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Results (2301 - 2400 of 2591)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#8044 Table row inserted incorrectly with missing cells confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Load the editor with following content:
    <table style="width: 500px;">
    				cursor here</td>
  2. Place cursor in the last cell of the second row;
  3. Insert column after/before
  • Actual Result: Table remains unchanged. (Edit: fixed ~3.5.3)
  1. Insert row after/before
  • Actual Result: Row inserted with only one cell.
#6268 Tables causing problems with selection after switching to source mode and back confirmed Bug Normal

Confirmed in IE7 @ Win XP.

When having a table in the article, the content above it is not properly handled by CKEditor. For example:

  • when clicking on a link, the "Unlink" button is not available in the toolbar
  • when clicking on the first paragraph, the following buttons are not selected: "Left Justify", "Text direction from left to right"

To reproduce, paste the following source in source mode:

	First line</p>
	<a href=""></a></p>
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px">

and switch to wysiwyg mode. Click on a link, result: the "Unlink" button is not available and "Left Justify" is not selected.

Note: you'll not be able to reproduce this issue if you don't switch to source mode first (so, when creating the same content manually, everything will work as expected... until you switch to source mode for a while).

Looks like a regression introduced in 3.2.1.

#911 table support toward spreadsheet functionality confirmed New Feature Normal

This editor is great. But according to my day to day usage experience for many months, advance table supporting toward spreadsheet functionality is urgently needed. To list a few:

  • drag to border to adjust column width
  • select/copy/paste/cut a rectangular area as in spreadsheet
  • exechange data with spreadsheet (copy/paste)
  • use toolbar/fast-key to execute table functionality

Moved from SF:

#425 Table tags to support enhanced table design by class style confirmed New Feature Normal

Hi, I very miss table autoformat and other function to style table. Is possible to generate table with some enhanced tags. In this case everybody will be able to design table by CSS class (Because there will be chance to design first row, first column and every second row]. Here is example that you can know what I mean.

    <TH scope=col></TH>
    <TH scope=col></TH>
    <TH scope=col></TH>
    <TH scope=row></TH>
    <TD ></TD>
    <TD ></TD>
    <TH scope=row></TH>
  <TR class=odd>
    <TH scope=row></TH>

and so on ....

#10239 Tabletools: add ability to set scope in cell attributes dialog new New Feature Normal


I was very happy to see how well CKE handles the creation of tables, and its half-automated way of creating table headers, which are essential for table accessibility, esp. for screen readers.

While CKE does a good job in "guessing" the correct directionality of table header scope, it doesn't get them right all the time, and also does not automatically create scope="colgroup" or scope="rowgroup" on merged header cells.

Thus, it would be great if you could add a dropdown to the cell attributes dialog that allows the user to specify the correct scope of a header cell (row|col|rowgroup|colgroup) without having to switch to code view, which is often overwhelming for "mere" content editors.

This dropdown would be perfectly placed following the dropdown with which one can set a cell as data or header cell.

Hoping you can take this option into consideration for the next release, and thanking you in advance!

#16823 Tabletools and liststyle should not force custom context menu confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)

Currently there's no way to load tabletools/liststyle plugin without adding a custom context menu. This is something that part of community would like to avoid.

Reason for this is that these plugins has a hard requirement on it, and this is how we need to proceed, because by default contextmenu is the only way how people can interact with it.

#7903 Table Tools APIs are not exposed confirmed New Feature Normal

The table tools plugin provides many useful functions for inserting and deleting table cells/rows/columns, merging cells, splitting cells etc. However these APIs are not available when developing extensions to the editor. Can these APIs please be exposed so that we can provide extensions to the table functionality in our products?

#13035 Tabletools context menu is not showing when we invoke via JAVAFX webview new Bug Normal

Tabletools context menu is showing properly in Chrome , IE. but not in WebView. Please let me know is there any workaround to show the popupmenu in JavaFX Webview browser

#9614 Tabletools insert column before behavior is confusing new Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal

I'm a little bit concerned about the expected behavior of "insert column before" for the following case:

| 1.1 | 1.2^ |
| 2.1 |

How it works now:

| 1.1 | &nbsp; | 1.2^ |
| 2.1 |

How it should look like in my opition:

| 1.1 | &nbsp; | 1.2^ |
| 2.1 | &nbsp; |

Most likely this is not an issue but it brings some confusion. The origin of this issue is in #9609.

#11192 Table Tools modify the wrong table when working with the <th> element in a nested table confirmed Bug Normal

When inserting a row/column/cell to the child table using the context menu, it will insert the row/column/cell on the parent table.

step to reproduce:

  1. add a table (parent table) without header
  2. add another table (child table) with header inside the parent table
  3. right click on the first cell of the child table and insert a row/column/cell

Expected: Row/column/cell will insert in the child table

Actual: Row/column/cell added on the parent table

For more detail, video is attached.

#9681 Tabletools plugin needs refactorization confirmed Bug Normal

It requires table,dialog,contextmenu and is required by tableresize. On the other hand tableresize doesn't require dialog and contextmenu.

#12716 TableTools should be made available from toolbar when context menu isn't used. confirmed New Feature Normal

We have made a fix in #9284 but now users can't use tabletools if they don't want to use contextmenu plugin.

We could make tabletools available from toolbar but first we need to fix:

#11767 Table Tools spanning not updated confirmed Bug Normal


Use IE or FF to be able to easily visualize the issue, in the source its broken for all browsers thogh

  1. Go on
  2. Create a table with 4x4
  3. select Cell 1x1 and set row-spanning to 10
  4. You now have a broken spanning since it is not validated

A more common use-case for normal users would be

  1. Go on
  2. Create a table with 4x4
  3. 3. select Cell 1x1 and set row-spanning to 10
  4. Delete a row -> spanning is not set to 9, instead of getting recoundet and fixed

Basically there is no sense in not validating the data since this is an editor for a user, not developer. In a table with a lot of rows you can easily count wrong and end up having a broken table.


a) caluculate max span for col/rowspan before entering the dialog and offer a select-widget rather then an input field b) validate on save

You could also reuse such a table validator:

#1824 table wizard new New Feature Normal

A table wizard as a GUI to create (complex) table structures.

See rad editor's table wizard

#3397 tableWizard confirmed New Feature Normal

Current functionality for creating tables is quite moderate. A wizard-like tool would be a great addition in my opinion. I have created such a tool myself, see . This could be added to the editor core and be extended with often requested functionalities (like styling a cell, row or column).

#9728 Tabs don't fit in "Hyperlink" dialog at its smallest possible size in Russian translation confirmed Bug Normal

OS: Windows 7 Browser: Firefox 16.02 Screen resolution: 1920x1080

As can be seen from the screenshot provided, "Hyperlink" dialog appears to be a bit broken in its minimal possible size in Russian translation, since tab names are rather long and don't fully fit into the dialog.

P.S. The version is actually 4.0 Final, but I can't find it in the drop-down list below.

#3845 'tabSpaces' config not working for source mode confirmed New Feature Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by code example page with the following config options:
    tabSpaces : 4
  2. Switch to 'source' mode, focus the text area, then press 'Tab Key'
  • Expected Result: Four spaces are inserted.
  • Actual Result: text area is blured.
#12743 Task list: let the user create a list of actionable checkboxes pending New Feature Normal

Let the user enter a list of checkboxes/ radio buttons, that are actionable.

