
Dec 30, 2014:

2:10 PM Ticket #12784 (Issue when copy from MS Word) created by Haider Ali
When i copy text from attached doc file, there is custom bullets in …
9:29 AM Ticket #12783 (Backspace and delete keys do not function properly when working with ...) created by Karen Ananiev
Use the following code: […] Put the cursor at the start of the …
9:16 AM Ticket #12782 (cut-n-paste image capturing) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
invalid: We're working on capturing pasted images right now …

Dec 29, 2014:

9:13 PM Ticket #12782 (cut-n-paste image capturing) created by Kevin
Does CKEditor have the ability to capture a cut-n-pasted image, …
12:52 PM Ticket #12781 (Support multiple editors creation in CKEditor bender plugin) created by Piotr Jasiun
It should be possible to create multiple editors in the single tests …
12:46 PM Ticket #8401 (Accessibility: Problems navigating radio buttons in a dialog using the ...) reopened by Piotrek Koszuliński
Oops, that's true. Now I'm wondering if there was a DUP somewhere and …

Dec 23, 2014:

3:15 PM Ticket #12779 (There should be a way to drag&drop widget into a table cell) created by Wiktor Walc
Right not widgets use lineutils to handle drag and drop. This is …
2:18 PM Ticket #12778 (Cannot delete paragraph before and after a widget) created by Wiktor Walc
Found in Chrome, confirmed also on Firefox. 1. Create a table 2. …
1:36 PM Ticket #12777 (The table-layout CSS property should be reset) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:209e2cf.
12:59 PM Ticket #12777 (The table-layout CSS property should be reset) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
Based on https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev/pull/151
12:27 PM Ticket #12150 (Expose getNestedEditable and is* widget helper functions) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: Ok. So I closed this ticket as it is. git:96d5130
2:33 AM Ticket #12776 (formatting (font, color etc.) is not inherited in new block) created by Sergey
Repro: - http://ckeditor.com/demo#full - remove all content - type …

Dec 22, 2014:

5:09 PM Ticket #12775 (Create a visual handler for dragging & droping tables) created by Wiktor Walc
The UI for dragging & dropping widgets is consistent across web …
1:47 PM Ticket #12774 (Image is inserted with styles even when disallowed by ACF) created by bberg
This is an extension of ticket #12132

Dec 18, 2014:

9:24 PM Ticket #12773 (un-minified version of sample skins available?) closed by Joel Stevick
6:16 PM Ticket #11905 (editor#resize event should pass dimensions in data) closed by Piotr Jasiun
4:38 PM Ticket #12773 (un-minified version of sample skins available?) created by Joel Stevick
I need to author my own skin. The SDK suggests that the 'kama' skin …
12:41 PM Ticket #12765 (Paste from Word is not fired automatically) closed by Piotr Jasiun
10:19 AM Ticket #12772 ([IE] disableObjectResizing doesn't work) created by atguard
Hi, i have a problem in IE 11 with object stylied with sizes: […] …

Dec 17, 2014:

11:09 PM Ticket #12771 (config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR causes auto indent failure) created by Ryan Daley
Steps to reproduce: 1. Use config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; …
4:34 PM Ticket #10032 (Paste from Word - forceFromWord flag is not reset) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:13fd47c.
2:25 PM Ticket #12769 (CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf should allow to find functions within arrays) closed by Marek Lewandowski
1:37 PM Ticket #12770 (Unable to instantiate new widget with predefined data using widget's ...) created by Tieme
According to the execCommand docs it should be possible to provide …
12:04 PM Ticket #12769 (CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf should allow to find functions within arrays) created by Marek Lewandowski
CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf should allow to find functions within arrays …
3:42 AM Ticket #12768 (Suggested Modification to jQuery Adaptor to better support jQuery UI) created by Steve James
When using jQuery UI, there are sometimes issues when CKEditor is …

Dec 16, 2014:

4:40 PM Ticket #12767 (this.win.getFrame() cross domain security exception (lineutils plugin)) created by Steven
Situation: Create a custom build with CKbuilder that includes plugin …
4:22 PM Ticket #12766 (Paste with accent from Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio) created by Dany
Hi! I tried it on your demo and my installation. Select a text …
2:32 PM CP/IBM_Priorities_v4 edited by Irina
12:39 PM Ticket #11856 (jQuery adapter should thrown an issue if CKEditor or jQuery are not loaded) closed by Piotr Jasiun
fixed: Now everything is fine. Closed git:0a6108f.
12:09 PM Ticket #12765 (Paste from Word is not fired automatically) created by Wiktor Walc
1. Clear browser cache in IE11. 2. Open the replacebycode …
10:55 AM Ticket #12750 (Paste from Word: strikethrough and underscore should have the same ...) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:a5f8c73.
8:45 AM Ticket #12764 (Pasting pure text in Chrome causes weird results) created by Wiktor Walc
1. Open a sample with ACF disabled (e.g. the magicline sample). 2. …
8:37 AM Ticket #12763 (Problem with column selection in IE and Chrome) created by dorai
Could not select columns/cells in IE and Chrome though installed table …
8:36 AM Ticket #12762 (pasting Chinese character from Word error!) created by johnwaynerui
When i past Chinese character from word,weird error occurs.In the …
8:35 AM Ticket #12761 (pasting Chinese character from Word error!) created by johnwaynerui
When i past Chinese character from word,weird error occurs.In the …

Dec 15, 2014:

10:59 PM Ticket #12760 (Match whole word option does not find words adjacent to special characters) created by Rick Schnorenberg
== Steps to Reproduce == 1. Open the editor full featured demo page 1. …
2:35 PM Ticket #12759 (Colordialog plugin uses class name that may result in names collision) created by Wiktor Walc
Almost everywhere classes that start with cke_ are used by CKEditor …
11:46 AM Ticket #12758 ([Webkit] Red tests on master after #12747) created by Piotrek Koszuliński
After #12747 there's one failing test in …
11:33 AM Ticket #12735 (Config.fillEmptyBlocks should only apply when outputting data) closed by Piotrek Koszuliński
fixed: Fixed on master with git:3f0ab19.
9:53 AM Ticket #12757 (Image preview does not resize on dialog resize) created by Joel
The dialog resize feature would be much more useful on the image …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.
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