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Results (1501 - 1600 of 2591)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#11185 Zero-width space entity gets doubled confirmed Bug Normal
#11187 Audio tag needs fake element what should result in new plugin. confirmed New Feature Normal
#11190 Updated missing meta information for language files confirmed Task Normal
#11192 Table Tools modify the wrong table when working with the <th> element in a nested table confirmed Bug Normal
#11194 Notification about new version in About dialog confirmed New Feature Normal
#11199 [Image2, ACF] Content of figcaption remain once the tag is stripped out in a widget confirmed Bug Normal
#11212 [FF] It is impossible to exit styled list with Enter Key. confirmed Bug Normal
#11221 Incorrect result of table/list deletion confirmed Bug Normal
#11227 dialog.validate.functions bugs confirmed Bug Normal
#11231 Autogrow does not load as images are loaded confirmed Bug Normal
#11234 IE 11 doesn't like links with display:inline-block confirmed Bug Normal
#11240 Basic formatting of a content of <pre> tag stripped by ACF is not preserved confirmed Bug Normal
#11241 CKFinder in readonly throws JS error confirmed Bug Normal
#11242 [IE8] Ignored tests related to fake selection have to be checked confirmed Bug Normal
#11247 Dead code in htmldataprocessor.html TC assigned Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal
#11248 [FF] Permission denied is thrown when preview is used for page with document.domain confirmed Bug Normal
#11252 Widget with complex structure allow editing of widgets' editables (if those are divs) confirmed Bug Normal
#11254 Tests mocking CKEDITOR.editor should be rewritten confirmed Bug Normal
#11255 split merged cell vertically command transposes the cells confirmed Bug Normal
#11256 [iOS] startupFocus option does not work on iPad new Bug Normal
#11257 Language dropdown display issues with many language options confirmed Bug Normal
#11259 Pressing down arrow when menu containing richcobmo is focused, will not move focus to first potion confirmed Bug Normal
#11261 [Blink] Problem with textarea in paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
#11269 [Webkit] Several elementspath issues confirmed Bug Normal
#11270 Delete pressed in table cell causes an error when magicline is visible confirmed Bug Normal
#11271 [IE9-11] INDEX_SIZE_ERR thrown after closing find dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#11272 [Blink] Two paragraphs after one enter before <hr> confirmed Bug Normal
#11274 Flash placeholder change size after copy and paste in image2 sample confirmed Bug Normal
#11275 [IE8] Widget: it is possible to use native drag handler confirmed Bug Normal
#11277 Usability improvement: Allow adding anchor text when creating link assigned Jakub Ś New Feature Normal
#11280 [IE] Selection not refreshed or incorrect if clicked outside body confirmed Bug Normal
#11286 Panels are too narrow confirmed Bug Normal
#11313 Mathjax plugin broken when ckeditor is used over https:// protocol confirmed Bug Normal
#11318 An error should be thrown if loading resources failed confirmed Bug Normal
#11320 IE: cursor not visible when CKEditor opened as a modal dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#11321 File Browser plugin doesn't show that image is being uploaded in IE confirmed New Feature Normal
#11322 Impossible to delete some block elements at the beginning of content confirmed New Feature Normal
#11323 [FF] preview does not display images confirmed Bug Normal
#11324 checkDirty() return true, but should return false confirmed Bug Normal
#11326 enterKey breaks block-level widgets confirmed Bug Normal
#11339 Inline editing: width / height configuration options do not work confirmed New Feature Normal
#11340 End of the range is enlarged randomly. confirmed Bug Normal
#11343 Drag&drop: inline widgets disappear when forcePasteAsPlainText is set confirmed Bug Normal
#11346 Formatting lost when applied to highlighted section, cursor placed at end of line, then the same formatting option toggled again confirmed Bug Normal
#11361 Import from Word confirmed Bug Normal
#11363 Unify tests using multiple editor modes confirmed New Feature Normal
#11365 Blink crashes if right clicking on mapped image confirmed Bug Normal
#11374 Asymmetrical enlarge. confirmed Bug Normal
#11375 [iOS] On iPad adding a table shows cursor in first cell, but text cannot be entered new Bug Normal
#11378 IE 8 & 9 Toolbar styling goes awry with 3 or more editors confirmed Bug Normal
