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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#10893 IndexSizeError is thrown on undo IE Firefox Bug closed Normal

Problem can be reproduced in Firefox and IE9-10. To reproduce:

  1. Open the “Replace textarea elements by class name” sample page.
  2. Put the cursor in the editor content.
  3. Control-A to select all text and then DELETE.
  4. Paste in some unformatted text 3 times (I typed "this pasted in" in notepad and copied it to the clipboard).
  5. Enter carriage return.
  6. Paste the text in 3 more times.
  7. Click undo two times.

Problem can be reproduced in Firefox from CKEditro 4.0 beta with BR_mode only.

Problem can be best reproduced in IE when BR mode is used but this isn't necessary. In IE this is issue can be reproduced from CKE 4.0.

JS error is thrown: Message: IndexSizeError: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount
Line: 1942
URI: ckeditor4/core/selection.js
Code: nativeRange.setStart( range.startContainer.$, range.startOffset );

#10941 Indentation not applied to ul/ol element when the entire list is indented IE Firefox IBM Bug confirmed Normal

1) Select a list (ul or ol) as whole. 2) Click Indent button

Result: Text inside list items is indented but not the list as a whole. The bullet points are aligned to the left, that means to the edge of the edit area.

#10949 [Blink Firefox] Readonly editor elementspath selection doesn't select as expected. Blink Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

When the editor is readonly clicking an element in elements path does not truly select it in Blink and Firefox.

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to the mission crew table and click to focus it
  3. Click "table" in elementspath
  4. The table is selected, but the selection color is gray. Notice that the copy icon is enabled.
  5. Press Ctrl-C to try and copy the selection
  6. Make the editor editable and try to paste or paste in some other program -> fail.

NOTE: This doesn't have to be table. You can select list or any other element. In blink and Firefox you won't be able to copy it. Blink informs you about it with system sound while FF does nothing.

Workaround: select the table with the mouse and copy it then (notice the blue selection instead of the gray one in step 3). This is really difficult to control though as the mouse selection is not accurate or easy. This is difficult when for example trying to copy long or nested tables.

#10966 [FF] Unable to escape from the link or anchor IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Use ajax sample
  2. Type in a word, e.g. test, select it by using Ctrl + A
  3. Insert a link or anchor
  4. Press the END key
  5. Press space and continue typing

Problem: Cursor is inside the anchor tag

This issue was previously fixed under

#11053 SCAYT conflicts with FF selection when pasting and undoing Firefox Bug closed Normal

SCAYT causes the entire document to be highlighted from the beginning up to the point of the cursor when I highlight text, paste some text and then press CTRL+Z or the undo toolbar option when highlighting from the start of a line.

Browser: FF 24.0

OS: Win 7

Reproducible location: Demo site and nightly build

I also tested with IE9.0.8112.16421(Undo doesn't work so I can't test, reproducible on the demo site) and Chrome 30.0.1599.101 m (Worked fine).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to the demo site
  2. Enable SCAYT (No spelling mistakes required)
  3. Delete the content currently there, for whatever reason I can't reproduce with the default text
  4. I type or paste in a few lines of text like so:

Hi there how are you

Hi there how are you

Hi there how are you

Hi there how are you

  1. I then highlight part of the line beginning at the start of the line.
  2. Paste some content
  3. Press CTRL+Z
  4. Notice it will now highlight the entire document up to the cursor
#11072 Merge cells doesn't work in FF when replaced textarea with inline editor Firefox Bug closed Normal

Tested in FF24 on

when selected few cells in one row and selected merge cells some JS exception is logged on console.

Same works OK in Chrome, not tested anywhere else.

Bug found from 4.0.1 (older not tested) to 4.3 beta.

#11212 [FF] It is impossible to exit styled list with Enter Key. Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Open replacebycode.html sample
  2. Clear page with New Page button and click on one of list buttons to insert list
  3. Type "test1", Hit Enter, "test2", Hit Enter, "test3" and then stop
  4. Press Ctrl+A to select all text
  5. Select font-size 16px from Size dropdown
  6. Click behind 3 in test3 to change selection (You need to press Enter in such way that selection changes but cursor is still in span)
  7. Press Enter, press Enter and so on

Result: Items get created and you can't leave the list that way.


  1. This TC won't show errors with list pasted into source
  2. This is reproducible only in Firefox from CKEditor 4.0
#11237 Paste table from Microsoft Office Word - lost value of border attribute IBM Firefox Webkit Blink Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal

Open Ajax sample.

  1. Create table in MSWord, select all and copy.
  2. Paste into the editor body or through Paste Dialog.
  3. Open Table Properties dialog and check for Border size value.

Expected result: Border size should be set to 1

Actual result: Border size field is empty.

It's happens since 4.3 in FF and Chrome, works fine in IE.

see the attached MSWord with sample table.

#11248 [FF] Permission denied is thrown when preview is used for page with document.domain Firefox Oracle Bug confirmed Normal

Problem can be reproduced in Firefox only from CKEditor 3.6.4 rev. [7527] in both CKE 3.x and 4.x

  1. Create and domains
  2. Put ckeditor with attached sample under
  3. This sample has document.domain='’ set
  4. Load attached sample from subdomain (
  5. Press preview

Result: Permission denied error is thrown.

Error: Permission denied to access property '_cke_htmlToLoad'
Code: doc.write( window.opener._cke_htmlToLoad );

#11323 [FF] preview does not display images Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

observed at master

FF does not display images in preview.

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. click on preview button

Expected result:
You should se our sample image at right hand side.

