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Results (1 - 100 of 148)

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Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#1646 Color for Underline and Strikethrough inconsistent confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#2778 Wrong colspan after vertically splitting and merging back cells confirmed Satya Minnekanti, Damian, Teresa Monahan Bug Normal
#5009 Context sub-menu items should not hide other context menu items new satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#5130 inoperable accessibility instructions confirmed Satya Minnekanti, Damian, jamescun.tomnahan Bug Normal
#5503 Font-size overlaps background-color confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#5535 Stack overlow in IE6 when pasting strange HTML confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#5614 Selection incorrect after Undo review satya_minnekanti@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#5944 Menu button does not display sometimes in high contrast mode. confirmed damo satya Bug Normal
#6428 [FF] The cursor disappears from the editor after dragging an image confirmed Damian, joek, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#6443 SelectionChange not firing in all instances confirmed jamcunni@…, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#6514 [IE8]: Highlighted text is deleted when using browser Edit => Copy confirmed Damian, joek, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#6650 IE: Text fields in Table dialog not displaying correct values confirmed Damian, joek, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#6826 List: enter key causes outdent in empty list item only when item has no sublist. With sublist it creates new item on same level confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#6923 IE: Caret shows through styles dropdown confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7017 [IE] Table cells deleted when trying to set formatting for the entire table confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7173 Autogrow usability confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7175 IE: Drop-downs closed immediately after show confirmed Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti, peter, irinauru@… Bug Normal
#7225 FF - Font/Size/Styles not being continued on Enter confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, jamcunni@… Bug Normal
#7299 IE6/IE8: Borders on color panels are not displaying correctly in RTL languages confirmed Damian, Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#7343 Copying a table row content in a different row does not paste properly confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7345 IE Quirks: List item disappears when editor does not have focus confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti, Teresa Monahan Bug Normal
#7350 Clicking in the editor returns the fonts to the default values confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7367 Unable to remove style at end of block confirmed kenny.demetter@…, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7380 Line breaks in list items are lost when followed by another list review kenny.demetter@…, satya_minnekanti@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7449 Image dialog size lock inaccuracy confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, jamcunni@… Bug Normal
#7484 Indented text copied from Word is not displaying properly when pasted into the editor confirmed Damian, Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#7561 IE 'editor.getSelection()' is null or not an object review_failed mcamden@…, satya_minnekanti@…, tkrah@…, joel.peltonen@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7665 IE9: Toolbar buttons are not displaying properly in RTL languages in v2 skin confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti, Teresa Monahan Bug Normal
#7794 Editor missing or placed wrong, after fullscreen enabled confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7852 Autogrow flickrs when grow review typeof, satya_minnekanti@…, saniln@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7865 enterMode BR + SELECT element = Javascript Error confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7920 Webkit: Incorrect font name is displayed confirmed Damian, Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#7923 No horizontal scrollbar when inserting a right aligned floating element that is wider than the page confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti, Teresa Monahan Bug Normal
#7934 IE: Image dialog is unable to load image properties inside of a floating element review director@…, satya_minnekanti@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7942 [Webkit] Paste elements carries applied style confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7974 IE: "Image properties" not available in the context menu in a floating element confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7976 IE: error when saving cell properties on selected content confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7984 AutoGrow fails on Firefox with document that has quirks mode Doctype confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7985 Horizontal Line breaks current formatting confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7989 Lists: Hitting enter with a selection outdents instead of clearing selection confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7994 [IE8, FF] Problems with typing text next to an anchor confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8008 Cannot delete horizontal rule via backspace confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8011 Empty paragraph added on pasting in Webkit and Firefox4 confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8017 Webkit: Problems with undo and lists after switching to source mode and back confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8058 Removing a list removes indentation confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8066 [enterBr] Inserting page break / horizontal line creates a paragraph confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8072 "Insert column before/after" on split cell confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Normal
