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Results (1301 - 1400 of 2591)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#6672 Cannot "cut" the form element on top of the page confirmed Bug Normal

Issue seen in IE7.

To Reproduce:

  1. insert form element at the top of the page.
  1. click "Select All" to select all elements of the page
  1. then, click "Cut" icon --> all elements excepts the

form element is cut, but the form element remains.

#6677 BIDI: IE6 Cursor missing from Editor body when we click on RTL icon with out focusing in Editor body confirmed Bug Low

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample.
  1. With out focusing in Editor body, click on RTL Icon.

Expected Result:

Cursor shown in Editor body & RTL is applied to new empty paragraph.

Actual Result:

Cursor not shown in Editor body but RTL is applied to new empty paragraph. Cursor gets displayed only when user starts typing the text

#6705 IE Selected font not applied to typed text confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect

  1. Open any sample except AJAX.
  1. With out focus in Editor body,select a font(for eg: Comic Sans MS) from Font Name drop down list.
  1. See that selected font option missing from Font Name drop down list.
  1. Start typing the text

Expected Result:

Selected font option should show in Font Name drop down list.

Actual Result:

Selected font option not shown in Font Name drop down list. Even when we look at Element path bar or HTML Source <span> tag for Font Name not shown.

To reproduce the defect in AJAX Sample. Type some text save the the Editor again and repeat the above steps

#6709 insertHtml: comments must also be protected confirmed Bug Normal

In IE, when setting innerHTML, any starting <!----> comments are removed. Test: insertHtml('<!--comment-->foo') Affected: dataProcessor.toHtml Fix: prefixing a dummy <foo:bar /> tag keeps comments and whitespace in place, remove when converting to data.

#6710 "&gt;" in custom style "name" throws error confirmed Bug Normal

If you include html "&gt;" in the styles definition (name part) the editor throws an error after you click that style in the combobox (most possibly other html to).

For example:
'Webunity &gt; portfolio'

Error: this.element.getDocument().getById(this._.items[m]) is null
Source File: <snip>/ckeditor.js?t=AAM84PO
Line: 135

I found this because my CMS gets the styles from the DB and uses htmlspecialchars(PHP) to print customer specific styles to CkEditor.

Since this will probably be closed without fixing, i just wanted to log it for future users.

#6743 Firefox: ckeditor exceeds requested width while loading confirmed Bug Normal

Under some circumstances CKEditor takes more space in width than the requested width when loading CKEditor.

(Look at the red border on the testcase and on the screenshots.)

What I found out:

  • it only occurs in Firefox (tested with 3.6.12 and 4 Beta 7)
  • it does not occur in IE8
  • I only saw it when I have two instances of CKEditor on the page
  • when I have two times nearly the same CKEditor on the page, the problem does not occur (thats why my attached testcase uses two different skins; but on my system where I integrated CKeditor into it also works with only one skin; I could not reproduce that with the sample configuration)
  • the problem might depend on the skin (kama seems better than office2003 / v2, but it could also be reproduced with kama)

OS: Windows XP

#6744 Range: checkStartOfBlock not forgiving bogus node confirmed Bug Normal

checkStartOfBlock returns "false" for the following case:


From the code perspective the cursor might not be at the start of the block, but visually it is.

Pertains to non-IE browsers.

#6762 Add Pixel Dimensions - CKFinder confirmed New Feature Normal

Please add the pixel dimensions to the thumbnail display in the main window frame. I know they are available when you view the image, but adding it in the main window would eliminate subsequent mouse clicks. Thanks.

#6803 Image dialog error with border of zero confirmed Bug Normal

If you set the border property to zero (meaning no border) for an image in the image dialog, it will not save this value. This has been ongoing for as long as I can remember with the new CKeditor.

this is a hack fix for plugins/image/dialog/image.js:817

if ( type == IMAGE )
var value,
	borderStyle = element.getStyle( 'border-width' );
borderStyle = borderStyle && borderStyle.match( /^(\d+px)(?: \1 \1 \1)?$/ );
value = borderStyle && parseInt( borderStyle[ 1 ], 10 );
isNaN ( parseInt( value, 10 ) ) && ( value = element.getAttribute( 'border' ) );
//this.setValue( value );
if (value == 0)
#6826 List: enter key causes outdent in empty list item only when item has no sublist. With sublist it creates new item on same level confirmed Bug Normal

Go to demo page:

  1. Clear content

Create following list :

  1. Put cursor in first numbered item.
  1. Press enter and observe the outdent behavior.
  1. Press enter again and observe that outdenting does not occur.

Is this intentional behavior ?

Tested in Firefox 3.6.13, WinXP, CK version 3.4.2.

#6827 List: possible to place cursor in front of list bullet/number, and delete then breaks the list confirmed Bug Normal

Go to demo page:

  1. Clear content
  2. Add following content:
  1. Place cursor at start of first list item
  2. Press the 'up' key twice fast.
  3. Observe the cursor is now positioned in front of the list.
  4. Now press delete and observe that the first list item collapses.

Tested on Firefox 3.6.13, WinXP, CK version 3.4.2

#6856 Inserting span tag - wrapped content with insertHTML appends after ending <p> tag instead of inside. confirmed Bug Normal

Occurs in Safari 5.0.3 for Mac OS 10.6.5

When using the method editor.insertHtml() to insert content that is wrapped in a <span> tag, the content is not inserted into the location where the cursor resides. It inserts the content OUTSIDE of the next available ending </p> tag.

This makes it impossible to insert content wrapped in a span (non-block level) tag on the same line as existing content in the editor.

To replicate:

Use a plugin which installs a menu into the Editor toolbar, such as richcombo plugin. The plugin should use editor.insertHtml() to insert content. The content to be inserted by the menu item should be wrapped in span tags like:

<span>some content</span>

Within a new editor instance, first type a single word but do not hit return. Select the menu item from the toolbar that uses editor.insertHTML() to insert content wrapped in a simple span tag. Notice that the content is inserted on a new line, not next to the word. Click the Source toolbar button. Notice that the span tag is inserted after the closing </p> tag.

#6911 Safari we can't change Styles for Numbered/Bulleted lists in a Table confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open a sample and insert a Table.
  1. Keep cursor inside a Table Cell and click on Numbered list icon.
  1. see that Numbered list starts.
  1. Type some text, keep the cursor at the end of list item and select Numbered List Properties option from Context Menu.

Expected Result:

Numbered List Properties dialog comes up and will have value 1 filled in Start field and <not set> selected in Type drop down list.

Actual Result:

Numbered List Properties dialog comes up but the Start field is shown as Empty and <not set> selected in Type drop down list.

  1. Select a Type (ex: Upper Alpha (A,B,C,D,E,etc) and enter a value 5 in Start field. and click OK Button.

Expected Result:

Numbered List starts from E and the numbers in Numbered list changes to Upper Alpha.

Actual Result:

Nothing happens and Numbered List is not changed.

Same thing happens with Bulleted List.Style for Bulleted list is not changed when we select a different bullet style from Bulleted List Properties dialog.

#6923 IE: Caret shows through styles dropdown confirmed Bug Normal

IE7, IE8, caret shows through the styles dropdown box; doesn't show through the other dropdowns (format etc.)