#7962 <td> align attribute causes validation errors in IE 8 confirmed Bug Normal

If I enter this code into the source view using IE8:



<td align="center">some text</td>



It gets changed to



<td align="middle">some text</td>



The new value of "middle" instead of "center" and the page is no longer validate using an xhtml transitional dtd.

#11254 Tests mocking CKEDITOR.editor should be rewritten confirmed Bug Normal

For example: http://ckeditor4.t/dt/core/focusManager/focus.html (#11153)

Mocked editor does not behave like the real one. It's cool to create light unit test, but most important is to write precise and realistic tests. All those which create CKEDITOR.editor instances manually are unsafe and should be rewritten.

#13405 Text Area not working properly during resizing of dialog window when using paste plugin confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Test the issue in
  2. Click Paste plugin, and it display the dialog box.
  3. Resize the dialog box.

Actual result: the text area didn't adjust to the changed dialog box. Expected result: the text area should adjust to the dialog box.

I have prepared the fix from Could you please help check it? Please help solve the issue.


#8518 Text around editor highlights during resize event confirmed Bug Normal

Bug reported by @mrfr0g

We've determined that during the resize event on the editor, the text around the editor is allowed to be selected. In some cases, this would cause large blocks of text to be selected and appear as gray or blue (depending on focus).

  1. Configure CKEDITOR to only allow vertical resizing

config.resize_dir = 'vertical';

  1. Create an editor with a paragraph of text below it.
  2. Resize the editor vertically, then move your mouse horizontally.

The text below the editor should be selected.

Thes can get selected in IE9, Chromw and Safari. This has been reproducible from CKEditor 3.4.3

#8934 Text/Background color applied to entire paragraph removed when we apply new colour to a word in the paragraph confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open AJAX Sample, select a text color ( ex: red)
  1. Start typing the text, see that text color(red) applied to entire text in the paragraph.
  1. Keep cursor in the middle of the paragraph & select a different text color ( ex: green)

Issue: Red color that was applied to the text before was removed, only green color will apply to the text that was typed after the current cursor position

Same issue with Background Color

We expect the text color for the entire paragraph should stay red & green color should be applied to the text typed after current cursor position

#7143 Text Cursor loses position when document-overflow is modified confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce: 1) Add text to editor instance window such that cursor is not at the beginning 2) execute (in firebug's console, for example):

if no scroll is present = "scroll"; or, if scroll is already present = "hidden"; CKEDITOR.instances.MyInstance.insertText('Test');

3) Note that the text has been inserted at the beginning of the text editor.

This is an issue in Firefox 3.6.13 (and I believe earlier FF versions). Not certain if it is an issue in IE.

#14646 Text de-select problem on IE11 confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Opens edit page, which is CKEditor included, on IE 11.
  2. Inputs one line of text and select some text by mouse.
  3. Clicks mouse left button on the area where is below the last line in editable area of CKEditor.

Expected result

De-selects selected text.

Actual result

Nothing change on selected block.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

  • Occurred on IE 11 only, other browsers work fine.
  • I have solved this problem with applying CSS for content area of CKEditor.
    body {
      min-height: 97vh;
  • Instead of 100vh, I have apply 97vh because of scrollbar issue.
#7042 Text Field - block setting defalult value when field type is set to Password confirmed New Feature Low

Linked with #5500
Currently CKEditor allows to set default value for text field which type is set as Password.

  • Under IE default value is cleared when switching from WYSIWYG to source and back.
  • Under Firefox, Opera and Chrome default value is still set.
    	<input maxlength="11" name="tess" size="22" type="password" value="test" />This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="">CKEditor</a>.</p>

We should either block or allow this setting, so CKEditor will work similar in all browsers.

#10575 Text in between two tables is pushed down when deleting upper table confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce: 1) Using the source view paste the attached HTML into the editor 2) Exit source view 3) Select all table cells in the upper table, by clicking and dragging from the bottom right to the top left 4) Delete the upper table by pressing backspace

Expected results: The upper table should be removed, and the "WYSIWYG editor" text should appear above the remaining table

Actual results: The upper table is removed, and the "WYSIWYG editor" text appears below the remaining table, not above

#9024 Text is not remembered after using browser back button and then forward button confirmed New Feature Normal

When I write some text in the editor and click the back button in the browser, and then when I click the forward button - the text isn't in the editor. This is in all browsers. It is working in TinyMCE. I'm not sure if this is a Bug or a New Feature.

#12587 Text jumps up after removing list confirmed Bug Normal

Based on #12323.

Open editor with following content:

  1. Select whole list.
  2. Delete list by pressing backspace.
  3. Click on line with "hello"

Result: text will jump up to first line.

#13961 Text overlap on iPhone 6S in landscape new Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. click on "Why the best?"
  3. turn to Landscape view.

Expected result

Sales pitch

Actual result

Distractingly irritating display overlapping.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Using iPhone 6S, latest software

#11623 Text reflow is broken when deleting text at the end of a list followed by a table confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create an unordered list. The text of the last list item must not be empty.
  • Insert a table immediately after the list. The first cell in the first row must have some text.
  • At the end of the last list item, press "Delete"

Actual behavior:

  • The text in the first table cell flows inside the list item (see screenshot). The first table becomes empty.

Expected behavior (one of the following):

  1. The entire table flows into the list item
  2. Nothing happens
#8160 Text selection disappears when open dialogs confirmed Bug Normal

Every single time I select some text, it becomes unlselected when using the paragraph formatting dropdown, changing text to a link, etc.

Firefox 3.6.17, 3.6.18 on CKEditor version: 3.54. CKEditor 3.5.4 (revision 6899)

Here is a demo showing you how link button is breaking:

Here is a demo showing you how the paragraph formatting dropdown is breaking:

You will see this is an exact replica of the issue here: I was told to create a new ticket for this issue.

#874 Text style control confirmed New Feature Normal

Feature of creation/deletion/renaming text (paragraph) styles needed. Dialog with style properties needed too.

Moved from SF:

#12131 Text wrapping and line heights after starting with a large font. confirmed Bug Normal

Something I've noticed is that if you start typing a paragraph with a large font (tested with 48px) and mid-paragraph switch to a smaller font (tested with 16px), as the paragraph line wraps, the line heights are enormous as they they are formatted for the initial 48px content.

We use your product here daily. Looking into the HTML code that it produces, I can see that it creates a span element with a font-size of 48px as a "wrapper". Then, when I switch font-size to 16px, the editor creates a new span element with this new font-size and places it into the 48px wrapper. Thus, the entire paragraph inherits the line-height initially created by the 48px font size.

A current workaround is to create the entire paragraph with the 16px font size first. Then, after the paragraph is finished, select the word(s) that you want to be 48px and apply it. Doing it this way will create the wrapper with the 16px font size and an internal span of 48px font size where the overall paragraph line-height will be created from the wrapper 16px font size span.

