Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#12815 closed Bug (invalid)

ice:inputRichText Disables & Spell Check does not work

Reported by: Sanchit Choubey Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: UI : Spell Checker Version:
Keywords: Cc:



I am using custom component of ice:inputRichText (icefaces 3.3.0) which uses CKEditor. After configuration for the config.js as config.scayt_autoStartup = true; I am able to use the spell enabled textarea. But problem occurs when multiple textareas are on the screen. I get a javascript error :

Tried to register widget with id==scayt_2 but that id is already registered _base.xd.js?, line 884 character 1 Tried to register widget with id==scayt_3 but that id is already registered _base.xd.js?, line 884 character 1

The spell check working stops thereafter & the textarea is not able to be clicked.

Thanks, Sanchit

Attachments (2)

steps_to_recreate.docx (1.2 MB) - added by Sanchit Choubey 10 years ago.
Steps to Recreate the issue
SpellSample.rar (12.5 KB) - added by Sanchit Choubey 10 years ago.
Spell Sample Project (password protected ) password : "apple"

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: Spell Check ICEfaces CKEditor removed
Status: newpending

Could you send us reduced sample application or eclipse project that shows this problem? I'm talking about something very simple that I will be able to run (directly from tomcat or from eclipse) and see the issue. I could then check it and tell you more.

Changed 10 years ago by Sanchit Choubey

Attachment: steps_to_recreate.docx added

Steps to Recreate the issue

Changed 10 years ago by Sanchit Choubey

Attachment: SpellSample.rar added

Spell Sample Project (password protected ) password : "apple"

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by Sanchit Choubey

Please let me know the replication of problem & tell how shall we work for this.

Thanks, Sanchit

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: pendingclosed

Please see:

The Ice Faces 3.3 is using CKEditor 3.5.2 which is very old and doesn't support even IE10. What you can do here is looking for ckeditor folder inside jar and exchange it to ckeditor folder version (ICEfaces-3.3.0-bin\icefaces\lib\icefaces-ace\META-INF\resources\icefaces.ace\richtextentry\ckeditor). It has worked for me.

I think however you should rather upgrade to ICE Faces 4.x where CKEditor 4.3.3 is used and where in fact you could upgrade the JavaScript CKEditor version even to latest 4.4.7. Just download latest CKEditor full package and exchange it in jar (ICEfaces-4.0.0-src\icefaces\ace\component\resources\icefaces.ace\richtextentry\ckeditor - I assume same path is in release jar).

Since this is implementation issue, I'm closing this ticket as invalid.

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