#6937 Applying Block Quote to empty or the only paragraph in Table cell applying Block Quote to Table instead of Table Cell or Paragraph in Table Cell new Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

Scenario 1:

  1. Open CK Editor and insert a Table.
  1. Keep cursor inside a Table Cell and click on Block Quote icon.

Expected Result:

Block Quote is applied to Table Cell.

Actual Result:

Block Quote is applied to whole Table.

Scenario 2:

  1. Open CK Editor and insert a Table.
  1. Type some text inside a Table Cell, select the paragraph and click on Block Quote icon.

Expected Result:

Block Quote is applied to the selected paragraph inside Table Cell.

Actual Result:

Block Quote is applied to whole Table.

#6974 IE Flash Auto Play functionality not working confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Insert a Flash with the following URL
  1. Un check the check box Auto Play on Properties tab of Flash Properties tab.
  1. Remove the editor to save the flash.

Expected Result:

Flash is shown on the page but it should not play since we un checked the check box Auto Play.

Actual Result:

Flash is shown on the page but it is playing automatically even though we un checked the check box Auto Play.

#6977 about override in styles confirmed Bug Normal

steps: 2.switch to source mode,input html:

	12345678<font style="background-color: rgb(130, 130, 130);">xyzabcd</font>9012345678</p>

3.switch to wysiwyg mode and place cursor between 'y' and 'z', then click background button , select '自动'

  1. expected:

'xyzabcd' does not have background-color.

actual result :

unchanged '8xyzabcd9' ,then click background button ,select red color

  1. expected :

generate code :

	1234567<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">8xyzabcd9</span>012345678</p>

actual code (too bloated):

	1234567<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">8</span><font style="background-color: rgb(130, 130, 130);"><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">xyzabcd</span></font><span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">9</span>012345678</p>

ps:in trunk ,result is error :

	1234567<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">8<font style="background-color: rgb(130, 130, 130);">xyzabcd</font>9</span>012345678</p>

ps2: i provide a patch for trunk, add consideration about override element's style

#6995 FF : We can't scroll down right align table using mouse confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open CK Editor sample and insert a table with 30 rows,15 columns and right alignment.
  1. keep cursor in any of the top rows (for ex: first row) and keep pressing the mouse in side scroll bar to navigate down the table.

Expected Result:

Table should move up,we will be able to navigate down the table and see the bottom table rows.

Actual Result:

Table is not moving down no matter how many times we clicked the mouse and we were not able to navigate down the table.

#6998 Unresponsive script when loading template containing invalid html markup confirmed Bug Normal

When loading a html template containing some meta tags inside the html body, ckeditor becomes unresponsive and after a while browser shows a message that a script is unresponsive and should be stopped - experienced in Firefox 3.6.13, IE8 and Chrome 8

See the attached template for reference.

#7005 Invalid <a> attribute causes CPU to run @100% on Chrome confirmed Bug Normal

This only happens in Chrome (Windows and Linux). IE and Firefox handle the situation properly.

Entering a malformed a tag, with an invalid and escaped attribute causes the page to freeze. Looking at the process manager, the tab in question was running at 100% cpu.

A combination of obscure bugs in my own code caused the invalid html that triggers this bug:

<a href="" store\"="">google</a>

In IE and Firefox, the invalid attribute "store" is completely removed.

To trigger:
Click "Source"
Paste above snippet
Click "Source" again

Not a huge bug, and obviously inputting correct html avoids this completely.

#7038 Possibility to automatically switch toolbars on a maximize/minimize of ckeditor confirmed New Feature Normal

Then a minimalistic toolbar could be shown when the ckeditor is a (small) component of some window and an elaborate toolbar when maximized/full screen.

The advantage would be having as much workspace as possible in a small editor instance where mostly text is typed. And not having to manually select a larger toolbar when clicking 'maximize' when a larger workspace and more toolbar options are required.

#7051 languageCodeInputLabel for Div Container is redundant, langCode from Link is used instead confirmed Bug Normal

The languageCodeInputLabel property defined in the language files is redundant, since the Div Container dialog window is using the langCode property of the Link dialog window instead.

Moreover, most language files contain faulty translation of the langCode property which instead of an equivalent of "language code" says "language direction". Result: the Advanced tabs of the Link and Div Container dialog windows in most languages have 2 entries for the Language Direction and none for the Language Code.

#7067 about getIndex method performance confirmed Bug Normal

When the getIndex method is called, the getNext will be invoked by getIndex, if an element node contains too many text nodes, the getNext method will be called too many times, that will cause a performance problem. My suggest is using childNodes property, according to my test, using childNodes is nearly two times faster than calling getNext method. Here's my code snippet:

getIndex : function( normalized ) {

var parent = this.getParent(),

currentIndex = -1, node;

if ( parent ) {

for(var i=0,childs=parent.$.childNodes;node=childs[i];i++){

if(node.nodeType == 1
!(normalized && node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeType == baidu.editor.dom.NODE_TEXT))


if(node == this.$)break;


} return currentIndex;


#7072 Javascript error on ElementPath plugin.js confirmed Bug Normal

hi, sorry for my english in advance.

i found a bug on IE in element path plugin.

when i select multiple cell on a table, edit properties of cell, change a value and click ok a javascript error raise on the line 85

if ( 'cke-real-element-type' ) )

the object element don't have a property data.

the bug raise only on IE no problem whit FF and Chrome.

#7078 Integration VB WebBrowser control and CKEditor Problem confirmed Bug Normal

Hello, I have a Windows application (vs 2008).In a user control, I use a WebBrowser to put in the CKEditor 3.5.In this case, there are features that are not right. For example, theDropDownList Format, Styles and Fonts. If you create a table does not workthe menu options to add row, column, etc ...I tried using the CKEditor in a form with a webBroser and workingproperly. Therefore, the cause appears to be the user control.You can tell me a solution to this?

Attached an example: CKEditorWin is the startup project and on the website are the 2 CKEditor Form1.aspx the url of each webbrowser should be CKEditorWeb web project


Seems that we problem with WebBrowser control and CKEditor. Check comment:9 for more details

#7079 FF : Opening Cell Properties dialog resetting Columns Width confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open CK Editor sample & insert a table with 1 row and 2 columns.
  1. Set the width for the first table cell to 50 pixels
  1. Insert a new row above the first row and see that first cell in the new row has the same width as the first cell in previous row.
  1. Select both cells in new row using mouse and open Cell Properties dialog.
  1. Click OK button with out changing any properties.

Expected Result:

Nothing should change, since we have not modified any properties.

Actual Result:

Column widths are resetting to default

#7080 clear selection cause window scroll confirmed Bug Normal

happen in ie6

steps: a button far below editor :

<textarea id='test'></textarea>
<div style='height:1500px;'></div>

2.insert a page-break('插入分页符') into editor

3.keep focus(cursor) in the editor and scroll to 'click button' using mouse wheel button

expected :

window does not scroll

actual :

window scrolls to editor

reason :

caused by line 184 in _source/plugins/selection/plugin.js

doc.selection.empty() causes scrolling.

we should record scrollTop and scrollLeft before empty() and restore them after empty() , i provide a patch ,hope helpful.

