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Results (501 - 600 of 2591)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#7984 AutoGrow fails on Firefox with document that has quirks mode Doctype confirmed Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7990 entering a blank before protocol part (http,ftp) in the URL field , adds additional protocol tag confirmed Bug Normal
#7994 [IE8, FF] Problems with typing text next to an anchor confirmed Bug Normal
#8011 Empty paragraph added on pasting in Webkit and Firefox4 confirmed Bug Normal
#8017 Webkit: Problems with undo and lists after switching to source mode and back confirmed Bug Normal
#8019 Webkit: "Focus border smaller than the editing area border" in paste as plain text dialog confirmed Bug Low
#8023 [IE] Toolbar is selectable review_failed Garry Yao Bug Normal
#8027 IE Quirks: problem with typing text after inserting an anchor confirmed Bug Normal
#8030 Opera: can not activate menu entries with enter confirmed Bug Normal
#8039 [IE9] Bgcolor partial removal problematic confirmed Bug Normal
#8044 Table row inserted incorrectly with missing cells confirmed Bug Normal
#8045 Style override only works for attributes confirmed Bug Normal
#8046 Path not refreshed in Firefox and Webkit confirmed Bug Normal
#8048 IE: Problems with switching to source and back using Space or Enter key confirmed Bug Normal
#8058 Removing a list removes indentation confirmed Bug Normal
#8059 aria-invalid cleanup confirmed Bug Normal
#8066 [enterBr] Inserting page break / horizontal line creates a paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
#8068 Issue with pasting subscript confirmed Bug Normal
#8069 Image button, with float:right is placed outside FORM element in WYSIWYG confirmed Bug Normal
#8072 "Insert column before/after" on split cell confirmed Bug Normal
#8075 consequent spaces in table caption confirmed Bug Normal
#8076 Link attribute is not pasted with image. confirmed Bug Normal
#8079 Copy/Cut buttons are not enabled when selecting text. confirmed Bug Low
#8086 [IE] office skin Link dialog broken confirmed Bug Normal
#8096 Firefox: Additional </br> added after clicking legend in fieldset and switching to Source mode confirmed Bug Normal
#8109 [IE] Readonly collapses empty paragrahs confirmed Bug Normal
#8123 Spellchecker: provide an option to pass sensitive data using POST request confirmed New Feature Normal
#8133 Webkit: Autogrow in quirks mode. Editor doesn't get smaller. confirmed Bug Normal
#8149 ElementsPath doesn't show correct element confirmed Bug Normal
#8161 IE9: an iframe without doctype causes problem with combo elements confirmed Bug Normal
#8166 Problems in IE when pressing CRTL+B on bolded text confirmed Bug Normal
#8169 Webkit editor doesn't scroll without focus. confirmed Bug Normal
#8175 Add/edit Radio button, enabled status is not saved under IE9/10 in CKE 3.x 4.x confirmed Bug Normal
#8177 Splitting cell vertically, causing incorrect rowspan. confirmed Bug Normal
#8180 FF and Opera: Dialog contents go out of dialog border when CKEditor is in RTL language confirmed Bug Normal
#8206 Firefox: unable to access caption with arrow keys confirmed Bug Normal
#8207 IE8 IE9: empty paragraphs inserted when aligning text confirmed Bug Normal
#8209 [Firefox5] : Unable to write in the same line ,After using display none/block on editor. confirmed Bug Normal
#8213 [Webkit]: Inline styles are not copied with text confirmed Bug Normal
#8233 Can't modify disabled input field confirmed Bug Normal
#8252 Inner duplicated style is not being removed confirmed Bug Normal
#8260 Change from raising error to show an alert if instance exists new Bug Normal
#8279 Allow for CKFinder skin customization. confirmed New Feature Normal
#8303 IE8: can't delete whole text before an anchor. confirmed Bug Normal
#8304 Make ENTER split blockquote when enterMode=BR confirmed New Feature Normal
#8308 [iOS] There is no scrollbar on toolbar combos confirmed Bug Normal
#8309 [iOS] Selection marker and ballon remain over toolbar panels confirmed Bug Normal
#8310 [iOS] It's not (always) possible to close toolbar combos without selecting one item confirmed Bug Normal
#8311 [iOS] There is no way to open the context menu confirmed Bug Normal
#8312 [iOS] SCAYT blocks typing confirmed Bug Normal
#8313 [iOS] Dialogs in the wrong are not draggable confirmed Bug Normal
#8314 [iOS] Dialog fields don't get focus when opened confirmed Bug Normal
