
Aug 21, 2012:

10:45 AM Ticket #9206 (Undeletable p-tag after quitting enumerations with backspace) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: This is enter mode dependent: …
9:34 AM Ticket #9206 (Undeletable p-tag after quitting enumerations with backspace) created by Ferdinand
Create a unnumbered list Create a few list items Hit ENTER to create a …
8:13 AM Ticket #9204 (Adding a link to an image removes the ability to edit that image attributes) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: That is because Edit Link becomes default operation for …
7:51 AM Ticket #9202 (Paste over selected text throws javascript error) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #8520

Aug 20, 2012:

10:08 PM Ticket #9205 (HTMLDataProcessor attribute protection in protectSource method) created by Kyle Florence
The regular expression used for attribute matching is overly …
11:24 AM Ticket #7933 ([IE] Dialogadvtab: changes in styles field are not recorded when ...) closed by Jakub Ś
fixed: Fixed with [6948].

Aug 18, 2012:

9:44 AM Ticket #9204 (Adding a link to an image removes the ability to edit that image attributes) created by Marcher
Descriptive summary: Upon adding a link to an image's attributes and …

Aug 17, 2012:

10:50 AM Ticket #9203 (<br> inside <body> tag crashes CKEditor) created by Sebastian
* Go to source mode * Add the following code: <body><br></body> * …

Aug 16, 2012:

7:26 PM Ticket #5643 (CKEditor 3.2.1. : FireFox font face not correct) closed by Jakub Ś
duplicate: DUP of #8195.
7:11 PM Ticket #9202 (Paste over selected text throws javascript error) created by Nick Poppelreiter
When you paste over selected text with the paste button or from the …

Aug 15, 2012:

4:22 PM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Teresa Monahan
11:13 AM Ticket #9200 (custom styles are not preserved in IE while editing the content in FCK ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: FCKeditor was retired and is no longer supported. All active …
10:46 AM Ticket #9201 (When CKEditor is inside an IFrame, it is not possible to move dialogs ...) created by Teresa Monahan
To see an example of this: - Save the attached 2 files into the …

Aug 14, 2012:

1:34 PM Ticket #9200 (custom styles are not preserved in IE while editing the content in FCK ...) created by Anil
I have added the new custom styles in FCKstyles.xml and updated the …

Aug 13, 2012:

4:48 PM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Teresa Monahan
8:44 AM Ticket #9199 (filebrowser throws element is undefined because fails to correctly ...) created by TomChiverton
in …

Aug 12, 2012:

2:37 AM Ticket #9198 (Image dialog not showing in IE9 when compatibility view is enable.) created by David R
Hello guys, I've successfully installed CKEditor on my website and I …

Aug 10, 2012:

1:15 PM Ticket #8966 (IE8 causing issue when trying to create a link inside a table) closed by Jakub Ś
1:15 PM Ticket #8952 (getData() does not work properly for specific instances of CKEditor) closed by Jakub Ś
1:14 PM Ticket #9018 (Unlink button not working) closed by Jakub Ś
1:14 PM Ticket #9029 (stylesSet.add displays out of order) closed by Jakub Ś
1:12 PM Ticket #9030 (IE9: select text + open link dialog - link creation fails if text ...) closed by Jakub Ś
9:31 AM CP/IBM_Priorities edited by Teresa Monahan

Aug 9, 2012:

11:58 AM Ticket #9194 (stylesheetparser, using Generic Class defined in stylesheet, generic ...) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: CKEditor requires style to be bounded to a particular element. …
11:27 AM Ticket #9196 (need to remove paste in ck editor) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Context menu can be removed with following command placed in config.js …
10:22 AM Ticket #9197 (IE: Selecting, applying styles or merging empty table cells in IE ...) created by Korikulum
It is not possible to select empty table cells in IE. This is the …
7:43 AM Ticket #9196 (need to remove paste in ck editor) created by srikanth pachava
i need to remove paste option completely, please let me know where i …
7:09 AM Changeset [7595] by Jakub Ś
#9165: It was not possible to remove contextmenu.
6:51 AM Ticket #9195 (It is not possible to remove contextmenu.) created by Jakub Ś
To reproduce: 1. Insert in config.js …

Aug 8, 2012:

10:12 PM Ticket #9194 (stylesheetparser, using Generic Class defined in stylesheet, generic ...) created by JDub
I understand the stylesheetparser is designed to only work with …
2:02 PM Changeset [7594] by Wiktor Walc
Closed the 3.6.4 release.
1:50 PM Changeset [7593] by Wiktor Walc
Closed the 3.6.4 release
1:43 PM Ticket #8727 (Impossible to set focus in CKEditor for ASP.NET) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [7592].
1:43 PM Ticket #8823 (CKEditor ASP.Net control does not handle ReadOnly attribute) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [7592].
1:42 PM Changeset [7592] by Wiktor Walc
#8727, #8823 Added support for CKEditor.Focus() and ReadOnly attribute.
11:43 AM Ticket #9193 (dont use "-moz-border-radius" use "border-radius" or also use border-radius) created by Henrik Gemal
Firefox 13 and newer no longer understand -moz-border-radius. The …
11:04 AM Ticket #8608 (CKEditor configuration is not read by instances runninng in the update ...) closed by Wiktor Walc
fixed: Fixed with [7591].
11:02 AM Changeset [7591] by Wiktor Walc
#8608 CKEditor configuration is not read by instances running in the …

Aug 7, 2012:

2:58 PM Ticket #9192 (Link Plugin and emailProtection='encode' problem) created by Stan
When I config CKEditor for emailProtection = 'encode' and try edit …
12:25 PM Changeset [7590] by cksource_robot
Updated translations from CKEditor Translation Center
10:13 AM Ticket #9191 (Not possible to outdent content in a div containing a table) created by Teresa Monahan
To Reproduce: - Specify Div enterMode for any CKEditor sample and open …
9:49 AM Ticket #3571 (Find/Replace work with SCAYT) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: As discussed with @garry.yao this ticket is no longer valid.

Aug 6, 2012:

6:49 AM Ticket #9190 (Embed ckeditor in ckeditor dialog?) closed by Jakub Ś
invalid: Please note that the CKEditor development website is not the right …
3:30 AM Ticket #9190 (Embed ckeditor in ckeditor dialog?) created by bobkhin
Is it possible?
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.
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