#7089 [IE] Error when expand toolbar if height of editor is not enough. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Collapse toolbar.
  2. The height of the editor is set to 15px.
    ex. ckeditor.resize('', 15, true);
  3. Expand toolbar.
  4. JavaScript error (invalid argument)

The cause is here.

contents.setStyle( 'height', ( contentHeight - dy ) + 'px' );

I think that it only has to prevent height from reaching a minus value. Like this.

contents.setStyle( 'height', Math.max( height - delta, 0 ) + 'px' ); 
#7090 IE8: Error "Line: 96 error: 'N' is null or not a object" in scenario with ASP.NET AJAX and Postbacktrigger confirmed Bug Normal

if I have a PostBacktrigger that is hit after a partial page update has been done, I get the following error:

actual nightly build (revision 6386): "Line 19: error: object does not supprt property or method" at "return i&&new g(i.contentWindow.document)"

release 3.4.2: "Line 19: error: object does not supprt property or method" at "return i&&new g(i.contentWindow.document)"

Attached please find a small sample project to reproduce the issue.

#7120 Line Spacing Button new New Feature Normal

as in MsWord, it looks nice to have line spacing option as in button click: -Space Sizes List -add/remove spacing after paragraph -add/remove space before paragraph

I Think this will completethe editor to be as perfect as using MSWORD.

#7141 Color/Style of Bullets/Numbers in lists should follow the style/color of first character of the list item. confirmed New Feature Normal

Scenario 1:

When user clicks bullet/numbered list button and then selects style/color of the text, then the color/style of bullets/numbers in lists should automatically change to style/color that we have selected

Scenario 2:

When user selects style/ color of the text first and then clicks the bullet/numbered list button, then the color/style of bullets/numbers in lists should automatically change to style/color that we have selected

Scenario 3:

When user creates numbered/bulleted list and then applies color/style only to first character in each list item , then color/style of the bullets/numbers should automatically change to style/color applied to the first character in the list item.

Also when the user selects the list item and click Remove format it should clear any style applied to the list/bullet line.

#7142 Allow users to create their own keyboard shortcuts for context menu items confirmed New Feature Normal

There are 3 parts to this new feature request.

1. Users should be allowed to create their own keyboard shortcuts for items that appear in the context menu. For example, there is already a keyboard shortcut for opening the link dialog (CTRL + L). Users should be allowed to create their own custom keyboard shortcuts for opening other dialogs and carrying out other functionality that is currently handled in the context menu.

2. Keyboard shortcuts should be displayed in the context menu next to the appropriate context menu item so that it is clear to the user that a shortcut exists. i.e.for each context menu item there should be:

  1. an icon
  2. the context menu item text
  3. the keyboard shortcut text

An example of this structure on the Paste context menu item would be:

  1. Clipboard icon
  2. "Paste"
  3. CTRL + V

3. Users should be able to manage how the items in the context menu are displayed. Using the above example a user may want the clipboard icon aligned left, the "Paste" text aligned centre and "CTRL + V" aligned right.

#7143 Text Cursor loses position when document-overflow is modified confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce: 1) Add text to editor instance window such that cursor is not at the beginning 2) execute (in firebug's console, for example):

if no scroll is present = "scroll"; or, if scroll is already present = "hidden"; CKEDITOR.instances.MyInstance.insertText('Test');

3) Note that the text has been inserted at the beginning of the text editor.

This is an issue in Firefox 3.6.13 (and I believe earlier FF versions). Not certain if it is an issue in IE.

#7144 Provide ability for users to resize column widths using the keyboard confirmed New Feature Normal

The drag-to-resize columns feature is quite useful to users, but only accessible to users who use the mouse. This feature request is to allow keyboard users to perform the same function.

Although it is currently possible to set a width on individual cells, this does not properly resize the whole column of cells in a table.

One approach to this could be to have a dedicated Column Properties dialog that allows a user to define a width for the column of cells. This would then set the width on all cells in the column, just like the drag-to-resize feature does.

#7145 Allow opening links in edit mode confirmed New Feature Normal

When editing a document with links, CKEditor deliberately disables these links to allow proper editing of them. Some users would still like the ability to follow links in edit mode, as in Word.

This feature request proposes adding a keystroke, e.g. CTRL+click to allow the opening of a link target in a new window.

#7175 IE: Drop-downs closed immediately after show confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Only one tab must be opened in IE.
  2. Place editor inside a frame which is inside a modal dialog window (attached files "Page1.html" and "Page2.html" reproduce than if placed inside "\ckeditor\_samples folder").
  3. Open page with editor ("Page1.html").
  4. Click on "Font" drop-down.
  5. Click on "Size" drop-down (all further clicks on "Font", "Size", "Format", "Background Color" and "Text color" drop-downs will result showing and immediate hiding of drop-down).

Browser name and OS : Checked on IE8 on Windows 7 and IE6 on Windows XP.

#7206 Provide support to load CKEditor in one frame and render it in another new New Feature Normal

We would like to request support to load CKEditor in one frame and render it in another. This would be a very beneficial feature for optimising performance. It is currently not supported. Some issues that they have reported so far regarding this are:

  • does not support multiple frames
  • core/loader.js calls current document object

A sample test case is attached which demonstrates the desired functionality.

Instructions for running the test case:

  1. Copy the attached files to <CKEditor>\_samples directory.
  1. Open multiframe.html on Mozilla/Firefox.
  1. Press "Create Widgets" button.
  1. Verify CKEditor is created.
  1. Modify Widget_CKEditor.prototype.createEditorElem in multiframe.js like this:

// NG
loader.oDocument = globals.scriptFrame.document;

// OK
//loader.oDocument = globals.uiFrame.document;
  1. Open multiframe.html on Mozilla/Firefox.
  1. Press "Create Widgets" button.

Problem: CKEditor instance is not created in UI Frame.

#7210 ckfinder issue with too many pictures in one folder confirmed Bug Normal

Greeting; i would like to drag your attension to technical issue hoping to solve it in the future version of ck finder.

the issue is that i am working with an image folder contain 11000 pictures inside of it, in this case the browser stop working becouse it handle more that 11000 picture with size more than 100 m.b, as a solution to this issue i suggest to include a limit pictures with counter to the rest of the pictures for example let the ckfinder display 50 image with a counter link to the other images

thank you

#7224 Editing pasted lists not working properly confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open CK Editor and paste the lists from the attached doc
  1. Keep your cursor after 2nd list item in Numbered/Bulleted list.
  1. Press enter and press Increase Indent button

Expected Result:

A new empty list item appears at same level(level 1) as third list item.

Actual Result:

A new empty list item is created at level 1 and previous list items at level 1 are moved to level 2 and made as a sub list of the new empty list item created at level 1

#7225 FF - Font/Size/Styles not being continued on Enter confirmed Bug Normal

CKEditor 3.5.2 (revision 6449) FF 3.6.13

  • Set the font and size.
  • Create a list.
  • Enter text for item 1. Press Enter.
  • Enter text for item 2. Press Enter.
  • Enter text for item 3. Press Enter.

Font is applied properly to the new items.

  • Now go to the end of item 2 and click to move the cursor there.
  • Press Enter and type.

Font is no longer applied properly.

This also happens when pressing Enter at the end of a paragraph. Expected behavior is that font/size of previous paragraph/list item will carry over.