Current result:
Image is missing, and alt is displayed.

additional info:

  1. It's due to missing base tag in head. Since we're opening preview in /plugins/preview/iepreview.html, browser (correctly) assume that all relative links should be resolved starting from preview directory. So assets/foo.png will be resolved as /plugins/preview/asstes/foo.png.
#11324 checkDirty() return true, but should return false Firefox IE11 Bug confirmed Normal

When ckeditor is inside div which is display: none and textarea is empty, then when you show div (change css to display: block) and checkDirty returns false.

Here is example:

My browser is firefox 26 and running on Ubuntu Linux 13.10.

#11346 Formatting lost when applied to highlighted section, cursor placed at end of line, then the same formatting option toggled again Firefox IE11 Bug confirmed Normal

Hard to describe and hard to search for so my apologies if it's already been logged but I think even if it's been logged I've found more details I will explain below.

If I highlight a section of text and apply some sort of text formatting(bold for example). Then place the cursor at the end of one of those newly bolded lines and click bold again to remove it so I can continue typing in non-bold it will remove bold from the entire line.

Browser: FF 25.0, IE9.0.8112.16421(config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR only for IE)

OS: Win 7

Reproducible location: Demo site

I tested with Chrome 31.0.1650.63 m as well and it worked properly. Also ctrl+a vs using the mouse can have slightly different results which I will explain after the steps to reproduce.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download the standard ckeditor from the website.(Only necessary if you want to test CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR. Otherwise just go to the demo)
  2. Open replacebycode.html sample and clear the content
  3. Type aaaa aaaa, hit enter. Type bbbb bbbb, hit enter. Type cccc cccc, hit enter.
  4. Press Ctrl+A and click Bold
  5. Place the cursor at the end of any of the three lines
  6. Press Bold again

If Using IE or FF and using CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR you will notice that the entire highlighted content will lose the bold formatting. If using FF and CKEDITOR.ENTER_P (Default) you will notice that just the line you placed the cursor on will lose bold. I did NOT test CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV.

The slight variation I mentioned between ctrl+a and using the mouse can be tested by repeating all the steps above but step 4 use the mouse to highlight everything instead and step 5 place the cursor at the end of the "cccc cccc" line. In FF bold is already de-selected from the toolbar, in IE it's still selected but when you click it formatting isn't lost. If you test lines 1 or 2 you will see the same results as if you tested with ctrl+a.


Reproducible in Firefox and IE11

To reproduce:

  1. Type three lines of text
  2. Ctrl+A, hit Bold Button
  3. Click at the end of any line and Hti bold Button again

In Enter Div and P Whole line gets unbolded
In Enter BR whole text gets unbolded

#11399 [FF] Instability of nested editables tests Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

FF's implementation of focus/blur handling on nested editables seems to be very fragile - tests in http://ckeditor4.t/dt/plugins/widget/nestededitables.html randomly fail from time to time depending on how they were ran. Additionally, I had to add one of the tests to regressions, because it started to fail after b671945e@tests.

None of these instabilities occur when testing manually.

#11491 Pressing delete key in highlighted text in blockquote removes paragraph tags Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal

If you create a blockquote, enter some text, highlight the text and then press the Delete key. The paragraph(s) inside the blockquote disappear and you can type directly into it.

For FF you need more than one line of text highlighted.

#11518 Inline Editing Cursor Jump w/ SCAYT Enabled Firefox IE Bug closed Normal

I see this happen on our app and also on your demo. If SCAYT is enabled and you click into an inline area to edit, the cursor jumps to the 0 position and needs to be focused into the original position again. Any fixes for this? Behavior w/o SCAYT enabled is fine.

#11581 Enter Backspace Shift+Enter fails on FF Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Tested with FF25 and 27.

Reproducalbe in demo

Type "AAA"

--> expected: new line, but it make p


--> cursor is on line under "AAA"

Type "B" -> In Line 1 is "AAAB"

With "down" u can reproduce it.

#11601 FF - Pasting Chinese characters adds spaces to the pasted text Firefox IBM Bug confirmed Normal


Customer is complaining about spaces being inserted when pasting text in the editor.

To recreate:

Copy the following text. Paste it into the demo editor. Select and copy the text within the editor. Enter a few lines and paste the text again. You will see a space being added to the pasted text. See attachment.

该交易由登记或新办理发起。客户初次办理出口保理额度预申请或正式申请需要分别对进口商、出口商的相关信息进行补充录入。经办确认后,进、出口商信息按各分 行存储在本地,下次交易时输入进、出口商编号后可以直接调用。如果第二次录入时对原进、出口商信息有所更改,则新信息覆盖原信息。不同分行间信息独立存 储,不相互影响。出口商信息保存:栏位33-50.进口商信息保存:栏位61-73。

#11611 'change' is fired when pressing arrow keys in the editor Firefox Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal

When I use the arrow keys to change the cursor position in the editor there is a 'change' event fired for every keypress although no changes are caused by the arrow keys.

I'd appreciate if arrow keys are detected and the 'change' event wouldn't be fired in this case. Or to replace keypress by another event (as reported earlier, see comment on

This only happens in Firefox (I use 27.0.1 on OSX at the moment). Chrome and Safari seem to be fine.

#11668 delete key behavior is WRONG!! Firefox Bug confirmed Normal


  1. Insert below code into editor:
    <p>test <strong>test <em>test </em>test</strong> test test</p>
  2. Switch to wysiwyg and put cursor behind italic element. Please note that element path needs to show body p strong. If you are seeing em move curosor with arrows to get out of em element.
    test test test ^test test test
  3. Start deleting text with delete key

Result: once whole bold text is deleted, the italic element gets deleted (except for the first letter)

hi all; I newly found key delete works wrong!!! for example, we have an bold element in a paragraph and in the bold element there is an italic word. if we put cursor after italic element exactly, and begin pressing delete key, the characters of bold text node which is after italic element, delete one by one. when the text node deleted and italic element was placed in end of bold element and cursor was placed in bold element and exactly after italic, pressing delete key will caused all of italic characters except one char, be remove!!! that is WRONG!!!


