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Results (401 - 500 of 576)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#1983 [FF] Must click to the right of checkbox/radio to get context menu. (in firefox) Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

In Firefox when you right click a checkbox or a radio button, no context menu appears. But if you right-click to the right of the checkbox or radio button, the context menu does appear.

I've tested this in both version 2.6b and the nightly build. Checked in 2.5.1 and it appears there as well.

#2078 [FF] Increase Indent button is sometimes disabled even when it shouldn't Firefox Bug closed Normal

Environment: FF, OS: Win XP

Steps (in on-line FCK demo with editing pane cleared)

  1. write:

aa <Shift+Enter> bb <Shift+Enter> cc <Shift+Enter>

  1. Hold <Shift> and press <Up-arrow> three times (the three lines of text get selected)
  2. Click "Insert/Remove Bulleted List"
  3. point mouse cursor between the two letters 'b' and click

"Increase Indent" button remains disabled even it should be enabled

(When <Down-arrow> and <Up-arrow> is pressed it get enabled. Works fine in IE)

#2086 [FF3 ]scrolling behaviour not correct Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

When hitting enter (and creating a new paragraph), the entire page will scroll back up in the Firefox 3 beta. Apparently, the behaviour of scrollIntoView has changed to match IE, so that scrollIntoView(true) should be used (rather than scrollIntoView(false), which is used now).

I found this related ticket:

The relevant bug in bugzilla:

#2098 Problem Toggling Editor in FireFox Firefox Bug closed Normal

FCKEditor v2.6 If you launch Sample 13 (Dinamically switching with a Texarea) and click the Switch button several times the text you are editing disappears. This does not happen in IE.

#2103 [FF] Unstable editing with blockquote and formatted text Firefox Bug closed Normal

We're having a problem when using blockquote and formatted text. After we've been writing a couple of paragraphs and starts to edit the text, line breaks are removed where it shouldn't and wrong characters are removed. I'm reporting this in the same bug since it might be just two ways to reproduce the same bug.

Both examples are reproduced in version 2.5.1 and 2.6 with Firefox on Ubuntu and Windows XP. I've not been able to reproduce the bug in IE 6 or 7.

Line breaks that are removed How to reproduce:

  1. Click blockquote and select format "formatted"
  2. Type
  3. Hit enter two times creating a paragraph
  4. Type
  5. Hit enter two times creating a paragraph
  6. Type
  7. Hit CTRL+Z, hit enter once and type
  8. Move the cursor in front of the last b
  9. Hit backspace

The last b is placed after the second b, that's good, but at the same time the last c is placed after the second c.

Wrong character deleted

  1. Click blockquote and select format "formatted"
  2. type "asdf" hit enter two times and type "hjkl"
  3. Move the marker at the beginning of the line with "hjkl"
  4. Hit backspace two times in order to move "hjkl" on the same line as "asdf"

Result: One hit on backspace removes the empty line, the next removes the "f" and if you continue the whole line with "asdf" will be deleted.

What I'd expected: The string "hjkl" to be moved at the end of "asdf"

#2104 [FF] Drag and drop placeholder starts a new colored span in the dropped line Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Open sample06.html with Firefox;
  2. Insert a Placeholder;
  3. Drag and drop the placeholder to another position;

The following tag will be created in the dropped line:

<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: default;">
#2131 [FF] Some image aligment types aren't populated correctly Firefox Bug closed Normal

Some image aligment types aren't populated correctly that we return again to image propeties dialog.

Found at Used browser was Firefox 2.

Steps to reproduce:

  • go to Insert/Edit image dialog
  • select image
  • select Align to 'Absolute bottom'
  • click Ok and close dialog
  • go back to Image properties dialog

Actual result: 'Align' combobox is empty.

Expected result: Option 'Absolute bottom' is selected inside 'Align' combobox.

#2151 Contextmenu mispositioned when editor in div with scrollbar Firefox HasPatch Bug closed Normal

When the editor is in a div with a scrollbar the contextmenu and style menu is misalinged.

There was once ticket #135 which seem to cover the same so this might be a new bug introduced in 2.6.

I'll attach a patch which fixes this for firefox.

#2152 [FF] When deleting table resize handles don't disappear Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal

When deleting a table in Firefox, the resize handles stay on the screen even though the table borders disappear. Only after double clicking somewhere or typing do the handles disappear.

#2205 Double indent of first paragraph when selectAll is used Firefox Bug closed Normal

Firefox specific (using (not IE, not windows Safari)

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Go to the 2.6 demo ( type in 2 or more paragraphs.
  2. Click selectAll on the toolbar.
  3. Click indent on the toolbar.

Notice the first paragraph is indented twice.

When I stepped through the FCKIndentCommand._IndentBlock() [in firebug] it didn't happen so should be a fun one.

#2210 [FF] font-weight: bold and font-style:italic instead of strong and em Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal


There is a bug with Firefox when doing some manipulations on bold and italic.

Let's try this with the demo FCK on the website :)

1/ Type "Hello world"
2/ Make the characters "rld" in bold

In Source view, we'll have something like <p>hello wo<strong>rld</strong></p>

3/ Now we delete the substring "orld" and then retype orld

In source view : <p>hello w<span style="font-weight: bold;">orld</span></p>

We have the same kind of bug with the italic button Tested on FF and FF 3RC1 with FCK 2.6

#2284 [FF] Table selection rectangle doesn't update Confirmed FireFox CantFix Bug closed Normal

When you change the width of a selected table via the table-properties dialog, the selection rectangle doesn't get updated to the new width of the table.

#2294 form elements not editable in FF 3 Firefox Bug closed Normal

In firefox 3.0.0 it isn't possible to select/right-click form elements in order to change their options. Only text input elements can be changed

try it yourself, for example:

<form method="post" name="blaat">
    <p><input type="text" value="fsdf" name="fsdfs" />dddfdfdsd</p>
    <p><select name="boij">
    <option value="fhu">ui</option>
    <option value="sgr">fsfd</option>
    <option value="re3">grge re</option>
    <p>fgd<input type="checkbox" value="ger" name="ge" />gfdg</p>
#2303 [FF3] contextmenu remains open in firefox when dialog opens Firefox3 Bug closed Normal

The contextmenu remains open in firefox when a dialog opens; and after closing the dialog, the contextmenu doesn't disappear by clicking somewhere else.

