Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#3527 closed Bug (invalid)

CKEditor - JAWS issues

Reported by: Senthil Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone: CKEditor 3.0
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Oracle Cc: Senthil


The following issues are happening with JAWS tool:

1.Ctrl + Shift + F10 -> Opens the context menu inside the RTE editing area. But JAWS reads “Ctrl + Shift + F10, Menu bar, File, press left, right arrow to navigate

  1. JAWS Reading all the buttons including disabled buttons – but it is not identifying the disabled button. JAWS should read disabled buttons as disabled.
  1. Arrow keys are not working to navigate trough the tool bar.
  1. All the toolbar elements read as “Link”(For ex. Preview button reads as Preview Link, Font dropdown reads as Font Style Link)
  1. JAWS does not read Format dropdown as Format Link or dropdown, it reads the selected text like Normal or Heading 6 Link ( the options from the drop down itself)
  1. JAWS does not read the new dailogs
    • Press Alt +F10 to focus the toolbar when we are in editing area
    • Keep pressing tab till we reach Image button.
    • Press Enter to open the selected tool
    • Image Properties dialog frame is opened, but JAWS does not read the dailog name, instead it reads as out of table and the item where the cursor focused
  1. Ctrl + Insert / Shift + Insert to copy/paste is not working.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

We need one ticket for each issue. Otherwise one of the issues may block others to get fixed, other than making discussions over this ticket quite confusing.

This ticket will be closed as invalid, as soon as the other tickets are ready.

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Martin Kou

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
  1. The key for opening the context menu should be Shift+F10. While Ctrl+Shift+F10 still works in normal mode, JAWS seems to confuse it with a simple F10 keystroke which selects the File menu.
  2. This issue is opened as #3357.
  3. This is because arrow keys have special meanings in JAWS. The JAWS section of CKEditor 3.0 Accessibility Guide has clearly documented this.
  4. This issue is opened as #3558. But it won't be fixed in v3.0 because it will be a major change.
  5. This is already fixed with #3413.
  6. This is again documented in the accessibility guide - you need to tell JAWS to refresh the virtual cursor whenever a dialog is opened.
  7. The Insert key has special meaning to JAWS, so these hotkeys will no longer work under JAWs.

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by Martin Kou

Typo: Point 2: This issue is opened as #3557.

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