True : In these circumstances, characters of next text node from next element must be remove. I checked this, from 4.3.3 to 3.0 versions and all of them have this bug. please solve it. Very Thanks.

#11687 [FF] Caret position reset when clicking editable Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Clicking text in editable moves caret to very beginning, which is extremely annoying if you want i.e. select something in order to bold it.

  1. open sample with image2 plugin (/samples/plugins/image2/image2.html)
  2. put caret at following position Roll out of |Saturn V on launch pad in first widget caption
    note first selection is OK
  3. move caret to other element (by clicking), i.e. "Apollo 11" headline
  4. repeat 2nd step

Expected result:
Caret should be placed in of |Saturn

Current result:
Caret is placed at very beginning of the caption.

additional info:

  1. Bug occurs only if focus is moved from within the editor. That means, if you'll blur editor by i.e. clicking at sample headline "CKEditor Samples » New Image plugin", and then you'll click at editable - bug does not occur.
#11795 [FF] Ctrl+backspace inside table removes too much stuff Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. use following source code
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px">
  3. switch back to wysiwyg mode
  4. place cursor in very last cell (9th)
  5. press ctrl + backspace twice

Expected result:
Caret should not move outside of the cell?

Current result:
Leaves table with one column and two rows

additional info:

  1. it acts weird with ctrl+backspace in many other cases with tables
#11871 [FF] Htmldataprocessor test fails in FF29 Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Check out 4.4.0 tag.
  2. Run dt/core/htmldataprocessor.html?name=test-xss---video-with-incorrect-source-onerror-17 in FF28.
  3. It's green.
  4. Do the same in FF29.
  5. It's red.
  6. An error is thrown
    an error occurred while executing regular expression htmldataprocessor.js:897

Yet another example of catastrophic backtracking in RegExp?

#11873 flash and iframe resizing Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Object resizing for flash and iframe fake objects don't work. It's reproducable on full featured demo. After resizing fake object is set to 82x82 pixel. On double click it shows the right values in dialog width and height fields.

#11876 [FF] Remove -moz- prefix from box-sizing property Firefox Task confirmed Normal

Since version 29 (, Firefox supports box-sizing without the vendor prefix. Let's keep things clean and save some bytes here and there.

#11914 FF: Default values for Horizontal Alignment & Vertical Aalignment not shown on Cell Properties dialog Firefox IBM Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any CK Sample and insert a Table with default values
  1. Open Cell Properties dialog by clicking on Cell - > Cell Properties option in Context menu

Issue: see that Default values <not set> not shown in Horizontal Alignment & Vertical Alignment combo boxes

Tested on FF27, FF28 & FF29

#11915 Cursor jumps when typing a misspelled word with INLINE editor and SCAYT enabled Firefox Chrome Bug closed Normal

Browser: FF 28, Chrome 34 (Works correctly in IE9)

OS: Win 7

Reproducible location: Demo site and nightly build

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the top right Lorem ipsum text so the toolbar shows
  3. Delete all the content
  4. Enable SCAYT
  5. Click outside the field so the toolbar goes away
  6. Click inside the field again so the toolbar appears
  7. Start typing and misspell something like so: "Hi there, how arre you doing? I am doing..."
  8. When the spell check notices the misspelled arre the cursor will jump to it and whatever you were typing will now be inserted in the middle of the sentence.

This is a big problem because my users expect to have SCAYT enabled by default and therefore I cannot use inline mode at all as this issue is reproduced consistently.

#11947 [FF IE11] Shift+Enter in lists produces two line breaks Firefox IE11 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal

Use the code:


Press Shift+Enter at the end of the first line.

Expected: One line created
Actual: Two lines created

#12104 [FF30+] Regression in editor/focus test Firefox Bug closed Normal

Caused by an ugly FF bug. After framed editor body is changed, FF yields body to be the active element, selection to be anchored in it, but you can't see it and editor and when focus is moved to other focusable element, blur is not fired.

For now I'm adding test to regressions. It's not a huge problem in framed editor. But we need to trim this case down and report it on bugzilla.

#12179 [FF] Error while using :after pseudoclass in contents.css Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

1) use, clear all (I used Gecko - last version of PaleMoon)
2) change contents.css or use different way do add style: .cke_editable span:after {content: ' [' attr(class) ']'}
3) write "blah blah".
4) select line and change Style to marker (now you will see yellow line: blah blah [marker]).
5) go to the end of this line.
6) press left arrow and obtain twice this error:

Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType'
Source File:
Line: 364

FF's bug on Bugzilla:

#12192 Caret disappears in Firefox Firefox Support vendorfix Piotr Jasiun Bug closed Normal

After executing action inside of a command, the caret disappears from the editor. If the same action is executed independently of CKEditor, the caret stays there.

For reproduction try the button "download file" (works) and the first button on the toolbar without an icon (caret disappears).

#12252 Disabled cut/copy in Firefox and Chrome Firefox, Chrome, cut, copy, paste Bug closed Normal

I've been participating in at least two dozen forums of web developers, and have thus used probably all post editors there are. In all, the cut, copy and paste functions also work when Firefox or Chrome are used. Both via the buttons and via the context menu (right-click menu) options. And in this very form that I'm using right now said matters function as well.