#9421 The background of dialog tabs looks bad with dark UI color confirmed Bug Normal
  • It's quite likely a matter of a bad bg image with CSS repeat.
  • Both 3.6.4 and 3.6.5 are affected.

#14838 The color FF00FF (or F0F) is not named as Fuchsia (or Magenta) recognized by HTML/CSS and X11. confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. add plugin "color button" to CKEditor with Office 2013 theme
  2. Create a form like this :
<form style="margin-left: 80px;">
        <textarea name="editor1" id="editor1" rows="10" cols="80">
            var config = {
                language : 'en',
                height : '500',
                width : '600',
                colorButton_colors : 'FF8C00,FFFF00,00FF00,FF00FF',
            CKEDITOR.replace('editor1', config);
  1. Pass you mouse on every color of the color selector

Expected result

The colors are named in ordre : Dark Orange, Yellow, Lime, Fuchsia (or Magenta ?)

Actual result

The colors are named in ordre : Dark Orange, Yellow, Lime, FF00FF

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

tested on IE11 (11.0.9600) and Firefox 47 plugin color button : office 2013 theme tested on version 4.5.6 too.

#6553 The Find and Replace dialog does not submit on the Enter key confirmed New Feature Normal

The Find dialog doesn't submit on the Enter key, user has to Tab to the Find button. This is an usability issue.

#6354 The i() function takes a lot more time in 3.4.1 than in 3.4.0 confirmed Bug Normal

I have 24 CKEDitor instances in a page. With the latest Firefox using Firebug profiler I get

i()    24    71.74%    5361.136ms    5361.49ms    223.395ms    39.052ms    383.467ms   
ckeditor.js (line 18)
function () {
    var i = !!this.$.offsetHeight &&
        this.getComputedStyle("visibility") != "hidden", j, k;
    if (i && (b.webkit || b.opera)) {
        j = this.getWindow();
        if (!j.equals(a.document.getWindow()) && (k = j.$.frameElement)) {
            i = (new h(k)).isVisible();
    return i;

and the page freezes for a long time.

The most time consuming function in 3.4.0 is getNext():

getNext()   24   18.71%   387.901ms   393.449ms   16.394ms   15.711ms   20.288ms   
ckeditor.js (line 14)

So you see the load differences.

#14608 The inline editor is not scrolling inside scrollable div confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a scrollable div
  2. Inside that scrollable div, add content so that it can actually scroll
  3. Put a inline-editor into to div by setting one div into contenteditable.


Expected result

The inline editor should scroll with the div and behaves as in official demo page.

Actual result

It doesn't scroll.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

This has been tested using Internet Explorer 11.212.10586, Chrome 49.0.2623.112, Firefox 43.0.1, Edge 25.10586.0.0 under Windows 10 CDN is used to include the editor and no plugin is used.

#16808 The Justify plugin doesn't obey the custom Advanced Content Filter rules review Mateusz Samsel Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Make sure the Justify plugin is available.
  2. Configure the editor to use the following custom ACF rules:
allowedContent: 'p ul{text-align};li'
  1. Load the editor. The Justify tool bar buttons are available, which is expected because we have the "p ul{text-align}" rule.
  2. Verify that the custom ACF rules are active using the JavaScript console:
> CKEDITOR.instances.content.filter.check('ul{text-align}')
> CKEDITOR.instances.content.filter.check('li{text-align}')
  1. Create a list
  • first item
  • second item

Place the caret on the second item. The Justify buttons are still enabled. Click on the "Center" button from the tool bar.

Expected result

The Justify plugin should center the entire list (both items) because our custom ACF rules forbid the text-align style on the li element but allow it on the ul element.

Justify plugin should prevent of applying justification on disallow elements. If ACF forbid to apply text-align style on given element, then plugin should be disabled on such element.

Actual result

The Justify plugin centers the second list item, thus generating invalid content from the point of view of the ACF.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Any browser, Any OS, CKEditor 4.6.2, Justify plugin

Note that in my case I have to convert the generated HTML to a specific wiki syntax which doesn't support attributes/styles for the li element. So when the user saves the content the text-align style on the list item is lost. My users are thus complaining that the list alignment is lost. I don't want to disable the Justify plugin.

#9680 The "Maximize" feature should not be a toolbar button confirmed New Feature Normal

We all got used to have the "Maximize" button in the top-right corner (at least Windows users) in each used application. That's a pretty cool thing to have certain basic features working in the same way everywhere.

Unfortunately, uhe Maximize button in CKEditor is currently located somehow in the middle of the toolbar, which makes it hard for the user to use it and to quickly understand that such feature is in fact available.

It would be nice to not have it available as a button, but instead make it a part of the toolbar, e.g. just like the collapser in V3.

#10444 The order of several events differs among creators confirmed Bug Low

Extracted from ticket:10370#comment:3.

Most likely this issue requires lots of coding with no significant improvement to the editor.

Problem is that
inline loads: dataReady, contentDom
framed loads: contentDom, dataReady

This can be checked with:

var editor = CKEDITOR.inline( 'editable' );
	editor.on('contentDom', function(){
	editor.on('dataReady', function(){
#8785 There is no option like CKEDITOR.config.forcePasteFromWord confirmed New Feature Normal

People are trying to force the filtering provided by the "Paste from Word" feature, however there is no such configuration option:

It would be nice to introduce it, the alternative right now looks like that:

#13852 There is no way to disable the font and fontsize button on the toolbar confirmed New Feature Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open CKEditor with standard toolbar
  2. Try going to commands for current instance and call command.disable() for each item in commands
  3. It will disable almost all but few buttons on toolbar

I have tried solution provided by garry.yao on the following link:

Expected result

I want way to disable font and fontsize button

Actual result

No option available through commands collection

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#839 There should be a button that insert BR with CLEAR="ALL" confirmed New Feature Normal


There should be a button that insert BR with CLEAR="ALL", and there should be a placeholder visible in FCKeditor for that tag as well. And eventually possible to use other values as well, such as LEFT or RIGHT instead of ALL.

Let say you insert an image or table and make it either left or right align so text can wrap around the object. Let say you write some text left of inserted object (if you right aligned the object above), but not so much text that the text are continuing below the object.

If you now want to continue writing another section from a place below the inserted object above then you would (today) have to insert multiple normal line-breaks <br /> in order to get to the bottom of the right aligned object. (or have I missed something here? )

IMHO that is not the correct way of doing it. And I think the correct way would be to insert one:

<br clear="all" />

to continue writing after the right aligned object.

( if one use <br /> tags to get below the object then this would not nessesarily look very good if the content is displayed in a container that is wider or narrower than the editor area when writing.... which of course is very likely to happen )

Okay.... writing a plugin that creates the button and the function that insert the needed <br clear="all" /> should not be to hard, but would be nice if FCK could do this as I also want to see a nice placeholder for the new tag... something similar to the placeholder for the Anchor.

Moved from SF:

#12779 There should be a way to drag&drop widget into a table cell confirmed New Feature Normal

Right not widgets use lineutils to handle drag and drop. This is causing some limitations on how drag&drop can be used. For example it is impossible to drag the enhanced image with a caption across table cells.

