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Results (2601 - 2646 of 2646)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#14252 Styles dropdown doesn't always reflect the current style of the text line in Internet Explorer IE kkrzton Bug closed Normal
#14298 CKEditor treats button element as resizable image in IE11 ie11, button, image Bug closed Normal
#14312 [IE] Artifact is visible after pasting of any text IE Tade0 Bug closed Normal
#14313 Copying/pasting nested lists in IE results in flat list IE Can't Fix Bug confirmed Normal
#14315 [IE] Inconsistent color in strikethrough when using Native Browser Spell Checker IE Bug closed Normal
#14330 [IE11] Highlight Shift with Japanese IME when converting to Kanji on CKEditor ibm IE Bug closed Normal
#14337 [IE] Proper selection restoring after modification of text while unfocused IE Bug confirmed Normal
#14518 On IE11, data-bound elements in dialog are not updated when clicking OK IE Bug pending Normal
#14525 Japanese charactor disappeared while typing IE11 Bug confirmed Normal
#14542 Copying numbered list from MS word doesn't keep list formatting IE11 Support Tade0 Bug closed Normal
#14571 IE11: Widget selection lost after Undo & Redo IBM IE Tade0 Bug assigned Normal
#14578 ckeditor in IE trusted site does not work well with internet zone Active Scripting security is disabled IE Bug closed Normal
#14594 enterMode=ENTER_BR setting breaks IE10 behavior IE10 Bug closed Normal
#14634 getSelectedText omits <br> characters in IE IE Bug confirmed Normal
#14688 SCRIPT16389: Unspecified error in IE 11 IE11 Bug closed Normal
#14704 IE11: Japanese Kanji character breaks when you repeatedly typing Japanese IBM IE11 Bug confirmed Normal
#14733 setting Italic fails for Japanese character, in Japanese locale IBM IE11 Bug pending Normal
#14755 [Webkit][IE8] Browser hangs when user set Number list & then insert table IBM Blink Webkit IE8 Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal
#14767 Browser becomes unresponsive at the input of the multi-byte character IE11 Bug confirmed Normal
#14823 IE11 Image Insert IE11 Bug closed Normal
#16472 [IE/Edge] Bold (and other style tags) are applied multiple times IE Bug confirmed Normal
#16500 Copy/Paste list doesn't paste first bullet. IE9-11 Bug confirmed Normal
#16625 FF & IE: Increasing Indent not working on lists IBM IE Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#16681 Pasting List from Word in IE wraps list utems in paragraphs. IE11 Bug confirmed Normal
#16718 [IE11][CF] Styles applied to the wrong node when CF used exactly on the same position for the second time. IE11, Copyformatting Bug confirmed Normal
#16797 On IE11, style="overflow-x: auto" becomes -ms-overflow-x when switching between source and wysiwyg source, overflow, IE10, IE11, Bug closed Normal
#16820 [BR MODE][IE10] Inserting horizontal line and clickinng below it causes error IE10 Bug closed Normal
#16845 [IE11] Cursor jump to the top of the editor IE Tade0 Bug closed Normal
#16854 startupFocus: false doesn't work in IE 11 startupFocus,IE Bug new Normal
#16901 Duplicate selection field after changing some styles selection field Bug new Normal
#16914 TAB key space doesn't get copied from MSWord to CKEditor in IE11 IE Edge Bug closed Normal
#16932 [ENTER_BR]: Enter hides space before text and leaves cursor in first line. IE EDGE Bug confirmed Normal
#16941 Deleting Paragraph before the description list, changes first list element to instead of moving cursor into list Webkit IE Support Bug confirmed Normal
#17002 [IE9-11] Advanced Color Dialog won't close on IE11 with Caret Browsing (F7) enabled IE Edge Bug confirmed Normal
#17026 CKEditor does not work on IE11 IE Bug closed Normal
#171 Unable to set textfield char width to 20 IE6 IE7 Martin Kou Bug review_failed Low
#1011 Button for signature Confirmed Review+ Artur Formella New Feature closed Low
#1891 fck_tablecell.html id >< name conflicts Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Low
#2643 Editor right scroll padding in IE IE7 Bug closed Low
#3427 Correct synctax error of fck_docprops.html Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Low
#3578 Compatibility message in samples states that Firefox 1.5 is supported Confirmed Review+ Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Low
#3852 Disable textarea resizing in webkit Review+ Artur Formella Bug closed Low
#5650 disabling/enabling SCAYT makes editor to lost its focus Review- Bug closed Low
#7012 Samples - Languages -fast switching between languages causes Editor to crash IE Opera Bug closed Low
#7540 IE8 adds extra space when pasting from word. IE8 IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Low
#7614 [HC] buttons and textarea go outside editor when it's resized in IE9 IE9 Bug confirmed Low
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