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Results (301 - 400 of 576)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#4112 [FF] Paste dialog has scrollbars in quirks Firefox Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

[FF] Paste dialog has scrollbars in quirks. Only v2 and office2003 skins are affected.

#4653 [FF] Panel content invisible on first show Firefox Confirmed Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)

Panel content suffer from invisibility with a visibility:inherit on the <html> element.
Regression of [4454].

#8821 [FF] PageUp/Down doesn't scroll Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Load the attached sample page;
  2. Just put cursor in editor without any other keystrokes;
  3. Press PageDown keys couple of times then PageUp;
  • Actual: Cursor moves in the document, while content not scrolls;
  • Expected: Cursor moves with page scrolls cursor into view.

In addition, note the behavior will return to normal once Down Up/Arrow key is used.

#9017 FF, Opera - Page down gets stuck Firefox Opera IBM Bug confirmed Normal

In FF, go to CKEditor demo. Go to Source view. Ctrl-a, then paste the attached html into Source View. Go to non-source view. Press page down key. Keep pressing. About two-thirds of the way down, page down will get stuck.

#3390 [FF] Open submenu Confirmed Firefox Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page;
  2. Insert a table, right click to open context menu which has sub-menu;
  3. Navigate to the menu item which would trigger sub-menu, press 'arrow-right' key.
    • Expected Result: Sub menu show up.
    • Actual Result: Javascript error thrown.
#13125 FF Only - The space after a contenteditable element is ignored when backspacing Firefox IE Bug confirmed Normal

We found an issue in 4.4.x version where in ACF mode, we observe unexpected behaviour when we attempt deleting a white space character following a contenteditable=false span tag.

To reproduce the defect, use the following config:

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {

ACF configs config.allowedContent = true; turn off ACF by default


Open Firebug for you test sample page

  1. In the console: CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setData('Hey <span contenteditable="false"><a>there</a></span> :)')

(Notice here the space following the closing of the span tag and before colon character eg. "</span> :"

  1. Click on the editor (caret is at the end of the line) and start removing characters using backspace until you reach ':' and click backspace again to remove it.
  1. Hit backspace again-> the cursor goes inside the contenteditable area skipping the empty space
#1495 [FF] oEditor.IsDirty not handling spaces and CR correctly (in some cases) Firefox Bug closed Normal

I'm currently using this to see if content of an FCKeditor has changed

if (oEditor.IsDirty()){ return true; }


This is a test<br /> <br /> This is another test


IsDirty test mostly works but not allways, on the source above: What I found is this: If I place cursor after "This is another test" (see example source above) and hit spacebar some times, and then backspace to remove them then IsDirty return true. If I do the same after "This is a test" the IsDirty return false.

I also note that I get same result when hitting CR where I previously tried with spaces, and then removing with backspace as for previous tests... and get the same result. And if I (said it before, but anyway).. just add some letters and remove them with backspace after "This is another test" then IsDirty returns false (as it should) ..... weird!!!!

As far as I can see, it looks like this is happening on text that does not have anything (letters, tags) follwing it (in source). If I test on one text string only (with no tags after it), I get the buggy behaviour. If I then add a CR and save the record, and then place cursor after last letter and add and remove spaces and/or CR then it works as expected.

Also found the following: If I place cursor after "This is another test" and hit either spacebar or CR and then backspace to remove the newly inserted spaces or CR, and then click source button to get in source view, and click source button to get in normal view, and then click a link or change URL of the page to trigger my code that uses IsDirty then the bug is gone. So it looks like something is added to the source, which is cleaned up when entering source mode. Weird.

The above was tested in Firefox (have now also tested in IE6 and IE7 and could not reproduce the bugs there).

Also note that I use this in fckconfig.js: FCKConfig.EnterMode = 'br' ; FCKConfig.ShiftEnterMode = 'br' ;

#10209 [FF] Odd cursor position after deleting single bullet point IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In Firefox 19, the cursor moves to the far right after deleting unordered list that contains a single list item.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Open Firefox
2) Load CKEditor with the following HTML source:

<p>A line of text</p>
  <li>First bullet point</li>

3) While CKEditor is in WYSIWYG mode, select "First bullet point" as in the first screenshot.
4) Press delete or backspace on the keyboard.
5) The cursor ends up on the same line as the remaining paragraph, but oddly at the far right of the editing area (second screenshot, circled in red).

This was discovered on Windows 7 64-bit using CKEditor 4.0.2. I was not able to reproduce the behavior in IE9 or Chrome25.

#1832 [FF] No placeholder for flash/embed tag Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

In Firefox 2, when inserting the HTML below, a placeholder does not appear, After switching to the source view and back to the WYSIWYG view, though, a placeholder does appear.

<span class="embedded-object-18-408"><embed width="300" height="225" allowfullscreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="&amp;image=/picserver/s/orig/public/video/water_balloon_11.mpeg.flv0000.jpg&amp;file=/picserver/s/video/public/water_balloon_11.mpeg.flv" src="../../videoplayer/mediaplayer.swf?0.4076338401231444"></embed></span>
#703 FF: No context menu when right clicking a select component SF Confirmed FireFox CantFix Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Linux FC4 Firefox 1.0.7 FCK 2.2, 2.1.1

When right clicking on a "select" component, no context menu appear.

Sometimes it's possible to left click on a "select" component and then right click on an empty editor space to get the context menu to appear. But this should not be a regular behaviour, does it?

Anyway, I propose a "properties" button on the toolbar, so we may select any component with the left button and then click on the "properties" toolbar button.