#11380 Chrome crashes when right clicking on an option within a multiple select box confirmed Bug Normal
#11389 [iOS] Elements are inserted at wrong position on Ipad new Bug Normal
#11394 HtmlDP's current enter mode (and other options) should be passed to "match" and "upcast" methods confirmed Bug Normal
#11398 [IE8] Image2 widget explodes after list type change confirmed Bug Normal
#11399 [FF] Instability of nested editables tests confirmed Bug Normal
#11403 Create tests for menubutton aria support confirmed Task Normal
#11405 [iOS] Unable to type on iPad after using dropdown list (Styles/Font/Size) or setting color confirmed Bug Normal
#11408 [FF][IE11] Opening preview using keyboard triggers popup blocker confirmed Bug Normal
#11410 [FF] jQuery sample, maximize + minimize framed editor allows to edit whole page confirmed Bug Normal
#11411 Cannot change nested list type in blockquote confirmed Bug Normal
#11412 [OSX, Safari] Pressing ESC key in a dialog brings fullscreen browser window back to normal state confirmed Bug Normal
#11414 [OSX, Safari] Problems when closing a dialog with ESC and unsaved contents confirmed Bug Normal
#11418 Not able to drag widget after D&D text with widget confirmed Bug Normal
#11419 "Click and drag to move." in copied content. confirmed Bug Normal
#11423 [IE8] Error closing search&replace dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#11425 [IE8] Widget disappear after dropping it next to other widget. confirmed Bug Normal
#11426 [IE8] Wrong width/heigh ratio in Image2 confirmed Bug Normal
#11427 [IE8] Many "Invalid argument" errors when beginning of the document is removed confirmed Bug Normal
#11428 Elementspath entries should not be dragable confirmed Bug Normal
#11429 [IE11] Can't place space at the beginning of text input confirmed Bug Normal
#11433 [IE11] Image - crashes upon editing image properties confirmed Bug Normal
#11434 [IE] Exception thrown while pasting page break confirmed Bug Normal
#11468 [iOS] Toolbar status doesn't update on iOS new Bug Normal
#11470 [Umbrella] a11yhelp dialog needs attention confirmed Task Normal
#11471 When toolbar position is fixed, dropdowns in toolbar aren't scrolling correctly confirmed Bug Normal
#11473 Remove deprecated ieXCompat confirmed Task Normal
#11475 [Chrome] No context menu on text input when editor doesn't have focus confirmed Bug Normal
#11479 env.ieQuirks review Piotr Jasiun Task Normal
#11481 Multiple Link insert cause missing ID confirmed Bug Normal
#11488 Dialog content empty when it is told it will have tabs confirmed Bug Normal
#11491 Pressing delete key in highlighted text in blockquote removes paragraph tags confirmed Bug Normal
#11495 size option doesn't work due to css confirmed Bug Normal
#11501 Visible Text Selection disappers in inline editor confirmed Bug Normal
#11502 Synchronous calls of asynchronous methods causes errors confirmed New Feature Normal
#11503 [Umbrella] Further widgets integration with ACF confirmed New Feature Normal
#11506 Image inside floating DIV looses selection with Context Menu on IE confirmed Bug Normal
#11510 List plugin versions in the about-dialogue confirmed New Feature Normal
#11522 Select all, replace text loses formatting on firefox confirmed Bug Normal
#11524 BBCode plugin "consumes" line breaks when switching to source confirmed Bug Normal
#11530 Dynamic Templates with Dialog Helpers confirmed New Feature Normal
#11538 Flying option menu when anchor present in URL confirmed Bug Normal
#11541 In Find & Replace, Match Whole Word option is not working pending Bug Normal
#11562 allowedContent = true results in JS error when inserting elements confirmed Bug Normal
#11565 Footnote plugin confirmed New Feature Normal
#11579 Merging of table cells containing an image widget fails in OSX using different browsers confirmed Bug Normal
#11581 Enter Backspace Shift+Enter fails on FF confirmed Bug Normal
#11584 Ambiguous behavior when multiple cells with the same width but of a different unit (Cell Properties dialog) assigned Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal
#11589 Invalid focus in link to anchor dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#11593 [Image2] If only one dimension is set the missing one should not be set when resizing image confirmed Bug Normal
#11594 [FF] Dropdown arrows in the toolbar look nasty confirmed Bug Normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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