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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#7770 JS errors when selecting noneditable text in FF4 Firefox4 Bug closed Normal

I have found this bug when testing #7694

  1. Open Ajax sample
  2. Copy the below code and paste it in source mode:
    <p>paragraph [one</p>
    <div contenteditable="false">none editable block</div>
    <p>paragraph] two</p>
  3. Switch to WYSIWYG mode
  4. Select whole "none editable block" text with a mouse and click on a size combo box. The JS error may be thrown
  5. If size combo is shown and no error is not thrown, than select size, click on font combo select a font, deselect the text by clicking on “paragraph] two”, select whole text again and click on size combo.
  6. If still can not reproduce it, try different combinations with selecting text, deselecting text, clicking on size combo, clicking on font combo. Sooner or later the error should be thrown.

The error is:

Location: _source/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js Message: is not a function

if ( 'img', 'hr', 'input', 'textarea', 'select' ) )

plugin.js (Line 653)

Message: ev.getTarget().is is not a function

if ( ev.getTarget().is( 'a' ) && ev.$.button != 2 )

plugin.js (Line 682)

I have managed to reproduce it only in FF4.

#7816 FF: copy paste from heading creates new heading Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Open ajax sample
  2. Select "Heading 3" format
  3. Type e.g. 'internationalization'
  4. Copy 'nation' with CRTL+C
  5. Place cursor after 'n'
  6. use CRTL+V

Result: New h3 with word 'nation' is created Expected: nation should be concatenated with internationalization in one word in side one heading.

#7830 [FF] Select all + inline style in enterMode BR removes selection Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Load the editor in enterMode BR;
  2. Empty the editor, type in some content;
  3. Select all, then apply one inline style like bold;
  • Actual Result: Everything looks fine except cursor is not blinking at the end of doc;
  • Expected Result: Text selection remains unchanged.

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 3.5.1 rev. [6272], it gets fixed in CKEditor 3.6.1 rev. [6919] and gets broken again in CKE 4.0 beta.

#7835 [FF] Word metadata not cleaned when pasting from word without cleanup Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  • Set pasteFromWordPromptCleanup = true.
  • Copy-paste any doc file into the editor using CTRL+V or paste button (NOT paste from Word button).
  • Hit "cancel" when the cleanup prompt appears.

Note that in FF, unlike other browsers, Word's metadata appears in source (o:OfficeDocumentSettings etc.).

#7868 BBCode sample is not loading Firefox Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)

With Firefox, the BBCode sample is not loading.

#7973 Editor scrolls to the top when opening the context menu in a floating element IE Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  • Load the HTML content posted below
  • Scroll down to the bottom, select and image and right-click on it
  • Results: Firefox and IE scroll to the top. Additionally in IE "Image properties" option is not available (reported in #7974, because it is happening since CKEditor 3.3).

Firefox scrolls to the top since CKEditor 3.3.
IE scrolls to the top since [5214] (CKEditor 3.2.1).
Related ticket caused by the same changeset: #7934.

	(Scroll down to the bottom, select and image and right-click on it)</p>
<div style="float: right">
	Foo <img alt="" src="" /> Bar</div>
#8074 FF: Editor scrolls up when selecting text Firefox Bug closed Normal

This issue is based on

To reproduce:

  1. Include in your CKEditor HTML page and CSS file from the attachment.
  2. Open sample page
  3. Scroll down to the middle of the editor
  4. Select some text but try to start somewhere in blank area. Clicking in area next to "Little Red Riding Hood" always works.

Editor scrolls up.

The reason is that body in contents.css has height:100% applied. This particular setting is causing the whole problem.

