
Version 56 (modified by Teresa Monahan, 13 years ago) (diff)


IBM Priority Tickets

Priority 1

Status: closed (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Version Milestone
#8032 Insert block element between block elements General IBM 3.0
#8741 Editor does not allow to change the numbering list font General IBM v4 3.0
#8908 Content pasted using 'Paste as Plain text' is sometimes styled in the editor. Core : Pasting IBM 3.5
#8945 FF: (HC mode) There is no indication of what the flash and iframe placeholders are used for in High Contrast mode Accessibility IBM 3.5 CKEditor 3.6.4
#8949 IE: Image Properties does not show in context menu when the image is wrapped in a div with the width set UI : Context Menu IE IBM 3.6.3 CKEditor 3.6.4
#8978 IE: Editor selection is intermittently lost when an item is selected from a toolbar menu UI : Floating Panel IE IBM 3.0 CKEditor 3.6.4
#8979 Incorrect font size shown for <font> tag Core : Styles IBM 3.0 CKEditor 3.6.4
#8985 IE - Enter key not being properly processed by dialogs UI : Dialogs IE9 IBM 3.0 CKEditor 3.6.4
#8997 Styles are lost on sub-lists when converting from numbered list to bulleted list and vice versa Core : Lists IBM 3.3.2 CKEditor 3.6.4
#9008 List order is reversed when converting list type Core : Lists IBM 3.6.3 CKEditor 3.6.4
#9015 File input does not contain an associated label Accessibility IBM 3.0 CKEditor 3.6.4
#9016 IFrame semantics of File input need to be removed Accessibility IBM 3.0 CKEditor 3.6.4
#9022 IE Compat View: Number/Bulle list gets removed when we type the text General IE8 IE9 IBM 3.6.3 CKEditor 3.6.4
#9034 IE: Unspecified Error when making a selection in the editor Core : Selection IE7 3.6.3 CKEditor 3.6.4
#9042 Safari: cke_pastebin remains in editor body after pasting Core : Pasting Safari Chrome IBM 3.6.3 CKEditor 3.6.4
#9057 Decrease indent changing bullet alignment Core : Lists IBM CKEditor 3.6.4
#9063 Font styling lost on sub-lists when the indent on the parent list is decreased Core : Lists IBM 3.6.4 CKEditor 3.6.4
#9076 When Indentation of parent list is decreased, font styling from sub-lists goes to paragraph and can't be removed. Core : Lists IBM 3.0

Priority 2

Status: closed (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Version Milestone
#5447 Anchorname with a blank at the end UI : Dialogs Confirmed, IBM 3.0 CKEditor 3.6.4
#6217 Cannot delete a line (paragraph) above the table Core : Keystrokes IBM 3.0 CKEditor 3.6.4
#8925 FF: Window scrolls to top when closing the table properties dialog General Firefox IBM 3.3 CKEditor 3.6.4
#8971 IE 7 & IE 8&9 Compat View: Image dialog gets huge, if image has Large Alternate text UI : Dialogs IE IBM 3.0.2 CKEditor 3.6.4

Status: confirmed (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Version Milestone
#8322 [IE] Performance problems with nested documents Performance IBM IE v4 3.0

Priority 3

Status: closed (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Version Milestone
#7745 Instructions on how to access help dialog should be placed in an aria-describedby attribute Accessibility IBM VendorFix CKEditor 3.6.4
#8404 Paste as plain text not working correctly with content from Word that includes blank lines Plugin : Paste from Word IBM 3.1
#8829 FF - Deleting selected text sometimes not working quite right General Webkit Firefox IBM 3.0
#8916 Safari: Press delete button in an empty cell deleting empty Rows below current row Core : Keystrokes IBM Webkit CKEditor 4.0
#8950 Webkit: insertElement() not working as expected for inline elements General IBM 3.0 CKEditor 3.6.4
#8988 with JAWS: Focus not shown when you navigate menu options Accessibility IBM VendorFix 3.4

Status: confirmed (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Version Milestone
#8830 IE - Cannot determine which cells are selected in a table General IBM IE v4 3.0

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