#3318 There should be some guarantee at plugin loading order review Garry Yao New Feature Normal

The iframedialog plugin is now having to use onLoad to load its code because the plugin system is always loading iframedialog first, running iframedialog's init() first, and even running iframedialog's onLoad() first.

So far we've been able to get iframedialog plugin to load correctly with the onLoad() hack. But if someone else's plugin needs the iframedialog plugin to be loaded before loading theirs, they'll have to find some even dirtier ways to do it. The requires array in plugin definition doesn't help here.

This situation is clearly not sustainable. We'll need to find some way of guaranteeing the loading order of plugins based on their dependencies. If that's not possible, we should at least guarantee the calling order of some of their initialization functions.

#12167 The save plugin needs improvements confirmed Bug Normal

It looks like the save plugin has been left in a state which is pretty much hard to explain and where this plugin isn't useful at all.

  1. The Save button is only available when editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE, which means that it is not available for example in "Replace Textarea with Inline Editor" where editor mode is ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE.
  1. "Replace Textarea with Inline Editor" is not the only case where the Save buton would be useful. After all thanks to the "save" event each CKEditor instance can benefit from this button to save data using AJAX.
  1. The requirement of having a parent <form> element is invalid. Again, thanks to the save element a developer may want to have such button even inside an instance that is not wrapped inside a form. Actually, if there is a need for the Save button and a listener for "save" event used, it's even more probable that CKEditor is not a part of a form element.

What we should do is:

  1. Keep the Save button always enabled.
  2. If parent <form> element is detected, submit the form.
  3. Always fire the save event when Save button is used: (i) to make it possible to save data through ajax and (ii) to prevent from submitting the form if the developer doesn't want it.

Warning: (1) is tricky as it will enable Save button for any existing instances. On the other side we can simply warn about this in changelog and blog just like we did with ACF.

#16922 the size of picture upload manager window is break pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. set the chrome height < 600
  2. open the editor and set fullscreen
  3. open the picture mananger and switch to upload tab

Expected result

the window's width is well

Actual result

the window's width is bread

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#3079 The state should be reflected in the table elements title review_failed New Feature Normal

The current state of the toolbar items should be included in the title, so screen readers read it. The possible options should be, for the Bold button for example:


The language file should use a template system for these entries, like "%1 (On)".

#12741 The table in a list item gets deleted when clicking enter confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Insert numbered list and insert a table in it

2.Place a cursor after the table, and hit ENTER

Expected: new numbered list item should be added Actual: the previous list item with the table is deleted.

Issue happens in all browsers

#12043 The table should be highlighted when user selects table contents with keyboard (Ctrl+A, Shift+Arrow) confirmed Bug Normal

*Can reproduce on IE9, IE 10, IE 11, Firefox 29 *Can't reproduce on Chrome 35, Safari 7

Tested on

===Steps to reproduce===

  1. Insert a table
  1. Type something in the table
  1. Press Ctrl + A to select all contents
  1. Check the table

*Please refer the attachment to get more detail

===Expected Result=== The table should be highlighted when user press ctrl + A to select all contents

===Actual Result=== Only the text in the table is highlighted

#14432 the traditional chinese translate for Insert/Remove Numbered List needs to revise confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

Here is the snapshot,

Expected result


Actual result


#13407 The window still resizes following mouse movement after letting go of the mouse click confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open with Chrome
  2. Paste enough text to make the vertical scrollbar appear
  3. Click on the bottom right corner to resize ckeditor
  4. While resizing (do not release the click), move the pointer to the vertical scrollbar
  5. Release the click with the pointer on the scroll bar
  6. Move the pointer around the screen

Expected behaviour:
ckeditor stops resizing when releasing the click

Acutal behaviour:
ckeditor keeps resizing along with the mouse movements

#17047 [TI] Hovering over table after one selected throws an error. confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Select the first row in a table.
  3. Copy.
  4. Paste after Some text (and before existing table).
  5. Select whole row in a first (pasted) table.
  6. Without releasing the mouse button, hover over the second table.

Expected result

No error and probably selection should expand somehow on the second table.

Actual result

Error is thrown Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Tested on Chrome and Safari.

#599 Timestamp confirmed New Feature Normal

One thing I would appriciate is a timestamp button thats adds the computers date and time and a possilbilty in config to get us or european setup.

The reason beeing is that it would be great to use in journals etc.

with Regards

ObjectCat / Fredrik

Moved from SF:

#17051 [TI] Select all on only table content creates native selection. confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Follow the scenario (with Cmd + A).
  3. When releasing Cmd + A, release A and after some time release Cmd.

Expected result

The table is faked selected.

Actual result

Native selection is visible.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

OS X, tested on Safari, Chrome. Works fine on Firefox.

Additionally on Safari, error is thrown: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'e.getChild(f-1).type'). If Cmd + A is release at once it works fine. Seems to be working fine on Windows where select all is fired after releasing A. On OS X it is fired after releasing Cmd.

#12194 Title tag is messed up using special characters. confirmed Bug Normal

We have a situation when our webpages name (this is actually the <title> tag) are tested with special character sets. As a result (loading this page into CK) the title tag completely messed up and its content is moved under the body. The title we applied is this:


I could narrow down what character sequence causes the issue. So this is it:


So, whenever we apply this <? as a title it will be encoded and saved as


. That is fine but during the load process this title is messed up and we get the following weird title tag:

>&lt;title data-cke-title=&quot;Rich Text Editor, Textarea1, Press ALT 0 for help

Here, there is no normal opening <title> tag and the closing </title> is missing.

Fortunately I can reproduce this kind of behavior in the DEMO. STR:

  1. Go to DEMO page (I used IE11) and launch full featured page.
  2. clear the content and switch to source view
  3. paste the following string into it: (note, the <title> contains the encoded <? characters and browsers can display this title with no issue at all)

  1. switch back to wysiwyg mode and the page is not empty (it should be). It contains the <? characters. This is because the <title> tag was broke up and its content moved to the body. So, something odd happens during the setData().
#12864 Toggling bulleted list insert line breaks when enterMode is configured as CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR confirmed Bug Normal

Toggling bulleted list inserts unwanted line breaks when enterMode is configured as CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR

Please see attachment.

#13677 Toolbar button icons (icons_hidpi.png) are mangled in some zoom levels in Blink-based browsers (Chrome/Opera) on a Retina Mac. confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to in Chrome or Opera on a Retina Mac.
  2. For a baseline, start with Actual Size (View->Actual Size or CMD 0); toolbar icons are good.
  3. Now check various zoom levels (View->Zoom In/Zoom Out or CMD+/CMD-.

Expected result

Tool button icons are correct at any zoom level.

Actual result

Tool button icons are correct at: 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150%, and all higher values.

Tool button icons are wrong at: 67%, 90%, 110%

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Mac OS Yosemite 10.10.5, Retina display.

Problem occurs in Chrome "Version 44.0.2403.155 (64-bit)" and Opera "31.0.1889.174".

Problem does not occur in Safari "Version 8.0.8 (10600.8.9)" or Firefix 40.0 on the same machine, or in any browser on a Windows 8.1 non-retina machine.