Cristiano da Cunha Duarte

Moved from SF:

#4539 [FF] No context menu for some form elements Firefox Bug closed Normal

No context menu for some form elements. It only forks for INPUT tag form element. Probably equivalent of V2 bug #703, which contains a patch.

#3474 [FF] newpage error when document unfocused Confirmed Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page in FF without initial focus;
  2. Click on 'New Page' button
    • Actual Result: Javascript error thrown.
#7501 FF: New page does not fire selectionChange Firefox Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
  • Open the sample.
  • Click on the list button.
  • Click outside the editor chrome.
  • Click the new page button.

The selectionChange event is not being fired (visually: toolbar is not refreshed).

#6075 [FF] Newly created links not filling in information on edit Firefox Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal

Win XP, FF 3.6.7

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a new editor
  2. Make a new paragraph and click the link button, just give a URL (i.e.
  3. Push ok, now double click the newly created link

Expected: URL is shown as

Actual: URL field is blank

Going to the source view and back eliminates the issue. Also, it seems that this only occurs when the link is in it's own paragraph alone. Tested on nightly and normal demo sites.

#1983 [FF] Must click to the right of checkbox/radio to get context menu. (in firefox) Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

In Firefox when you right click a checkbox or a radio button, no context menu appears. But if you right-click to the right of the checkbox or radio button, the context menu does appear.

I've tested this in both version 2.6b and the nightly build. Checked in 2.5.1 and it appears there as well.

#3475 [FF] Multirange broken when command used several times Firefox Confirmed Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Multirange broken when command used several times.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Use bold on 2 separate chunks of text.
  2. Select part of 1st and part of 2nd chunk.
    <strong>^fo^o </strong>bar<strong> f^oo^2</strong>
  3. Click "bold" button several times.

Depending on first selection range start, there are 2 possible misbehaviors:

  1. Second selection will jump from proper selection to rest of previously bolded text (of 2nd chunk).
  2. Second (or both) selections will disappear after second or third use of bold command, but still they will make some DOM modifications.

35sec screencast presenting this issue:

Env: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042219 Iceweasel/3.0.9 (Debian-3.0.9-1)

#2062 [FF] Merge Down and Merge Right doesn't work Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

I've encountered a bug while reproducing bug #2055 and checking the FF behaviour.

It seems it's impossible to merge cells down and right.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open demo page using FF
  1. Insert a table 2x3

  1. Go into the the top left cell

  1. Try to choose merge.

Not only options : Merge Down and Merge Right aren't present but the Merge Cells option is disabled as well.

This bug doesn't occur in IE6 and IE7.

Browser: Firefox

OS: Windows XP

FCKeditor versions affected: 2.6beta and the current SVN

#9883 [FF] Maximized and minimized divarea leaks Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
  1. Open divarea sample.
  2. Maximize editor.
  3. Minimize.
  4. Entire page is editable.
#350 FF: <marquee> appends <p>&nbsp;</p> to the output Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

There was a previous ticket regarding Firefox ignoring the IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue and putting


whenever there was whitespace. We are encountering a similar, though likely unrelated problem, in the version that this bug was supposedly fixed in. Firefox ISN'T putting the empty paragraph tags in empty space, which is good. It's not supposed to. However there's an exception to this. If you use the marquee tag within the FCKeditor, it puts the empty paragraph tags before and after it. For example, we put in the following code into the FCKeditor:

<marquee scrollamount="4"><font size="4" color="#808000"><strong>Welcome!&nbsp; <a href="">Click Here to ask about our Event Sponsorship Opportunities!</a></strong></font></marquee>
<p>Just some test text<br />
Hello?<br />
<br />
<table width="400" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" align="center">
            <td>let's see</td>

and, upon saving our changes to the database and coming back to the page, it turned it into this:

<marquee scrollamount="4"><font size="4" color="#808000"><strong>Welcome!&nbsp; <a href="">Click Here to ask about our Event Sponsorship Opportunities!</a></strong></font></marquee>
<p>Just some test text<br />
Hello?<br />
<br />
<table width="400" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" align="center">
            <td>let's see</td>

This ONLY happens in Firefox (any version). It does not happen in Internet Exploder. We DO have version 2.4.1, which supposedly fixed the problem with FF and IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue. We could upgrade to 2.4.2 (and may soon), but according to "What's News", the only thing fixed in 2.4.2 was a problem with UTF, so I doubt that would fix this problem.

We are aware that the marquee tag is no longer supported in HTML specifications, but we thought it might indicate a problem somewhere and still be fixable, regardless of this lack of marquee support, and especially since it only happened in Firefox, so we thought we should submit this ticket.



#12649 FF makes wrong selection of text Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Let's have the following HTML:

<div>222 <br></div>

This we receive as we use divs for paragraphs and using magicline after 111. After 222 we have whitespace, it is not &nbsp; for FF. We select 222 (only 2s without the interval behind) and copy (CTRL+C) and then in the clipboard we have '222 '.

Steps to reproduce on the demo:

  1. Place the following HTML on empty CK area with firebug. Using source button in the demo clears the divs, so use firebug.
  2. Select the 222 text without the interval and make CTRL+C.
  3. Place the cursor among 111 and CTRL+V. The result is 1222 11.

The bug reproduces for the most of the cases, rarely it will work correct, even though on the demo we did not faced correct behaviour.

#9881 [FF] JS error when right-click on textarea Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Open any sample.
  2. Insert textarea into editor.
  3. Right click on it.

JS error is thrown:

Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType' @ core/dom/node.js:25

Context menu usually doesn't show up.