#7227 Dialog: showPage increments pageCount even if page is already showing confirmed Bug Normal

In the Dialog plugin, callling showPage on a page that is already visible increments the pageCount, meaning that when all but one page are removed, the tab bar will still be visible. To reproduce:

  1. Create and show a dialog with two pages; both shown by default. Let's call them page1 and page2.
  2. Call showPage( 'page2' )
  3. Call hidePage( 'page1' )

Now only page2 will be visible - but the tab bar will still be showing, with the single tab "page2". Intended behaviour (presumably) is to have tab bar disappear when only one page is visible.

This can be fixed by adding a check to tab.isVisible() in showPage.

Proposed patch included.

#7229 Request for relaying cut and copy events to the editor instance new New Feature Normal

Request for normalizing cut, copy and paste events in the editor across browsers. In version 3.5.2 only the 'paste' event is relayed to the editor object. Would be very convenient if 'cut' and 'copy' could also be relayed.

The specific use case is having to add attributes to the elements in a selection prior to cutting/copying. These are then parsed when pasted back into the editor.

Some quick research gave me the following summary:

I ran the following code in each of the browsers' developer tools

var body = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.document.getBody();
var logger = function (name) {
    return function () {console.log(name);};
body.on('beforepaste', logger('beforepaste'));
body.on('paste', logger('paste'));
body.on('beforecut', logger('beforecut'));
body.on('cut', logger('cut'));
body.on('beforecopy', logger('beforecopy'));
body.on('copy', logger('copy'));

and registered the events fired:

Opera Version: 11.00, Build: 1156, WinXP

Cut: none
Copy: none

Google Chrome 9.0.597.98, WinXP


Firefox 3.6.13, WinXP


IE8, Windows Server 2003


IE also fires extra unlisted ones due to calling "queryCommandEnabled('paste')" in clipboard plugin.

#7230 IE quirks: Dialog borders do not resize properly when show/hide tab bar confirmed Bug Normal

When the tab bar is being added or removed for a dialog, the resize event is not fired. The resize event is necessary for IE6 or IE quirks mode, since the height of the left and right borders must be adjusted. This can result either in a gap between the top corner borders and the vertical borders on the left and right sides, or the left and right borders extend up above the dialog's title bar. See attached screenshot.

To reproduce:

  1. Create a dialog with two pages. It should display properly, with the tab bar showing.
  2. Hide one of the pages. The tab bar should disappear and you should be able to see the left and right borders extending up above the title bar, as in the screenshot.

This occurs in IE quirks mode...I reproduced across IE6, 7, 8, and 9 with the doctype:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">

A proposed patch is attached. I've changed dialog's resize method to include an optional third parameter, "force," which forces the dialog to fire the resize event even if the actual content area size hasn't changed. Then I call resize from updateStyle, if (and only if) the tab bar visibility has changed AND we're in IE.

#7239 Upload file and adobe air pending Bug Normal

Hi On air, the file uploader doesn't appears I have to precise that a <input type = "file" /> is properly rendered in air

#7257 Double click on dialog button sometimes shows background cover above the dialog confirmed Bug Normal

When a page has two editors present, calling the same dialog with dobule-clicking on both of them results in the second dialog box appearing underneath the semi-transparent background cover div.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to (currently the build is CKEditor 3.5.3 (SVN) (revision 6501))
  2. Double click on the "Paste from Word" button in the first editor.
  3. Close the dialog
  4. Double click on the "Paste from Word" button in the second editor.
  5. ???

Tested in latest Chrome and Firefox 3.6 on Windows 7 and XP. Screenshot attached.

#7275 IE session dropped when using SCAYT, MVC confirmed Bug Normal

I have an MVC application where we need to use SCAYT. When it's enabled, it writes cookies to the browser. Once it hits the IE limit, the client browser arbitrarily drops cookies including the ASP.Session and Authentication kicking users out of the site randomly. Since this is an MVC application it treats as seperate than, when in reality this is the same page with a different id passed in. In webforms this isnt an issue because the comparable url is and the scayt cookie (i am guessing) doesnt look at the querystring.

I dont have any true test cases for this, but it can be reproduced in any MVC application that utilizes dynamic paths. Your team should be able to create a sample MVC app (needs to have at least a session key) that has one page that takes an extension and test it with random numbers. Monitor the site in IE6, 7, or 8 using Fiddler and after about 10-15 new number combinations, you will be able to repro the issue.

I would think that there should be a feature (or config setting) that would allow me to designate MVC patterns to treat as singular, or some other function that would cause this not to happen.

Obviously, we could disable the SCAYT feature, but this is a huge requirement for the client and if that is the solution we will just have to use a different editor.

One last thing, I am completely aware that this is an IE issue only, however, our client is a Microsoft shop and it is an actual SLA requirement for us to support IE6-IE8 since 99% of their users are on these browsers.

#7299 IE6/IE8: Borders on color panels are not displaying correctly in RTL languages confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the languages sample in IE6 or IE8.
  1. Choose Hebrew from the languages drop down.
  1. Click on Text Color or Background Color.

Result: In IE6 some of the right borders for individual colors are missing (see screenshot).

Result: In IE8 some of the colors spill out and slightly overlap the right borders(see screenshot).

#7325 Webkit: backspace moves content between p tags (instead of merging them) confirmed Bug Normal

I wasn't sure how best to summarize this in the title, but here's how to repro this using Safari or Chrome on

  1. Enter the following using shift+enter/enter as indicated:


This results in two <p> tags with <br /> tags where you pressed shift+enter (as expected):

<p>one<br />two</p><p>three<br />four</p>

  1. Move the cursor before "three" and hit backspace

Expected result:

<p>one<br />twothree<br />four</p>

I.e., Merge the two <p> tags.

Actual result:

<p>one<br />twothree</p><p>four</p>

I.e., Still two <p> tags, but part of the second <p> tag has been moved into the first.

I've tested this from 3.4.2 up until 3.5.2, but I suspect it probably goes back further.

This is reproducible in Chrome and Safari, but not in FF/IE/Opera, which makes me think it's Webkit-specific.

#7333 IE6 Cursor goes missing when we come out of RTL Numbered/Bulleted list confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Create a RTL Numbered/Bulleted list.
  1. Place the cursor at the end of last list item and press enter twice

Expected Result:

Cursor shown out of the list and an empty paragraph is created with RTL Language direction.

Actual Result:

Cursor escapes from editor body after it comes out of the list.

But when we start typing the text cursor comes back in to editor body and typed paragraph has RTL Language direction.

#7343 Copying a table row content in a different row does not paste properly confirmed Bug Normal

Create a table with 10 rows. Paint row 3 with each cell with a diff foreground/border color. Tried to copy that row to 5th row.

Tried in 2 ways and failed to paste correctly in both the cases.

TC 1:

  1. Select all the row 2 cells. Copy it using Ctrl-C.
  1. Go the row 5, Click the mouse so that it resides in the 1 col of row 5.
  1. Now click the paste icon. It copied all 5 cells into 1 single cell.

TC 2:

  1. Select all the row 2 cells. Copy it using Ctrl-C.
  1. Go the row 5, Select ALL the cols of row 5.
  1. Click the paste icon. The copy behaved same way like TC 1.
#7345 IE Quirks: List item disappears when editor does not have focus confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in IE Quirks mode.
  1. Paste the following code into the source view.
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px;">
  1. Switch back to WYSIWYG mode & click into the editor to give the editor focus.