Not so in CKEditor (this form editor is not CKEditor). Why still not? Regarding Chrome, this seems to have been reported as bug under ticket nr. 8463. Which was closed because it supposedly was fixed. But that is not the case. And clearly, it is a bug. Because why else do all the other form editors function flawlessly in FF and Chrome?

#12323 [IE10] After removing whole list text below jump up. IE Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

[IE10] For ages.

  1. Open editor with following content:
  1. Select whole list.
  2. Delete list by pressing backspace.

Actual result: text hello jump to first line. Expected result: text hello stay in the second line.

  1. Start typing.

Actual result: text hello jump to next line. Expected result: text hello stay in the same line.

#12584 Paste table within CK-Editor looses formattings (FF 33) Firefox Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Create Table with formattings (e.g. width=50%, bg-color=blue, headers=first row)
  2. Select (all cells) of the table
  3. Copy (STRG + C)
  4. Paste (STRG + V)
  5. Open table properties of the pasted table

Result: Table looses formattings (width, bg-color, headers)

Expected: All table formattings are copied properly

#12602 Enter key at the end of block is broken Android Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In Firefox on Android, if you press enter at the end of a paragraph, the cursor skips down to a new line briefly, but then jumps back up. It is not possible to cursor down. You can tap a touchscreen where the next paragraph would be entered to move there. Problem occurs on your demo site, and in our local copy of 4.4.5.

Test platform: Android 28 or 33 on Nexus 10, Android 4.3.

This seems similar to ticket #12423.

#12641 Firefox merges paragraphs with wrong style Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In CK demo paste this source code in the source area of the CK editor:

<div style="background:#eee;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:5px 10px;">AAAA</div>

<div style="background:#AAA;border:3px solid #ccc;padding:5px 10px;">BBBB</div>

as the first row is the style "Special container" and the second is the same style with modified color and border. Go to the end of the "AAAA" string and click "Del". Then "BBBB" is merged into the same paragraph, but the paragraph gets the style of "BBBB" instead of "AAAA".

If there is more than one paragraph style in the style combo with surrounding <div></div> the bug is present, but as the the demo such second style lacks, typing it in the source area gives us the same effect.

Only FF. Chrome and IE seem to work correctly - they take the style from the "AAAA" text.

#12649 FF makes wrong selection of text Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Let's have the following HTML:

<div>222 <br></div>

This we receive as we use divs for paragraphs and using magicline after 111. After 222 we have whitespace, it is not &nbsp; for FF. We select 222 (only 2s without the interval behind) and copy (CTRL+C) and then in the clipboard we have '222 '.

Steps to reproduce on the demo:

  1. Place the following HTML on empty CK area with firebug. Using source button in the demo clears the divs, so use firebug.
  2. Select the 222 text without the interval and make CTRL+C.
  3. Place the cursor among 111 and CTRL+V. The result is 1222 11.

The bug reproduces for the most of the cases, rarely it will work correct, even though on the demo we did not faced correct behaviour.

#12673 Pasting a single whitespace besides an existing one in firefox has no effect IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Copying a single whitespace and the pasting it several times again has not effect.

  • Steps to reproduce:
  1. Open a ckeditor text field and put
    x x

into it.

  1. Copy the whitespace (without the 'x')
  2. Paste the whitespace 5 times
  • Actual output:

1 whitespaces

  • Expected output:

1 whitespaces

  • Additional information:

Copying single whitespace in Chrome and Internet Explorer works fine. In firefox it also works if one copies 2 or more whitespaces.

Reproducing this but work also while using double byte whitespace instead of single byte whitespace.

#12696 [Firefox] It is possible to create BODY without P using HR Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Press new page button to clear content.
  2. Insert horizontal line using button.
  3. Press backspace.

Result: horizontal line was not removed, but the paragraph was removed instead and I can write directly in the body now. Also it is not possible to remove that line using backspace.

Since 4.0, was fine in 3.6.6.

Also works fine on Chrome.

#12914 Copy/Paste Table broken in DIV based editor Firefox Bug closed Normal

Using CKEditor demos as example, copying and pasting a table works in iframe demo ( but is broken in div demo ( Seeing the same issue in our production implementation using version 4.4.6.

#12979 [FF] Preview does not work when CKEditor is loaded from a different domain Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Open in Firefox
  2. Click preview
  3. Result: an empty page

Works fine on where CDN is not used.

#12996 SCAYT Affecting Dialog Double Click Firefox IE Bug closed Normal

Follow the steps to reproduce:

  1. Make sure you have set the scayt_autoStartup

configuration option to true

  1. Enter some text and click enter
  2. Now add either an image or flash movie, enter any url and click "OK"
  3. Now double click on the image or flash movie and notice the values are empty. The onShow function within the dialog says that no value is selected.
#13005 Change Event is not fired after Delete Firefox IE Support Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Put attached HTML file into samples folder
  2. In first paragraph select part of text and copy/paste it (select only plain text).
  3. Either select some plain text in another paragraph or in same paragraph
  4. Press Delete

Result: Change event is not fired.

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.4.4 in Firefox and IE8-11.

Before release 4.4.4 change event worked the following way only in Firefox

  1. When copy/paste text change event is fired 2 times
  2. When select and delete change event is fired 2 times on delete
  3. When select and delete some more text change event is fired 3 times on delete.
#13020 CKEditor exception in Firefox Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Please see comment:4 and comment:5 for more details.

Our web app has been generating countless exceptions in CKEditor. I have finally been able to reproduce one of them. For the demo please visit '' and follow these steps in the editor in the lower right:

1) Type three lines of text with the letters a, b, and c on them (one

letter per line).