#2981 Sample 10 second instance not working after clicking combo Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In sample 10, after clicking a combo box in second instance, the second instance cannot regain focus again and the toolbar is disabled. Typing a key does enable the toolbar again but yet it still cannot be refocused, and does not fire any focus event.

The first instance works well without any error.

I did a ticket search and it seems it's the same as ticket 1280 (which is fixed a year ago on an earlier version).

I am using firefox 3.0, with version 2.6.4.

#4854 [FF3] Maximize layout broken in RTL quirks Firefox Bug closed Normal

Maximize layout is broken in RTL quirks - there is an additional space on the bottom. Using resize grip fixes this isssue. Please refer to attached screenshot.

Reproduced in Firefox3.

#6044 BIDI: [[FF/Safari]] When we apply RTL direction to a left aligned Paragraph, Paragraph Alignment is not changed IBM Firefox WebKit Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Ajax sample.
  1. Type some text, keep the cursor in the paragraph and click on Align Left icon in the Tool bar.
  1. See that paragraph is moved to left and Align Left icon is selected in the Tool bar.
  1. keep the cursor in the Paragraph and click on RTL icon in the Tool bar.

Expected Result:

See that paragraph is moved to right and Align Right icon is selected in the Tool bar.

Actual Result:

Paragraph is moved to right but Alignment of Paragraph is not changed & it is still shown as Left Aligned.

#6052 When centered a table, the pads sizing the table are not centered CantFix Firefox Bug closed Normal

When centered a table, the pads sizing the table are not centered

#6110 Code altered after deleting quotation mark within <td> Webkit Opera Firefox IE Bug closed Normal

When using a single quote within a double quote "BOTH" ckeditor and fckeditor cancel out the single quote which in turn is altering the code in the background.


  1. In CKEditor, delete all content
  2. In source editing paste:
    	   <td align="center" bgcolor="#009900" class="style26" style="background-image: url(; width: 216px">
  3. Delete last " mark in <td>
  4. Switch to WYSIWYG mode - the table cell is missing or messed
  5. and back to Source editing
  6. <td></td>line is interpreted wrong or deleted
    1. in Chrome7 & Safari:
    2. in Firefox 3.6.9:
       	 <td 216px="" align="center" bgcolor="#009900" class="style26" http:="" index_htm_files="" style="" width:="""">
    3. in IE8
      			&lt;td align=&quot;middle&quot; bgcolor=&quot;#009900&quot; class=&quot;style26&quot; style=&quot;background-image: url(; width: 216px&gt; &nbsp;
    4. in Opera 10.62
      	<td align="center" bgcolor="#009900" class="style26" style="background-image: url(; width: 216px&gt;
#6139 Marking Words IE Chrome Firefox Bug closed Normal

Hi there!

Go in FF 3.x or in IE7 or IE8.

Now double-klick a word, and you can see, that there is the space after the word marked. So, when you set a link now, the one Space after the word is also a link and is also underlined. This looks not really nice.

I saw it in my 3.3.1 but it is also in your latest Version.


#6275 insert <embed> and custom attributes in other tags failed in Firefox 3.6.9 Firefox Bug closed Normal


oEditor.insertHTML('<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed>');

but oEditor.getData() returns

<img align="" alt="Flash" src="../images/spacer.gif?t=A7HG4HT" style="width: 480px; height: 385px;" />

only happens in FF3.6.9

#6280 Image with absolute path on the same domain as the editor changes to relative path when drag'n'dropped Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce :

1) go to the ckeditor demo:

2) right click on the image on the left and select "Image properties"

3) change the image url to an image on the same domain of the editor:

4) click on ok

5) drag and drop the image somewhere in the text

6) right click again on the image and select "Image properties"

7) path changed to relative path. (it become sites/default/files/adobelogo.png?1248534498)

This is a bug especially when the editor is in a folder of the site, while the editor's text is displayed somewhere else (not in that folder)

#6288 use ‘insertHtml’ failed in Firefox 3.6.9 Firefox Bug closed Normal

I am trying to insert a "<img>" into CKEditor with the function insertHtml() . It is working fine in I.E. but some problems encountered in firefox >=3.6.9

first:my domain is

I want to insert the code into ckeditor with the function insertHtml()

<img src="" />

but it returns

<img src="uploadfile/2010/0914/20100914115423934.jpg" />

If the code inserted in other domains begins, it's fine in any browsers

#6320 Firefox Makes Image Path Relative when Dragging/Copying and Pasting Firefox Bug closed Normal

This is a repeat, but Ticket #5218 refers to a bug where absolute src paths are lost when dragging the image around the editor and/or copying and pasting to a different portion of the editor.

The src path switches to a relative path. This works fine for the editor, but pages in a few sub directories do not have the correct reference.

There were a few patches available and none fixed the issue for me.

#6321 Scripts are stripped out of the content [FF 3.6.10] Firefox Bug closed Normal

When using the insertHTML() function in Firefox 3.6.10, &lt;script tags are completely stripped out of content trying to be inserted.

#6354 The i() function takes a lot more time in 3.4.1 than in 3.4.0 Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

I have 24 CKEDitor instances in a page. With the latest Firefox using Firebug profiler I get

i()    24    71.74%    5361.136ms    5361.49ms    223.395ms    39.052ms    383.467ms   
ckeditor.js (line 18)
function () {
    var i = !!this.$.offsetHeight &&
        this.getComputedStyle("visibility") != "hidden", j, k;
    if (i && (b.webkit || b.opera)) {
        j = this.getWindow();
        if (!j.equals(a.document.getWindow()) && (k = j.$.frameElement)) {
            i = (new h(k)).isVisible();
    return i;

and the page freezes for a long time.

The most time consuming function in 3.4.0 is getNext():

getNext()   24   18.71%   387.901ms   393.449ms   16.394ms   15.711ms   20.288ms   
ckeditor.js (line 14)

So you see the load differences.

#6363 FF - High CPU in code view Firefox Bug closed Normal


I have a problem with the Firefox browser in preview mode code. When I change to it, and move the cursor, or try to perform some sort of editing CPU consumption increases dramatically. I performed the same operations in IE and Chrome the problem does not occur. Tested versions: 3.4.1, 3.4, 3.3.2; occur at all.

Attached below the image processing and basic script for example.