See that both list items are visible.

  1. Click away from the editor to make it lose focus.

See that only one list item is visible.

Note: Once the editor regains focus (even by hovering over a toolbar button), the 2 list items are visible again.

#7350 Clicking in the editor returns the fonts to the default values confirmed Bug Normal

I changed the default values for the font name to Times New Roman and the font size to 16.
I then clicked once in the text area of the editor. Immediately the editor switched back to the default fonts.

I had expected it to still keep the changes that I made to the fonts.
Clicking in the text area is typical behavior for a user, since they will want to be sure that the cursor is focused in the right area before they start typing

#7352 Single quotes in attributes converted to double quotes confirmed Bug Normal

When using single quotes in html attributes they somehow get converted to double quotes and then htmlencoded to &quot;

In my case this happens when I try to do this in the code view:

<a href="URL" style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS';">Link</a>

Switch back to normal view and to code again, and CKEditor transformed it into this:

<a href="URL" style="font-family: &quot;Trebuchet MS&quot;;">Link</a>

Not quite the desired result.

Is there a hotfix for this or do I have to wait for it to get fixed? (couldn't find it on Google)


I did some checking. Here are the results:

  • IE9 and IE10 - change ' character to &quot;
  • IE6-IE8 - delete the ' character
  • Webkit, Opera and Firefox leave the ' character untouched.

Since editor 4.x is creating HTML from scratch in some places perhaps it should introduce "template behaviour" in which " goes outside and ' goes inside (or something like that).

#7370 FF & Safari : Underline for list item not shown for the below html code confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

Copy the following code and paste in HTML Source and go to WYSIWYG mode.

<style id="CSS_2" type="text/css">.CSS_2{ background:#99ccff; }</style>
<ul><li><u><span class="CSS_2">dddddddddddddd</span></u></li></ul>

In FF & Safari, underline for the list item not shown but when we keep the cursor in the list item Underline tool bar icon is highlighted.

It works properly in all other browsers.

#7376 Automatic linking only works in IE confirmed New Feature Normal

Typing and hitting enter only generates a link in IE.. Tested on Chrome 10, Firefox 4 and Opera 11.

#7406 Problems with _source files confirmed Bug Normal
  1. ckeditor_basic_source.js loads ckeditor.js instead of source files.
  2. CKEDITOR.status == 'basic_ready' after loading of editor when ckeditor_source.js is used.
#7452 bodyClass and bodyId not applied to combobox (e.g. styles or format) confirmed Bug Normal

When the styles combobox is created, it loads the stylesheet specified in config.contentsCss. However, the body element in the combobox iframe doesn't have the class or ID specified in config.bodyClass/bodyId. As a result the styles previews aren't shown properly as my CSS assumes that the bodyClass will be present.

This is a regression from FCKeditor 2.x.

#7484 Indented text copied from Word is not displaying properly when pasted into the editor confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

Scenario 1

  1. Open the Ajax sample.
  1. Copy the indented text from the sample doc IndentedParagraphs1.doc
  1. Paste the content into the editor.

Result: The indented paragraphs seem to display fine (see screenshot).

Note: The indentations in IndentedParagraph1.doc are made by typing a line of text. Then press Enter & TAB. Type another line of text. Then press Enter & TAB twice. Then type another line of text.

Scenario 2

  1. Open the Ajax sample.
  1. Copy the indented text from the sample doc IndentedParagraphs2.doc
  1. Paste the content into the editor.

Result: The last 2 paragraphs are not indented as they should be (see screenshot).

Note: The indentations in IndentedParagraph2.doc are made by typing 3 lines of text. Place the cursor at the start of the 2nd paragraph & press TAB once. Then place the cursor at the start of the 3rd paragraph & press TAB twice.

Word has different mark-up depending on how each indentation is created.

Reproducible in IE7, IE8 & FF 3.6.15

#7523 IE Can't Drag and Drop text outside of paragraph confirmed Bug Normal

I'm unable to drag and drop text outside of any paragraph elements in IE.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In the ckeditor demo, clear out all text leaving only a single paragraph.
  2. Select some text from a word document, and drag it to the editor.
  3. Anywhere below the first line the mouse cursor is crossed out, and a drop is disallowed.

Expected result:
Like in other browsers you should be able to drop text anywhere in the editor, regardless of if there is a paragraph tag there or not.

#7531 Unlink in Firefox leaves a span-tag if style or class attributes are set confirmed Bug Normal

If a link has a class or style attribute, unlinking in Firefox 4.0 will leave a span tag behind with the same class/style attributes.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In source mode, enter
    <a class="class" href="#" style="font-weight:bold;">Test</a>
  2. Switch back to WYSIWYG
  3. Select the text
  4. Click unlink
  5. Go to source mode, HTML is now
    <span class="class" style="font-weight:bold;">Test</span>
#7556 IE adds empty paragraph after pasted paragraph(s) confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to simulate:

  1. Prepare 2 paragraphs, e.g.:
  2. Copy a paragraph (or more paragraphs) from some site into the clipboard. Note that if copying just 1 paragraph, the copied HTML must include <p> and </p> tags. If in doubt, use e.g. this, triple click on a paragraph and copy.
  3. Put the cursor at the end of the 1st paragraph in the editor.
  4. Do the paste.

Expected result:

Only the copied text should be added to the document.

Actual result:

The copied text is added to the document and is followed by another (empty) paragraph. When switched to the source code, the additional paragraph contains &nbsp;.

Tested on:

Windows 7, 64-bit, IE9

Additional notes:

  • bug happens only when pasting to the end of a paragraph (this includes pasting into empty paragraphs) and it doesn't happen when pasting to the end of the document
  • other browsers (FF, Chrome, Opera) don't add the empty paragraph when pasting
#7605 [FF] Right click selects all content of pre block confirmed Bug Normal

Open editor and paste the following code:


  • Toggle to WYSIWYG mode
  • Put cursor to the second line
  • Right click (notice that all content are selected now) and select Paste from context menu
  • After pasting all content of pre block will be replaced with new content
#7616 Support window name in the popup plugin confirmed New Feature Normal

With the following changes the popup plugin was extended with window features, but it is still impossible to specify the popup windowName. It would be nice to add support for it, otherwise the file browser is opened in a new window each time (even if the corresponding window is already opened).

The popup function in the CKEditor/trunk/_source/plugins/popup/plugin.js can be adjsuted to accept windowName:

popup : function( url, width, height, options, windowName )

Thank you in advance!

#7635 FF scrollIntoView doesn't work confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Go to
  2. Scroll the editing area to the bottom and click at the end of the document. The insertion point should be at the end now.
  3. Run the following code in console or firebug or via javascript: in the address bar.
var e = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1; var d = e.document; var r = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(d); r.selectNodeContents(d.getBody()); r.collapse(true);; e.focus(); e.getSelection().scrollIntoView(); 

In FF4, the cursor doesn't scroll into view, but if you use the scrollbar of the editor to scroll up, you'll see the cursor is at the beginning of the document.

