
Version 71 (modified by Frederico Caldeira Knabben, 12 years ago) (diff)


IBM Priority Tickets for CKEditor 3

Priority 1

Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Version Milestone
#8032 Insert block element between block elements General IBM 3.0
#9097 Selection at the beginning of paragraphs is broken on IE9 and IE8 General IE8 IE9 IBM 3.6.3 CKEditor 3.6.5
#9132 IE6-8 JS error thrown when pasting with dialog Core : Pasting IE IBM 3.6.2 CKEditor 3.6.5
#9209 IE7: Browser crash when changing list item type Core : Lists IBM 3.5 CKEditor 3.6.5
#9310 Paste as Plain text closing when we press Enter in Pasting Area UI : Dialogs IBM 3.6.4 CKEditor 3.6.5
#9311 Vertical scroll bar not appearing in maximized editor with autogtrow enabled General IBM 3.6.2 CKEditor 3.6.5
#9312 IE: Table with multiple tbody tags gets re-ordered when switching between source and wysiwyg mode Core : Output Data IBM 3.6.5 CKEditor 3.6.5

Priority 2

Status: closed (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Version Milestone
#6168 Multiple styles lost when changing coreStyles_underling to use <span> with inline style Core : Styles IBM 3.4 CKEditor 3.6.5
#8795 tableresize not working correctly when the editor's horizontal scroll bar is scrolled Core : Tables IBM 3.6 CKEditor 3.6.5
#8829 FF - Deleting selected text sometimes not working quite right General Webkit Firefox IBM 3.0
#8888 CK Editor dialogs do not show completely in small window UI : Dialogs IBM 3.0 CKEditor 4.0.1
#9101 Tab should leave listbox in smiley and specialchar dialogs Accessibility IBM 3.0 CKEditor 3.6.5
#9152 [IE8] Delete key before list item Core : Lists IE IBM 3.0 CKEditor 3.6.5

Priority 3

Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Version Milestone
#8295 Java Script error when inserting new column in the table General IBM 3.5.1 CKEditor 3.6.5
#8404 Paste as plain text not working correctly with content from Word that includes blank lines Plugin : Paste from Word IBM 3.1
#8916 Safari: Press delete button in an empty cell deleting empty Rows below current row Core : Keystrokes IBM Webkit CKEditor 4.0
#8988 with JAWS: Focus not shown when you navigate menu options Accessibility IBM VendorFix 3.4
#9112 Some table operations are causing javascript errors General IBM 3.2
#9117 FF error shown when calling setData() on hidden editor, with autogrow on General IBM 3.6.2 CKEditor 3.6.5
#9303 Using backspace key causes javascript error, bumps you out of the editor when debugging General IBM 3.6.4

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