#6370 FireFox deleting last character from a line deletes the EOL rather than the character Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. go to
  1. set the article source to:
    &nbsp; bbbb
    &nbsp; cccc
    &nbsp; dddd

(There are several other configurations (some not invloving &nbsp;'s) which also cause this bug. This is the most consistently reproducible.)

  1. in wysiwyg mode, place the cursor at the end of line cccc
  1. press backspace

Expected: A C was deleted. The source now looks like this:

&nbsp; bbbb
&nbsp; ccc
&nbsp; dddd

Actual: a line ending was deleted. The source now looks like this:

&nbsp; bbbb
&nbsp; cccc&nbsp; dddd
#6380 FireFox: Holding ctrl+v produces odd cursor behavior and line breaks Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. go to
  2. click 'new page'
  3. type 'a'
  4. select 'a', press ctrl+c
  5. hold ctrl+v

expected A continous stream of "a"s are produced

actual After a few moments, the cursor resets to the start of the document and begins a fresh line of "a"s.

Note: The start of the broken behavior is inconsistent- sometimes it starts immediately, other times it doesn't occur until dozens of "a"s have been pasted.

See video

#6428 [FF] The cursor disappears from the editor after dragging an image IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open up the Ajax sample.
  2. Type a line of text and press enter.
  3. Insert an image.
  4. Place the cursor over the image and hold down the left mouse button to drag the image downwards until the arrow cursor is replaced by an image similar to this ø.
  5. Now release the left mouse button.
  6. Click back into the line of text that you typed.

Expected: The cursor will appear flashing in the same place that you clicked in the text.

Actual: The cursor does not appear at all.

#6429 [FF] Extra bullets/numbers are added into a list containing a right aligned image IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample.
  2. Type a line of text.
  3. Insert an image at the end of the line of text that you just entered and make the image right aligned.
  4. Enter another line of text beneath the line that you just typed.
  5. Press CTRL + A to highlight all of the text.
  6. Click on the bulleted/numbered list icon in the toolbar.

Expected: A list should be displayed containing 2 bullets or numbers.

Actual: A list is displayed containing 4 bullets or numbers.

#6437 Editing checkbox and radiobutton on FF is very tricky Firefox Bug closed Normal

The checkbox and radio form elements cannot be selected with mouse and there is no contextmenu for Firefox 3.6.10.

In some cases it is possible to select the element with shift & arrowkeys, after that when pressing corresponding command button it is possible to edit the element in question.

Checked verified with nightly 5921

#6451 [FF3.6.10] - Multiple CKEditors on Page focus glitch Firefox Bug closed Normal

I have for instance 5 editors on page. You click on bottom one. Your cursor is in the edit area.

Then you scroll up to the editor num 1 until clicked editor num 5 is no longer visible (it still has cursor in it).

Then you loose focus of the page - click on another window, alt tab to another window, click on desktop, whatever.

Then click back to the page with editors: your window will scroll down to the editor num 5 with cursor in the edit area. This doesn't happen in Chrome or Safari. Happens all the time in FF.

I also managed to glitch Editor to start looping between 3 editors but I will try to reproduce it again...

#6473 [FF] Still steals focus Firefox Bug closed Normal

Open your own demo

Make window very short, like normal width but 100 px height

Click inside Editor so cursor blinks inside edit area

Scroll down with mouse wheel, so you don't cursor in editor anymore

Click on something else to loose window focus.

Click back or Alt Tab (Command Tab) to the window

It jumps up to the position of the cursor inside editor

The bug is not a dupe (tho bugs like that may already appear in the list) and it wasn't fixed

#6577 selection error when editor element is hidden Firefox Bug closed Normal

Low Priority

Firebug Error: "q is null" stack trace: "createBookmarks()ckeditor.js (line 119) q(A=Object { _=Object, elementMode=1, more...})ckeditor.js (line 89) isArray()ckeditor.js (line 9) [Break On This Error] A.setStart(B.$,z.startOffset);A.setEnd...u=s&&s[1];if(t)q.attributes.width=t;" (ah the joys of compiled code)

This error occurs after all my code has finished running. I'm guessing from farther down in the onLoad queue?

It has something to do with the offending ckeditor being attached to a completely empty and hidden(as in a parent tag has the 'display:none' property set) textarea. If I put some initial text inside the textarea tag, OR make the textarea visible the error doesn't occur.

My application is complex, and I haven't been able to reproduce the error yet in a simplified form yet. When/if I can, I'll post it.

This error only occurs in FireFox and SeaMonkey. It does not occur in Safari, Opera, IE, or Chrome. All tested on Windows XP with fairly recent versions.

#6587 divreplace.html sample broken Firefox Bug closed Normal

In the DIV Replace sample, when each editable DIV is double clicked one after another, eventually each editable DIV will disappear leaving only the last editable DIV which was double clicked. Image attached.

#6827 List: possible to place cursor in front of list bullet/number, and delete then breaks the list Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Go to demo page:

  1. Clear content
  2. Add following content:
  1. Place cursor at start of first list item
  2. Press the 'up' key twice fast.
  3. Observe the cursor is now positioned in front of the list.
  4. Now press delete and observe that the first list item collapses.

Tested on Firefox 3.6.13, WinXP, CK version 3.4.2

#6840 Wysiwyg: When setting editor content to an empty paragraph, cursor is positioned after <br> and input ends up on second line Firefox Bug closed Normal

Go to demo page:

  1. Execute the following code (in Firebug). (If it's not reproduced on the first try, try a few more times)
  1. Now input some text.
  1. Observe that text ends up on the second line (after the br-tag).

This is caused by the onSelectionChangeFixBody function in the wysiwyg plugin, where Range::moveToElementEditEnd is called for the empty paragraph. Cursor then ends up after the br element.

Expected behavior : When paragraph is empty (contains br-tag), Range::moveToElementEditStart should be called.

Tested in Firefox 3.6.13, WinXP, CK version 3.4.2

#6855 Keyboard word selection has stopped working in Firefox. Firefox Bug closed Normal

In most text editors, Ctrl+Shift+Left and Ctrl+Shift+Right are commonly used keystrokes to select one or multiple words at a time. This keystroke used to work correctly in the latest version of MediaWiki+FCKeditor. However, it appears that an update to the latest version of Firefox for Windows (3.6.13) has broken this functionality.