I have managed to reproduce the issue only on Firefox (One user claimed that he reproduced it in IE8) browser from CKEditor 3.4.2

#8096 Firefox: Additional </br> added after clicking legend in fieldset and switching to Source mode Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

When focus is set in legend of a fieldset, and then mode is switched to source and back, additional </BR> is added to fieldset.


linked with #6804 , Firefox 4/5b


  1. Paste following code into editor
    <fieldset> <legend>caption</legend> <p>keep going, CKeditor!</p> </fieldset>
  2. Switch mode to WYSIWYG
  3. Set caret in "caption"
  4. Switch to source
  5. Repeat steps 2-4, two times

Actual result

Additional </br> added

	<legend>caption</legend><br />
	<br />
	<br />
		keep going, CKeditor!</p>
#8180 FF and Opera: Dialog contents go out of dialog border when CKEditor is in RTL language Firefox Opera Bug confirmed Normal

Bug found when reproducing #6775

  1. In config.js set RTL language like 'he'.
  2. Open link dialog and move it to the right
  3. When you reach the border of browser/view pane, move the dialog to the left and bottom

Result: Dialog contents goes out of dialog borders See screenshots.

Reproducible from CKE 3.5.3

#8195 Moving in and out of element boundaries in Firefox Firefox Bug closed Normal

This is the continuation or extension of #7796.

  1. Open replacebycode sample and clean both editors
  2. In first editor press bold button and type few words
  3. Go to second editor and type few words
  4. Go to first editor and click behind the text

Result: Bold button is no longer activated. It all depends whether Firefox decides whether you have left element boundaries or not.

After discussoin with @wwalc we have decided to create such ticket and link it to #7796 just to mark that this is not only about pasting.

#8206 Firefox: unable to access caption with arrow keys Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Paste in the following code:
    	This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="">CKEditor</a>.</p>
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px;">
    		this is table</caption>
    	This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="">CKEditor</a>.</p>
  2. Place the cursor inside the table and try to move it with arrows to reach the caption.

Result: It is impossible to reach the caption with arrow keys but t is possible using mouse.

#8209 [Firefox5] : Unable to write in the same line ,After using display none/block on editor. Firefox5 Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Place 1111.html file in samples folder.
  2. Open file in a browser
  3. Click inside editor and start typing (type two words, you have got 5 seconds:))
  4. After editor reappears, cursor appears at the beginning of typed text but If start typing without changing cursor location old text jumps one line down, so that you have two lines of text in two paragraphs.

This issue has been reproducible in Firefox5 from CKE 3.3.1

#8258 No undo after image/flash/iframe insertion on empty editor Firefox Opera Bug closed Normal
  1. Load the Ajax sample.
  2. Create the editor.
  3. Without clicking in the editing area, click one of the image, flash or iframe buttons.
  4. Insert any URL in the dialog and confirm.
  5. Click the "Undo" button.

The inserted object is not removed. A second click on Undo removes it.

Confirmed with FF5 and Opera. Ok with IE9 and Safari.

#8351 Image not visible in page preview Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

This issue was reported by Srinivas Nalla on our support channel.

TC provided by a user:

Steps to Re-Produce the Issue.

  1. Place an Image Tag with wrong image name
  2. Find that image missing icon is displayed in IE 8 but missing in Firefox

I have got similar but not the same result. Image missing icon was visible in CKEditor content area but not in Page preview.

At first I thought that this is a browser issue but it is reproducible from CKEditor 3.6 so it looks like an editor problem.

#8519 FF7: Color Picker shows last color(s) selected on open Firefox Bug closed Normal

We have found that in FF,7 for the text selection made, Color Picker shows last color(s) selected on dialog open.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Access
  2. Create two paragraphs, each containing the word 'text'.
  3. Select the first paragraph and select the color 'red'.
  4. Select the second paragraph. You should see that 'red' is still

highlighted, when the default color is black. Select 'green'

  1. Now select the first paragraph again. Both colors will be


You can continue to select other colors, and eventually can get every color to be highlighted.

#8684 Firefox9: copy/paste table - all cells pasted in single row. Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a table (default values are fine)
  2. Place the cursor in the first cell and click/drag to highlight the rest of the table
  3. Paste the table in the editor below the first default table

Result:Not only it does not copy style attribute #8661 but it also pastes all cells in single row.

Reproducible from CKEditor 3.0.

