Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#9095 confirmed Bug

SCAYT adds bad characters

Reported by: Brad Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: UI : Spell Checker Version: 3.5.3
Keywords: Webkit Cc:


This was reproduced on CKEditor's demo.

Reproducing the problem

Enable SCAYT Type "This is my text." Select the final word and give it a style (ie: bold) Place cursor at the end of the paragraph using keyboard or mouse. Press enter to create a new paragraph. Type "This is my text." (NOTE: text will be bold as expected). Repeat step 5 & 6. Note that the word "This" will be underlined with a red squiggle. Control case

Make sure SCAYT is not enabled Type "This is my text." Select the final word and give it a style (ie: bold) Place cursor at the end of the paragraph using keyboard or mouse. Press enter to create a new paragraph. Type "This is my text." (NOTE: text will be bold as expected). Repeat step 5 & 6. Enable SCAYT Note that the word "This" will NOT be underlined with a red squiggle.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Cc: added
Keywords: Webkit added; SCAYT removed
Status: newconfirmed
Version: 3.6.4 (SVN - trunk)3.5.3

I have managed to reproduce it only in Webkit from CKEditor 3.5.3 rev. [6461].

In rev. [6461] Possibility to attach inline styles to collapsed selection was added so I'm not sure if this revision caused something or if this feature was available earlier the bug would be reproducible earlier as well.

To reproduce:

  1. Clear page and enable scayt
  2. Type "This is my text."
  3. Select word text and make it bold
  4. Put cursor at the end of line and press enter
  5. Type "This is my text." again.

Result: Word This will be underlined by SCAYT while if you do the same TC without SCAYT word will not be highlighted.

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by can confirm that the problem is in SCAYT core.

The comment to steps to reproduce: step 3 should be described as:

Select text from the beginning of word "text" to the end of line and make it bold

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