Word selection still works properly in IE and in the latest Ubuntu Linux release of Firefox.

I have observed this problem on several web sites using MediaWiki+FCKeditor, including both sites I own and sites I don't own, including the MediaWiki+FCKeditor "sandbox", by using several browsers on several computers.

#6928 Firefox 4.0b8 for Mac - CKEditor ignores current selection, e.g. always places new symbols at start of document Firefox Bug closed Normal

While using Firefox 4.0b8 for Mac with the nightly demo, trying to add a symbol part-way through the contents of the document doesn't work - CKEditor always adds the symbol to the start of the document.

This also applies to any other plugin - e.g. changing the text color of a selection doesn't work - as it ignores the selection.

#6941 horizontal scrollbar in firefox Firefox HasPatch Bug closed Normal

which only occurs in the initialization for 1 second to and is dependent on their parents' style

you need to change

_source/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js line 537


element.setStyles( { position : 'absolute', top : '-3000px' } );


element.setStyles( { position : 'absolute', left: '-3000px', top : '-3000px' } );

#6952 Change font size / color in firefox 4.0b8 Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

In the latest Beta stable release of Firefox , ( also tested on Minefield) when trying to change font size , nothing happens.

#6956 Pasting Word text in FF3.6 does not maintain formatting, even though it works fine in FF3.5 and IE. IBM Firefox3.6 Bug closed Normal

Consider the attached MS Word document. On pasting the text into CKEditor, the formatting is maintained in Internet Explorer and earlier versions of FireFox. However pasting this text in FireFox3.6, leads to loss of formatting. in particular the heading text. This is a concern since FF3.6 is the latest version that many of our users are using.

#6985 Whitespace lost on paste in FF Firefox Opera IBM Bug closed Normal

When you copy and paste some text, leading whitespace is removed on FF only. This is easy to reproduce just copy some text with a space as the first character, when you paste it the space is not preserved. Seems to work on IE and WebKit so not sure whether this is something that can be controlled or not. This can be replicated on the demo

#6995 FF : We can't scroll down right align table using mouse IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open CK Editor sample and insert a table with 30 rows,15 columns and right alignment.
  1. keep cursor in any of the top rows (for ex: first row) and keep pressing the mouse in side scroll bar to navigate down the table.

Expected Result:

Table should move up,we will be able to navigate down the table and see the bottom table rows.

Actual Result:

Table is not moving down no matter how many times we clicked the mouse and we were not able to navigate down the table.

#7040 FF3: office2003 skin toolbar buttons and pulldowns selection area shown half height Firefox Bug closed Normal

A picture is worth a 1000 words, see the attached file (jpg)

I adjusted the height of the following in ckeditor/skins/office2003/editor.css to correct this for us. However, it would be nice if it showed correctly out of the box instead of having to fix it with every new version of ckeditor.

IE7 and IE8 show the heights correctly.

#7143 Text Cursor loses position when document-overflow is modified Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce: 1) Add text to editor instance window such that cursor is not at the beginning 2) execute (in firebug's console, for example):

if no scroll is present = "scroll"; or, if scroll is already present = "hidden"; CKEDITOR.instances.MyInstance.insertText('Test');

3) Note that the text has been inserted at the beginning of the text editor.

This is an issue in Firefox 3.6.13 (and I believe earlier FF versions). Not certain if it is an issue in IE.

#7147 Editor not allowing to enter anything (Firefox v 3.5.16 or 3.5.x) Firefox3 Bug closed Normal

Please find attached word document containing the steps to reproduce this issue.

Note: This issue is specific to Firefox v 3.5.x and I have found this issue in Firefox v 3.5.16 browser.

#7184 Problems Selecting Images that are in a Table in Firefox Firefox IBM Bug closed Normal

Errors occur when selecting content that is in a table in Firefox.

  1. Click on a image in a table - this does work.
  1. Click off the image, then back on it. Note, the handles are not on the image, they strangely appear elsewhere. If you click on the image a second time, the handles will correctly appear on the image.
  1. Please note, clicking in text area also produces handles, which it should not. This does not occur in IE or Chrome.
  1. These errors do not occur if content is not in a table.

Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated!

#7202 Double clicking word after inline style is applied, selects only part of the word IE8, Firefox, Opera Bug closed Normal
  1. Go to demo page
  1. Put cursor in an unstyled word (which gives a collapsed selection)
  1. Press Bold button
  1. Double click word to select it.

Observe : Only part of the word is selected. Not possible to reselect the whole word by double clicking.

Firefox 3.6.13, Windows XP

#7217 destroy(true) malfunctions in firefox Firefox Bug closed Normal


How to duplicate bug:
* Using FireFox
* Replace div with ckeditor instance
* destory(true) after editor has loaded but before any editing has been performed

What Happens:
* After destroy(true) is fired, the div will not be shown.

* Works properly in chrome

#7237 ForcePasteAsPlainText doesn't seem to work for Mac users. Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal

ForcePasteAsPlainText doesn't seem to be working for Mac users. They're able to paste in rich text from MS Word, bringing over invalid HTML source code with it. I'm using drupal module ckeditor 6.x-1.2 with ckeditor 3.5.1 on drupal 6.20. I'm not sure if these people are using the Safari browser or Firefox. I have Pasting as Plain Text enabled on the ckeditor module profile admin page, as well as in the ckeditor.config.js file. Also, in case it matters, I have SCAYT set to start automatically.

This problem doesn't affect Windows users using IE or Firefox.

#7246 Text scrolling failing when using find operation Firefox3 Mac Bug closed Normal

I am trying to debug some strange behaviour with the CKEditor. Here the scenario to re-create the problem:

  1. I am creating a text, in which I want to search a key word, which appears multiple times at different positions in the text.
  1. I am opening the demo editor on your web page and paste the text into the editor.
  1. Now I am searching the key word using the find function. Every time I am repeating my search, the text editor finds the word and scrolls automatically to the position where the keyword can be found. Perfect.
  1. Now I am resizing the editor box, e.g. making it significantly smaller. I am re-trying my search with the same text and keyword. Now the editor cannot scroll any more to the correct position. I am totally unable to see the highlighted word and cannot decide any more, if I want to replace it or not.

I am using Firefox on Mac OS X.

Can you re-produce this problem?

Thank you for your wonderful editor.