#8722 [FF, Webkit]: ForeAsPlainText splits span tags Firefox, Webkit Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Paste the below code in CKEditor
    <span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">This is </span></span>
  2. Paste the below code into console or use PasteAsPlainText plugin
    CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertText("Hello, world");
  3. Put cursor here: Th^is is
  4. Execute console command or use PasteAsPlainText plugin.

Firefox and Chrome split each section in separate spans whereas IE and Opera do the expected and join all together. Safari drops formatting.

IE and Opera OK-

	<span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">ThHellois is </span></span></p>

Firefox -

	<span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Th</span></span><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Hello, world</span></span><span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">is is </span></span></p>

Chrome -

	<span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Th</span></span><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; ">Hello, world</span><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; ">is is</span></p>

Note also that Chrome drops font-size if it is default 12px. If you use font-size E.g 13 you will get spans like: <span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;">

Safari -

	<span style="font-size: 12px;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Th</span></span>Hello, worldis is</p>

All issues have been reproducible from CKEditor 3.5. Before this version text was pasted without any formatting. From 3.5 there is an improvement but there is still something missing.

Exception is the Safari where it seems that this particular part was working till CKE 3.4.3 and was broken in CKE 3.5.

#8852 Fx & Chrome @ Linux: Unlink option is not always available from the context menu when right clicking on a link Firefox Chrome Linux Bug confirmed Normal

This is clone of #7908, but for Fx & Chrome and only on Linux.


  1. Open http://localhost/cksource/CKEditor/tags/3.6/_samples/replacebyclass.html
  2. Without focusing editor before, right-click on the link.

Expected: context menu containing unlink option.

Actual: no unlink option.

I was able to reproduce this from 3.6.

#8883 Firefox: Dragging image wrapped in block element leaves empty block elements in content area. Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Go to
  2. Drag image in few places inside content area
  3. Switch to source and notice that there are many empty headers inside content area <h1>&nbsp;</h1>

I have also tried using the below code (img inside div)

	<img alt="" src="" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; float: left; width: 120px; height: 168px;" /></div>
<h1>Little Red Riding Hood</h1>

Code didn't cause much trouble except for the first two drags. First one leaves empty div at the top and second one (Let's say picture was dragged here in the first try rescue and cuts the w^olf )and the second one leaves empty div inside text. In all other cases picture is dragged without div anymore.

Issue reproducible in Firefox from CKEditor 3.6.2 rev [7242]

#8992 FF: You can't delete placeholder using backspace key Firefox New Feature closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open placeholder plugin sample
  2. Put cursor behind placeholder and try to delete it.

Result: you can't.

This is actually how Firefox works. It does not allow for removing non-editable elements with backspace key
Insert the below code in HTML page, open it in Firefox and try to delete placeholder.

<div contenteditable="true" style="margin-bottom:25px; border:3px solid black;">
<p>This is a <span contenteditable="false" data-cke-placeholder="1" class="cke_placeholder">[[sample placeholder]]</span>. You are using <a data-cke-saved-href="" href="">CKEditor</a>.</p>

Perhaps CKEditor might introduce some code working around this issue

#8994 Firefox, Webkit and Opera - Can't exit link at the end of document in bbcode Webkit Opera Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open bbcode sample and clear all contents
  2. Insert link using link dialog
  3. Put the cursor at the end of link and try to exit it using Arrows, End, Space or Enter key.

Result: You can't exit link when it is the last element in the document.

Issue reproducible in Webkit and Opera from CKEditor 3.6 rev [6904]

Note: In Firefox you can exit link only if you press End key. Perhaps it has something to do with leaving element boundaries - #8195

#9096 [Fx] Unable to type after new page command Firefox Bug closed Normal

Unable to type after press "New Page" button in Firefox.

#9098 FF: Can't apply styles after removing line Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebycode sample
  2. Click inside editor and press CRTL+A
  3. Press backspace few times quickly Two is usually enough but you may need to press it few more times. Cursor should go up a little bit.
  4. Try to apply style from styles dorpdown like Blue, Red title, big, Small (it works with some styles) or underline, subscript, superscript, strike (it works with bold and italic).

