Color buttons can't be customized
- Insert below code on page and into contents.css
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
//allowedContent : true,
colorButton_colors : 'highlight_yellow/FFFF00',
colorButton_backStyle : {
element : 'span',
attributes : {
'class' : '#(color)'
//in contents.css
background-color: #FFFF00;
- Refresh the cache.
- Highlight the word and change its color to Yellow.
- If you use custom color for which translation is not defined in language file e.g.
then you will see green square in color button dropdown panel but its label is 'FFFF00'
. Maybe I'm wrong here but I would expect label to be displayed as 'highlight_yellow'
- The 'highlight_yellow' is used for styling text you select but it has no effect. Such style
<span style="color:highlight_yellow">item 2</span>
is not recognized thus it looks like text is not styled.
- With ACF enabled, once you switch to source and back, span will be removed and it shouldn't be. This part is reproducible from CKEditor 4.1.
- You can't change this color to automatic with such configuration. This part can be reproduced from CKEditor 3.0.
Yup. This is beyond ACF's ability to understand such styles (using placeholders). The integration would have to come from colorbutton plugin itself.