#7308 Spacers being added after tables using Firefox 3.6.15 Firefox3 Bug closed Normal

Using Firefox 3.6.15 if I edit a table of the following configuration:

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="500">
		<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><strong>EMI Item #</strong></span></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;">EMI-48100</span></td>
		<tr bgcolor="#f2f2f2">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><strong>Item Type</strong></span></span></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">&nbsp;</span></span></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Tape</span></span></td>
		<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><strong>Product Type</strong></span></span></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
				<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"></spacer></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Anti-Skid Tape</span></span></td>
		<tr bgcolor="#f2f2f2">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><b>Color</b></span></span></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
				<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"></spacer></td>
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
				<span style="font-family: Arial;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Black</span></span></td>
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">
			<td nowrap="nowrap" style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="30%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="1%">
			<td style="font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" width="69%">

ckeditor inserts spacer tags after the table each time the code view is toggled, or on loading on the editor. Each time the code view is toggled more tags are added.

	<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1">
		<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"></spacer></spacer></p>
	<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1">
		<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"> </spacer></spacer></p>
	<spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1"><spacer height="1" type="block" width="1">

I can only reproduce this in Firefox, and it does not happen with every table. I think is has something to do with the number of rows. If I remove rows I can get it to stop. Also, if I remove the empty column it will not add the spacers at the bottom.

This can be duplicated in the Demo by pasting the code and toggling the Code View.

#7350 Clicking in the editor returns the fonts to the default values IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

I changed the default values for the font name to Times New Roman and the font size to 16.
I then clicked once in the text area of the editor. Immediately the editor switched back to the default fonts.

I had expected it to still keep the changes that I made to the fonts.
Clicking in the text area is typical behavior for a user, since they will want to be sure that the cursor is focused in the right area before they start typing

#7362 BIDI: Numbers/Bullets not displaying in the editor in a mixed content list in FF IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in FF.
  1. Paste the following code into the source view.
<ol dir="rtl">
		list item 1
		<ol dir="ltr">
				list item 2</li>
  1. Place the cursor at the end of the last list item.
  1. Press Enter twice.

Expected: The number 2 should display in the editor relating to the second list item of the outer list.

Actual: No number is displayed.

Note: If the editor is removed the number is visible but if you recreate the editor the number disappears again. Same behaviour for bulleted lists.

#7370 FF & Safari : Underline for list item not shown for the below html code IBM Firefox WebKit Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

Copy the following code and paste in HTML Source and go to WYSIWYG mode.

<style id="CSS_2" type="text/css">.CSS_2{ background:#99ccff; }</style>
<ul><li><u><span class="CSS_2">dddddddddddddd</span></u></li></ul>

In FF & Safari, underline for the list item not shown but when we keep the cursor in the list item Underline tool bar icon is highlighted.

It works properly in all other browsers.

#7605 [FF] Right click selects all content of pre block Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Open editor and paste the following code:


  • Toggle to WYSIWYG mode
  • Put cursor to the second line
  • Right click (notice that all content are selected now) and select Paste from context menu
  • After pasting all content of pre block will be replaced with new content
#7635 FF scrollIntoView doesn't work Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Go to
  2. Scroll the editing area to the bottom and click at the end of the document. The insertion point should be at the end now.
  3. Run the following code in console or firebug or via javascript: in the address bar.
var e = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1; var d = e.document; var r = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(d); r.selectNodeContents(d.getBody()); r.collapse(true);; e.focus(); e.getSelection().scrollIntoView(); 

In FF4, the cursor doesn't scroll into view, but if you use the scrollbar of the editor to scroll up, you'll see the cursor is at the beginning of the document.

#7771 'Maximize' in container with Opacity makes container disappear (FF) Firefox Bug confirmed Normal


The simple container has opacity (CSS3) set. When you click the Maximize button, the entire container disappears, leaving only the background left. When I remove the opacity from the container, the Maximize button works fine.

CKEditor is version 3.5.3. I am using Firefox 4.01. Internet Explorer 9.0 seem to work okay.

Apparently FF3.6 has the same issue, see also

#7825 Autogrow with sharedSpaces on firefox Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

I use autogrow with sharedSpaces. On firefox 4 it's not working properly. In this case editor loads with default height and added 20 pixel (think it's one line-height) on every click inside editor.

It works correctly on ff 3.6 and with autogrow.html samples file (on ff 4).

#7836 In Firefox, a <br /> is inserted in an empty text area when using editor.focus() on initially hidden editors Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In our CMS, the CKEditor is sometimes loaded in the background, in a hidden div (part of a tabset). Although hidden, the editor instance is already created and works fine.

When displaying the DIV, I want to focus the editor, and do so by using editor.focus(). This will put focus on the editor. This works correctly for and empty editor or one with content, and works correctly in all browsers.

The only exception is Firefox (tested on both version 3 and 4), which adds the following content on a editor without any content:

<p><br />

The result being an empty editor, with a <br /> tag in it. In addition, focus is placed on the second line, but when starting to type it will place all text on the first line, NOT removing the second line. You just can't type anything on the second line.

This issue has been present since at least 3.5.3.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a DIV with display: none;
  2. Place a textarea inside, without any content
  3. Replace the textarea with a CKEditor
  4. Show the DIV (it will not have focus)
  5. Focus the editor using editor.focus()
  6. The code mentioned above is inserted into the editor

Expected result:

  1. The editor is focused, content remains empty

Does not apply for:

  • other browsers than Firefox
  • editor with existing content
  • manually focusing the editor by clicking on it
  • editors not hidden when created
#7842 Selection handles in FF can't be set or removed Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

If you click (select) an image, table, anchor, ... in FF then the selection handles appear. Now try to reset the selection using javascript code :



var doc = oEditor.document; var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(doc); var body = doc.getBody(); range.setStart(body, 0); range.setEnd(body, 0); oEditor.getSelection().selectRanges( [range] );

The selection is removed (this can be checked with selection.getSelectedElement), but the selection handles in the wysiwyg area remain.

Also, when trying to select an element using javascript code (oEditor.getSelection.selectElement()), the selection handles do not appear.

I think this is a bug in CKEditor and not in FF because it did work in the previous version FCKEditor.

#7856 Built-in contextMenu doesn't behave correctly Firefox Bug closed Normal

Doing a right-click does show the built-in contextmenu, but when doing a second right-click, it hides, instead of popping up again at the actual mouse-position.