Result: Cursor will go up a little bit and style/button won't get applied/activated.

Reproducible in Firefox from CKEditor 3.5.3

#9106 FF, WinXP, JAWS: Can't use arrows in Smiley or Special Chars Dialogs when opened for second time Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

To reproduce (don't use mouse):

  1. Run JAWS and FF13 on WinXP
  2. Open replacebycode sample and tab into editor
  3. Press ALT+F10 and TAB to Smiley or Special Characters dialog. Try moving arrows. It works.
  4. Press Escape and again press ALT+F10, TAB to Special Characters dialog. Try moving arrows.

Result: JAWS reads Cancel button and you can't navigate with arrows. This issue has been reproducible only in Firefox from CKE 3.5 - when navigation with arrows while JAWS is enabled was introduced (It didn’t work before).

#9145 Dialog buttons are cutoff from top Firefox Webkit Bug closed Normal

Clearly noticable at the select input dialog, but all buttons are affected, including OK and Cancel. The buttons are a bit cutoff from top.

#9186 meta tags placed in list and div with enter mode BR cause infinite loops. Firefox Bug closed Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Set Enter mode to BR
  2. Open replacebycode sample, press New Page and switch to source
  3. Paste in the below invalid code
    <li><meta charset="utf-8"><span style="font-size: smaller;">FedEx 3rd Day (3 business days) - $12.95&nbsp;</span></meta></li>
    <li><meta charset="utf-8"><span style="font-size: smaller;">FedEx 2nd Day (2 business days) - $24.50</span></meta></li>
    <li><span style="font-size: smaller;">FedEx Next Day (1 business day) - $19.95</span></li>
  4. Switch to WYSIWYG

Result: infinite loop.

Problem has been reproducible in Firefox from CKE 3.5.3 rev. [6629]

Despite code being invalid I think that it should not cause infinite loops.

#9505 [FF] Editor placeholder option not available in context menu after first right-click on placeholder Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Open placeholder sample.
  2. Click on text.
  3. Right click on placeholder.
  4. There's no "edit placeholder" option in context menu - only "paste" is available.
  5. Right click again - "edit placeholder" appears.

Expected: "edit placeholder" should be available on first time.

Reproducible in v3 and v4.

#9574 Inline editing: 7th div when we invoke Context menu on image using keyboard native menu shows up Firefox Opera Bug closed Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Massive inline editing sample & navigate to 7th div using tab
  1. Select the image and invoke context menu using Application key (SHIFT + F10).

Expected Result: Context menu opens and shows properly.

Actual Result: Browsers native context menu shows up.

Context menu displays properly when we use mouse to invoke Context menu.

This is Firefox and Opera issue reproducible from CKEditor 4.x

#9677 [FF3.x] Autogrow fails in case of continuous massive content creation Firefox3 Bug confirmed Low
  1. Go to http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/plugins/autogrow/samples/autogrow.html
  2. Place a caret in the middle of the text.
  3. Hold Enter (return) for 3 secs.
  4. A lot of new empty content (<p>&nbsp;</p>) has been created but editor preserved its height.
  5. Click inside of the editable or type something.
  6. Now autogrow worked.
#9827 Collapse toolbar keystroke doesn't work on FF Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

ALT+- keystroke doesn't work for me on FF (Linux and Win). In toolbar plugin keystroke is added for:

CKEDITOR.ALT + ( || CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 189 : 109 )

This, for some reason works on v3, but on v4 doesn't, because ALT+- is ALT+173.

#9881 [FF] JS error when right-click on textarea Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Open any sample.
  2. Insert textarea into editor.
  3. Right click on it.

JS error is thrown:

Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType' @ core/dom/node.js:25

Context menu usually doesn't show up.