#8092 CKEDITOR.editor.resize - Invalid documentation confirmed mcamden@…, Irina, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#8097 URL is applied incorrectly when the selection contains an anchor confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#8118 [FF] Strikethrough style works incorrectly for bigger fonts confirmed monahant@…, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8148 issue about sub-table confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8149 ElementsPath doesn't show correct element confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8161 IE9: an iframe without doctype causes problem with combo elements confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8186 If copied MS-Word text contains a text box, then text does not display correctly in the editor confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8206 Firefox: unable to access caption with arrow keys confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8207 IE8 IE9: empty paragraphs inserted when aligning text confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8346 Focus after close dropdown confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8351 Image not visible in page preview confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8412 Opera: insertElement() not working as expected for inline elements confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#8426 Strings for specialchar plugin added directly to editor.lang instead of editor.lang.specialChar confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#8428 Copyright header missing from specialchar\lang\en.js confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#8561 Unexpected lists get created when selecting nested divs confirmed Teresa Monahan, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8677 cke_disabled class is not added to the span for a disabled dialog button confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#8811 Cell width is not updated when a cell is split horizontally confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#8813 Cell width is not updated when cells are merged confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#8896 Using Ctrl-Z after switching to bold and back causes strange cursor jumps confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8939 IE: Selecting a table row and pressing backspace only deletes a cell instead of the full row confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti, Teresa Monahan Bug Normal
#8943 FF: (HC mode) Text does not get highlighted when using Find & Replace dialog in High Contrast mode until the dialog is closed confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti, Teresa Monahan Bug Normal
#8957 Copy-paste of table rows does not work correctly confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#9320 Editor does not autogrow after entering content in Maximize mode confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#9336 Automatically generated toolbar duplicates items that are included in a toolbar menu confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#9391 Inline editing: editor in iframe doesn't react on parent page scroll confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, matti.jarvinen@… Bug Normal
#9759 Inconsistency in preview field for images with % heights confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#9791 IE10: Browser context menu overrides CKEditor context menus on misspelled words confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#10169 Editor context menu unavailable when opened outside the body element of the content area confirmed angel.koilov@…, Damian, Teresa Monahan, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#10201 Table properties have no width when opening dialog after resizing table confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#10209 [FF] Odd cursor position after deleting single bullet point confirmed Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#10247 [Webkit] Enter key before sub list is not right assigned satya_minnekanti@… Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal
#10351 Opera: Replace Textarea Elements by Class Name sample - CKEditor loses focus confirmed Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#10476 IE8: Unspecified error when pasting with a selection in the editor confirmed Satya Minnekanti, Irina Bug Normal
#10553 Find and Replace dialog cannot match text with multiple spaces confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#10631 Content Advisor in IE8 Causes 4.1.2 to not function confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, irinauru@… Bug Normal
#10779 Autogrow: Editor does not scroll to end of pasted content confirmed Satya Minnekanti, Irina Bug Normal
#10847 [FF] Incorrect cursor position on Backspace confirmed Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#10897 IE9/IE10 - No visual indication that a table is selected confirmed Satya Minnekanti, Irina Bug Normal
#10924 Attributes and styles are stripped from block elements when they are pasted in the editor confirmed Satya Minnekanti, Irina Bug Normal
#10941 Indentation not applied to ul/ol element when the entire list is indented confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#10966 [FF] Unable to escape from the link or anchor confirmed Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#10981 Autogrow plugin cause the text content to 'shake' confirmed Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#11065 Incorrect paragraph style after applying indentation and changing text direction confirmed Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti, peter Bug Normal
#11192 Table Tools modify the wrong table when working with the <th> element in a nested table confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#11257 Language dropdown display issues with many language options confirmed Satya Minnekanti, Irina, peter, Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal
#11320 IE: cursor not visible when CKEditor opened as a modal dialog confirmed Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti, peter Bug Normal
#11663 Input Method Editor(IMEs) didn't work properly in CKEditor with the AutoGrow plugin in IE11 review ChrisGui@…, satya_minnekanti@… Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal
#11700 Bringing accessibility support for widgets confirmed IRINAURU@…, giorgio, satya_minnekanti@…, chrisgui@… Bug Normal
#11879 (Chrome) Table: Insert Column After confirmed Satya Minnekanti, Christophe Guillou Bug Normal
#12043 The table should be highlighted when user selects table contents with keyboard (Ctrl+A, Shift+Arrow) confirmed Irina, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#12453 CKEditor in IE11 doesn't handle large tables. confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#12535 Unable to select a table in IE after merging cells confirmed Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#12604 Unit dropdown (px, %) in cell properties layer does not fire an event confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
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