For a sample HTML content that can be used to reproduce the error, check #8006.

#7864 Flash plugin url escapes some values Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Flash plugin url escapes some values.

Testing against

To reproduce:

  1. Insert new flash element through dialog
  2. Set value to [url|ALL|9839]
  3. Close dialog
  4. View source to verify bug. embed tags src attribute gets url escaped

Expected (new lines added for readability):

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0" data="[url|ALL|9839]">
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="movie" value="[url|ALL|9839]" />
<embed pluginspage="" quality="high" src="[url|ALL|9839]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>

Got (new lines added for readability):

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0" data="[url|ALL|9839]">
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="movie" value="[url|ALL|9839]" />
<embed pluginspage="" quality="high" src="[url%7CALL%7C9839]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>

From what I could see this might be some difference in embedNode.setAttribute and CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml -> setAttributes

#7888 Deleting the link in editor - the text font stays underlined Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Create a link (i.e. to an anchor)
  2. Save and re-open the page for editing
  3. Move cursor to last position of link
  4. Select the whole link and remove it
  5. Start typing plain text

PROBLEM: the text is undelined, but should have no format

#7897 [FF4] first execCommand (enterMode:ENTER_DIV) shows cursor in second line instead of first line Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

if enter mode ENTER_DIV is used, every first execCommand call shows the cursor in second line but after first input cursor jumps back in first line.

How to reproduce:

  1. open ckeditor with enterMode:ENTER_DIV
  2. focus editor (cursor is in first line)
  3. click on bold/italic... (cursor is in second line)
  4. write some content (content is added in first line)
#7997 FF3.6: text don't show in WYSIWYG mode, but in Source all ok Firefox3 Bug closed Normal

If you past next code in Source mode, and then switch to WYSIWYG mode, nothing will appear. Problem appears only in FireFox 3.6

<!--[if !mso]> <style> v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} </style> <![endif]--><o:smarttagtype name="PostalCode" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><o:smarttagtype name="State" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><o:smarttagtype name="address" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><o:smarttagtype name="Street" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><o:smarttagtype name="City" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><o:smarttagtype name="place" namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"><!--[if !mso]> <style> st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) } </style> <![endif]--> <style type="text/css"> <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:Italic; panose-1:0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;} @font-face {font-family:"sans serif";} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"sans serif"; color:black; mso-believe-normal-left:yes;} a:link, span.MsoHyperlink {color:blue; text-decoration:underline;} a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {color:purple; text-decoration:underline;} span.EmailStyle17 {mso-style-type:personal; font-family:Italic; color:windowtext; font-weight:normal; font-style:italic; text-decoration:none none;} span.EmailStyle20 {mso-style-type:personal-reply; font-family:Italic; color:blue; font-weight:normal; font-style:italic; text-decoration:none none;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --></style> <![if mso 9]><style> p.MsoNormal {margin-left:37.5pt;} </style><![endif]><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:shapedefaults v:ext="edit" spidmax="1026" /> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:shapelayout v:ext="edit">

<o:idmap v:ext="edit" data="1" />

</o:shapelayout></xml><![endif]--></o:smarttagtype><img class="shape" height="0" src="cid:image001.jpg@01CC207A.F8050800" style="display: none; width: 0pt; height: 0pt;" v:="" v:shapes="_x0000_Mail" width="0" /> <div class="Section1"> <p class="MsoNormal"> <i><font color="black" face="Italic" size="2"><span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Italic; color: windowtext; font-style: italic;">Test Message </span></font></i></p> </div> </o:smarttagtype></o:smarttagtype></o:smarttagtype></o:smarttagtype></o:smarttagtype>

#8006 FF4 Ubuntu: right click between tables in wysiwyg mode results in an error Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

Depends of the content in the editor.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Load contents of attached sample.txt.
  2. Click between the second and the third table (click few times in random places to trigger the error - it happens randomly).
  3. The following errors appear:
    target.getOuterHtml is not a function
    if ( !target.getOuterHtml().replace( emptyParagraphRegexp, '' ) ) 
    _source/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js Line 668
    ev.getTarget().is is not a function
    if ( ev.getTarget().is( 'a' ) && ev.$.button != 2 ) 
    _source/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js Line 682

Whenever the JS error occurs, target is set to "document" instead of "p".

Can be reproduce at least since CKEditor 3.3.2.

#8010 setData from dialog makes empty undo step Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

On FF4 dialogs who sets contents with setData methode makes empty undo step.
I've written a little plugin for testing. Set extraPlugins:'diatest' and 'DialogTest' as toolbar button.

#8013 FF4 : Focus not shown when we tab to combo boxes & check boxes on all dialogs IBM Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open CK Editor and click on Table icon to open Table Properties dialog.
  1. Using key board navigate to Headers combo box.

Expected Result A dotted line shows around the combo box indicating that focus is currently on the combo box.

Actual Result There is no dotted line or any other indication to the user that focus is currently on the combo box.

  1. Close Table Properties dialog and click on Find icon to open Find and Replace dialog.
  1. Using key board navigate to the Match case check box.

Expected Result A dotted line shows around the check box indicating that focus is currently on the check box.

Actual Result There is no dotted line or any other indication to the user that focus is currently on the check box.

This is an Accessibility issues, since we are using FF4 for our Accessibility testing

#8021 Problem handling images Firefox Bug confirmed Normal


On firefox 4 I can copy an image from my computer and past it directly on to CKEditor (ctrl + c and ctrl + v), but, when I try to do this on IE 8 or google chrome nothing happens.

Does anyone know why?

Thank You!

#8138 Arrow keys stop working after hide-show cycle Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

This bug is similar to

This happens when you use CKEditor in tab elements. After hide & show CKeditor I can't move cursor with arrow buttons.

To reproduce the bug go into online demo and type the following into your javascript console:


Place your cursor and try to move left / right using the arrow keys.

Firefox 5 (Win7)

#8208 Disable data URIs when pasting images Firefox New Feature closed Normal

When pasting images into CKEditor in Firefox 5, a Data URI is used as image source. I would like to be able to disable this, so that in this case no image is pasted.

To reproduce:

  1. Right-click any image in Firefox 5
  2. Select 'Copy Image'
  3. Paste the image into CKEditor


The source of the pasted image is ...

This might be reproducible in other browsers as well.