#9884 [FF3.x] Select all and copy breaks inline editor Firefox3 Bug closed Normal
  1. Go to http://ckeditor4.t/ckeditor/samples/inlineall.html
  2. Focus first editor in the right column (2 paragraphs)
  3. C-a, C-c, C-v
  4. Editable is totally broken
#9957 [FF] Cannot delete text at the end of the line with cursor placed after the space Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Reported on the forum:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the standard sample.
  2. Place cursor at the end of the line (but not end of paragraph), after the trailing space.
  3. Use Del to delete text.

Expected result: text from the next line is deleted.

Actual result: nothing happens.

Placing the cursor before the space works as expected and the text is deleted.

IE, Chrome do not seem to be affected. In Opera it seems like there is no space at the end of the line - the cursor always appears after the last character and deletion works as expected.

#10121 [FF] Sourcearea is 1px lower than wysiwygarea Firefox Bug confirmed Low

#10201 Table properties have no width when opening dialog after resizing table Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Create new table with default width 500.
  2. Switch to wysiwyg mode and resize it with FF native handles.
  3. Right click on the table and select Table properties.

Result: Width has no value assigned.

This is happening because when using Firefox native resize handles, Firefox operates on attributes while CKEditor operates on styles what results in two widths (#9287).
Issue #9287 no longer occurs in CKE 4.1 RC but one does and can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.0 in Firefox browser.

#10463 Clipboard toolbar becomes accessible in read-only mode Firefox Opera Bug confirmed Normal

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.0 beta in Opera and Firefox.

  1. Go to read-only sample.
  2. Select few words in line
  3. Click read-only button to make editor read-only
  4. Select few words in line

Result: Cut icon gets enabled. You can't cut text but this doesn't look nice.

This TC is also reproducible in Webkit but enables more buttons plus Webkit has another TC to enable buttons thus it is reported here: #9627

#10502 [FF]Right click on some elements causes Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType' Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Open editor (Replace Textarea Elements by Class Name from Sample).
  2. Left-click on image (i.e. apollo image). You will see 8 dots to resize image.
  3. Right click on one of these dots.

Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType' (line 25)

It seem to be connected with: #9881, #9612

#10893 IndexSizeError is thrown on undo IE Firefox Bug closed Normal

Problem can be reproduced in Firefox and IE9-10. To reproduce:

  1. Open the “Replace textarea elements by class name” sample page.
  2. Put the cursor in the editor content.
  3. Control-A to select all text and then DELETE.
  4. Paste in some unformatted text 3 times (I typed "this pasted in" in notepad and copied it to the clipboard).
  5. Enter carriage return.
  6. Paste the text in 3 more times.
  7. Click undo two times.

Problem can be reproduced in Firefox from CKEditro 4.0 beta with BR_mode only.

Problem can be best reproduced in IE when BR mode is used but this isn't necessary. In IE this is issue can be reproduced from CKE 4.0.

JS error is thrown: Message: IndexSizeError: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount
Line: 1942
URI: ckeditor4/core/selection.js
Code: nativeRange.setStart( range.startContainer.$, range.startOffset );

#11212 [FF] It is impossible to exit styled list with Enter Key. Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Open replacebycode.html sample
  2. Clear page with New Page button and click on one of list buttons to insert list
  3. Type "test1", Hit Enter, "test2", Hit Enter, "test3" and then stop
  4. Press Ctrl+A to select all text
  5. Select font-size 16px from Size dropdown
  6. Click behind 3 in test3 to change selection (You need to press Enter in such way that selection changes but cursor is still in span)
  7. Press Enter, press Enter and so on

Result: Items get created and you can't leave the list that way.


  1. This TC won't show errors with list pasted into source
  2. This is reproducible only in Firefox from CKEditor 4.0
#11248 [FF] Permission denied is thrown when preview is used for page with document.domain Firefox Oracle Bug confirmed Normal

Problem can be reproduced in Firefox only from CKEditor 3.6.4 rev. [7527] in both CKE 3.x and 4.x

  1. Create and domains
  2. Put ckeditor with attached sample under
  3. This sample has document.domain='’ set
  4. Load attached sample from subdomain (
  5. Press preview

Result: Permission denied error is thrown.