#8315 [iOS] Editing area grows with no scrollbar confirmed Bug Normal
#8316 [iOS] Resizer is not draggable confirmed Bug Normal
#8317 [iOS] Show "tooltips" for toolbar commands confirmed New Feature Normal
#8318 [iOS] Copy/Paste balloon hide toolbar options confirmed Bug Normal
#8319 [iOS][Android] The divreplace sample doesn't work confirmed Bug Normal
#8320 [iOS] The tableresize plugin is not usable confirmed Bug Normal
#8344 Remove nested duplicate inline elements on parsing review Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature Normal
#8346 Focus after close dropdown confirmed Bug Normal
#8351 Image not visible in page preview confirmed Bug Normal
#8360 UI color picker - units are placed on dialog border or labels overlap text fields confirmed Bug Normal
#8361 [Opera] Wrong cursor position occurs after editing link confirmed Bug Normal
#8362 Bullet list, options dialog, wrong size of content in V2 & Office skins confirmed Bug Normal
#8363 Selected Style and Font not visible in V2 and office skin confirmed Bug Normal
#8367 Allow for adding tfoot tag from table dialog confirmed New Feature Normal
#8398 customConfig applied to second instance of CKEditor may apply to both or only one editor. confirmed Bug Normal
#8416 IE: toolbar buttons don't respect cursor location. confirmed Bug Normal
#8418 do feature detection of paste event support before simulating a paste event confirmed Bug Normal
#8425 IE8 IE9: Selection Defect with contentEditable = "false" and unselectable = "on" confirmed Bug Normal
#8462 Unnecessary paragraph gets created when trying to join two paragraphs using backspace confirmed Webkit Bug Normal
#8471 Webkit: When Copy/Paste Table Cell It Gets Pasted in next Column confirmed Bug Normal
#8507 Invalid width of CKEditor when width is set to 100% confirmed Bug Normal
#8518 Text around editor highlights during resize event confirmed Bug Normal
#8521 IE: Pictures are not visible in preview for Flash Dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#8522 Safari: Flash content not visible in page preview. confirmed Bug Normal
#8525 Not possible to edit selected element confirmed Bug Normal
#8576 Editor stays on page if removed quickly enough in AJAX sample which results in two editors on one page confirmed Bug Normal
#8635 htmlParser not recognizing self closing tags without space before /> confirmed Bug Normal
#8640 htmlParser not recognizing empty comments confirmed Bug Normal
#8670 dom.node#getAddress returns different addresses for detached trees in IE7&8 than in normal browsers confirmed Bug Normal
#8694 IE: copy/paste problem in pre tag confirmed Bug Normal
#8705 [iOS] Caret (cursor) may not appear when typing is enabled new Bug Normal
#8715 Problems with changing text of a link - some unification is needed confirmed Bug Normal
#8743 IE9: in ENTER_BR table/smiley/form is inserted under br tag confirmed Bug Normal
#8759 Add the possibility to remove a context menu item at a certain listener assigned Sa'ar Zac Elias New Feature Normal
#8760 BR tags get removed when switching from source and back. confirmed Bug Normal
#8761 Better support for pasting from Open Office confirmed New Feature Normal
#8785 There is no option like CKEDITOR.config.forcePasteFromWord confirmed New Feature Normal
#8791 Image dialog doesn't display properties set to 0. confirmed Bug Normal
#8793 Make it possible to set the editing area width confirmed Bug Normal
#8798 Inconsistent behavior of rules elementNames and attributeNames in htmlParser.filter confirmed Bug Normal
#8807 Capital letter in "charset" keyword destroys meta tag when using docProps. confirmed Bug Normal
#8808 Non ASCII characters are not being changed to entities in HTML attributes- except for the basic ones confirmed Bug Normal
#8809 When adding blockquote to Fromat dropdown it doesn't work as expected confirmed Bug Normal
#8817 IE: Context menu doesn't show on second click confirmed Bug Normal
#8825 Make CKEditor bulletproof against js errors confirmed New Feature Normal
#8832 Stylesheet parser error if file not on cache review Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal
#8852 Fx & Chrome @ Linux: Unlink option is not always available from the context menu when right clicking on a link confirmed Bug Normal
#8854 [IE] A Japanese key input is repeated (when enter mode is set to BR) confirmed Bug Normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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