#16761 Toolbar button status on touch devices does not update for inline styles (italics, font family, etc). confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce :

  1. Check that the Italic is unselected.
  2. Select a certain text and select Italic.
  3. The selected text Italicices
  4. Now, select another piece of text which is not italic. The Italic option is still selected but the selected text is not Italic.

Expected result

Whenever a text is selected toolbar is not having selections as per the formatting of selected text.

Actual result

Whenever a text is selected toolbar should have the selections as per the formatting of selected text.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

This issue is reproducible only in iPad. I tried on safari and chrome(iPad 8.1.1)

#4516 Toolbar button to embed Silverlight confirmed New Feature Normal

As requested, I am sending everything that your developers will need in order to add a button to the toolbar to facilitate embedding Silverlight using CKEditor.

Embedding Silverlight is very similar to embedding Flash. With Flash, the application is packaged in a SWF file. With Silverlight, the application is packaged in an XAP file.

So the new toolbar button will simply need to add some HTML -- it's a lot like embedding Flash.

How to embed Silverlight using HTML:

A list of all available embed parameters:

Working example -- a Silverlight Video player:

HTML code for the example:

<object id="Player" data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="640" height="360">

<param name="source" value="/ClientBin/VideoPlayer.xap" /> <param name="minruntimeversion" value="2.0.31005.0" /> <param name="background" value="#000000" /> <param name="initParams" value="m=" /> <a href="" style="text-decoration: none;"><img src="" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style: none" /></a>


#6162 Toolbar Combobox Widths should be configurable assigned Jakub Ś New Feature Normal

The width of the toolbar comboboxes (style, format, fontsize, etc.) should be configurable. Most of the time the name of the selected item is abbreviated and cannot be read.

There is no need for adjusting the width to the combobox content. Being able to set the width manually is fine.


#14711 Toolbar configurator buttons are not accessible with keyboard. confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open basic toolbar configurator
  2. Start tabbing

Expected result

You should be able to focus buttons.

Actual result

Whole panel is not accessible. You need to click on one of the buttons and now you can tab through them but that initial click is needed.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#13134 [Toolbar configurator] "What am I doing here" box need to be moved above the toolbar assigned Artur Delura Bug Normal

So toolbar is closer to the toolbar editor.

#16886 Toolbar configurator won't work with A11y Checker confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. OR
  2. Run toolbar configurator

Expected result

Toolbar configurator to load and allow customization.

Actual result

Errors out.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerText' of null ckeditor.js:1563

Also get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'refresh' of null index.html:200 when switching from basic to advanced or vice versa.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Tried Chrome and Firefox, CKEditor 4.6.1 and also just tried 4.6.2. Have a few plugins extra that can be seen in the builder. I also tried adding jquery into the page but still get errors.

#4582 Toolbar expand/collapse toggle button cannot be tabbed to and does not have tooltip text confirmed Bug Normal

The toolbar toggle button can not be given focus when tabbing through the toolbar items. It also does not display any tooltip text when you hover over with the mouse.

#11624 toolbarGroups - impossible to remove subgroup that has the same name as group confirmed Bug Normal

Default configuration:

CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
	toolbarGroups : [
		{ name: 'document',    groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] },
		{ name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] }, // <----
		{ name: 'editing',     groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ] },
		{ name: 'forms' },
		{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
		{ name: 'paragraph',   groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi' ] },
		{ name: 'links' },
		{ name: 'insert' },
		{ name: 'styles' },
		{ name: 'colors' },
		{ name: 'tools' },
		{ name: 'others' },
		{ name: 'about' }
} );

Undo subgroup removed (undo/redo buttons are gone):

CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
	toolbarGroups : [
		{ name: 'document',    groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] },
		{ name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'clipboard' ] }, // <----
		{ name: 'editing',     groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ] },
		{ name: 'forms' },
		{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
		{ name: 'paragraph',   groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi' ] },
		{ name: 'links' },
		{ name: 'insert' },
		{ name: 'styles' },
		{ name: 'colors' },
		{ name: 'tools' },
		{ name: 'others' },
		{ name: 'about' }
} );

Clipboard subgroup removed (clipboard buttons are still available):

CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
	toolbarGroups : [
		{ name: 'document',    groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] },
		{ name: 'clipboard',   groups: [ 'undo' ] }, // <----
		{ name: 'editing',     groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ] },
		{ name: 'forms' },
		{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
		{ name: 'paragraph',   groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi' ] },
		{ name: 'links' },
		{ name: 'insert' },
		{ name: 'styles' },
		{ name: 'colors' },
		{ name: 'tools' },
		{ name: 'others' },
		{ name: 'about' }
} );
#6065 Tooltip for elements path elements are wrong for the Arabic language confirmed Bug Normal

With the Arabic language, it's possible to note that something went wrong with the "1%" marker of that localization entry.

#6198 Too narrow Create Table dialog window confirmed Bug Low

In Google Chrome, open CKEditor
Set Polish language Open Add table dialog

Two scrollbars are visible.

In the same window, opened in Firefox, one letter is placed on border of dialog window.

#14851 trailing slash is removed from meta tag confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open test.html page
  2. Switch to HTML Source tab
  3. Observe meta tag, trailing slash is removed

Expected result

mata tag is converted into (XHTML) self-closing tag with trailing slash: e.g. <meta charset="utf-8" />

Actual result

mata tag is converted into self-closing tag without trailing slash: <meta charset="utf-8">

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#12265 Transform inline widget into block and back confirmed New Feature Normal

Since there are many questions about block MathJax some, helpers to create generic block-inline widgets would be useful.

It might be a pair of methods to transform inline widget into block and back. Of course every widget have to make some addition transformation but the common part could be handled by the widget system.

#8690 Trim trailing whitespace when creating elements confirmed Bug Normal

Under Windows, if I double-click on a word, the space after the word is also selected. If I then click on a button to add an underline, bold, link, etc. that trailing space will become underlined, part of the link, etc.

Normally, links, etc. should end at the end of the word.

Proposed solution: When creating a new element from a selection, trim trailing whitespace and re-add that space on the outside of the closing tag.

I tried to write a patch, but I am not familiar enough with the code base and was unable to find that place where new elements are created.

#14562 triple click and delete ruins widget in chrome review Tade0 Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Use chrome
  2. insert widget with two editable regions that are both div
  3. type some text in first region
  4. triple click in first region (to select entire block)
  5. press delete or backspace key


Expected result

text should be deleted and the widget should still have two editable regions

Actual result

In CKEditor 4.5.8, the entire first region is deleted.

In CKEditor 4.4.1, the text from second region is moved to the first. See

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

chrome 49.0.0263

See Also

#12539 Two CKEditors within the same fieldset will overflow on resize in Chrome/Safari. confirmed Bug Normal

Inside the same fieldset, two ckeditors will overflow the container on resize in Chrome/Safari.