2) Select the first two lines and make that a numbered list. 3) Select all three lines and change to a bulleted list.

An exception is generated "TypeError: a is null".

This error is caused because when bookmarks are selected/restored in the selectBookmarks function the starting bookmark has been removed thus it fails to select it in the moveToBookmark function so startNode is null and the setStartBefore call will a null parameters throws an exception. I changed said function during me debugging to:

setStartBefore: function (node) {

if (node == null) {

console.log('* About to throw an exception');

} this.setStart( node.getParent(), node.getIndex() );


to better illustrate that.

Why has the bookmark been purged? Well the long story is that a <li> with the start bookmark gets added before the two existing <li>s and so the first <li> has no text in it and it's purged by the 'changeListType' function, but it all seems to come down to the getNative function that looks kind of (this is my debug version now) like this:

getNative: function() {

if ( this._.cache.nativeSel !== undefined ){

return this._.cache.nativeSel;

} if(isMSSelection){

this._.cache.nativeSel = this.document.$.selection;


var win = this.document.getWindow(); this._.cache.nativeSel = win.$.getSelection();


console.log('* new native selection = anchor = ' + this._.cache.nativeSel.anchorNode.nodeName + ' focus node = ' + this._.cache.nativeSel.focusNode.nodeName); return ( this._.cache.nativeSel );


which I have modified to break complex lines into pieces and add the logging. When this returns the selection via getSelection the focus node SHOULD be on the 'a' #text node, but it's actually on the OL node. This works fine in Chrome and usually works fine in FireFox, but the CSS I inject into the document seems to trigger this problem. Remove that and it works fine.

That makes me question whether this is actually a Firefox bug that needs to be worked around, but I don't know my browser specs. In any event one quick fix I've done to code around this was a patch to the moveToBookmark function that basically verifies that the startBookmark was found but

a) I don't know the extent that this kind of bug is going to have

on the rest of the system. If there are other places where the start bookmarks premature removal is going to wreak havoc then I'd like to know about it.

b) I don't know if there are other cases where we're going to see this

type of problem because of other CSS that Firefox/CKEditor doesn't work with properly. Like I said we're seeing all kinds of exceptions coming from CKEditor and it could all be permutations of this bug. I don't know yet.

c) When the exception occurs it leaves the end bookmark span in the

HTML and it seems that that can cause later problems.

Let me know if there's any additional info I can provide. I'm just glad to finally get this bug in a form reproducible outside of our code base.

  • Thanks, Alan
#13096 Another CKEditor Exception in Firefox Firefox Mateusz Samsel Bug closed Normal

I filed bug #13020 a couple weeks ago explaining that we're seeing lots of CKEditor exceptions in our code. Here's a second one that we've been able to reproduce in jsfiddle. I will also attached a video.

To demonstrate the bug go to:

1) Type 'test' in the editor 2) Click to the left of 'test' between it and the border. About half

way works fine. (You can basically click anywhere in the 'padding' between the editor's content and the word e.g. you can click above it too.

3) Press the 'Delete' or 'Backspace' key.

The Video is viewable here:

Video timeline:

0:00 - Show URL 0:08 - Show current console messages (e.g. that the exception has not happened yet) 0:14 - Show that we are in fact at the end of the console log (no hidden messages) 0:22 - Show Firefox version 0:32 - Type 'test' in the editor 0:39 - Click to the left of the word 'test' 0:42 - Show that the exception has not happened yet 0:46 - Press 'Delete' key 0:50 - Exception 'h is undefined' triggered

#13125 FF Only - The space after a contenteditable element is ignored when backspacing Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal

We found an issue in 4.4.x version where in ACF mode, we observe unexpected behaviour when we attempt deleting a white space character following a contenteditable=false span tag.

To reproduce the defect, use the following config:

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {

ACF configs config.allowedContent = true; turn off ACF by default


Open Firebug for you test sample page

  1. In the console: CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setData('Hey <span contenteditable="false"><a>there</a></span> :)')

(Notice here the space following the closing of the span tag and before colon character eg. "</span> :"

  1. Click on the editor (caret is at the end of the line) and start removing characters using backspace until you reach ':' and click backspace again to remove it.
  1. Hit backspace again-> the cursor goes inside the contenteditable area skipping the empty space
#13163 [Firefox] Space typed at the end of paragraph is not returned by editor.getData() Firefox IBM Bug closed Normal

This is only reproducible on FF. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to
  2. In the console type: CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.editable().on('keyup', function(){console.log(CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData())})
  3. Start typing in the editor -> You can see in the console that the first space after some text is ignored and not inserted in the Editor
#13180 FF: Cursor stops before non content editable element when pressing left arrow key Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to
  2. In the console: CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml('aaa <a contenteditable="false" href="">@Amy Jones126</a> aaa')
  1. Same for a similar structure more similar to mentions
  2. In the console: CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml('aaa <span contenteditable="false"><a href="">@Amy Jones126</a></span> aaa')
  3. Press the left arrow key...
#13190 Maximize problems Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Hi, I have big problem to maximize CK 4.4.7. For some security I have defined html{display:none;}. My JS then enable html with code: if( === window.self) { = 'block';} Everything works perfect to situation when I click CK to maximize. All browsers hardcode change style and I see only blank window. I tried in my config this: CKEDITOR.instances.content.on('maximize', function() { = 'block'; });

It works only in Chrome not in FF and IE. I dont want to change my security improvements, but CK maximize must work.

Next issue it on maximize CK is problem comboboxes. See picture.

