Jan 9, 2016:
2:27 AM Ticket #14309 (Table or horizontal line disappeared after insert in case of ...) created by Kinny
== Steps to reproduce ==
Tested on demo page …
Jan 8, 2016:
9:08 PM Ticket #14279 (pressing delete key inside empty td[contenteditable="true"]) closed by Jakub Ś
4:29 PM Ticket #14308 (Issue with CKFinder "Unparseable Date" using ColdFusion and CKFinder 2) created by Kaustav
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Windows Server
2. older Jquery instance …
11:57 AM Ticket #3509 (Styles aren't maintained at end of line) closed by kkrzton
worksforme: Tried to reproduce on FF 43.0 and CKEditor 4.5.6 without success.
Jan 7, 2016:
4:42 PM Ticket #14307 (Page scrolling when spacebar is pressed to de-select lock ratio checkbox) created by Irina
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open 'Image Properties' dialog
2. …
4:12 PM Ticket #14306 (BIDI: Missing support for Arabic (Arabic Indic) numeric digits in CKEditor) created by edithk
Digits are represented in the editor by Hindu-Arabic digits (0 1 2 3 4 …
3:52 PM Ticket #14303 (Spell checker is not working in IE Compatibility view) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Scayt is an CKEditor add-on created by another company.
If you think …
2:47 PM Ticket #14305 (an ASCII character is not removed by the "copy from word" cleaner button) created by iomedia
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. paste the Data link escape - ASCII CODE …
12:47 PM Ticket #14304 (fixing position of range.endOffset moves to range.startOffset on ...) created by newdegate
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Get previous word of the selected cursor …
11:07 AM Ticket #14303 (Spell checker is not working in IE Compatibility view) created by Swetha
We are using ckeditor with spell checker in our Intranet application …
8:00 AM BadContent edited by Jakub Ś
Jan 6, 2016:
9:42 PM Ticket #14302 (span tag replaced by font) created by LeResKP
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Go here …
Jan 5, 2016:
1:01 PM Ticket #14300 (Cut Copy events attached do other element than editable are no longer ...) created by Jakub Ś
== Steps to reproduce ==
Below code works until CKE 4.4.8
10:17 AM Ticket #14299 ([mathjax] MathJax dialog not updating on mouse paste) created by kkrzton
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open mathjax dialog
2. Enter the …
8:04 AM Ticket #14297 (Invalid SSL Certificate) closed by Anna Tomanek
invalid: This is the limitation of the public Iframely service - see the …
12:38 AM Ticket #14298 (CKEditor treats button element as resizable image in IE11) created by Mike
When using CKEditor and IE11, a <button> element inside the CKEditor's …
Jan 4, 2016:
10:03 PM Ticket #14297 (Invalid SSL Certificate) created by Mister Mann
The embed links to ckeditor.iframe.ly are failing over HTTPS due to an …
4:35 PM Ticket #14296 (Failing filetools test after merge) created by Marek Lewandowski
After mergin master to major branch one test fails as it was not aware …
12:00 PM Ticket #11990 (Codesnippet checkDirty is true after modify code and then rollback or ...) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: This problem is no longer reproducible from CKEditor 4.5.0
11:56 AM Ticket #14239 (Spurious nodes added to document when toggling source view control ...) closed by Marek Lewandowski
invalid: Given markup is invalid, as …
Jan 3, 2016:
2:50 PM Ticket #14295 (not working in popup window created by Javascript) created by jmvanel
== Steps to reproduce ==
== Expected result ==
Jan 1, 2016:
5:54 PM Ticket #14294 (CheckDirty is true after focusing image2 and simplebox widgets) created by Quurks
== Steps to reproduce ==
Same as #11753, except with Firefox 43.0.1: …
Dec 31, 2015:
4:54 PM Ticket #14293 ([pastetext] Paste As Plain Text does not remove bold and italic text ...) created by Seth Feldkamp
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Open the attached MS Word document and …
1:49 PM Ticket #14292 (Font Size Dropdown appending Text also) created by GObinath
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. on Button click, i used to append text to …
Dec 30, 2015:
1:43 PM Ticket #13816 ([Webkit/Blink] New strategy for Filling Character handling to avoid ...) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Good job! Fixed with git:2d078ff42a (merged to master).
1:38 PM Ticket #13513 (Divarea and getData throw error when image is only data in editor.) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Fixed with git:2d078ff42a by #13816.
1:37 PM Ticket #13389 (editor.getData() fails, when cursor is next to a HR tag) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Fixed with git:2d078ff42a by #13816.
1:37 PM Ticket #13377 (Widget plugin issue (typing Korean)) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Fixed with git:2d078ff42a by #13816.
1:37 PM Ticket #12727 (IndexSizeError on using plugins 'Div Editing Area' and 'Content Templates') closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Fixed with git:2d078ff42a by #13816.
1:05 PM Ticket #14291 (Required-Attribute not correctly translated between Source- and ...) created by sbusse
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Goto http://ckeditor.com/demo#full
2. …
12:38 PM Ticket #14290 (Aspect ratio lock becomes disabled after re-opening image dialog box.) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #10051.
10:58 AM Ticket #13801 (Japanese Multi-Byte Character doesn't work after Clicking Bold or any ...) closed by Marek Lewandowski
duplicate: DUP of #13377.
Dec 29, 2015:
8:43 PM Ticket #14290 (Aspect ratio lock becomes disabled after re-opening image dialog box.) created by twimer
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Insert an image using the CKEditor image …
5:01 PM Ticket #14281 (webkit: strong turns into b after deletion) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: After some checking it has turned out this is a duplicate of #13224.
12:40 PM Ticket #14289 (Issue with Merging and Deleting Cell at last column) created by Bryan Foo
in cases where there are multiple row spans.
merging or deleting cell …
Dec 28, 2015:
2:46 PM Ticket #14288 (Autolink in Firefox places caret inside link) created by Mark Wade
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Using Firefox, go to a CKEditor build …
2:35 PM Ticket #14287 (Paste As Plain Text doesn't work as expected) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: First of all, you should not use
but rather …
2:02 PM Ticket #14282 (Getting 'Access Denied' error when uploading images) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: You need newer CKEditor for uploads to work.
You have written …
1:55 PM Ticket #14276 (Unable to re-edit controls in Mozill Firefox Web Browser) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #5804.
1:51 PM Ticket #14273 (Validation) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I'm sorry but this is a place for reporting CKEditor bugs.
CKEditor …
12:49 PM Ticket #14287 (Paste As Plain Text doesn't work as expected) created by Sergei
== Steps to reproduce: ==
1) open …
11:37 AM Ticket #14286 (Update SCAYT submodule) closed by Tomasz Jakut
fixed: Fixed with …
9:44 AM Ticket #14286 (Update SCAYT submodule) created by Marek Lewandowski
In #14277 Krzysztof has sent a pull request to SCAYT team to fix …
9:38 AM Ticket #14277 (remove global object from the documentation) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Great, the PR has been accepted. Good job!
8:45 AM Ticket #14283 (Leaflet Maps: not found in CKEditor Builder page) closed by Jakub Ś
Dec 27, 2015:
7:21 PM Ticket #14285 (Overflow CSS property added to html element when using autogrow with ...) created by Mark
== Steps to reproduce ==
1. Build 4.5.6, including autogrow plugin
2. …
4:08 AM Ticket #14284 (extra white space appear in code snippet area in ckeditor) created by zami
I am using ckeditor's code snippet pluggin.Problem is when in put code …
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.