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Results (301 - 356 of 356)

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Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#12453 CKEditor in IE11 doesn't handle large tables. confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#12474 Quirky cases in tests for magicline with widgets assigned a.nowodzinski@… Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal
#12479 selection bug with widgets assigned thorben.schiller@… Szymon Kupś Bug Normal
#12520 Language plugin: frustrating <span> expansion confirmed wim.leers@… Bug Normal
#12567 Dialogs are incorrectly sized on iOS new byran.zaugg@… Bug Normal
#12569 Span gets removed or changed when pasting text. confirmed mike@… Bug Normal
#12604 Unit dropdown (px, %) in cell properties layer does not fire an event confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#12634 Impossible to place caret in an empty inline style that existed in an empty block confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#12658 Wrong caret position on undo. confirmed jonasw@…, andersjo@… Bug Normal
#12741 The table in a list item gets deleted when clicking enter confirmed irinauru@…, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#12764 Pasting pure text in Chrome causes weird results confirmed mike@… Bug Normal
#12774 Image is inserted with styles even when disallowed by ACF confirmed Artur Delura, Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal
#12891 Inline mode + Widgets( codeSnippet or formula ): CheckDirty() always returns "true" after page is loaded confirmed airocat@…, michele.dolfi@… Bug Normal
#12950 drop-down list WITHOUT a pre-selected option throws JS-Error in Chrome and IE11 confirmed ckeditor@… Bug Normal
#12979 [FF] Preview does not work when CKEditor is loaded from a different domain confirmed lokesh2206 Bug Normal
#13004 SHift Enter Mode = P is not working for .NET site confirmed shagin.sasi@… Bug Normal
#13087 How to unfocus newly created CKEditor widgets pending wim.leers@… Task Normal
#13102 It is not possible to align/justify whole table. confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#13117 Editor.document is not set in source mode confirmed IRINAURU@…, giorgio, satya_minnekanti@…, chrisgui@… Bug Normal
#13125 FF Only - The space after a contenteditable element is ignored when backspacing confirmed ChrisGui@…, irinauru@… Bug Normal
#13240 <br> vs \n in side a <pre> confirmed byran.zaugg@… Bug Normal
#13257 Left-align button does not indicate correct state under mode of CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR confirmed byran.zaugg@… Bug Normal
#13404 With enter mode as <br>, decreasing indent will cause different lines form back into 1 single line confirmed byran.zaugg@… Bug Normal
#13405 Text Area not working properly during resizing of dialog window when using paste plugin confirmed byran.zaugg@… Bug Normal
#13511 iOS selection UI obscures ckeditor toolbar new wayne.christian@… Bug Normal
#13569 Drag and drop link pastes URL in plain text confirmed jocdeladria@…, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#13740 Decreasing indention in a multiple indentation list confirmed ruud@… Bug Normal
#13784 [Research] Integrate iOS9 keyboard toolbar with the editor confirmed wim.leers@… Task Normal
#13791 filebrowser plugin should fire fileUploadRequest confirmed andrey.fedoseev@… New Feature Normal
#13840 Automatic Paragraph Closing Creates Empty Paragraph confirmed ckeditor@… Bug Normal
#13852 There is no way to disable the font and fontsize button on the toolbar confirmed ramendra.kotharkar@… New Feature Normal
#13888 image2: editor.config.image2_captionedClass is not removed when going from captioned to uncaptioned with Drupal's extended image2 new wim.leers@… Bug Normal
#13898 Make ACF more robust, and document it better confirmed wim.leers@… Bug Normal
#13966 Japanese Multi-Byte Character doesn't work after some breaks confirmed mrafique@… Bug Normal
#14231 Memory usage increase with MathJax plugin new seadmemic@… Bug Normal
#14306 BIDI: Missing support for Arabic (Arabic Indic) numeric digits in CKEditor new tomerm@… New Feature Normal
#14319 BIDI: When locale is set to Arabic, Font Size combo displays Arabic-European digits confirmed tomerm@… Bug Normal
#14455 Control id attribute when pasting html to editor. confirmed Marek Lewandowski New Feature Normal
#14501 [Blink] Range.enlarge behaves different with empty blocks. confirmed Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal
#14525 Japanese charactor disappeared while typing confirmed chika@…, jonathan.ehman@… Bug Normal
#14581 Pasting from MS Excel to CKEditor using IE loses background colors IF cells are resized from the default prior to copying confirmed jonathan.ehman@…, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#14619 Unable to resize editor on mobile confirmed wim.leers@… Tade0 Bug Normal
#14675 On change event is not fired on first content remove after D'n'D confirmed sergey.s.sazonov@… Bug Normal
#14733 setting Italic fails for Japanese character, in Japanese locale pending satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#14739 APPHOST9602 Error when using CKEditor in native Windows App confirmed bstaley0@… Bug Normal
#14765 Copying from IE divarea editor to Chrome/Firefox in results in full nodes path. confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#14797 [iPad Mini] Unable to scroll horizontally in CKEditor confirmed… Bug Normal
#16472 [IE/Edge] Bold (and other style tags) are applied multiple times confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#16687 &shy; character breaks paragraph wrapping in Chrome confirmed andreasprantl1403@… Bug Normal
#16708 Inserting text before a table breaks paragraph wrapping in Chrome confirmed andreasprantl1403@… Bug Normal
#16785 [IOS] Editor scrolls back to top of the page new nandakumar.arumugam@… Bug Normal
#16897 Paste From Word: Font family not copied over multiple paragraphs with non-standard font new felbrigg.herriot@… Bug Normal
#16922 the size of picture upload manager window is break pending freezesoul@… Bug Normal
#2578 Opera browser fit to width loses edit area confirmed Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Low
#6677 BIDI: IE6 Cursor missing from Editor body when we click on RTL icon with out focusing in Editor body confirmed Damian, joek, James Bug Low
#9964 Font Size and Font Name drop-downs do not always reflect font styling confirmed Damian, Satya Minnekanti, fabrizio, lynne_kues@…, saniln@…, mike@…, chris@… New Feature Low
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