Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#13144 confirmed Task

Usability review of Image plugin

Reported by: Chris Graham Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: UI : Dialogs Version: 3.0
Keywords: Cc:


A user of a user got confused by "Latin text" in the image plugin. The user did too. And I think I also got momentarily confused by it in the past.

The typical user won't know what lorem ipsum is, and also may wonder why the shown text doesn't match the specified alt text. They will think the preview is for the image and nothing else. Of course, the alt text would not be visible, but the user does not necessarily understand any of this.

I propose a few simple changes to make the overall UI nicer...

1) Say "with sample neighboring text" next to "Preview", so it is clear it is a contextual preview 2) hspace/vspace is not friendly. Use unicode arrow symbols to illustrate the point visually 3) The caption for the lock/unlock button should be dynamic. It should say "Unlock" when it is locked (the default). Button captions should always say what *activating* the button does, and this neither does that nor shows current state because it's static.

Attachments (1)

Screen Shot 2015-04-07 at 10.24.35.png (203.7 KB) - added by Chris Graham 10 years ago.

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Change History (4)

Changed 10 years ago by Chris Graham


comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Status: newconfirmed
Version: 3.0

Hey, thanks for the feedback. I admit that the UX of the image dialog could be better. We do, however, released a new image plugin (called image2), with a very simplistic dialog. You can see the new plugin here -

Since we released the new plugin, we do not plan to work on enhancing the old one. It's only left for legacy reasons and we'll be only working on bug fixes for it.

The UX problems of the old plugin are real though, so I'm confirming this ticket.

Last edited 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński (previous) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by Chris Graham

Note that image2 also suffers from problem '3' (poor button tooltips). That might be a more widespread issue and worth looking into.

I did check and saw you had the image2 plugin however #10659 seems to not be completed (mainly that it still has the inbuilt link support to add). So I assumed this was still considered a work in progress. That said, I don't care about the integrated link support myself.

I also just checked, and image2 is not bundled by default in your standard package, and is not there on your standard demo. So I'd suggest in your next major update to fully do the replacement so as to avoid confusion, as the users currently are getting served something being left as clunky.

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

I did check and saw you had the image2 plugin however #10659 seems to not be completed (mainly that it still has the inbuilt link support to add). So I assumed this was still considered a work in progress. That said, I don't care about the integrated link support myself.

The link support is ready since 4.4.0. But instead of adding the tab we integrated the standard link dialog with image2.

Note that image2 also suffers from problem '3' (poor button tooltips). That might be a more widespread issue and worth looking into.

That's true.

I also just checked, and image2 is not bundled by default in your standard package, and is not there on your standard demo. So I'd suggest in your next major update to fully do the replacement so as to avoid confusion, as the users currently are getting served something being left as clunky.

We're planning to do this, but we wanted the feature to become really mature before we replace one of the most important plugins with it. Also, it's controversial for some that it does not have all these vspacing, hspacing or border fields which the former plugin has. We believe in simplicity, but that's not the case for many developers, so we must be careful when doing changes. We must do changes to make a progress, but at least we can give developers some time to adopt a feature.

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