#7636 Wildly varying copy/paste results between browsers confirmed Bug Normal
  • Got to
  • Click in the editing area
  • Ctrl-A to select all
  • Ctrl-C to copy selection
  • Ctrl-V to paste and replace selection

FF4: Result looks pretty much the same as it was

Chrome: All text is bold

IE9: All text is bold and font size is 3 times as large

Opera: Doesn't work at all. Neither Ctrl-C or Edit -> Copy seem to actually copy the content, so Ctrl-V just pastes whatever was previously on the clipboard

#7640 Increasing the indenting on a list can separate the text from the bullets rather than moving the bullet points down. confirmed Bug Normal

This happens in Firefox 3.6 and 4, Chrome 10, and Safari 5. It does not happen in IE7, IE8, and IE9.

  1. Create a list
  2. Select the text that you want to become the list

2.A.1 Click anywhere on the first line of the list
2.A.2 Home key
2.A.3 Shift-Down
2.A.4 Repeat 2.A.3 until last line is selected
2.B.1 Click before the list item marker
2.B.2 Shift-click before the first free line after your list.

  1. Click on Numbered or Bulleted list button on the toolbar
  2. Click on the Increase Indent button on the toolbar

Compare this to changing step 2 to selecting the list from the middle of the line's text.

This can also be done by selecting a list that has already been created in the same way.

I was able to reproduce this with the nightly build as well.

#7644 Right Click when in full screen not working confirmed Bug Normal

When opening the editor in full screen the right click context menu us not opening, after figuring it out and swithcing to normal mode(not full screen) i found the contenxt menu opened somewhere on top of the document outside of the editing area. Tested in IE8,IE9,Chrome. in FF it works good.

#7655 addButton nextSiblingId don't work confirmed Bug Normal


    type : 'button',
	id : 'mybutton',
	title : 'My Button',
	onClick : function() {
}, 'ok' );


    type : 'button',
	id : 'mybutton',
	title : 'My Button',
	onClick : function() {
}, 'cancel' );

My Button is allways inserted as last Element, not before 'ok' or 'cancel'.

#7656 [FF4] startupFocus/first execCommand moves cursor to the end of document confirmed Bug Low

In Firefox 4 the startupFocus parameter (and every first execCommand call) moves the cursor to the end of document instead of the begining like any other Browser.

It is very simple to reproduce this bug, just go to (with FF4) and click on "bold". You will see that the focus jumps to the end of the document.

I have tested it with the current release and the nighty build, both has this bug.

#7665 IE9: Toolbar buttons are not displaying properly in RTL languages in v2 skin confirmed Bug Normal

The toolbar buttons on the bottom row of of the v2 toolbar are not displaying properly in RTL languages in IE9 (see screenshot). A similar issue was reported to be fixed in 3.5.2 #7181 but this issue is still present in 3.5.3.

#7700 Memory leak when inside update panel confirmed Bug Normal

When placed in an update panel, ckeditor leaks about 700Kb - 1MB every refresh, both in IE9 and FF4.

I have attached a very simple example that loads an editor then on submit, destroys it. This is placed on a 1 second timer. I watched the memory using sysinternals process explorer over a period of about 10 minutes and it continually grew.


#7704 Submenu shown on top of a parent menu may block mouse navigation confirmed Bug Normal

Perhaps this is the same problem as described in comment 15 to the ticket #4594

It only concerns mouse navigation (and so doesn't apply to the keyboard navigation). Please see the image attached and see how the submenu is placed. There is no way to navigate down the main context menu! (well ok, actually there is, but could be quite challenging what should not be the case).

I'd like to propose a little patch that deals with it. The simple solution is to move the submenu a few pixels (e.g. 5) to the left (or right in case of rtl lang).

In fact that's just a couple of keystrokes :)

In file

change line 255 from

left += ( panelSize.width * ( rtl ? 1 : -1 ) );


left += ( ( panelSize.width + 5) * ( rtl ? 1 : -1 ) );

#7705 IE7 Bug: 'lang.contextmenu' issues confirmed Bug Normal

I have read through the half-dozen or so bugs on the tracker here and followed the instructions there. However, I am still having this bug. In IE7 (it works in Fx, Chrome, and IE8+) we are getting the commonly-reported 'lang.contextmenu.options is null or not an object' error. Here is what I have tried:

-Removing the language declaration from the compressed ckeditor.js file -Manually specifying (in both my jquery instantiation and the config.js file) the language as 'en' -Disabling the contextmenu plugin. -Disabling all CSS to verify that it was not an issue with 'table-layout:fixed'

All of these fail to correct the issue. What other options are there for fixing this? The editor works great in all browsers except IE7, which (sadly) is the primary browser used by my client... so it's kind of a deal-breaker.

Thanks in advance.

#7730 Page UP/DOWN + Enter scrolls the entire page in Firefox confirmed Bug Normal

Start an empty editor and press simultaneously on your keyboard PAGE UP (or PAGE DOWN) and ENTER many times.

You should see that the editor adds <br> in the body section of the page that contains the editor.

#7735 Extra stylesheet on contentsCss doesn't work with fullPage = true confirmed Bug Normal

For an easier editing I change some styles and set it with

contentsCss : ['path/pagestyles.css', 'admin/changes.css']

pagestyles.css is the normal stylesheet and with changes.css I make a div bigger or set display: none to display: block and so on.
This doesn't work in fullPage mode.

#7737 [[safari/chrome]] have to click twice or type text to get elements in path bar confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

Open Ajax sample and keep cursor in editor body

Expected Result: Cursor stays in Editor body & elements path bar shows body & p tags.

Actual Result: Cursor stays in Editor body, but elements path bar will not show any tags. we have to click twice or type some text to get elements in path bar.

#7740 [[safari/chrome]] not possible to insert special character after smiley in a table cell confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample and insert a table.
  1. Go in to table cell, insert a smiley.
  1. Try to insert a special character next to smiley by selecting a special character from Select Special Character dialog.

Expected Result: Selected Special Character gets inserted after the smiley inside the current table cell.

Actual Result: Selected Special Character is inserted in next table cell if current table cell is not last table cell. if current table cell is last table cell then special character is inserted in an empty paragraph after the table.

#7754 Style tag removed by undo command on Internet Explorer (Ctrl + z, or button) confirmed Bug Normal

Enter in source mode :

<style type="text/css">
  body {
    font-size: 14pt;

Back to wysiwyg mode, enter a letter. Finally, do an undo command, and see the source : the style tag dissappeared.

#7762 Unable to delete form elements with backspace key confirmed Bug Normal

If editor contains a button (created by using <button> tag), then placing the cursor to the right of button and pressing "Backspace" key, does not delete the button. Instead it goes on deleting the button title. If you place the cursor to the left of the button and pressed "Delete" key, then that deletes the button successfully.

Also, we cannot put the cursor between 2 consecutive buttons. Deleting the first button using "Delete" key, also deletes the second button.

#7771 'Maximize' in container with Opacity makes container disappear (FF) confirmed Bug Normal


The simple container has opacity (CSS3) set. When you click the Maximize button, the entire container disappears, leaving only the background left. When I remove the opacity from the container, the Maximize button works fine.

CKEditor is version 3.5.3. I am using Firefox 4.01. Internet Explorer 9.0 seem to work okay.