#11212 [FF] It is impossible to exit styled list with Enter Key. Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Open replacebycode.html sample
  2. Clear page with New Page button and click on one of list buttons to insert list
  3. Type "test1", Hit Enter, "test2", Hit Enter, "test3" and then stop
  4. Press Ctrl+A to select all text
  5. Select font-size 16px from Size dropdown
  6. Click behind 3 in test3 to change selection (You need to press Enter in such way that selection changes but cursor is still in span)
  7. Press Enter, press Enter and so on

Result: Items get created and you can't leave the list that way.


  1. This TC won't show errors with list pasted into source
  2. This is reproducible only in Firefox from CKEditor 4.0
#11399 [FF] Instability of nested editables tests Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

FF's implementation of focus/blur handling on nested editables seems to be very fragile - tests in http://ckeditor4.t/dt/plugins/widget/nestededitables.html randomly fail from time to time depending on how they were ran. Additionally, I had to add one of the tests to regressions, because it started to fail after b671945e@tests.

None of these instabilities occur when testing manually.

#9515 [FF&Inline] Click on textarea/input/select makes toolbar disappear Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Open inlineall sample.
  2. Insert one of the widgets.
  3. Click it.
  4. Toolbar disappeared.
#2080 [FF] Increasing indent erases an entry Firefox Bug closed Normal

Encountered in FCKeditor 2.6 RC using Firefox

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Paste the following code in Source View:
    <ul id="foo" class="bar">
  1. Go to the WYSIWYG view.
  1. Place you cursor inside "Item1"
  1. Press Increase Indent
  1. "Item2" disappears.

Same thing happens when using numbered lists.

Expected behaviour:

The Increase Indent button should be disabled when the cursor in the first line of the list.

#2078 [FF] Increase Indent button is sometimes disabled even when it shouldn't Firefox Bug closed Normal

Environment: FF, OS: Win XP

Steps (in on-line FCK demo with editing pane cleared)

  1. write:

aa <Shift+Enter> bb <Shift+Enter> cc <Shift+Enter>

  1. Hold <Shift> and press <Up-arrow> three times (the three lines of text get selected)
  2. Click "Insert/Remove Bulleted List"
  3. point mouse cursor between the two letters 'b' and click

"Increase Indent" button remains disabled even it should be enabled

(When <Down-arrow> and <Up-arrow> is pressed it get enabled. Works fine in IE)

#9461 [FF]: Inconsistent behavior in applying styling to selected text Firefox IBM Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to one of the demo pages (e.g.,
  2. Double click to select one of the words that does not have a style applied to it (I chose the word "famous" in the first line, but it really doesn't matter what you choose).
  3. Apply the Bold style to the text by either clicking the Bold button, or hitting Ctrl-B
  4. Now, with the text still selected, start typing (so that the selected text is replaced by the new text you are typing).

I expect to see the new text retain the bold styling, which is what I see in Chrome and IE 7, 8, and 9. However in Firefox, the Bold button is deselected, and the new text is not bolded.

Firefox version is 16.0.1, OS: Windows 7 Professional

#316 FF: Impossible to position the cursor between two centered tables Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal

please see the second issue highlighted in this video (the first was CSS related and is fixed):


#9332 FF:IME is disabled if startupFocus is true. Firefox, IBM Bug closed Normal

IME(use Japanese input methods) is disabled if startupFocus is true.

By v3.6.4 and v3.6.3, it checked using FF. In Chrome or IE, IME is enabled.

It can be used, if a focus is removed once and it returns from wysiwyg area.

#9584 FF: Image selection is not working Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

With Firefox, the image selection is not working.

The elements path even show "img" when clicking on an image, but the selection box is not shown. Is not possible to drag-n-drop images because of this.

#4084 [FF] Image dialog using Kama skin sticks to left viewport border Firefox Confirmed Review+ Tobiasz Cudnik Bug closed Normal

In Firefox (3, 3.5) using Kama skin, after opening image dialog it sticks to left viewport border. Drag&drop it to the right is impossible.

Quirks mode only, on pages with 3 editors, each with different skin.

#254 FF: IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue is not honored Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

When running the editor under FF, it starts with <p>&nbsp;</p> in the code.

The same problem occurs if deleting all text.


  1. In wysiwyg mode, type some text.
  2. Select All (Ctrl+A).
  3. Press Delete (Text is gone)
  4. Go to source mode, <p>&nbsp;</p> is present


  1. Perform steps 1-3 above
  2. Go to source mode, source is empty

One final note, with FF, if you delete all the text in source mode and then switch to wysiwyg mode and back to source mode, the source is empty.

#539 FF: if the HTML has a table in it and you right click in the table while in FCKeditor, the cursor jumps to the top of the HTML Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal

Only in Firefox, if you have a table in your HTML and then while you are in FCKeditor you right mouse click when your cursor is in the table or table cell, the editor jumps up to the top of the HTML no matter where you were when you clicked.

Wrote to Frederico about this and here is his reply: I was able to create a very simple test case for this bug, based on your pages. In Firefox, if you scroll down the contents and right click inside the table, it will scroll up automatically. If you instead click at the "More text" phrase at the very end, you will have no problems. It only happens if the editor is inside a table, and if you click in a table in the contents. There is no solution for it for now, and no predictions, but this TC is an important step to find out something. Frederico Caldeira Knabben

#16625 FF & IE: Increasing Indent not working on lists IBM IE Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open nightly build
  2. Enter few lines of text.
  3. Select all content using CTRL + A
  4. Click on Increase Indent icon few times

Expected result : List Indented

Actual result: Nothing happens This works in Chrome

#11947 [FF IE11] Shift+Enter in lists produces two line breaks Firefox IE11 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug closed Normal

Use the code:


Press Shift+Enter at the end of the first line.