#13721 [Android][Firefox] Problems with text selection Android Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Tested on Firefox 40 for Android 5.1.1:

  • Try to select text by long touch on the word.

Expected result
Text should be selected.

Actual result
Context menu appears.

#13727 [Android][Firefox] Preview command opens empty document Android Firefox Bug closed Normal

Android 5.1.1, Firefox 40, CKEditor 4.5.3

  • Open CKEditor demo page.
  • Use Preview command from toolbar.

Preview document is opened in new tab.

Empty document is opened in new tab.

#13735 Paste from word Blink Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. In IE use the paste from word functionality for the attached file(Works as expected)
  2. In FF 40.0.3 and Chrome 45, pasting from Word will not paste all text.

The text "Rationale" will be missing and replaced with a bullet point.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#13772 Contents appear unstyled on Firefox when setData() called immediately Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Initialize editor
  2. listen for 'instanceReady'
  3. call setData()

Example here:,js,output

Expected result

Content appears styled.

Actual result

Contents not styled. contents.css not loaded as expected.

The example uses a link to S3 which is fairly variable in it's response rates. When the response rate is > 100ms, the contents will not be styled. The example jsbin has a timeout you can adjust to see that the successful styling is directly related to the response times.

I'm guessing that the success rates for < 100ms have to do with the setTimeout(,100) in wysiwygarea's initialization.


  1. I believe that Firefox is canceling the open requests when ckeditor writes to the iframe.
  2. I believe that Firefox de-duplicates requests per iframe, ensuring that if the same document is referenced multiple times, it's only retrieved once.
  3. I believe that the canceling is actually asynchronous, such that the second time we write the content to the page, it de-duplicates it first, and then the request is canceled.
  4. When monitoring network traffic through Charles Proxy (it's awesome, you should try it if you haven't), it will report that the connection was closed by the client.

Possible Fix

Append cache-busting query string to css url. See:,js,output

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Firefox 41, Windows, OSX & Linux

#13798 Changing paragraph format causes cursor to move on Firefox 41 Firefox Tomasz Jakut Bug review Nice to have (we want to work on it)

Steps to reproduce

  1. On the CKEditor Demo page, set the cursor anywhere in the middle of a heading.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Change the paragraph format to Normal.
  4. Press Backspace.

Actual result

Cursor has moved to the end of the line.

#13826 [FF] Wrong caret position after removing characters Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Open any sample with CKEditor. (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. Use "Source" button to set following source:
    <p><span style="color:#FF0000">aa</span></p>
  3. Put the selection at the end of the document.
  4. Press shift+enter.
  5. Type "bb"
  6. Press backspace twice.

Expected result:
Visually caret should remain in (empty) second line.

Current result:
Visually you see that caret was moved to first line.

#13841 Elements path selection and deletion work unexpectedly Blink firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start with the following source:
<div style="background:red;">some red text</div>
<div style="background:yellow;">some yellow text</div>
<div style="background:blue;">some blue text</div>
  1. In WYSIWYG, place cursor on the yellow text
  2. On the elements path bar at the bottom, click "div" to highlight the yellow div
  3. Press delete

Expected result

I would expect the yellow div to be removed, and the result to be:

<div style="background:red;">some red text</div>
<div style="background:blue;">some blue text</div>

Actual result

Instead, the context on yellow is removed, and the content of the following blue div is replaced inside instead (along with some line-height added for some reason):

<div style="background:red;">some red text</div>
<div style="background:yellow;"><span style="background-color:blue; line-height:1.6">some blue text</span></div>

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Using Chrome on Linux.

Reproducible on

I feel like this was working differently (and used to just remove the div) in previous releases.

Please see comment:1 for Firefox result

#13884 Copy/paste table in Firefox results in just first cell being pasted Firefox Support Tomasz Jakut Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Paste below code in source mode and switch to wysiwyg
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px">
                <td style="background-color: rgb(102, 102, 204);">s</td>
                <td style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0);">s</td>
                <td style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">s</td>
                <td style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">s</td>
  2. Select whole table with a mouse and Press Ctrl+C (You can also use Copy from context menu)
  3. Press Ctrl+V or right-click below table and select Paste (Ctrl+V into paste dialog and click OK)

Expected result

Whole table should be pasted and formatting preserved.

Actual result

Only first row gets pasted.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.5.0 in Firefox only.

NOTE: From CKEditor 4.0 - 4.4.8 the above scenario resulted in table being pasted but without width style (background was preserved).

#14249 Windows 10 Firefox moving cursor when deleting misspelled word Firefox Cursor SCAYT Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Enable SCAYT
  2. Type a bunch of words, some of them being misspelled
  3. Move cursor using mouse to the end of a misspelled word
  4. delete it using the backspace

See this screencast to see the issue happening:

Expected result

Deleting a word should NOT move the cursor

Actual result

When deleting a mispelled word, it either jumps to the next mispelled word or moves to the next line.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Only on Windows 10 and Firefox. Using the latest version 4.5.5. Issue seems to be with SCAYT

#14338 CKEditor anchor tag floats firefox link Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. open CKEditor in Firefox
  2. create a link using "Link" icon/button.
  3. In edit mode click on the space right after the "link text"
  4. add your text - note it is highlighted blue (part of the link text) the ancher tag seems to be fluid.
  5. Also if you carriage return from the "link text" line it will continue to be "link text."
  6. This will also happen if you create a new link

Expected result

Should be able to insert plain text after a link in Firefox browser.