Code that reproduces the bug:

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
			html {
				background-color: lightgray;
			textarea {
				width: 100%;
		<div id="content">
				<textarea name="editor1" id="editor1">&lt;p&gt;Foo foo!&lt;/p&gt;</textarea>	
				<textarea name="editor2" id="editor2">&lt;p&gt;Foo foo!&lt;/p&gt;</textarea>
		<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
#10402 TypeError: A/range is undefined when calling insertHtml after hide/show. confirmed Bug Normal

Repoducible on the Demo Page:

var cke = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1
cke.insertHtml('<img src="" />');


TypeError: A is undefined

TypeError: range is undefined (with uncompressed sources)

I tested this against release/4.1.x 3cb9cc24ed187a8ad29b810798f3427cc45a6fcf

#13775 Typing into selected contents of span tag creates font tag confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open replacebycode sample and clear editor contents
  2. Type few characters
  3. Select chars and change text color and font to e.g. Comic sans
  4. While whole text is still selected (you can also unselect and select whole sample text again - result will be the same), type new random characters

Expected result

Span tags stays and only its content changes.

Actual result

Span tag is changed to font tag.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.0 in Blink/Webkit and in IE11 from version 4.3 (this is the version when we have started supporting IE11 and issue probably occurs in earlier versions as well). Firefox and IE10- seem to work fine.

#14329 Typing Japanese with Windows IME on IE 11 does not fire change events review kkrzton Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Set up a Japanese IME keyboard on Windows (instructions here
  2. Go to nightly ckeditor build in IE 11
  3. Add a simple change hander in the console window that logs change events.

CKEDITOR.instances.editor.on('change', function(e) { console.log(this.getData()); })

  1. Change your input type to Hiragana and type something in like "Arigato". Press space to open the dropdown selector and pick one of the options or just press "enter" to confirm the word.

Expected result

When you confirm your composite word, the change event should fire and log the word typed.

Actual result

The change event does not fire.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Chrome seems to fire change events on nearly every keypress in IME mode. Firefox only does it when a word is "confirmed." I think Firefox has the right behavior, but really either is fine as long as the change event eventually fires. I have not tried IE10 or below, but I'm betting they have the same issues.

#6124 Typing * TEXT auto bullets confirmed New Feature Normal

In MS Word, Google Docs, etc if you type in:

  • Some Text

The editor automatically creates a bulleted list. This is very helpful to users because it's fast and doesn't require the user to stop their train of thought.

If CKEDITOR had this it'd be huge.

#14392 uiColor config option doesn't change editor's color with kama skin confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Change skin of editor to kama and set custom color with uiColor config option.

Expected result

Editor's layout's color is changed according to uiColor option.

Actual result

Editor's layout's color remains unchanged.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Tested in CKE 4.5.6 and 4.5.7, probably reproducible from 4.5.0.

#8360 UI color picker - units are placed on dialog border or labels overlap text fields confirmed Bug Normal




Under ie7, units from second column are placed on border of dialog window

#9671 UI Color plugin works very slowly in Firefox - It can freeze the browser. confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open UI color sample and open UI color dialog
  2. Grab the circle and move it a little bit.


  1. Firefox 3.6 - works rather smoothly but IMO after closing dialog it was hard to get any response from page for few seconds
  2. In FF16 - Colors don't change at once and you have to wait sometime after closing dialog to get browser response.

Please note that problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 3.0.2 but in CKE 4.x the performance is much worse than in CKE 3.x

#10737 UI languages sample should show some BiDi features confirmed Task Normal

Hey guys, The UI languages sample aims to show that the editor could be used in an RTL environment. While the basic goal of this sample is indeed reached (the UI does show up in Hebrew), it's worth showing some of the appropriate BiDi features CKEditor has to offer. When one changes the UI language in the sample, he might expect to try and write something using the chosen language. Currently, if the language is changed to (e.g.) Hebrew, the cursor stays on the left and the text is actually written as LTR. This could be solved either by changing the default writing direction on this sample accordingly, or at least by providing LTR/RTL and alignment buttons on the toolbar. P.S - "Try "arabic" or "hebrew" to check RTL support:" - Arabic and Hebrew should be capitalized (proper nouns). Just my two cents :)

#16706 UI Tooltips confirmed New Feature Nice to have (we want to work on it)

As a part of #16373 and #14931 tasks we created a plugin that shows a tooltip for keyboard focus and mouse over.

We need to polish few things:

  • UI, redesign it to look better, some ideas:
    • Positioning - tooltips should be cenetered to the button. Now they are just displayed underneath starting from left.
    • Triangle - Add an pointing triangle at the middle of it.
  • Due to the fact that plugin was created to work with maximum portability it "knows" about possible integrations. We should reverse this, and say that tooltip will be applied for link elements with .cke_tooltip class, or anything like that.
    • It's OK for the plugin to directly replace toolbar buttons, as it's the only plugin required by keyboardtooltip.
  • Plugin name, keyboardtooltip is no longer relevant as it's not only for keyboard but also for mouseover. Let's rename it simply to tooltip.
  • There's a problem that the tooltip is visible right after opening the dialog (despite opening the dialog with mouse). The problem is that it overlays the content below the focused option. Here are the steps:
    1. Open smiley manual test.
    2. Click smiley button (this opens a dialog).

Expected: tooltip is not visible, as it hides "indecision" smiley.

The codebase is pushed to branch t/16706.

#11470 [Umbrella] a11yhelp dialog needs attention confirmed Task Normal

There are several things concerning the dialog that should be investigated/fixed/re-factorized:

  1. Keyboard button labels are not consistent

    Editor Context Menu Press Shift+Ctrl+F10 or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. [...]

This is because some labels are hard-coded (upper case) and some are generated from langfiles (lower case). #11196 allowed translation of keys and we should take advantage of that feature. All hard-coded labels must be converted into dynamic ones.

  1. We must verify whether help strings still match editor features. Some of them may be outdated/irrelevant/misleading. If necessary, some new ones should be written.
  1. Some instructions are too complicated, some are unclear, e.g. lots of translators do not understand the MagicLine-related texts so we should revise the contents overall.
  1. We must investigate a11y aspect of the dialog, e.g. compatibility with screen readers (JAWS). Perhaps <kbd> tags would be suitable here and there.

Related tickets we could also take into consideration:

  • #8490: Plugins should extend a11yhelp to make the dialog dynamic and (build/editor)-dependent. At the moment a11yhelp creates a delusion that some features are enabled while, in fact, the plugins to which they belong are not even loaded.
  • #9638: "Press ALT 0 for help" iframe voice label makes no sense when a11yhelp is not loaded (i.e. basic build).
  • #10929: Spelling Mistakes on Accessibility Instructions dialog.
#9998 [Umbrella][Blink/Webkit] Issues related to backspace and delete keys handling confirmed Bug Normal

This is an umbrella ticket for all issues related to backspace and delete keys handling caused by the following Webkit's and Blink's bugs:

Related tickets: #8438, #8439, #8440, #10359, #10515, #11483, #11592, #11415 and many others...