Error: Permission denied to access property '_cke_htmlToLoad'
Code: doc.write( window.opener._cke_htmlToLoad );

#11323 [FF] preview does not display images Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

observed at master

FF does not display images in preview.

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. click on preview button

Expected result:
You should se our sample image at right hand side.

Current result:
Image is missing, and alt is displayed.

additional info:

  1. It's due to missing base tag in head. Since we're opening preview in /plugins/preview/iepreview.html, browser (correctly) assume that all relative links should be resolved starting from preview directory. So assets/foo.png will be resolved as /plugins/preview/asstes/foo.png.
#11399 [FF] Instability of nested editables tests Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

FF's implementation of focus/blur handling on nested editables seems to be very fragile - tests in http://ckeditor4.t/dt/plugins/widget/nestededitables.html randomly fail from time to time depending on how they were ran. Additionally, I had to add one of the tests to regressions, because it started to fail after b671945e@tests.

None of these instabilities occur when testing manually.

#11687 [FF] Caret position reset when clicking editable Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

Clicking text in editable moves caret to very beginning, which is extremely annoying if you want i.e. select something in order to bold it.

  1. open sample with image2 plugin (/samples/plugins/image2/image2.html)
  2. put caret at following position Roll out of |Saturn V on launch pad in first widget caption
    note first selection is OK
  3. move caret to other element (by clicking), i.e. "Apollo 11" headline
  4. repeat 2nd step

Expected result:
Caret should be placed in of |Saturn

Current result:
Caret is placed at very beginning of the caption.

additional info:

  1. Bug occurs only if focus is moved from within the editor. That means, if you'll blur editor by i.e. clicking at sample headline "CKEditor Samples » New Image plugin", and then you'll click at editable - bug does not occur.
#11795 [FF] Ctrl+backspace inside table removes too much stuff Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. use following source code
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px">
  3. switch back to wysiwyg mode
  4. place cursor in very last cell (9th)
  5. press ctrl + backspace twice

Expected result:
Caret should not move outside of the cell?

Current result:
Leaves table with one column and two rows

additional info:

  1. it acts weird with ctrl+backspace in many other cases with tables
#11871 [FF] Htmldataprocessor test fails in FF29 Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Check out 4.4.0 tag.
  2. Run dt/core/htmldataprocessor.html?name=test-xss---video-with-incorrect-source-onerror-17 in FF28.
  3. It's green.
  4. Do the same in FF29.
  5. It's red.
  6. An error is thrown
    an error occurred while executing regular expression htmldataprocessor.js:897

Yet another example of catastrophic backtracking in RegExp?

#11876 [FF] Remove -moz- prefix from box-sizing property Firefox Task confirmed Normal

Since version 29 (, Firefox supports box-sizing without the vendor prefix. Let's keep things clean and save some bytes here and there.

#12104 [FF30+] Regression in editor/focus test Firefox Bug closed Normal

Caused by an ugly FF bug. After framed editor body is changed, FF yields body to be the active element, selection to be anchored in it, but you can't see it and editor and when focus is moved to other focusable element, blur is not fired.

For now I'm adding test to regressions. It's not a huge problem in framed editor. But we need to trim this case down and report it on bugzilla.

#12323 [IE10] After removing whole list text below jump up. IE Firefox Bug confirmed Normal

[IE10] For ages.

  1. Open editor with following content:
  1. Select whole list.
  2. Delete list by pressing backspace.

Actual result: text hello jump to first line. Expected result: text hello stay in the second line.

  1. Start typing.

Actual result: text hello jump to next line. Expected result: text hello stay in the same line.

#12696 [Firefox] It is possible to create BODY without P using HR Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Press new page button to clear content.
  2. Insert horizontal line using button.
  3. Press backspace.

Result: horizontal line was not removed, but the paragraph was removed instead and I can write directly in the body now. Also it is not possible to remove that line using backspace.

Since 4.0, was fine in 3.6.6.

Also works fine on Chrome.