Expected: One line created
Actual: Two lines created

#11871 [FF] Htmldataprocessor test fails in FF29 Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Check out 4.4.0 tag.
  2. Run dt/core/htmldataprocessor.html?name=test-xss---video-with-incorrect-source-onerror-17 in FF28.
  3. It's green.
  4. Do the same in FF29.
  5. It's red.
  6. An error is thrown
    an error occurred while executing regular expression htmldataprocessor.js:897

Yet another example of catastrophic backtracking in RegExp?

#6363 FF - High CPU in code view Firefox Bug closed Normal


I have a problem with the Firefox browser in preview mode code. When I change to it, and move the cursor, or try to perform some sort of editing CPU consumption increases dramatically. I performed the same operations in IE and Chrome the problem does not occur. Tested versions: 3.4.1, 3.4, 3.3.2; occur at all.

Attached below the image processing and basic script for example.


#756 FF: ForcePasteAsPlainText doesn't work in all cases Firefox Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)

The problem reported in bug #1214941 "copying and pasting from word doesn't force it as plain text, even though I have that option turned on"

was only patched for CTRL+V paste method.

The problem still happens if you paste using "Edit menu --> Paste", if you paste dragging from another window or if you paste using COMMAND+V (in Mac) or MAYS+INS (in Linux).

Moved from SF:

#2210 [FF] font-weight: bold and font-style:italic instead of strong and em Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal


There is a bug with Firefox when doing some manipulations on bold and italic.

Let's try this with the demo FCK on the website :)

1/ Type "Hello world"
2/ Make the characters "rld" in bold

In Source view, we'll have something like <p>hello wo<strong>rld</strong></p>

3/ Now we delete the substring "orld" and then retype orld

In source view : <p>hello w<span style="font-weight: bold;">orld</span></p>

We have the same kind of bug with the italic button Tested on FF and FF 3RC1 with FCK 2.6

#4186 [FF] First open float panel cause host page scrollbar blinking Firefox Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

There's an obvious blinking of host page vertical scrollbar, Firefox only.

#2248 FF: FCK.InsertHtml( '&nbsp;') inserts a plain space Confirmed Firefox Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

The FCK.InsertHtml( '&nbsp;') call inserts a plain space in the selection, instead of the proper &nbsp; char.

#6429 [FF] Extra bullets/numbers are added into a list containing a right aligned image IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample.
  2. Type a line of text.
  3. Insert an image at the end of the line of text that you just entered and make the image right aligned.
  4. Enter another line of text beneath the line that you just typed.
  5. Press CTRL + A to highlight all of the text.
  6. Click on the bulleted/numbered list icon in the toolbar.

Expected: A list should be displayed containing 2 bullets or numbers.

Actual: A list is displayed containing 4 bullets or numbers.

#7467 [FF] Extra br in nested list Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
  1. Load editor with the following content and selection:
  • Actual Result: Unexpected new line is opened after the nested list.
#12179 [FF] Error while using :after pseudoclass in contents.css Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

1) use, clear all (I used Gecko - last version of PaleMoon)
2) change contents.css or use different way do add style: .cke_editable span:after {content: ' [' attr(class) ']'}
3) write "blah blah".
4) select line and change Style to marker (now you will see yellow line: blah blah [marker]).
5) go to the end of this line.
6) press left arrow and obtain twice this error:

Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType'
Source File:
Line: 364

FF's bug on Bugzilla:

#5163 [FF] Error when using undo IBM Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Clear browser cache/cookies etc.
  2. Open Ajax sample on nightly build
  3. Add some content
  4. At end of the document add a horizontal line
  5. Attempt to undo

Undo doesn't work on the horizontal line and the following error occurs:

l is null
[Break on this error] return h;},clone:function(h,i){var j=thi...h){var j=this;if(h.equals(j))return j;\r\n

This only happens on the first load of the editor.

#5861 [FF] Error when double clicking on table for first time. IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Using Firefox, open the Ajax sample and click the Create Editor button.
  2. Click on the Table button to insert a table.
  3. Position the mouse on the table border and double click the left mouse button.

A 'range is undefined' error is thrown at line 183 in the link plugin's plugin.js. See screenshot.

#7900 FF: Error thrown when opening table dialog on pasted cells Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce the defect:

  1. Open the Ajax sample in FF.
  1. Insert a table.
  1. Enter some text into the cells on the top row.
  1. Copy the cells containing the text.
  1. Place the cursor below the table and paste the copied cells into the editor.
  1. Right click on the pasted cells and open the table dialog from the context menu. See that the rows and columns fields are editable and the columns field is left empty.
  1. Enter a value into the columns field and click ok.

Result: The table dialog remains on the screen. If you check in Firebug you can see that the following error is thrown:

this.$ is undefined
j.insertNode(l.remove());k.insertAfter...rn(this.getName=function(){return i;
ckeditor.js (line 16)

This is reproducible in FF 3.6.8 and 3.6.15

#5193 FF: Elements path should have the hand cursor Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

In Firefox only, the elements path elements have the text cursor instead of the hand cursor.

#8074 FF: Editor scrolls up when selecting text Firefox Bug closed Normal

This issue is based on

To reproduce:

  1. Include in your CKEditor HTML page and CSS file from the attachment.
  2. Open sample page
  3. Scroll down to the middle of the editor
  4. Select some text but try to start somewhere in blank area. Clicking in area next to "Little Red Riding Hood" always works.

Editor scrolls up.

The reason is that body in contents.css has height:100% applied. This particular setting is causing the whole problem.

