Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#8005 closed Bug (fixed)

CKEditor.NET 3.5.3/CKEditor 3.6: editor not displayed after postback in DynamicData site

Reported by: dpomt2 Owned by: kaga
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: Server : ASP.Net Version: 3.5.3
Keywords: Cc:


A small and eady to reproduce VS2010 web site is attached to this tickets. Follow instructions written in test.aspx.

I will also attach a screenshot that shows the issue.

Attachments (6)

ckeditor_bug_screens.jpg (293.6 KB) - added by dpomt2 14 years ago.
Screen showing the issue (662.1 KB) - added by dpomt2 14 years ago.
VS2010 web site taht easily demonstrates the issue
ko.html (19.2 KB) - added by dpomt2 14 years ago.
html dom saved directly after issue occured (277.8 KB) - added by dpomt2 14 years ago.
requested files
8005and8089.patch (3.8 KB) - added by kaga 14 years ago.
repro_screen_new.jpg (254.6 KB) - added by dpomt2 14 years ago.
Screen displaying issue after usage of patch (as mentioned in last comment)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (24)

Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

Attachment: ckeditor_bug_screens.jpg added

Screen showing the issue

Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

Attachment: added

VS2010 web site taht easily demonstrates the issue

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

to reproduce, it is necessary to put the ckeditor directory to the root folder of the extracted attached (ckeditor dir was too huge to include in zip)

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Jakub Ś

You think it would be possible to provide me with generated HTML page (with JS and CSS files)?

I want to make sure if this is not "clean"(read not CKEditor for .NET) CKEditor issue.

Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

Attachment: ko.html added

html dom saved directly after issue occured

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

sure, see attachment I have just added to this ticket.

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by Jakub Ś

Actually I meant the page before the issue occurred.

A simplified test case - Complete generated HTML page with CSS and JS files that will allow me to test this issue with out any .NET

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

Don't know how I could easily create this for you. Would it help you if I give you remote access to a VM that allows you to easily see, reproduce and debug the issue?

comment:6 Changed 14 years ago by Jakub Ś

After you click ‘auswahlen’ - this is just before the error. All you have to do is click 'Edit' to get it. I assume that clicking 'Edit' is executed on browser side so maybe I will be able to do something with it.

You can just save the page from Firefox browser as a complete page. It should be saved as html with css, js and images.

Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

Attachment: added

requested files

comment:7 Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

unzip the, two folders will be extracted. the "repro" folder contains the files right before the issue occurs (after click at "auswählen". the "repro2" contains all files after clicking new (the working test case). Within the "repro" folder, there is no ckeditor.js. It seems that the ASP.NET postback when clicking on "auswählen" does not load the necessary ckeditor js.

comment:8 Changed 14 years ago by Jakub Ś

I have asked you for these files to exclude the possibility that this is clean CKEditor issue.

From what you have showed me it seems that it might be CKEditor integration for ASP.NET problem.
I have written "might" because of what you have written in your last post:

Within the "repro" folder, there is no ckeditor.js. It seems that the ASP.NET postback when clicking on "auswählen" does not load the necessary ckeditor js.

It seems at least to like the root cause of the problem. Could it be something in your application that is causing ckeditor.js not being loaded?

Changed 14 years ago by kaga

Attachment: 8005and8089.patch added

comment:9 Changed 14 years ago by kaga

Owner: set to kaga
Status: newreview

This patch contains fixes for two tasks - because it modifies the same lines.

comment:10 Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

@j.swiderski: it is not my app. I am sure since it works with an alternative server control for ckeditor (

comment:11 Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

@kaga: this fix does not work for my app as you can easily verify with the repro solution attached to this ticket.

I have just downloaded 3.6.1 of CKEditor and CKEditor.NET control, added the supposed patch and recompiled. I now have the following misbehavior: after clicking at select (ajax postback), the first ckeditor isn't displayed at all (even textbox is removed), the 2nd textbox contains html code but no ckeditor. I will attach a screenshot later.

Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

Attachment: repro_screen_new.jpg added

Screen displaying issue after usage of patch (as mentioned in last comment)

comment:12 Changed 14 years ago by Wiktor Walc

@dpomt2 - could you double check it again? Make sure that you're using the correct version of CKEditor.NET.dll. I have recompiled CKEditor 3.6.1 with the 8005and8089.patch applied, reopened the sample project ( and everything works fine for me now (tested on IE8, FF 3.6.18, Chrome 13).

Is it possible that you forgot to copy ckeditor (the editor) into "ckeditor" folder when trying to reproduce it again?

comment:13 Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

Hi wwalc, thanks for testing with my repro solution. i have just re-compiled CKEditor.NET.dll with the patch and recopied it to the target project and it now works like a charme. I did not forget to copy ckeditor 3.6.1 prior to testing but I assume I did copy the CKEditor.NET.dll to the wrong target directory.

Thanks to kaga for fixing this showstopper :)

comment:14 Changed 14 years ago by dpomt2

This ticket could be closed as fixed as soon as mentioned patchset is included into delivery.

Last edited 14 years ago by dpomt2 (previous) (diff)

comment:15 Changed 14 years ago by Wiktor Walc

Status: reviewreview_passed

dpomt2 - thanks for checking the patch one more time. R+, looks good to me as well.

comment:16 Changed 14 years ago by Wiktor Walc

Resolution: fixed
Status: review_passedclosed

Fixed with [7259].

comment:17 Changed 14 years ago by bdeco1

I am having this same issue with the CKEditor, I recently checked out a copy from, and noticed that it has the fix already in it and I wanted to compile the CKEditor.NET project to a DLL, how do I do that?

also I noticed that patch has a msajax.js file in it does that get compiled in with it or is there something else I need to doo with that?

sorry for being noobish

comment:18 Changed 14 years ago by Wiktor Walc

@bdeco1 - an updated official release of CKEditor for ASP.NET will be probably available in 48h.

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