Apparently FF3.6 has the same issue, see also

#7778 jQuery Adapter does not work with ckeditor_basic.js confirmed Bug Normal

When using ckeditor_basic.js (for boosting page load performance) the jQuery Adapter does not seem to work.

Can be tested in the _samples/jqueryadapter.html when replacing:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../ckeditor"></script>


<script type="text/javascript" src="../ckeditor_basic.js"></script>

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards

Sergiy Shyrkov

#7779 getData converts BR tag to nbsp confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Go to demo page.
  2. Run the following in Firebug.
  3. Observe the following result.
<p> paragraph<br /> &nbsp;</p>

Expected result (filler node should be removed):

<p> paragraph<br /></p>

Tested in Firefox 4, WinXP. CK version 3.5.3

#7782 [Minor] Selection bug in IE8 confirmed Bug Normal

Holding "shift" + "ctrl" allows you to select entire words at a time. You can select one word with your mouse, and then hold shift+ctrl+(right arrow) to select words within the editor.

In IE8, something prevents this from working correctly in ckeditor.

You can duplicate this in 3.5.3 on the online demo:

Steps to reproduce (using IE8, this works fine in Firefox 4): 1) Use your mouse to highlight the word "Little". 2) Hold down shift+ctrl on your keyboard and hit the right arrow. The space next to "Little" is selected. 3) Keep hitting the right arrow. Words/spaces will be selected up until the quotation mark (") starting the first paragraph. 4) Bug: The editor does not allow words past this quote mark to be selected.

You cannot see my keyboard strokes in this video, but this is what happens: . I have continued hitting the right arrow (several times) when I reach the quotation mark in the first paragraph but nothing is selected after this point.

Of interest (not sure if this helps or not), if you view the source code of the editor, this text is wrapped with <b> bold tags, while "International Names" is wrapped with <strong> strong tags. If you select "adaptations" in the first paragraph and hold shift + ctrl and hit the right arrow, you are able to correctly select the "International Names" text and continue selecting further text beyond this. My testing indicates this happens with the <b> and <i> tags specifically, so the issue may have to do with using these tags specifically. In any event, you can duplicate in the online demo with the text pre-filled.

#7786 Russian Help Topics for CKFinder confirmed New Feature Normal

I want to present my own translation for help topics for CKFinder.

#7799 Pasted Source html + text is partly deleted confirmed Bug Normal

Tested with the CK Demo Version: Inserted Code ( as Source)

<table class="vtad">
<td class="vtad">

<a href="/sites/files/images/users/Karin/preistraeger.png" target="_blank" title="Preisträger FK 2011"><img alt="Preisträger FK 2011" src="/sites/files/images/users/Karin/thumb_preistraeger.png" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;float: right;"  /></a>

<a href="/node/1441">Gleitende Durchschnitte 3.0 (Moving Averages 3.0) - 1. Preis</a></li>
<a href="/node/1442">Lineare Regressionsgeraden in der Technischen Analyse - 2. Preis</a></li>
<li><a href="/node/1454">
Handelsstrategien auf Basis von Strukturbr&uuml;chen bei Korrelationen und Volatilit&auml;ten  - 3. Preis</a></li>

         Alle Arbeiten finden Sie unter <a href="/forschungsarbeiten">"Forschungsarbeiten"</a> oder direkt unter dem Link
                                                                                 <a href="/taxonomy/term/63" >"Award 2011"</a>.<br/>
<em>Foto: Preisträger des VTAD-Award 2011. Von links nach rechts: Dr. Gregor Bauer (Vorstandsvorsitzender der VTAD e.V.),
Dr. Manfred Dürschner (1. Preis), Joachim Lenz (2. Preis), Dr. Daniel Ziggel und Dr. Dominik Wied (3. Preis).</em>



Code after deactivating and activating ht Source View

<table class="vtad">
			<td class="vtad">
				<a href="/sites/files/images/users/Karin/preistraeger.png" target="_blank" title="Preisträger FK 2011"><img alt="Preisträger FK 2011" src="/sites/files/images/users/Karin/thumb_preistraeger.png" style="width: 100px; height: 100px;float: right;" /></a> <a href="/forschungsarbeiten">&quot;Forschungsarbeiten&quot;</a><a href="/taxonomy/term/63">&quot;Award 2011&quot;</a>
						<a href="/node/1441">Gleitende Durchschnitte 3.0 (Moving Averages 3.0) - 1. Preis</a></li>
						<a href="/node/1442">Lineare Regressionsgeraden in der Technischen Analyse - 2. Preis</a></li>
						<a href="/node/1454"> Handelsstrategien auf Basis von Strukturbr&uuml;chen bei Korrelationen und Volatilit&auml;ten - 3. Preis</a></li>
					Alle Arbeiten finden Sie unter oder direkt unter dem Link .<br />
					Foto: Preistr&auml;ger des VTAD-Award 2011. Von links nach rechts: Dr. Gregor Bauer (Vorstandsvorsitzender der VTAD e.V.), Dr. Manfred D&uuml;rschner (1. Preis), Joachim Lenz (2. Preis), Dr. Daniel Ziggel und Dr. Dominik Wied (3. Preis).

Following links disappeared:

<a href="/forschungsarbeiten">"Forschungsarbeiten"</a>
<a href="/taxonomy/term/63" >"Award 2011"</a>
#7803 Ability to specify border properties for tables and cells. confirmed New Feature Normal

CKEditor currently allows users to specify the border size for a table and the border colour for a table cell. We would like to expand this so that it is possible for users to specify the size, colour and style of the border for both tables and cells.

This would require new fields on both the Table dialog and the Cell Properties dialog for border width, border color and border style.

#7806 SCAYT plugin moves cursor in IE confirmed Bug Normal

If you have two or more paragraphs of text, and misspell a word, the cursor shifts when the word is marked. This means that continuous typing can cause the text to get jumbled up.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Type out two paragraphs of text, with no misspellings.
  2. Begin typing a sentence above the second paragraph. This time include some misspelled words.
    1. After the word has been marked, you should notice the cursor moves.

This typically happens more often when the user is typing quickly.

#7823 IEJSLeaksDetector shows momory leak for IE8 and IE7 confirmed Bug Normal

IEJSLeaksDetector detected memory leaks for CKEditor in IE8 and IE7

To reproduce the issue:

  1. Download and install IEJSLeaksDetector:
  1. Point IEJSLeaksDetector to ajax.html in the nightly build, for example,
  1. Create and remove CKEditor a couple of times and then stop the application.
  1. Notice that IEJSLeaksDetector reports memory leaks.

I tried to test it with no buttons on the toolbar and still got the memory leak.

I have attached a screen shot.

#7824 Cannot call method 'split' of undefined on CKEDITOR.replace confirmed Bug Normal

Our page has several divs that are placeholders for CKEDITOR instances. When a user clicks on one, it closes the active editor, and creates a new instance of CKEDITOR on the clicked div using CKEDITOR.replace. When you have an editor instance open, right click to open the context menu twice, and click on another div to open the editor, I get this error.

