Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#7280 Ability to switch toolbar at runtime review Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature Normal
#4251 Adding wrong plugin doesn't give proper warning confirmed Bug Normal
#10101 afterUndo and afterRedo are fired on the commands new Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal
#8982 Anchor options in Link dialog uses only references to 'a' elements confirmed New Feature Normal
#5025 Approach for backward compatibility new Task Normal
#5153 Automatically set size to the dimensions of the replaced textarea confirmed New Feature Normal
#14420 Bad source mapping included in the samples confirmed Bug Normal
#11365 Blink crashes if right clicking on mapped image confirmed Bug Normal
#1373 Center screen option for popup links confirmed New Feature Normal
#8260 Change from raising error to show an alert if instance exists new Bug Normal
#8928 config.corePlugins is always empty confirmed Bug Normal
#6009 Create "Configurator" sample confirmed New Feature Normal
#5600 Create new block Format to end PRE at start of line new New Feature Normal
#5317 Create tool to improve detection of non released memory pending Task Normal
#14901 Dragging an inline widget outside of span, carries leftover span around confirmed Bug Normal
#14900 Drop of inline widget in a span, splits the span in two confirmed New Feature Normal
#14545 editor.showNotification doesn't handle line breaks confirmed New Feature Normal
#1415 empty div tags are removed confirmed Bug Normal
#8891 Expand toolbar button is wrong confirmed Bug Normal
#4250 Fails to warn on usage of non-existing command confirmed Bug Normal
#6965 Filebrowser in the "image button" dialog opens general browser confirmed Bug Normal
#10734 icon strip generated in local builder includes all the icons confirmed Bug Normal
#11234 IE 11 doesn't like links with display:inline-block confirmed Bug Normal
#11778 IE11: The xml object loaded with Ajax plugin fails to find children confirmed Bug Normal
#9060 IE: closing a dialog from a nested editor doesn't unlock the selection review Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal
#9090 IE: Editing link changes link text confirmed Bug Normal
#6307 IE: Option to disable automatic creation of links confirmed New Feature Normal
#14427 Image2 widget isn't in the correct state after drag&drop confirmed Bug Normal
#167 Improving IsDirty after switching modes and undo confirmed Bug Normal
#10356 "learn mode" for ACF confirmed New Feature Normal
#8878 Missing docs for dialog.definition.fieldset confirmed Bug Normal
#13481 Nested dialog hides parent dialog on Maximized editor. confirmed Bug Normal
#13862 Notifications aren't visible if called from a Dialog confirmed New Feature Normal
#8525 Not possible to edit selected element confirmed Bug Normal
#9590 Optimize the browser specific css confirmed New Feature Normal
#3627 Performance testing assigned Garry Yao New Feature Normal
#5350 Problems inserting new lines with IE8 inside pre confirmed Bug Normal
#5528 Protect style attribute assigned Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature Normal
#5023 Provide default stylesSet sample with more features confirmed Task Normal
#5589 Provide removeFormat as first option in Styles combo confirmed New Feature Normal
#5346 Provide reset() method confirmed New Feature Normal
#6773 Releaser should delete plugins/dialog/dialogDefinition.js confirmed Task Normal
#4413 SCAYT, no option to remove added word confirmed New Feature Normal
#5105 Simplify getContentElement so it uses only elementId review New Feature Normal
#3589 StylesCombo plugin: no option to load from XML file confirmed New Feature Normal
#13833 Styles dropdown doesn't work correctly for tables with border=0 assigned Tomasz Jakut Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#8832 Stylesheet parser error if file not on cache review Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal
#12033 Using tableresize in fullPage mode leaves cursor style set on body confirmed Bug Normal
#5644 Vertical or Horizontal resize should have grabber at that side confirmed New Feature Normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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