Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3140 Indent problem with whole table confirmed Support Bug Normal
#7145 Allow opening links in edit mode confirmed IBM Support New Feature Normal
#8109 [IE] Readonly collapses empty paragrahs confirmed IE Support Bug Normal
#9020 "vertical split a cell" works error when the row contains "colpan>1" cells confirmed HasPatch Support Bug Normal
#10093 IE9 inline/destroy multiple times causes return key to repeat that many times confirmed IE9 IE10 Support Bug Normal
#10180 [iOS] iPad issue with Dropdown Menus new iOS Support Bug Normal
#10414 [Enter BR and IE] Problems when entering text in Korean confirmed Support Bug Normal
#10709 Firefox, IE: Text entered after pasted URL becomes part of that URL confirmed IE Firefox Support Bug Normal
#10792 Error in IE10 With Compatibility View confirmed IE10 IE11 Support Bug Normal
#11187 Audio tag needs fake element what should result in new plugin. confirmed Support New Feature Normal
#11405 [iOS] Unable to type on iPad after using dropdown list (Styles/Font/Size) or setting color confirmed iOS Support Bug Normal
#11663 Input Method Editor(IMEs) didn't work properly in CKEditor with the AutoGrow plugin in IE11 review IBM IE11 Support Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal
#11837 [IE8-10]: Delete key removes too much confirmed IE Support Bug Normal
#12144 Magic line customization confirmed Support New Feature Normal
#12177 Create new paragraph inside of a list item confirmed Support New Feature Normal
#12209 BR tag replacement seems to be to agressive confirmed Support Bug Normal
#12246 Highlight the default value in richcombo if default label is set confirmed Support New Feature Normal
#12277 [IE] It's not possible to resize last column using table resizer when borders are collapses confirmed Support Bug Normal
#12453 CKEditor in IE11 doesn't handle large tables. confirmed IE11 Support Bug Normal
#12764 Pasting pure text in Chrome causes weird results confirmed Support Bug Normal
#12775 Create a visual handler for dragging & droping tables confirmed Support New Feature Normal
#12778 Cannot delete paragraph before and after a widget confirmed Support Bug Normal
#12779 There should be a way to drag&drop widget into a table cell confirmed Support New Feature Normal
#12864 Toggling bulleted list insert line breaks when enterMode is configured as CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR confirmed Support Bug Normal
#13005 Change Event is not fired after Delete confirmed Firefox IE Support Bug Normal
#13504 [IE9-10]:Inline styles are not always removed confirmed IE9 IE10 Support Bug Normal
#13509 [IE11] It is not possible to type in Japanese in right aligned table confirmed IE11 Support Can't Fix Bug Normal
#13553 Dropdowns shouldn’t show any option when multiple styles, fonts or formats are selected confirmed Support Bug Normal
#13575 IE11: Typing in Korean with Enter Mode BR moves cursor to previous line. assigned IE11 Support Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal
#14272 You can't delete (using Ctrl+A Del) two lists separated by a paragraph confirmed Blink Webkit Support Bug Normal
#14524 [IE] Destroying CKEditor prevents following input from focus confirmed Support Bug Normal
#14534 Cannot read property 'blockLimit' of null review Blink Webkit Support Tade0 Bug Normal
#14636 Clicking at the end of text in table cell results in some menu options being disabled. confirmed Webkit Blink Mac Support Bug Normal
#14683 Deleting table column leaves wrong rowspan confirmed Support Bug Normal
#14705 Inserting list inside widget focused empty editable area causes error confirmed Blink Support Bug Normal
#14837 Can't tab through table inside a widget. confirmed Support Bug Normal
#16608 Removing paragraph below nested widget and moving the nested widget removes main widget editable confirmed Support Bug Normal
#16863 Partial selection in and inside the table cause cells to be deleted when pressing Del or Backspace confirmed Blink Webkit Support Bug Normal
#16910 [Drag and Drop] Dropping file with " ' " in its name causes 404 confirmed Oracle Support Bug Normal
#16941 Deleting Paragraph before the description list, changes first list element to instead of moving cursor into list confirmed Webkit IE Support Bug Normal
#13703 Pressing backspace near (but not next to) widget selects it. assigned Support Tade0 Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#13943 When custom config is missing, the default config gets loaded twice. review Support. kkrzton Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#14845 Using justify in BR mode doesn't remove trailing BR's in IE thus resulting in new line confirmed Support IE10 IE9 IE8 Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16902 [iOS] CKEditor editing area scrolls incorrectly when inputting new characters on a scrolled page confirmed iOS Support Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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