#12979 [FF] Preview does not work when CKEditor is loaded from a different domain Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Open in Firefox
  2. Click preview
  3. Result: an empty page

Works fine on where CDN is not used.

#13005 Change Event is not fired after Delete Firefox IE Support Bug confirmed Normal
  1. Put attached HTML file into samples folder
  2. In first paragraph select part of text and copy/paste it (select only plain text).
  3. Either select some plain text in another paragraph or in same paragraph
  4. Press Delete

Result: Change event is not fired.

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.4.4 in Firefox and IE8-11.

Before release 4.4.4 change event worked the following way only in Firefox

  1. When copy/paste text change event is fired 2 times
  2. When select and delete change event is fired 2 times on delete
  3. When select and delete some more text change event is fired 3 times on delete.
#211 Firefox: Unclosed <p> tag results in cursor not showing up and can't focus into editor Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal
  1. Load demo @ or from SVN
  1. Switch to source mode and enter the following:
  1. Switch back to normal mode

The cursor disappears. You can't focus into editor.

Do I win a prize for "shortest markup that causes a bug"? :)

#218 Word-formatted text fails to paste with Firefox for Mac Confirmed Firefox Mac CantFix Bug closed Normal

Have tried to copy & paste from Word into FCKeditor numerous times using the toolbar button for "paste from Word" (and resulting popup window). All bold, italicized, and underlined text loses any/all of those attributes under Firefox (current) for OS X. Problem does not occur with same browser version for Windows.

Steps to reproduce: Create a file in Word 2004 for Mac (v11.3, current) with text that has underlining, bold, and/or italicized text (or combinations thereof). Copy text, move to Firefox and try to paste with Word toolbar button in FCKeditor. A Demo file is attached. In addition, all paragraph indents are lost as well.

Working with Firefox for OS X on a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.4.8 installed, and Word 2004 for Mac v11.3.

#246 EnterMode=div can lose tags in Firefox Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

Browser: Firefox

The following causes <div> tags to be lost when EnterMode=div and text to be corrupted (eg whitespace is lost and lines are joined together)

  1. Go to and switch to the "Enter key behaviour" editor
  2. Switch "When [Enter] is pressed" to "Create new <div>"
  3. Type a<enter>b<enter>c<enter>
  4. Go to view source mode. Note lines are correctly created with divs (eg. <div>a</div>, etc)
  5. Switch back to wysiwig mode
  6. Ctrl-A to select all
  7. Click the "center text" toolbar icon (nothing happens)
  8. Go to view source mode. Note that there is only 1 div, and after "a" there is a <br />, and b and c are now together with no tags between them
  9. Go back to wysiwyg mode. Note that b and c are now together on the same line with no spacing between them.

It basically seems that some editor commands completely break the <div>'s. From some testing this appears related to alignment (left/right/center/justify) and changing to list items/back from list items.

#254 FF: IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue is not honored Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

When running the editor under FF, it starts with <p>&nbsp;</p> in the code.

The same problem occurs if deleting all text.


  1. In wysiwyg mode, type some text.
  2. Select All (Ctrl+A).
  3. Press Delete (Text is gone)
  4. Go to source mode, <p>&nbsp;</p> is present


  1. Perform steps 1-3 above
  2. Go to source mode, source is empty

One final note, with FF, if you delete all the text in source mode and then switch to wysiwyg mode and back to source mode, the source is empty.

#284 Firefox: Additional <br /> tags removed from end of document Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

If additional <br /> tags are placed at end of document, they are removed one at a time each time you swap to Source view and back.
This problem occurs in Firefox but works correctly in IE7.

I am using FCKeditor version 2.4.1 which is inserted into ASPX pages using FCKeditor.Net.

To replicate:

  • Set FCKConfig.EnterMode = 'br' ;
  • In the editor, type a word (eg. Hello)
  • Hit the Enter key numerous times (eg. 6 times)
  • Switch to Source view
  • Count the number of <br /> tags
  • Switch back to normal view
  • Switch back to Source view
  • Compare the number of <br /> tags to that above
  • