
May 4, 2016:

10:59 PM Ticket #14622 (Borders lost when pasting from libre office calc from Chrome Windows - ...) created by jprado
== Steps to reproduce == 1. open attached table.ods, select the table …
9:21 AM Ticket #14621 (Bug with add/delete row/column button in the tables) created by Sindo
== Steps to reproduce == 1. Create a table on an IP Boards forum 2. …
9:10 AM Ticket #14620 (Autogrow plugin should reset iframe's html height) created by Marek Lewandowski
This issue comes from https://www.drupal.org/node/2239419. What …
8:33 AM Ticket #14619 (Unable to resize editor on mobile) created by Marek Lewandowski
Resize handler does not work on mobile browsers. Tested both on …
12:01 AM Ticket #14618 (Memory leak happening in CKEditor when navigating to different view) created by Kunal Garg
== Steps to reproduce == 1. Use CKEditor.replace on textArea 2. Now …

May 3, 2016:

9:41 AM Ticket #14617 (Copy, paste from 2 Chrome windows/tabs loose styles) created by Ollea
== Steps to reproduce == 1. Open two windows (or tabs) in Chrome 2. …

May 2, 2016:

8:45 AM Ticket #14616 ([EDGE] Loss of focus on touch devices (randomly)) created by Fabien Leconte
== Steps to reproduce == 1. On an empty CKEditor instance 2. Try to …

May 1, 2016:

5:21 PM Ticket #14615 (protected source in attributes modified in custom html elements) created by Hubert Garrido
With angular, it is a common practice to define new HTML elements, and …

Apr 30, 2016:

10:01 PM Ticket #14614 (Whitespace is removed when pasting content in visual mode) created by John Whitlock
This behavior changed between v4.5.4 and v4.5.7. In v4.5.4, if you …

Apr 29, 2016:

9:36 PM Ticket #14613 (race issue loading plugins when editor already destroyed) created by Brian
See end of description for suggested fix. == Steps to reproduce == …
2:03 PM Ticket #12478 ([IE10] Unstable core/ckeditor/basepathglobal test) closed by Tomasz Jakut
worksforme: Seems stable with my IE.
1:48 PM Ticket #13443 (Content is drop at wrong position) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I have checked this in latest master (4.5.8 at the time of writting) …
1:37 PM Ticket #13438 (Image2 undo & redo during upload) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: I could not reproduce this issue. I have dropped 5MB image undo&redo …
11:19 AM Ticket #14612 (Impossible to remove a bold style if the strong tag has an id) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: Please see: #6026 and #8369 and especially this comment - …

Apr 28, 2016:

3:04 PM Ticket #14612 (Impossible to remove a bold style if the strong tag has an id) created by Damien Pobel
== Steps to reproduce == 1. Put a in bold (same issue exist with …
2:34 PM Ticket #14611 (math plugin and code plugin not working properly) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: I think we would have noticed issue like that. We have checked IE …
10:09 AM Ticket #14611 (math plugin and code plugin not working properly) created by amit soni
== Steps to reproduce == 1. go to math/insert code option 2. put math …

Apr 27, 2016:

11:21 AM Ticket #14609 (Toolbar is getting resized while resizing the ckeditor) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: You are using http://ckeditor.com/addon/moonocolor skin not created by …
6:47 AM Ticket #14610 (Notification plugin Cannot read property 'getClientRect' of null) created by Stan
== Steps to reproduce == 1. I have overlay popup window with bigger …
5:41 AM Ticket #14609 (Toolbar is getting resized while resizing the ckeditor) created by Sibasish palo
== Steps to reproduce == 1. in config.js add the following line …

Apr 26, 2016:

10:44 AM Ticket #13860 ([Chrome] Text formatting like text color or background color are ...) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: It turned out this ticket is a subset of #14593 thus i will close this …
10:41 AM Ticket #14593 (CHROME: Copying & pasting content from one editor instance to another ...) reopened by Jakub Ś

Apr 25, 2016:

6:44 PM Ticket #14538 (Keyboard focus goes into embedded iframe element) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Proposed solution is enough to fix the problem, actually all we want …
4:20 AM Ticket #14608 (The inline editor is not scrolling inside scrollable div) created by cytsunny
== Steps to reproduce == 1. Create a scrollable div 2. Inside that …

Apr 22, 2016:

3:34 PM Ticket #14607 (pasteWord and Table style) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: For MS word please set below two properties to false: …
3:25 PM Ticket #14594 (enterMode=ENTER_BR setting breaks IE10 behavior) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: 1. CKEditor is not responsible for rendering the cursor. 2. If you …
2:11 PM Ticket #14607 (pasteWord and Table style) created by akam
== Steps to reproduce == 1. Create table with backround color and …
2:11 PM Ticket #14592 (Image resizing does not trigger a onChange event.) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #1511 ---- I assume you are talking about IE native resize …
11:23 AM Ticket #14606 (Problem with TableResizer) created by sebastian.rozmus@o2.pl
Hi, I've found an issue with code below when trying to resize last …
10:57 AM Ticket #14593 (CHROME: Copying & pasting content from one editor instance to another ...) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: This is a duplicate of #13860.
7:43 AM Ticket #14602 (Remove attributes method does not remove all attribs if no parameter ...) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Fixed with git:e416dafb03fd9194bab1fe880030754f54b520d0 - merged to master.

Apr 21, 2016:

11:13 AM Ticket #14605 (Test for pagebreak fails in Chrome) created by Tomasz Jakut
Open …
10:50 AM Ticket #14604 ([Skin building] Some versions of ImageMagic may corrupt icons while ...) created by kkrzton
While generating new icons using iconmaker.js script …
10:04 AM Ticket #14603 (Function "contains " in elementpath don't exclude root element if it ...) created by Ben Ng
== Steps to reproduce == 1. Call the contains function of a …
9:24 AM Ticket #14602 (Remove attributes method does not remove all attribs if no parameter ...) created by Marek Lewandowski

Apr 20, 2016:

3:49 PM Ticket #14596 (Can't drag a widget between horizontal locations) closed by Jakub Ś
wontfix: CKEditor determines what is block/inline element based on HTML …
invalid: > Its working in your demo properly. But not at my pc. I'm sorry but …
2:05 PM Ticket #14595 (single-click selection on contenteditable="false" not working in Chrome) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: We don't support native nested contenteditable elements. If you …
12:23 PM Ticket #8679 (Better focus indication and ability to style selected color in the ...) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Fixed with git:28c11e1ccf (merged to master).
11:24 AM Ticket #14312 ([IE] Artifact is visible after pasting of any text) closed by Marek Lewandowski
fixed: Fixed with git:eaf5716f7d (merged to master).
10:58 AM Ticket #14601 (COPY PASTE OPTION NOT WORK PROPERLY FOR HTNL CODE) created by amit soni
== Steps to reproduce == 1. Copy some html code from an ide. 2. …
10:45 AM Ticket #14600 (chart plugin) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Chart plugin is just a proof of concept which can be further …
10:17 AM Ticket #14600 (chart plugin) created by sophie fayad
Dear Ckeditor, I need your help please and it's very important to me …

Apr 19, 2016:

4:18 PM Ticket #14599 (disabled editor, still being able to paste) created by edulid
1. enable 'Cut', 'Copy', 'PasteText' in the toolbar 2. select some …
3:36 PM Ticket #14598 (Order of style properties is changed when inserting content) created by Papillon
== Steps to reproduce == Insert a new element with insertHtml(). The …
12:19 PM Ticket #14597 (After enabling scayt in inline mode and click browser back button ...) created by Chidanand
== Steps to reproduce == 1. I have multiple CKEditor inline instances …
11:04 AM Ticket #14596 (Can't drag a widget between horizontal locations) created by Matthew Popat
== Steps to reproduce == 1. Setup divs with …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.
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