Actual result

Unable to insert plain text after a link in Firefox browser.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Browser: Firefox 37.0.2 CKEditor version: CKEditor 4.5.6

#14346 native Browser Spellchecking not working when pressing return without space spellcheck firefox return space Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download basic package of ckeditor 4.5.6
  2. Download firefox 43.0.4
  3. Enable spellchecking in firefox
  4. modify config.js and add "config.disableNativeSpellChecker = false;"
  5. open samples/index.html
  6. Add some text like "ABCDEFGHIJK" and press return

Expected result

The word "ABCDEFGHIJK" will be underlined red

Actual result

In Firefox 43.0.4 the red underlining only appears if you press space, tab or any other key expect return In Chrome 48.0.2564.82 m it works as expected.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Windows 10 (but I think it is os independent) CKEDITOR 4.5.6 Basic package none special plugin

Further Information

I assume this is a ckeditor problem because I tested the behaviour of firefox with the attached file and it works just great. I think when pressing return in firefox the keystroke is not reaching firefox.

If you need any further information, please ask

#14423 cursor seems to be fixed at this position while pressing the arrow key CantFix firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. insert following HTML Code to the CKEditor
  2. click at the end of 'test'
  3. press the arrow up key twice

Expected result

cursor in the table

Actual result

cursor is placed at the start of the word 'test' and seems to be fixed at this position while pressing the arrow key

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

<html lang="de"> <head>


</head> <body> <div> <table>






</table> <a href="#">test</a></div> </body> </html>

#14544 Copying nested list from MS Word results in empty list Firefox Support Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open attached word file and copy list from it.
  2. Paste the list into CKEditor full package

Expected result

List is pasted with styles allowed by ACF. Please see #14542.

Actual result

Empty list is pasted (just numbers/bullets).

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.5.0 in Firefox only.

#14563 Active link cursor continues on new line when pressing enter Blink Webkit Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a URL link
  2. Move the cursor to the end of the link (Press END)
  3. Press Enter (enter mode should ENTER_BR)

Expected result

Opening the link plugin now will open a dialog for creating a NEW link.

Actual result

Opening the link plugin now will start editing the link in the previous line.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

After step (3), if i start typing again, the link blue special cursr will be gone and the regular black cursor will be back, that means, the link doesn't continue in the second line, only when i press enter. So now to disable the link effect, I type a letter and then remove it.


#14565 Pressing delete key in a highlighted image inside a floating div throws an error Firefox Tade0 Bug review_failed Normal

If you have an image inside a floating div an error occurs if you highlight the image and press delete key. The error appear in line 949 of editable.js

path = range.startPath()

since range is undefined.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open current version of online nightly ckeditor.
  2. insert the folowing html source code:
<div style="float:left"><img src="img/logo.png" /></div>
  1. Highlight image (don't use mouse click to select).
  2. Press delete key.
  • if you use the lastest stable version you can use:
<div style="float:left;"><img src="" /></div>

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

OS: Windows 7 Browser: Firefox 45.0.1 CKEditor: 4.5.8

#14579 Incorrect special character encoding in Paste From Word Dialog in Firefox Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

When i'm trying to paste text copied from Word document and containing special characters with font "Symbol" the dialog window that opens on click on "Paste from Word" button doesn't show the special characters like lamda, mu, copyright symbol, etc. correctly.

  1. I make a Word document with the sting containing special characters for "lambda mu" and copy this thext string.
  2. I can check the contents of my clipboard in Free Clipboard Viewer 3.0 in the Tab HTML Format. My clipboard then contains such code
<body lang=DE style='tab-interval:35.4pt'>
<!--StartFragment--><span lang=EN-US style='font-size:11.0pt;font-family:
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri;
lang=EN-US style='font-size:11.0pt;font-family:Symbol;mso-ascii-font-family:
Calibri;mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";

  1. I click the "Paste from Word" button in the CKEditor on the and paste the contents of my clipboard into the opend dialog.

Expected result

the symbols lambda and mu are shown as symbols, exactly as in the Word document.

Actual result

in Chrome: the symbols lambda and mu are shown as symbols, exactly as in the Word document.

in Firefox:

the sting "am" is pasted into the dialog

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#14586 Copy-paste in Firefox results in extra spaces Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Make a selection in the text that doesn't begin or end with a space (best illustrated with part of a word).
  2. Copy to clipboard
  3. Paste it somewhere in the editor

Expected result

The pasted content should be exactly the same.

Actual result

It adds a space before and after the selection.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

This seems to only happen in Firefox. Currently using version 45.0.2. Can be reproduced in the official CKEditor demo as well.

#14614 Whitespace is removed when pasting content in visual mode Blink Webkit Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

This behavior changed between v4.5.4 and v4.5.7. In v4.5.4, if you pasted content with whitespace, the whitespace was preserved. In v4.5.7, the whitespace is trimmed. It appears on the current demo page as well.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open
  2. Switch to Source mode
  3. Add a fixed width section, like:
     / @ @ \
    ( > º < )
     /  O  \
  4. Switch back to WYSIWYG mode
  5. Copy the ASCII art
  6. Paste it. Consecutive whitespace is removed.
  7. Switch back to Source mode. Paste. Whitespace is retained

Expected result

In either visual or source mode, the whitespace is retained.