I'm sorry, I don't know the right component for this ticket.

Thanks in advance.

#8264 Inserting HTML into CKEditor causes NS_ERROR_FAILURE Firefox Bug closed Normal

Using CKEditor 3.6.1 in Firefox 5.0 on Ubuntu, I get this error when I try to drag and drop some HTML into CKEditor (WYSIWYG mode) (I'm using prototypejs to handle the dragging and dropping):

uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument.execCommand]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: http://myhost/ckeditor/ckeditor.js :: q :: line 8765"  data: no]

I also ran this with CKeditor's unminified source and the problem occurs at line 125 of plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js:

this.document.$.execCommand( 'inserthtml', false, data );

After the error occurs once, everything works fine. I can drag and drop images and they all work without any errors.

I'm not sure of the exact reason for this error, I couldn't put together a test case to add to this issue unfortunately, however I wanted to report it in case others encounter this error and can provide more details or if they just want to know a workaround.

This error is similar to the error reported here, so that's how the workaround below was found:

Add this JavaScript to fix the issue

CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(e) {
	var editorInstance = e.editor;

    // Refresh 'contentEditable'
    var body = editorInstance.document.getBody();
    body.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', false );
    body.setAttribute( 'contentEditable', true );

The bug also happens with the nightly build (Revision number: 7199) taken on August 15th 2011.

#8271 CKEditor toolbar becomes invisible when using Tab key and Maximize toolbar button Firefox Opera Bug confirmed Normal

CKEditor toolbar becomes invisible when using Tab key and the Maximize toolbar button. Please follow the steps in the attached filed to reproduce the issue. This bug also happen in the CKEditor demo site of 3.6.1 version and nightly build.

#8273 Pasting into empty bullet doesn't behave as expected - FF/IE9 Firefox IE9 Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Goto
  2. Create three lines with the word, 'Item'
  3. Select the lines and turn them in to an unordered list
  4. Move to the first item, and press enter to create a new empty item.
  5. Left click to place your cursor in the empty bullet.
  6. Right click on the empty bullet and paste.

What's expected? The text is pasted in to the empty bullet

What happens?

In FF4/5 The bullet gets deleted and a new paragraph is created with the text.

In IE9 The text is pasted at the end of the content.

#8306 FF : Custom attributes on links dropped during copy/paste Firefox CantFix VendorFix Bug confirmed Normal

Custom attributes on anchor tags are being dropped during copy/paste (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In Source mode, modify a standard link by adding a custom attribute (e.g. <a href="/index.htm" customAttribute="1">test</a>.)
  2. Switch out of source mode.
  3. Copy (Ctrl+C) the linked text.
  4. Paste (Ctrl+V) on a new line.
  5. Switch back to Source mode, and see that customAttribute="1" was not pasted.

Occurs on the demo page with the following environments:

  • Browser: FF6 OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • Browser: FF5 OS: Mac
  • Browser: FF3 OS: Windows Vista
#8377 Editing textarea contents in WYSIWYG is broken Firefox Bug closed Normal

If I edit form's textarea contents in WYSIWYG and then move to source and back to WYSIWYG textarea contents are missing.

By entering textarea content via dialog contents remain.

Entering by pressing enter inside textarea in WYSIWYG results in new empty paragraph at the beginning of editing area.

Tested with FF 6.0.1

#8399 Resize table handles misplaced in RTL mode Firefox Bug closed Normal

Tested in FF 3.6

Set the editor to RTL mode. We have the <html> tag within the editor iframe set to rtl:

<html class="CSS1Compat" lang="ar" dir="rtl">

Insert a table. Click on the table. The resize handles will appear in the left side of the editor, where the table would be in LTR mode.

This is probably a FF bug but there may be a workaround.

#8409 Window scrolling on paste (cmd+v) Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal

Hi guys, I'm using CKEditor 3.6.2 and working in Firefox 6.0.2 (Mac OS X). When I paste (cmd+v) a text into the textarea of the CKEditor the whole window scrolls down (how much depends on the amount of text i paste) which means that every time I paste a piece of text to the CKEditor field I need to scroll back upp to be able to continue to work in the textarea.

This problem can be reproduced on your demo page (

#8444 FF - <a> tag href incorrectly encoded IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal

Run the attached code example. Click the "Test" button on the toolbar. Go to the source view. Notice that the "!" character is incorrectly encoded. Expected result is that the "!" character is not encoded, thus allowing navigation to the href to occur.

#8517 Selection Field content is broken in firefox when clicked on left , right justification plugins. Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

1.Click on Selection Field plugin and add some values. 2.After adding the content to the editor, select the 'selection field' click on the 'right align'.

  1. You will observe that the Selection Field is broken.

Note: This happens in firefox.

#8548 Cursor position on FF4+ different from FF 3.6 & other browsers IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open API Sample.
  1. Place cursor at end of content in CK Editor.
  1. Press "Set Editor Contents" button.
  1. Press Shift+Tab twice & move focus back to content area in CK Editor.

Issue: On FF 7 cursor shows up at the end of content area.

On all other browsers (FF 3.6, IE(6,7,8,9), Opera & Safari) cursor shows at the beginning of content area.

#8578 this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle(this.$, \"\") is null Firefox Bug closed Normal

I an seeing the following error: this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle(this.$, \"\") is null

userAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0

The code in question is located at element.js line 502.

I am recommending that the code change from:

return this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle( this.$, ).getPropertyValue( propertyName );


return this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle( this.$, ) ? this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle( this.$, ).getPropertyValue( propertyName ) : null;

that will fix the problem.


Scott Schmitz.

#8618 Paste from MS Word works incorrectly in FF9.0.1 Firefox9 Bug closed Normal

When I copy table from MS Word and paste it to the Ckeditor, I get text instead of table. This is only in FF9.0.1, for Chrome and IE works fine

#8636 Editing Absolute positioned DIVs in Firefox and IE is problematic Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal

When using Mozilla Firefox (or at least version 9.0.1), when a DIV with absolute positioning is not the first thing you click inside the editor, then it becomes uneditable.

Paste this inside a CKEditor to re-create:

<div>1. Click me</div>
<div style="position:absolute;">2. now try to edit me</div>

I note that this works as expected in competing editors such as TinyMCE.