<span> created while joining two adjacent elements

Related issues: #9998

Target ticket: #11861

Example 1

  1. Set data
  2. Backspace.
  3. <p>foo<span style="line-height:1.6">bar</span></p>

Example 2

  1. Set data
  2. Backspace.
  3. <h1>foo<span style="font-size:13px; line-height:1.6">bar</span></h1>

<span> created while joining two adjacent elements (non-collapsed selection)

Related issues: #9998

Target ticket: #11980

Example 1

  1. Set data
  3. Result:
      <p>fo<span style="line-height:1.6">^ar</span></p>
  4. Expected

Attempt to preserve the visual style of the contents -> i.e. <strong> becomes <b>

Backspace (unable to remove formatting)

Related issues: #8438, #11592, #11483

  1. <p>x<strong>y^</strong></p>
  2. Backspace.
  3. Type “z”.
  4. <p>x<b>z^</b></p>

Backspace (underlined link becomes <u>)

Related issues: #11592

  1. <p><a href="http://foo">[foo]</a>bar</p>
  2. Backspace.
  3. Type "foo".
  4. <p><u>foo^</u>bar</p>
  5. Frown
  6. Grin

Note: This case uncovers the algorithm used in Webkit. The engine attempts to preserve the style no matter how ridiculous it would be – it uses <u> because it is the closest style, which corresponds visually with underlined link.

Del (unable to remove formatting)

Related issues: #8439, #8440, #12100

  1. <p>foo</p>
  2. CTRL+A.
  3. Bold.
  4. DEL.
  5. Type “bar”.
  6. <p><b>bar^</b></p>

Another example available in Blink browsers only:

  1. Switch to source mode and clear editor contents
  2. Paste this code <p><strong>test</strong></p>
  3. Press Ctrl+A
  4. Hit Backspace.

Result: Elements' path in Blink shows 'p' and when user starts typing text will be bold again. If user presses Backspace two times then whole formatting will be removed but there is no way for user to know that.

<span> created while splitting elements (DnD), extra &nbsp;

Related issues: #10515

  1. Set the following HTML
        <span style="font-size:28px">
  2. Drag [bar] into ba|m
  3. editor.getData().
  4. See the result.
        <span style="font-size:28px">
            foo &nbsp;
        <strong style="font-size:28px; line-height:44.79999923706055px">bar</strong>
        <em style="font-size:28px; line-height:1.6">m</em>
        <span style="font-size:28px; line-height:1.6"> bang</span>
  5. Then WYSIWYG->Source->WYSIWYG.
  6. ACF brings the ultimate destruction.
        <span style="font-size:28px">foo &nbsp;<em>ba</em></span>
        <span style="font-size:28px"> bang</span>
#11503 [Umbrella] Further widgets integration with ACF confirmed New Feature Normal

Cases we need to solve

  1. Integration with styles applicable to widgets. See #11297.
  2. Disabling ACF in body of some widgets - e.g. mediaembed. See #11737 and #10925.
  3. Filtering pasted widgets. See #11115.

Cause of problems

  1. ACF filters data before widgets are upcasted. Therefore for example mediaembed cannot notify ACF that children of some elements should not be filtered and it's not possible to create allowed content rule based on a widget name and style properties allowed on that widget element.
  2. In pasted or dropped content we have the upcasted and initialized HTML of a widget. Therefore we cannot filter it, because ACF is applied to the data format.


ACF after upcasting

The advantage of this solution is that ACF would know everything about widgets, so it could make precise decisions. Additionally, while filtering pasted content there would be no problem at all, because it would be the same case.

However, there are two problems which makes this idea incorrect:

  • Assuming that we've got some complex widget like image2, which makes a lot of transformations while upcasting, how would ACF filters the upcasted image? How could it strip, without breaking widget, figcaption and figure if they are not allowed? It's simply impossible, without some special actions from the upcast method. It could theoretically ask ACF if specific components of widget are allowed, but it's tricky and still doesn't solve this issue completely.
  • Moreover, when ACF would filter upcasted version of widgets it would be impossible or a lot harder to define ACF rules. One would have to know internal widget structure to define those rules. In my opinion this makes the idea totally wrong. ACF filters data format and that's a foundation we have to keep.

ACF filters data

Previous section proved that ACF needs to be applied to data, not to inner HTML. This means that the current way of processing is the only correct one, but on the other hand we still have those three cases, which are listed at the beginning, that have to be solved.

  1. Integration with styles applicable to widgets - a solution has been proposed in It may not be 100% precise in some cases, but there's another ACF's characteristic which we have to keep in mind. It's not meant to be a security filter. It's meant to ensure good UX in as many cases as possible. Therefore when uncommon constellation of element and its attributes slips through its hands it's not a blocker.
  1. Disabling ACF without a possibility to communicate through element's attributes. In this case the only possible solution is a callback executed by ACF which will notify it about how it should proceed. For example mediaembed will add a callback which will tell ACF that all descendants of element should be skipped if element has mediaembed's class. Callback will return binary flags, because we may need more options in the future. Example of flags that we may need to implement:
  • DISABLE_ON_ELEMENT - skips only this element (continues on descendants),
  • DISABLE_ON_DESCENDANTS - skips descendants,
  • CONTINUE_ITERATION - continue iteration - used with DISABLE_ON_DESCENDANTS could inform ACF that it should look for a descendant that reenables filtering,
  • ENABLE - reenable filtering.

But of course for now we'll need just one of these flags, so only one should be implemented.

Ticket: #11737.

  1. Filtering pasted widgets. It's not possible to filter widget's upcasted version - only its source version can be filtered. If we had full control over clipboard we could downcast selected data on cut/copy and then filtering on paste would work like filtering on data load. Unfortunately, we don't have full control over clipboard and won't have even after #11437, because of IEs.

Therefore, the only solution might be to look for upcasted widgets in pasted data, extract their HTML, find out from which editors they came from, use those editors to downcast them, and replace their upcasted version with downcasted one in pasted data. This could be based on unique editors' ids and data-cke-widget-editor-id attributes marking widget wrappers. This won't work when copying between window tabs or frames or when editor instance has been destroyed in the meantime and I'm not sure what should happen in such situation.

Similar solution, maybe more straightforward and more reliable would be if editor, on cut/copy/dragstart if it cannot override the content, could retrieve widgets' HTML from selection, downcast them and store in the CKEDITOR object, so all other editors will be able to replace pasted widgets with their downcasted HTML stored in that object. Of course widgets have to be marked with unique ids to make this possible. This option is better than the previous one because widget's HTML will be kept even after editor is destroyed. We can also reuse the same mechanism in drag and drop for IEs in which we will need to store the data for a while. As the mechanism will be public 3rd party code will be able to integrate with it.

And the third solution, nearly perfect, is to control copy and cut and override data with HTML extracted by us and processed by htmlDP.toDataFormat. We will need to do the same for drag&drop, so it won't be a big problem to eventually make the same with copy/cut. Additionally, we would automatically solve the problem with Blink putting awful HTML into clipboard.

#11596 [Umbrella] MathJax plugin improvements confirmed Task Normal

This is umbrella ticked for MathJax improvements.

The list of the tickets with bug/feature requests for MathJax:

#16723 [Umbrella] Plugin items that use contenteditable=false have cursor issues confirmed Bug Normal

It's easiest to see using the link below, as the placeholder plugin goes through Widget, which uses contenteditable=false to make the yellow placeholder? items behave as a single unit:

However, the bugs I'm about to report apply to ANY item in ckeditor that uses contenteditable=false to behave as a single unit.

