Opened 16 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#3910 closed New Feature (invalid)

Improved spellerPages

Reported by: Harry Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: UI : Spell Checker Version: FCKeditor 2.6.4
Keywords: HasPatch Cc: gtansey_fck@…, pucku@…


I've made some modifications to the speller pages script that I thought might be useful and worth sharing.

Changed files are attached

  • By setting FCKConfig.SpellerPagesAddButton to true, the speller pages will include an 'add' (to dictionary) button. Without this setting it's entirely backwards compatible. With it enabled, any words that are added are posted back to the server through the spell checking script with a parameter set to enable it to detect that words need to be added to the dictionary, rather than to do a spell check.
  • The script has been modified and has placeholder functions for adding/retrieving words from the dictionary according to the server setup.
  • The control window has been improved to enable/disable buttons when appropriate.
  • The OK button is enabled on the outer spellchecking dialog when appropriate. This means you don't have to spell check an entire document and can finish half-way through to apply changes.
  • The word window has been fixed so as not to try to find mispelled words within HTML tags (see also bugs #2470 #2326 #2158 which also mention this but it still doesn't seem to have been fixed)

I'm not familiar with PHP or CFM but I'm sure it would be straightforward for someone who is to make similar changes in those scripts.

Attachments (2) (14.9 KB) - added by Harry 16 years ago.
changed files from FCK2.6.4 for improved spellerPages
3910.patch (31.5 KB) - added by Harry 16 years ago.
patch file for diffs from

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

Changed 16 years ago by Harry

Attachment: added

changed files from FCK2.6.4 for improved spellerPages

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Michael Osipov

Please read this if you want to submit an improvement.

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Harry

Cc: gtansey_fck@… added
Keywords: Review? added

I've attached a patch file after applying the changes to a checkout from

I'm not sure if you want a patch from a checkout from the trunk? But I'm suggesting that before this would be ready to go on the trunk that some equivalent changes to those made in editor/dialog/fck_spellerpages/spellerpages/server-scripts/ be also made to the .php and .cfm scripts. Perhaps this needs to go in a branch - not sure how you want to work with this, but I do think it would be a useful enhancement. Let me know if I can help further.

Changed 16 years ago by Harry

Attachment: 3910.patch added

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Component: GeneralUI : Spell Checker
Keywords: HasPatch added; Review? removed

Thanks for the patch. The review instead must be asked for one of our core devs. I'm properly setting the ticket fields.

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by

It is not related bug - doesn't relate to wsc or scayt plug-ins.

comment:5 Changed 15 years ago by pucku

Cc: pucku@… added
Priority: NormalHigh

harrytheb2, I applied your changes, but I didn't see the ADD button, so I edited the fck_spellerpages.html file by changing 'undefined' to 'true'. Here's the line:

oSpeller.bUseAddButton = (typeof oEditor.FCKConfig.SpellerPagesAddButton != 'true' && oEditor.FCKConfig.SpellerPagesAddButton) ? true : false;

That didn't work, so I starting digging and then I changed a line in the controls.html file to:

<input class="buttonDefault" type="button" id="btnAdd" fckLang="DlgSpellBtnAdd" value="Add" onClick="addWord();" disabled>

Now what happens is that when you click the spell check button, you see the ADD button and then it quickly disappears.

Am I editing the correct files?


comment:6 Changed 15 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Priority: HighNormal
Version: FCKeditor 2.6.4

comment:7 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active development was moved to its successor, CKEditor 3.x, that is a fully mature and far superior product. We recommend you upgrade as soon as possible.

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