
Version 18 (modified by Teresa Monahan, 12 years ago) (diff)


IBM Priority Tickets for CKEditor 4

Status: closed (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Version Milestone
#6642 IE: Issue with pasting content over the Heading 1 paragraph format Core : Pasting IE IBM 3.4.2
#6847 Allow cursor to exit from container blocks General IBM 3.0
#7220 [IE] Weird behavior when applying a block format on a table Core : Styles IBM 3.3
#7796 Paste as Plain Text Behavior - FF vs. IE General IBM Discussion 3.0
#8276 Opera: cursor goes to start of editor body when we apply text/background colour General IBM Opera 3.4
#8512 Opera: Tabbing inside tables not working properly General IBM 3.2
#8741 Editor does not allow to change the numbering list font General IBM v4 3.0
#9191 Not possible to outdent content in a div containing a table General IBM 3.0
#9201 When CKEditor is inside an IFrame, it is not possible to move dialogs outside the IFrame UI : Dialogs IBM CantFix 3.6.4
#9364 Inline editing: with JAWS we have to press Esc twice to get focus back in to editor from toolbar Accessibility IBM 4.0 CKEditor 4.0.1
#9367 Inline editing: There is no information for JAWS user about editor availability & how to access Help Content Accessibility IBM 4.0
#9368 Inline editing: JAWS not reading states of Toolbar buttons Accessibility IBM 4.0 CKEditor 4.0.1
#9369 Inline editing: IN 3rd 4th 5th 6th &7th div's JAWS not reading parent toolbar group & group name when we navigate to toolbar Accessibility IBM 4.0 CKEditor 4.0.1
#9370 Inline editing: Issues with JAWS not switching to correct mode & reading content in div's Accessibility IBM 4.0 CKEditor 4.0.1
#9481 Magicline: no accessibility support Accessibility IBM 4.0 CKEditor 4.0.1
#9493 Opera: Incorrect options shown in Context menu General IBM 4.0
#9765 Toolbar Collapse command documented incorrectly on Accessibility Instructions dialog Accessibility IBM 4.0 Beta CKEditor 4.0.1

Status: confirmed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Version Milestone
#7017 [IE] Table cells deleted when trying to set formatting for the entire table Core : Tables IE Discussion IBM 3.3
#7995 IFrame dialog Style field in Advanced tab not reflecting values entered for Width & Height in General tab General IBM 3.5
#8008 Cannot delete horizontal rule via backspace General IBM 3.0
#8058 Removing a list removes indentation Core : Lists IBM 3.3
#8097 URL is applied incorrectly when the selection contains an anchor Core : Styles IBM 3.0
#8322 [IE] Performance problems with nested documents Performance IBM IE v4 3.0
#8382 [IE] PageUp and PageDown not working General IBM IE 3.0
#8561 Unexpected lists get created when selecting nested divs Core : Lists IBM
#8716 Better indication of required fields Accessibility IBM Discussion 3.0
#8830 IE - Cannot determine which cells are selected in a table General IBM IE v4 3.0
#9320 Editor does not autogrow after entering content in Maximize mode General IBM 3.4

Status: review_failed (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Version Milestone
#9361 Context menu not displayed in correct position when invoked using keyboard shortcut (Shift + F10 or application key) UI : Context Menu IBM 4.0

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