{16} Tickets Failed Review (36 matches)

This is the list of open tickets which have a patch having failed code review.

(empty) (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#3319 Find/Replace and edit UI : Dialogs
#3079 The state should be reflected in the table elements title Accessibility
#3934 New line collapsed in enterMode=BR General Firefox

Olek Nowodziński (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#12918 Kama in Retina UI : Skins
#9361 Context menu not displayed in correct position when invoked using keyboard shortcut (Shift + F10 or application key) UI : Context Menu IBM

brooks (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#4785 Incorrect tab key order for table properties dialog UI : Dialogs
#5477 [IE] Tab key incorrect result when document contains control type element General IE Confirmed

Garry Yao (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#2976 plugin:basicstyle remove style at collapsed selection Core : Styles
#7886 Show border plugin + custom table dialog UI : Dialogs
#9268 Migrate to env.version for IE check General
#2924 Adding support for special-key handler in dialog field definition UI : Dialogs
#8226 Allow destroy after object removed from DOM General
#2767 plug-in:basicstyle AND elementpath incorrect style range detection Core : Styles Confirmed
#3133 insertElement incorrect after deleteContents General Confirmed
#4195 Inline quotion style problematic Core : Styles Confirmed
#7530 Support for setting a default font and applying it through inline styles General IBM
#6615 [IE] tableresize usability General IE
#8023 [IE] Toolbar is selectable UI : Toolbar IE
#7561 IE 'editor.getSelection()' is null or not an object Core : Selection IE8 HasPatch IBM

kkrzton (1 match)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#16618 [IE11][FF][CF] Styling could not be reapplied on a simple click CKEditor 4.7.1 General

Martin (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#6091 Inserting pagebreak inside some text in a list item breaks the item General
#6659 Removing selected li while typing Core : Lists Firefox
#6395 Unable to set formating on empty page Core : Styles Opera

Martin Kou (1 match)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#171 Unable to set textfield char width to 20 General IE6 IE7

Marek Lewandowski (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#11792 [IEs] Click on the side of text in classic editor does not move caret there General
#12682 Add a return value for scrollIntoView General

Minh Nguyen (1 match)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#5552 Dialog doesn't execute 'commit' and 'setup' method of element when element miss 'id' property. General

Piotr Jasiun (1 match)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#10378 IE: empty lines removed from list on copy/paste General IE Opera Oracle

Sa'ar Zac Elias (1 match)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#6835 A few dialogs' content is not resiable UI : Dialogs Discussion

Szymon Kupś (1 match)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#10082 [Android] Dialog windows open in an incorrect place on a page and cannot be moved UI : Dialogs Android

Tade0 (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#13168 Impossible to navigate to editable from toolbar by keyboard and vice versa. CKEditor 4.7.1 Accessibility
#14565 Pressing delete key in a highlighted image inside a floating div throws an error Core : Editable Firefox

Tomasz Jakut (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#13877 Copy paste from google doc forces bold - removes underline and italics General Blink,FF
#13839 Incorrect Tab navigation behavior with radio buttons inside the dialog CKEditor 4.7.1 General IBM
#13736 Unable to create D'n'D area inside CKEditor dialog => broked some add-ons CKEditor 4.7.1 General

Tobiasz Cudnik (1 match)

Ticket Summary Milestone Component Keywords
#6127 IE Cursor not going to next line when we press enter & we have set forceEntermode=br as config option General IBM
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