I have managed to reproduce the issue only on Firefox (One user claimed that he reproduced it in IE8) browser from CKEditor 3.4.2

#9505 [FF] Editor placeholder option not available in context menu after first right-click on placeholder Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Open placeholder sample.
  2. Click on text.
  3. Right click on placeholder.
  4. There's no "edit placeholder" option in context menu - only "paste" is available.
  5. Right click again - "edit placeholder" appears.

Expected: "edit placeholder" should be available on first time.

Reproducible in v3 and v4.

#2104 [FF] Drag and drop placeholder starts a new colored span in the dropped line Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Open sample06.html with Firefox;
  2. Insert a Placeholder;
  3. Drag and drop the placeholder to another position;

The following tag will be created in the dropped line:

<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); cursor: default;">
#799 FF: Drag and drop (move) table does not work SF CantFix Confirmed FireFox Bug closed Normal

It seems one cannot move (drag and drop) a whole table (like you move images) when using Firefox (2.x or 1.x) both on XP and Mac OS X (or Camino for that matter).

One can do that with IE (it shows the cross-shaped symbol on left-click and moves the whole table where you drop it).

May be related to the copy/paste table bug (1255029)?


Moved from SF:

#8829 FF - Deleting selected text sometimes not working quite right Webkit Firefox IBM Bug closed Normal

Create a bulleted list as follows

o One

  • Child 1
  • child 2

o two

Place cursor before "O" in One. Shift-down arrow. Press delete key. Action changes the order of the sub list items, also does not properly handle the change.

o * Child 2

child 1

o two

#11914 FF: Default values for Horizontal Alignment & Vertical Aalignment not shown on Cell Properties dialog Firefox IBM Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any CK Sample and insert a Table with default values
  1. Open Cell Properties dialog by clicking on Cell - > Cell Properties option in Context menu

Issue: see that Default values <not set> not shown in Horizontal Alignment & Vertical Alignment combo boxes

Tested on FF27, FF28 & FF29

#5946 [FF] Cut commad removing paragraph id attribute. IBM Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal
  1. Copy the following HTML into an editor instance in source mode.

<p id="1">P1</p>

<p id="2">P2</p>

<p id="3">P3</p>

  1. Disable source mode.
  1. Select 'P2', start at the beginning of 'P2' and end the selection just before the text 'P3' in the next paragraph.
  1. Press Ctrl + X to Cut the text.
  1. Click the Source button to go to source mode.

Observe that the P3 paragraph is missing the id attribute: <p id="1">




#8306 FF : Custom attributes on links dropped during copy/paste Firefox CantFix VendorFix Bug confirmed Normal

Custom attributes on anchor tags are being dropped during copy/paste (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In Source mode, modify a standard link by adding a custom attribute (e.g. <a href="/index.htm" customAttribute="1">test</a>.)
  2. Switch out of source mode.
  3. Copy (Ctrl+C) the linked text.
  4. Paste (Ctrl+V) on a new line.
  5. Switch back to Source mode, and see that customAttribute="1" was not pasted.

Occurs on the demo page with the following environments:

  • Browser: FF6 OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • Browser: FF5 OS: Mac
  • Browser: FF3 OS: Windows Vista
#13180 FF: Cursor stops before non content editable element when pressing left arrow key Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to
  2. In the console: CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml('aaa <a contenteditable="false" href="">@Amy Jones126</a> aaa')
  1. Same for a similar structure more similar to mentions
  2. In the console: CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml('aaa <span contenteditable="false"><a href="">@Amy Jones126</a></span> aaa')
  3. Press the left arrow key...
#5622 [FF] Cursor not blinking on editor::focus Confirmed Safari Firefox Opera Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

On 3.3.x branch, when using Tab key to focus the editor, notice that the cursor is not blinking.

#11795 [FF] Ctrl+backspace inside table removes too much stuff Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. use following source code
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px">
  3. switch back to wysiwyg mode
  4. place cursor in very last cell (9th)
  5. press ctrl + backspace twice

Expected result:
Caret should not move outside of the cell?

Current result:
Leaves table with one column and two rows

additional info:

  1. it acts weird with ctrl+backspace in many other cases with tables
#4087 [FF] Create list result incorrect with Ctrl-A Confirmed Firefox Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the 'replace by class' sample page in Firefox;
  2. Load the document with the following content and selection with Ctrl-A:
  3. Click on 'Insert/Remove Bulleted List' button;
    • Actual Result: Four list items created.
#4079 [FF] Create list error no multiple items Firefox Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the 'replace by class' sample page in Firefox;
  2. Load the document with the following content and selection with CTRL-A:
  3. Click on 'Insert Bulleted List' button;
    • Actual Result: Javascript error thrown.
#3361 [FF] createBookmark problem with multi-ranges Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal

If a selection contains multiple ranges, now invoke selection.createBookmarks(), if the ranges were overlapped with each other, then the bookmarked range will right correct.
Try the following selection in FF:


FF will translate it into multi-ranges as:


Now the bookmark nodes creation on every range will interfere with each other, resulting in incorrect bookmark positions.

#7816 FF: copy paste from heading creates new heading Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Open ajax sample
  2. Select "Heading 3" format
  3. Type e.g. 'internationalization'
  4. Copy 'nation' with CRTL+C
  5. Place cursor after 'n'
  6. use CRTL+V

Result: New h3 with word 'nation' is created Expected: nation should be concatenated with internationalization in one word in side one heading.

#7316 [FF] Click on paste button create wrong linebreak Firefox IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
  1. Place cursor among text;
  2. Click on 'Paste' or 'Paste from Word' button;
  • Actual Result: Line break inserted at the position.
#10119 [FF] Click on "body" in elements path selects only on first block element Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal


  1. Open replacebyclass sample.
  2. Without focusing editor, click 'body' in elements path.
  3. Only header and image were selected.