#8646 CKEditor 3.x vertical scroll bar is hang/not working on Firefox browser Firefox Bug confirmed Normal


We are using 3.x version of CKEditor in our project and when set large data to the editor (1 MB - 2 MB) data, the vertical scroll bar is stopped working. This issue is coming on Firfox and this is working fine for IE browser. For large data, when try to scroll after load it sometimes make the browser also crashing some times.

Really would appreciate if any work around or patch for this issue? Please guide us kindly.

Note: We have a valid license for the CKEditor.

Thank You, Siju Thomas.

#8653 Arrow keys in Firefox don't work if editor is absolutely positioned. Firefox9 Bug closed Normal

This bug is similar to

Using Firefox 9.0.1 on Fedora and on Windows, I can run the following line of JS in the console on the demo page:

document.getElementById( "cke_editor1" ).style.position = "absolute";

This causes the arrow keys to stop moving the caret in the editor, as they do in all other browsers I've tested.

(This may be a Firefox bug. If I can reduce it to that, I will report that to Mozilla and report back here, as well.)

#8654 entering character sometimes creates spurious newline in firefox Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

On Firefox 8 on Windows 7:

steps to reproduce:

  1. go to demo page
  2. edit source and change it to "<p></p>"
  3. stop editing source
  4. focus on editor using the tab key (do not click on the editor)
  5. type a single character

Expected: Just the character should be typed.

Actual: A newline spontaneously appears before the character, moving the character down.

#8655 pasting from Word doesn't work properly in FF 9.0.1 Firefox Bug closed Normal

When I paste text from MS Word 2003, which is in bold, different colors and two different sizes, the result is everything in default black and the same text size. CK Editor tells it can't access clipboard due to the FF security settings, but I can't see what I could change in FF. I disabled all FF add ons, but the result is the same. The same with older CKE versions if using FF 9.0.1 Works fine in Opera and IE.

#8661 Copy paste table does not retain table width - style attribute in not copied Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a table (default values are fine)
  2. Place the cursor in the first cell and click/drag to highlight the rest of the table
  3. Paste the table in the editor

Expected result: The pasted table retains the width of the copied table

Actual result: The pasted table appears very small and has the minimum column width possible (screenshot attached)

Workaround: Copy the table by placing the cursor outside of the table when highlighting it. The table pastes properly this way.

The problem is reproducible on the application.

#8695 Reset fonts Firefox, Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
  1. All browsers
  2. Steps to reproduce:
  • choose font style ( "bold" for example)
  • type something
  • then press Enter twice
  • then move on the previous line, using mouse

Result: Bold font was reset Expected result: If any font style was chosen, it keeps still while typing. Screens are attached

#8754 Multiple nested lists and PasteFromWord Firefox Bug closed Normal

When you use the PasteFromWord Command on multiple nested lists, only the first nested list is really nested after pasting.

Try with

<ol id="d65e23">

on the ckeditor demo

Put the code and then copy and pastefromWord, you'll lose the second ol

I tried to fix it for my webapp and found a way. I hope i didn't break anything by doing that.

In the flattenList filter in default.js line 418 (in ckeditor 3.6.1) i just did the following code : children = element.children so that the global loop takes in acount the flattened ol/ul. Otherwise the increase of level is lost.

#8799 IE, FF: Delete/backspace keys remove anchor instead of joining paragraphs Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal

Assume you have the following content within the ckeditor:

    <p>This is</p>
    <p>[anchor] an anchor</p>

Where [anchor] is the anchor placeholder.

Placing the cursor at the end of the first paragraph and hitting the DELETE key causes the anchor to be removed whereas I would expect that the second paragraph would be merged into the first paragraph and the anchor retained. [IE9 and FF10]

Placing the cursor at the beginning of the second paragraph, and hitting the BACKSPACE key also removes the anchor. [IE9]

This seems to work as expected on Chrome (WebKit).

I tried this on the following nightly build sample, and it still seems to be an issue:

Incidentally, hitting the ENTER key immediately before an anchor on this nightly build seems to cause the anchor to get vertically squished (see screenshot).

#8829 FF - Deleting selected text sometimes not working quite right Webkit Firefox IBM Bug closed Normal

Create a bulleted list as follows

o One

  • Child 1
  • child 2

o two

Place cursor before "O" in One. Shift-down arrow. Press delete key. Action changes the order of the sub list items, also does not properly handle the change.

o * Child 2

child 1

o two

#8847 with JAWS we can't open Select Color dialog more than once. IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. with JAWS on, Open a CK Editor sample and insert a new table.
  1. Open Cell properties dialog using context menu
  1. Navigate to Choose button next to Background Color text field & press Enter.
  1. Select Color dialog opens.
  1. Select a color and close the dialog or Press Esc to close the dialog.
  1. Select Color dialog closes and focus goes back to Choose button next to Background color text field on Cell Properties dialog.
  1. Press enter again to open Select Color dialog.

Issue: Nothing happens & Select Color dialog not opened.

  1. Navigate to Choose button next to Border Color text field and press Enter.

Issue: Nothing happens & Select Color dialog not opened.

#8929 Scayt causes list formatting issues Firefox Webkit Bug closed Normal

I am using CKEditor on Firefox 11.0 on a windows server 2008 build.

I have enterMode and shiftEnterMode set to CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR.

When I add a ordered or unordered list to my document and have a line of text following the list, Scayt surrounds the line of text in a span after a load from the database and causes the editor to create a new unordered list with the last word from the last element of the list.

Disabling Scayt removes the issue.

#8958 can not escape style for a whole line in firefox Firefox Bug confirmed Normal


  1. input multiple lines of text as pic1 in firefox.
  1. ctrl + a to select all text, then make all selected text bold/underline/... as pic2.
  1. select one line (such as the second line) to unbold the whole line of text as pic3.
  1. place cursor at the end of second line and input "ab"

Expected result:

"ab" is not bold.

Actual result:

"ab" is bold.

Possible cause:

when style in firefox, br is included in "strong" tag as pic4 and when unstyle br is not removed with "strong" tag as pic5.

#8999 Cannot edit label elements Firefox Webkit Bug confirmed Normal

When I click on a "label" element the field that the label is defined for ("for" attribute) get focused so I cannot modify the label.

Affected : Firefox 12.0 on Linux, Chromium 18 on Linux, Safari 5.1.7 on Windows Works on : Internet Explorer 9 on Windows, Opera 11.62 on Windows.

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