4. You have mentioned however that you are using control which makes me thing this is ASP.NET. If that is the case I think you should use CKEditor for ASP.NET.

If that is the case, please bear in mind that you can update client side version to CKEditor 3.6.6 or even latest 4.3. Download CKEditor 3.6.4 for ASP.NET, unpack, go to your-ckeditor-aspnet-3.6.4-folder\_Samples and delete \ckeditor\ directory. Download FULL package for CKEditor 4.3 (or package for CKEditor 3.6.6) and extract it to \ckeditor\ directory. Next copy \ckeditor\ directory to your-ckeditor-aspnet-3.6.4-folder\_Samples.

In CKEditor 4.1 we have introduced ACF. You can read about it here:!/guide/dev_advanced_content_filter!/api/CKEDITOR.filter-method-addTransformations!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-allowedContent!/api/CKEDITOR.config-cfg-extraAllowedContent

If you plan to use content filter please note that CKEditor for ASP.NET 4.x is still under construction and to change ACF settings you would have to use config.js as it can’t be done from control level.

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Resolution: expired
Status: pendingclosed
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