  1. Write two paragraphs.
  2. Switch to source and back to wysiwyg.
  3. Without focusing editor, click 'body' in elements path.
  4. Only first paragraphs was selected.

Reproduced on FF, couldn't on Chrome, haven't checked the rest.

#3102 FF: CKEDITOR.editor::insertHtml incorrect with multiple range Firefox Bug closed Normal

Multiple selection ranges happens when more than one control type element is selected, and this method is currently inserting new elements at each range which is not right.

#9504 [FF][Chrome] attribute.specified is deprecated Firefox Piotr Jasiun Bug closed Normal
  1. Open stylesheetparser.html sample.
  2. Focus editor by clicking on the line.
  3. Apply first block style (h1.lightBlue).
  4. Apply second block style (

Warning is logged on console (note: native console, not Firebug):

[11:49:52.973] Use of attributes' specified attribute is deprecated. It always returns true. @ http://localhost/cksource/ckeditor-dev/core/dom/element.js:1648

I haven't noticed any issue following this warning, but it's worth checking.

#462 FF: Certain HTML causing CPU to go to 100% SF Firefox Bug closed Normal

Using FCKeditor version 2.4.1 with FULL PAGE mode turned on - When the HTML in the attached file is pasted into FCKeditor in source mode and the source button is hit to bring WYSIWYG mode back, FCKeditor starts to spin and the CPU hits 100%.

This does not happen with the 2.3 version of FCKeditor.

Moved from SF:

#11687 [FF] Caret position reset when clicking editable Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Clicking text in editable moves caret to very beginning, which is extremely annoying if you want i.e. select something in order to bold it.

  1. open sample with image2 plugin (/samples/plugins/image2/image2.html)
  2. put caret at following position Roll out of |Saturn V on launch pad in first widget caption
    note first selection is OK
  3. move caret to other element (by clicking), i.e. "Apollo 11" headline
  4. repeat 2nd step

Expected result:
Caret should be placed in of |Saturn

Current result:
Caret is placed at very beginning of the caption.

additional info:

  1. Bug occurs only if focus is moved from within the editor. That means, if you'll blur editor by i.e. clicking at sample headline "CKEditor Samples » New Image plugin", and then you'll click at editable - bug does not occur.
#9098 FF: Can't apply styles after removing line Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebycode sample
  2. Click inside editor and press CRTL+A
  3. Press backspace few times quickly Two is usually enough but you may need to press it few more times. Cursor should go up a little bit.
  4. Try to apply style from styles dorpdown like Blue, Red title, big, Small (it works with some styles) or underline, subscript, superscript, strike (it works with bold and italic).

Result: Cursor will go up a little bit and style/button won't get applied/activated.

Reproducible in Firefox from CKEditor 3.5.3

#6225 [FF] Can not transform sevaral lines to list with enterMode BR. Firefox Paweł Horzela Bug closed Normal

Open a sample, with enterMode set to br.
Type a few lines of text and click on one of the list icons.
Notice that only the first line is transformed into a list item.
A regression from the 3.3.

#1858 FF:cannot format entire table column - adds code outside <td></td> tags of 1st cell HasPatch Firefox Bug closed Normal

To replicate the bug, create a table with more than one row, enter text into cells then select content of an entire column or row. Select a formatting option such as BOLD or Right Align. Result: firstly, the entire column is not affected secondly, the first cell stuffs up. In the right align example (shown below) the first <td> is altered, placing two empty <p> tags and css styles. In the editor it looks like another cell has been added to the table.

I get a similar issue when trying to format the whole table as "normal" paragraph text.

<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">



<p style="text-align: right;">&nbsp;</p> <td style="text-align: right;">aaaaa</td> <p style="text-align: right;">&nbsp;</p> <td>aaa</td>

</tr> <tr>

<td>aa</td> <td>aa</td>




#9957 [FF] Cannot delete text at the end of the line with cursor placed after the space Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Reported on the forum:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the standard sample.
  2. Place cursor at the end of the line (but not end of paragraph), after the trailing space.
  3. Use Del to delete text.

Expected result: text from the next line is deleted.

Actual result: nothing happens.

Placing the cursor before the space works as expected and the text is deleted.

IE, Chrome do not seem to be affected. In Opera it seems like there is no space at the end of the line - the cursor always appears after the last character and deletion works as expected.

#739 FF: Button caption is editable with arrow keys SF Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

With the arrow keys, one can move the cursur into a button inside a form and edit its label, but the contents aren't saved.

Moved from SF:

#1655 FF: Bulleted point dissaperas when changing the indetation FireFox Bug closed Normal

Tested on Firefox

To reproduce:

  1. Create bullet point list
  2. Notice tab does nothing
  3. Indent a new bullet in list
  4. Type shift-tab
  5. Notice removal of one indent level but bullet-point disappears
#2387 FF: Bulleted list error with CTRL+A Confirmed Firefox Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

Tested with Firefox/, in the online demo.

With the following source:


In editing mode:

  1. select all (by pressing Ctrl+A)
  2. click "Insert/Remove Bulleted list"

A JS error is thrown and the first line of text is deleted.

#9433 [FF] "Browse Server" popup appears behind browser window Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

In Firefox 15.0.1, the image "Browse server" popup appears behind the main browser window. When you remove the popup and try again the popup appears in front, as it should.

#3473 [FF] Bogus doubled line break nums Firefox Webkit Review+ Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Currently the padding block bogus br logic is not right, it's appending the br for every newly established block, which sometimes cause too much line breaks:

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the replace by class example page with enterMode: P;
  2. Click on 'New Page' button to clear all content;
  3. Enter one line text and press enter key;
  4. Now press backspace key to delete the new line;
    • Expected Result: One key strike will bring you back to the first line;
    • Actual Result: Three key strike is necessary to back to the first line;
#3096 FF: Block style: Deleted Text/Inserted Text not working Firefox Bug closed Normal

Those two styles doesn't working with the following generated codes, the schema is valid though, maybe it's belong to a bug of FF?