Cannot call method 'split' of undefined

This error only occurs when I am using ckeditor.js and not ckeditor_source.js. I've tracked the error down to line 23 of ckeditor.js. Here is a snippet of the issue:


Interestingly, I cannot find any reference in the source to ''. It seems that this only exists in the ckeditor.js file.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start out on a page with two div elements with ids, 'editor1', 'editor2'.
  2. Use CKEDITOR.replace to replace 'editor1'
  3. Right click on the active editor to activate the context menu
  4. Left click on the active editor, not clicking on the menu items
  5. Repeat Step 3
  6. Repeat Step 4
  7. Use CKEDITOR.replace to replace 'editor2'

Tested in Chrome, IE8/9

#7825 Autogrow with sharedSpaces on firefox confirmed Bug Normal

I use autogrow with sharedSpaces. On firefox 4 it's not working properly. In this case editor loads with default height and added 20 pixel (think it's one line-height) on every click inside editor.

It works correctly on ff 3.6 and with autogrow.html samples file (on ff 4).

#7827 IE Selected font name/size not shown in font name/ size drop down list after selecting an option confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect

  1. Open any sample except AJAX.
  1. With out focus in Editor body,select a font(for eg: Comic Sans MS) from Font Name drop down list.

Expected Result:Selected font option shown in Font Name drop down list.

Actual Result:Selected font option not shown in Font Name drop down list but when we start typing the text, the option will be shown in the drop down list.

Same behavior happens with Font Size drop down list

Tested against IE6,IE7,IE8 & IE9

#7828 Improvements to the selection API and documentation confirmed New Feature Normal

We would like to see improvements in the selection API and associated documentation for CKEditor. Some of our products are extending the editor to support features such as content-assist, word completion, extracting the selection into new documents etc. While the CKEditor selection API does a good job of isolating us from browser differences, it is very difficult to figure out how to use and could be more robust in what API it provides.

Suggestions on areas where we would like the API extended and better documentation are included below:

API to help user query selection:
a) Get the plain text of the selection.
b) Get html behind selection (properly formed)
c) Get element at cursor
d) Proper selection change API (see ticket #6443)
e) Find out if the selection is contained in a single block element, or spans more than one block element.
f) Find out if the selection spans any markup.

API to help user modify selection:
a) Adjust the selection to remove leading or trailing the whitespace. (Double-click selects word plus trailing whitespace, whereas most of our operations are likely to want to work on just whole words).
b) Expand selection to span complete words.
c) Expand selection to whole block.
d) Reduce selection to be contained in one block.

Better documentation/examples around range/selection/bookmark functionality:
a) What is the difference between bookmark and bookmark2, and when should I use one rather than the other?
b) When does a selection/range/bookmark become invalid.
c) Useful examples of how to use selection/range/bookmark API

#7831 Opera: can not enter text after inserting Horizontal Line confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample and type "foo".
  1. Press Horizontal Line button.

Expected Result:

Horizontal Line is inserted after current paragraph and cursor goes to empty paragraph after Horizontal line.

Actual Result:

Horizontal Line is inserted after current paragraph but cursor goes to end of current paragraph instead of the empty paragraph after Horizontal line and we can not place the cursor after Horizontal line using keyboard or mouse.

Same issue was raised in ticket #7583 but it was closed as fixed, but the issue in the ticket was not fully fixed. so i opened this new ticket

#7836 In Firefox, a <br /> is inserted in an empty text area when using editor.focus() on initially hidden editors confirmed Bug Normal

In our CMS, the CKEditor is sometimes loaded in the background, in a hidden div (part of a tabset). Although hidden, the editor instance is already created and works fine.

When displaying the DIV, I want to focus the editor, and do so by using editor.focus(). This will put focus on the editor. This works correctly for and empty editor or one with content, and works correctly in all browsers.

The only exception is Firefox (tested on both version 3 and 4), which adds the following content on a editor without any content:

<p><br />

The result being an empty editor, with a <br /> tag in it. In addition, focus is placed on the second line, but when starting to type it will place all text on the first line, NOT removing the second line. You just can't type anything on the second line.

This issue has been present since at least 3.5.3.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a DIV with display: none;
  2. Place a textarea inside, without any content
  3. Replace the textarea with a CKEditor
  4. Show the DIV (it will not have focus)
  5. Focus the editor using editor.focus()
  6. The code mentioned above is inserted into the editor

Expected result:

  1. The editor is focused, content remains empty

Does not apply for:

  • other browsers than Firefox
  • editor with existing content
  • manually focusing the editor by clicking on it
  • editors not hidden when created
#7842 Selection handles in FF can't be set or removed confirmed Bug Normal

If you click (select) an image, table, anchor, ... in FF then the selection handles appear. Now try to reset the selection using javascript code :



var doc = oEditor.document; var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(doc); var body = doc.getBody(); range.setStart(body, 0); range.setEnd(body, 0); oEditor.getSelection().selectRanges( [range] );

The selection is removed (this can be checked with selection.getSelectedElement), but the selection handles in the wysiwyg area remain.

Also, when trying to select an element using javascript code (oEditor.getSelection.selectElement()), the selection handles do not appear.

I think this is a bug in CKEditor and not in FF because it did work in the previous version FCKEditor.

#7846 Opera : Copying and pasting tables not working properly. (CORE-41467) confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open CK Editor, insert a table and enter data in all table cells.
  1. keep cursor in first table cell and select the text in all table cells using mouse or key board and press Ctrl + C
  1. keep cursor in the paragraph after the table and press Ctrl + v.

Expected Result: A new table is pasted which has same no of rows and Columns as the table inserted in step 1.

Actual Result: Data in all table cells are pasted but not as table. when we keep cursor in the pasted data Element path bar shows tr and td tags but no table tag.

when we go back to source view and come back to Rich Text it will combine all the pasted data as single paragraph.

#7848 Inconsistent cut/copy with relation to new anchor feature confirmed Bug Normal

Load the following content:

<p><img src="" /></p>

Click on the image, then select the anchor item in the menu. Add an anchor with any content. Submit the anchor dialog.

Cut image (only the image, not the attached anchor!) from the document. Paste the image back into the document. Paste it repeatedly.

Expected: Cutting content from the document should remove the content from the document that is moved into the clipboard.

Actual: Content remains within the document but is *also* put into the clipboard.

Ideally this new anchor feature would work in a WYSIWYG type fashion, but in it's current incarnation it's hard to use.

Additionally it's pretty debatable on whether the anchor should be copied at all in the above scenario. Common sense indicates it should not, as I did not select the anchor to be cut, so why is it in my clipboard to begin with?

This test occurred in firefox 4

#7855 Clicking 'maximize' shows blank screen in Firefox when the editor is opened inside jQuery UI Dialog confirmed Bug Normal

The issue is present with Firefox 3.6.18 and 4.0 (on Linux and Windows). Maximize works fine in Chrome 11.

CKEditor 3.4.2 works without any issues in exactly the same setup.

#7862 Dialog Move Event confirmed New Feature Normal

I would like an event fired when a dialog move has been completed.

#7863 Lists behaving different in br and p entermode confirmed Bug Normal

When you are working in br mode the lists work different than in p mode. To see what i mean:

Set this in your config file: config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;

In WYSIWYG mode write something like: testing lists ckeditor

Then highlight: testing lists and the beginning of the line where's 'ckeditor' but not the text from it

Then click on any of the list buttons (numbered/bulleted list). You will get the three lines listed while in p mode you will get only the two highlighted lines listed.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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