There are several issues that end up confusing users. Steps to replicate included:

1) In the link above, delete the period after "Hotline number?." so that Hotline number? is the last element on that line. With the insertion point at the end of the line (to the right of Hotline number?), click and drag from the end of the line to the left. Current behavior: NO selection is made. Expected behavior: it should select the element as you drag to the left. Put a period back at the end of the line to observe expected behavior.

2) Use the toolbar button "Insert/Remove Bulleted List" Make at least 3 bullet items. Copy and paste placeholder? items so they are the last element on each row of the bulleted list. Ensure that no other characters come after the placeholder? item (such as periods or spaces).

Now click to the right of the end of each line for each bullet point. In some cases, the insertion point appears at the far right side of the editor area, instead of immediately to the right of the placeholder? item. I haven't yet figured out how to reliable reproduce this, however. Sometimes the cursor appears in the correct location.

3) Copy and paste any bullet point line, including both some plain text, and your template? item, to create a new, identical bullet point. Use this using the keyboard commands Command-C and Command-V. Hit return and repeat. You'll find you can't, because during the paste process, somehow the document is no longer in focus -- the insertion point seems to be "gone" after paste.

#12123 [Umbrella] Problems with selection in table cells confirmed New Feature Normal
  1. On IEs empty cells' selection is invisible. IE renders only text selection.
  2. On FF there's a similar problem like on IE, with a difference that cells can be selected as a whole but only by mouse.
  3. Column selection is impossible on all browsers except Firefox.
  4. It's hard to select a row.
  5. [IE9+] No visual indication that a table is selected (#10897).

The full solution would be a fake table selection - similar to fake element selection which we have for non-editable elements. Partial solutions may also be possible.

Sub tickets: #8830, #12043.

#12134 [Umbrella] Support widgets in readOnly mode confirmed New Feature Nice to have (we want to work on it)

Features that needs to be disabled in readOnly mode:

  • widget hover,
  • widget focus on click,
  • nested editables must not be editable,
  • drag handler must not be visible and widget must not be draggable
  • #14558 - it is possible to delete widget in read only mode

Related: #11825.

#11787 Umbrella ticket for Problems with Asian input confirmed Bug Normal

It seems that we have couple of issues that concern Asian languages and input methods:

  1. #8854, #10414, #13575 - IE, Enter_BR result in invalid input. Related ticket - #12391
  2. #12597 - Blink, Enter_BR result in invalid imput
  3. #9332, #9749 - startupFocus:true in Firefox, not possible to type Japanese chars
  4. #11663, #12415 - IE11, autogrow result in invalid input
  5. #11601 - Firfox space is increased on copy/paste
  6. #8913 - full width spaces.
  7. #11764 - not yet confirmed.
  1. #12910 - IE11, Korean; Issue may be associated with string size.
  2. #13043 - IE11, Korean; Inline styles are not maintained when typing.

#5960 Unable change selected background color after undo cancel selected color confirmed Bug Normal

Select the sentences >click on background color >select more color

click on cancel>click on cancel again

Click on <OK> ( Notice it show selected color )

it does not change background color in the editor

#11114 Unable to access context menu with menu key when widget is focused confirmed Bug Normal
  1. samples/plugins/image2/image2.html
  2. Focus widget.
  3. Press menu key.
  4. Nothing happens.

Both right-click and CTRL+SHIFT+F10 work as expected.

#8748 Unable to apply any inline style to text inside first block element inside td when there is a comment before confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce paste in the below code: 1.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
	<head><!-- Facebook sharing information tags -->
		<meta content=" " property="og:title">
	<body leftmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" offset="0" topmargin="0">
		<table border="0" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
					<td valign="top"><!--Begin Module Standard Content-->
							<h1 class="h1">Heading 1</h1>
							<h2 class="h2">Heading 2</h2>
							mollis a.
  1. Try to apply font-size or font color to text in heading one
  2. Because of the comment above there will be no change and result will look like
    <span id="cke_bm_111S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>Heading 1<span id="cke_bm_111E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span></h1>
#7813 Unable to apply more than one style to selected text confirmed Bug Normal

Not sure if we have already a ticket for it.

The XHTML sample is using classes for different styles and it works fine (it's possible to apply bold and italic to the same text):

coreStyles_bold	: { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Bold'} },
coreStyles_italic	: { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Italic'}},
coreStyles_underline	: { element : 'span', attributes : {'class': 'Underline'}},

However, when using the following:

config.coreStyles_bold = { element: 'span', attributes: { 'style': 'font-weight:bold'} };
config.coreStyles_italic = { element: 'span', attributes: { 'style': 'font-style:italic'} };
config.coreStyles_underline = { element: 'span', attributes: { 'style': 'text-decoration:underline'} };

CKEditor allows setting only one style on the same selection. It's quite strange because each style uses a different CSS rule (font-weight/text-decoration etc.).

#7638 Unable to apply style to the <strong> element confirmed Bug Normal

While checking the new stylesheet parser plugin introduced with #901 I've noted two issues:

1) {
	color: #739E39;

is not listed as "Object Style" after clicking on the <strong> element.

2) Using the default sample text:

<p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="">CKEditor</a>.</p>

click in the middle of strong element:

<strong>sa^mple text</strong>

and in the "Styles" dropdown list, select "". Note that nothing happens (an empty <strong class="green"></strong> is inserted into the document, but that's not an expected result here).

Note: the described problem has nothing to do with the new plugin. It looks like it always worked this way, to confirm it in older versions, I've tried the following:

		name : 'Strong blue',
		element : 'strong',
		attributes :
			'style' : 'color:blue',
		name : 'Strong green',
		element : 'strong',
		attributes :
			'class' : 'green',
#13736 Unable to create D'n'D area inside CKEditor dialog => broked some add-ons review_failed Tomasz Jakut Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it) CKEditor 4.7.1

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open DOKSoft Quick Image add-on or other one with D'n'D area inside dialog.
  2. Try to D'n'D files into the area.

Expected result

CKEditor must respect outside areas and do not use D'n'D handler globally.

Actual result

You unable to drop files inside D'n'D area.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Any browser. This aspect of D'n'D feature was broked in CKEditor 4.5.2. Still (4.5.4) exists in CKEditor.

#12287 Unable to create link when certain fields are removed from the dialog confirmed Bug Normal

Unable to create link when certain fields are removed from the dialog. In other words, some default values are missing.

Before I was usign the following code to remove the linktype and protocol fields in the link dialog I don't need...

if ( dialogName == 'link' ) {
        var infoTab = dialogDefinition.getContents( 'info' );
        infoTab.remove( 'linkType' );
        infoTab.remove( 'protocol' );

This will still remove the items, but when trying to hit enter or ok the dialog just fails.

From here:

#1897 Unable to creates styles for a tags confirmed Bug Normal

I have the following styles:

        <Style name="Link (member)" element="a">
                <Attribute name="class" value="member" />
        <Style name="Link (PDF)" element="a">
                <Attribute name="class" value="pdf" />
        <Style name="Link (read more)" element="a">
                <Attribute name="class" value="readmore" />

which show up fine in the drop down (and are even styled) but selecting a link and then a style does nothing. I need to be able to put class on a tags.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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