<h3 style="color: Blue;">text</h3>

If we nested the <ins> inside <h3>, it works fine.

#8444 FF - <a> tag href incorrectly encoded IBM Firefox Bug closed Normal

Run the attached code example. Click the "Test" button on the toolbar. Go to the source view. Notice that the "!" character is incorrectly encoded. Expected result is that the "!" character is not encoded, thus allowing navigation to the href to occur.

#8180 FF and Opera: Dialog contents go out of dialog border when CKEditor is in RTL language Firefox Opera Bug confirmed Normal

Bug found when reproducing #6775

  1. In config.js set RTL language like 'he'.
  2. Open link dialog and move it to the right
  3. When you reach the border of browser/view pane, move the dialog to the left and bottom

Result: Dialog contents goes out of dialog borders See screenshots.

Reproducible from CKE 3.5.3

#7815 FF: Anchor icon is not visible in WYSIWYG Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

If you create an anchor in Firefox it's icon is not visible in WYSIWYG mode. Instead you see only collapsed blue dotted border.

If after creation you press enter and type a letter the icon shows up with this letter inside blue border.

#3160 [FF] Ajax sample editor document problem Confirmed Firefox Review+ Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

Reproducing Procedures

  1. Open the ajax.html example page;
  2. Click Create Editor button to have a new instance;
  3. Insert some content and click Remove Editor to destroy the instance;
  4. Click Create Editor button again to have another new instance;
  • Actual Result : The content is lost within the new instance and the document become not editable.
#14703 FF: Adding extra paragraphs or space when text pasted IBM Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Steps to reproduce

Scenario 1:

  1. Open CKEditor instance & type 2 lines of text "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
  1. Select all by CRTL+A, copy (CRTL+C) & paste(CRTL+V)the text

Issue: You will see an extra new paragraph added below pasted text.

Scenario 2:

  1. Open a CKEditor instance, type "aaabbbaaa"
  1. Select part of word (ex: "bbb") and CTRL+C to copy
  1. Go to end of text area of CKEditor & paste(CTRL+V)

Issue: An extra space will be added after pasted text

#8519 FF7: Color Picker shows last color(s) selected on open Firefox Bug closed Normal

We have found that in FF,7 for the text selection made, Color Picker shows last color(s) selected on dialog open.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Access
  2. Create two paragraphs, each containing the word 'text'.
  3. Select the first paragraph and select the color 'red'.
  4. Select the second paragraph. You should see that 'red' is still

highlighted, when the default color is black. Select 'green'

  1. Now select the first paragraph again. Both colors will be


You can continue to select other colors, and eventually can get every color to be highlighted.

#6327 [FF4] Unable to use the scrollbar Firefox4 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal

Open the demo and try to manually scroll the document using the scrollbar.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0b6) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0b6 @ WinXP

#8006 FF4 Ubuntu: right click between tables in wysiwyg mode results in an error Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

Depends of the content in the editor.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Load contents of attached sample.txt.
  2. Click between the second and the third table (click few times in random places to trigger the error - it happens randomly).
  3. The following errors appear:
    target.getOuterHtml is not a function
    if ( !target.getOuterHtml().replace( emptyParagraphRegexp, '' ) ) 
    _source/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js Line 668
    ev.getTarget().is is not a function
    if ( ev.getTarget().is( 'a' ) && ev.$.button != 2 ) 
    _source/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js Line 682

Whenever the JS error occurs, target is set to "document" instead of "p".

Can be reproduce at least since CKEditor 3.3.2.

#7784 FF4: Styles combo remains empty using the stylesheetparser sample Firefox Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug closed Normal

Using FF4 (@ both Mac and Win), in the stylesheetparser sample, the styles combo box does not get filled.

#6862 FF4: spellWin.location is null Firefox4 Bug closed Normal
  1. Launch replacebyclass sample
  2. Open the "Spell Check" dialog
  3. Close the dialog
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 again
  5. Result: a JavaScript error occurred

spellWin.location is null

Line 348

#7777 [FF4] Place cursor between text, apply any style: cursor drops Firefox Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal

To reproduce: using Firefox 4. (Using FF 4.0.1 but reproducible in FF 4.0.0)

Type some text. For example "test".

Click anywhere in the text to place the cursor, for example after the "e".

Click on the font color menu and select a color, for example red.

The cursor drops down below the text and the cursor has the color selected.

Continue typing at the cursor returns as expected. Screenshot here:

#8013 FF4 : Focus not shown when we tab to combo boxes & check boxes on all dialogs IBM Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open CK Editor and click on Table icon to open Table Properties dialog.
  1. Using key board navigate to Headers combo box.

Expected Result A dotted line shows around the combo box indicating that focus is currently on the combo box.

Actual Result There is no dotted line or any other indication to the user that focus is currently on the combo box.

  1. Close Table Properties dialog and click on Find icon to open Find and Replace dialog.
  1. Using key board navigate to the Match case check box.

Expected Result A dotted line shows around the check box indicating that focus is currently on the check box.

Actual Result There is no dotted line or any other indication to the user that focus is currently on the check box.

This is an Accessibility issues, since we are using FF4 for our Accessibility testing

#7897 [FF4] first execCommand (enterMode:ENTER_DIV) shows cursor in second line instead of first line Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

if enter mode ENTER_DIV is used, every first execCommand call shows the cursor in second line but after first input cursor jumps back in first line.