Actual result

Whitespace is only retained in source mode.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Also reproduces on, using CKEditor v4.5.7. and plugins:

dialogui, dialog, a11yhelp, autogrow, basicstyles, bidi, blockquote, clipboard, panel, floatpanel, menu, contextmenu, dialogadvtab, elementspath, enterkey, entities, find, htmlwriter, image, indent, indentlist, button, menubutton, language, fakeobjects, link, list, liststyle, magicline, maximize, pastefromword, pastetext, removeformat, resize, scayt, sharedspace, showblocks, showborders, sourcearea, listblock, richcombo, stylescombo, tab, table, tabletools, toolbar, undo, wsc, wysiwygarea, mdn-attachment, mdn-format, mdn-sticky-toolbar, mdn-image-attachment, mdn-link-customization, mdn-link-launch, mdn-redirect, mdn-sample-finder, mdn-sampler, mdn-spell, mdn-syntaxhighlighter, mdn-system-integration, mdn-table-customization, mdn-toggle-block, mdn-wrapstyle, mdn-youtube, descriptionlist, tablesort, texzilla

#14703 FF: Adding extra paragraphs or space when text pasted IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

Scenario 1:

  1. Open CKEditor instance & type 2 lines of text "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
  1. Select all by CRTL+A, copy (CRTL+C) & paste(CRTL+V)the text

Issue: You will see an extra new paragraph added below pasted text.

Scenario 2:

  1. Open a CKEditor instance, type "aaabbbaaa"
  1. Select part of word (ex: "bbb") and CTRL+C to copy
  1. Go to end of text area of CKEditor & paste(CTRL+V)

Issue: An extra space will be added after pasted text

#14746 Selecting a word with Firefox for Android Firefox Android Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. go to with Firefox for Android
  2. in the ckeditor window, long press on a word to make handles appear

Expected result

word selected and handles appears to refine the selection

Actual result

a paste menu appears

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

The same process works well with Chrome for Android.

#14867 When pasting content from MS Word, text getting stripped. Only occurs in FireFox FireFox Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the attached MS Word document
  2. Copy and paste the content to the online CKEditor demo (
  3. You will notice some text got stripped in the first bullet

Expected result

Content pasted fully

Actual result

Some text stripped

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

This only happens in Firefox. Version of Firefox used for testing is 48.0.2. Pasting from MS Word works in Chrome.

After some investigations, it appears the pastefromword plug-in is stripping the text. When the plug-in's disabled, this problem goes away. We need the plug-in so disabling the plug-in permanently is not an option.

#16625 FF & IE: Increasing Indent not working on lists IBM IE Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open nightly build
  2. Enter few lines of text.
  3. Select all content using CTRL + A
  4. Click on Increase Indent icon few times

Expected result : List Indented

Actual result: Nothing happens This works in Chrome

#16705 Unable to paste base64 images using Firefox 50.0 Firefox IBM kkrzton Bug closed Nice to have (we want to work on it)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open nightly sample (
  2. Use Printsceen or Paint to paste image (Ctrl + V) into the editor

Expected result

base64 image pastes into the editor

Actual result

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Firefox 50.0.x only

#16813 editor.getSelectedHtml returns incorrect data Firefox Webkit Bug closed Normal

Because of clipboard plugin use editor.getSelectedHtml, this bug can reproduce with copy/paste. I also created plugin "bugdemo" to show how to repriduce the bug. You can download ckeditor with plugin "bugdemo" here: Also, see vidio record with bug reproducing:

Steps to reproduce ("clipboard" plugin)

  1. download zip archive , exstract it and open samples/index.html
  2. Select text "Lorem"
  3. Open and close any dropdown menu
  4. Copy selected text "Lorem" by clicking 'copy' button in toolbar.
  5. Paste selected text by clicking 'paste' button in toolbar. (CTRL + V)

Expected result ("clipboard" plugin)

Inserted text is "Lorem"

Actual result ("clipboard" plugin)

Inserted text is "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Hello CKE" (all first text node)

Steps to reproduce (custom "bugdemo" plugin)

  1. download zip archive , exstract it and open samples/index.html
  2. Select text "Lorem"
  3. Open and close any dropdown menu
  4. Click 'owl' button in toolbar.

Expected result (custom "bugdemo" plugin)

See text "~Lorem~"

Actual result (custom "bugdemo" plugin)

See text "~Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Hello CKE~"

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Reproduced only in CKEditor Inline Editing.

Environment: Windows 7, Chrome 56.

#16880 Paste from Excel Excel, firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Just copy and paste a table from Excel.

Expected result

A table in html format

Actual result

A table in image format

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Firefox Version 51, CK 4.6.2

#16900 Table from Excel gets pasted as image in Firefox Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open attached file.
  2. Copy table from it and paste it into CKEditor

Expected result

Table gets pasted as HTML

Actual result

Table gets pasted as image

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Probalem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.6.2 in Firefox only.

#16929 [ENTER_BR]: Enter hides space before text Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Set editor enterMode to ENTER_BR
  2. In editor, enter text - 'Send to 123 Main St'
  3. Place cursor immediately after 'to', before space
  4. hit Enter key
  5. on new line, hit Delete or Arrow Right

Expected result

Space should be visible and key press should either move cursor or delete the space.

Actual result

Notice that first key press does nothing and space before '123' is not visible.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Problem can't be reproduced in native contenteditable element.

#17006 Key event listener produce different key codes in Chrome and Firefox key listener firefox keyCode Bug new Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Visit in firefox and chrome
  2. Enter the following into console:
    CKEDITOR.instances.ckdemo.on('key', function(event){
      console.log("key-event-data: ",;
  3. Focus into CKEditor and press CTRL
  4. Console output:
    in Firefox - keyCode: 17
    in Chrome - keyCode: 1114129

Expected result

In Firefox the keyCode result should be 1114129 (like CKEDITOR.CTRL)

Actual result

In Firefox the keyCode result is 17

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)


Actual demo version on homepage (4.6.2)


Firefox: 53.0 (64bit)
Chrome: 58.0.3029.96 (64-bit)


Ubuntu 16.10

1 2 3 4 5 6
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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