How to reproduce:

  1. open ckeditor with enterMode:ENTER_DIV
  2. focus editor (cursor is in first line)
  3. click on bold/italic... (cursor is in second line)
  4. write some content (content is added in first line)
#6902 [FF4] document selection lost Firefox4 Bug closed Normal
  1. Put selection somewhere inside editor;
  2. Open 'Smiley' dialog and insert one;
    • Actual Result: Smiley is inserted at the beginning of document.

FF4 doesn't restore selection on editor focus.

#6954 FF4: content is always inserted at the beginning Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

Insert the cursor somewhere in the middle of the text and use the Smiley dialog to insert a smiley. Result: the element is inserted at the very beginning, regardless of the cursor position.

Confirmed in Firefox 4 Beta 8. It worked fine in CKEditor 3.3.

#9884 [FF3.x] Select all and copy breaks inline editor Firefox3 Bug closed Normal
  1. Go to http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/samples/inlineall.html
  2. Focus first editor in the right column (2 paragraphs)
  3. C-a, C-c, C-v
  4. Editable is totally broken
#9677 [FF3.x] Autogrow fails in case of continuous massive content creation Firefox3 Bug confirmed Low
  1. Go to http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/plugins/autogrow/samples/autogrow.html
  2. Place a caret in the middle of the text.
  3. Hold Enter (return) for 3 secs.
  4. A lot of new empty content (<p>&nbsp;</p>) has been created but editor preserved its height.
  5. Click inside of the editable or type something.
  6. Now autogrow worked.
#2086 [FF3 ]scrolling behaviour not correct Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

When hitting enter (and creating a new paragraph), the entire page will scroll back up in the Firefox 3 beta. Apparently, the behaviour of scrollIntoView has changed to match IE, so that scrollIntoView(true) should be used (rather than scrollIntoView(false), which is used now).

I found this related ticket:

The relevant bug in bugzilla:

#2423 [FF3, Safari] Toolbar became disabled after switch to WYSIWYG mode when ToolbarLocation is Out Firefox Safari Bug closed Normal

Use ToolbarLocation = Out:... (Samples 10 and 11). Switch to source mode and back. Note that toolbar is disabled.

#2272 FF3: Paste from word leaves lots of garbage tags Confirmed Firefox3 Review+ Martin Kou Bug closed Normal

In Firefox 3 RC3, the "paste from word" feature leaves lots of garbage tags behind. Specifically:

  • It does not remove comments.
  • It does not remove <style> elements.
  • It does not remove <meta> elements.
  • It does not remove <link> elements.

The comments issue can be fixed by changing this line in fck_paste.html's CleanWord function:

html = html.replace(/<\!--.*?-->/g, '' ) ; this:

html = html.replace(/<\!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, '' ) ;

(Because . does not match new lines, multi-line comments are not removed; [\s\S] does the trick instead.)

To be safe, I recommend making similar changes to all of the fck_paste.html instances where .* is used. Specifically, these lines:

html = html.replace(/<o:p>.*?<\/o:p>/g, '&nbsp;') ;
html = html.replace( /<SPAN\s*>(.*?)<\/SPAN>/gi, '$1' ) ;

html = html.replace( /<FONT\s*>(.*?)<\/FONT>/gi, '$1' ) ;
html = html.replace( /<(\w+)[^>]*\sstyle="[^"]*DISPLAY\s?:\s?none(.*?)<\/\1>/ig, '' ) ;
html = html.replace( /<(H\d)><FONT[^>]*>(.*?)<\/FONT><\/\1>/gi, '<$1>$2<\/$1>' );
html = html.replace( /<(H\d)><EM>(.*?)<\/EM><\/\1>/gi, '<$1>$2<\/$1>' );
var re = new RegExp( '(<P)([^>]*>.*?)(<\/P>)', 'gi' ) ;	// Different because of a IE 5.0 error

...should be changed respectively to:

html = html.replace(/<o:p>[\s\S]*?<\/o:p>/g, '&nbsp;') ;
html = html.replace( /<SPAN\s*>([\s\S]*?)<\/SPAN>/gi, '$1' ) ;

html = html.replace( /<FONT\s*>([\s\S]*?)<\/FONT>/gi, '$1' ) ;
html = html.replace( /<(\w+)[^>]*\sstyle="[^"]*DISPLAY\s?:\s?none([\s\S]*?)<\/\1>/ig, '' ) ;
html = html.replace( /<(H\d)><FONT[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/FONT><\/\1>/gi, '<$1>$2<\/$1>' );
html = html.replace( /<(H\d)><EM>([\s\S]*?)<\/EM><\/\1>/gi, '<$1>$2<\/$1>' );
var re = new RegExp( '(<P)([^>]*>[\s\S]*?)(<\/P>)', 'gi' ) ;	// Different because of a IE 5.0 error

Also, to get rid of the <meta>, <link> and <style> elements, I suggest adding these additional replacements:

// Remove meta/link tags
html = html.replace(/<(META|LINK)[^>]*>\s*/gi, '' ) ;

// Remove style tags
html = html.replace( /<STYLE[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/STYLE[^>]*>/gi, '' ) ;
#7040 FF3: office2003 skin toolbar buttons and pulldowns selection area shown half height Firefox Bug closed Normal

A picture is worth a 1000 words, see the attached file (jpg)

I adjusted the height of the following in ckeditor/skins/office2003/editor.css to correct this for us. However, it would be nice if it showed correctly out of the box instead of having to fix it with every new version of ckeditor.

IE7 and IE8 show the heights correctly.

1 2 3 4 5 6
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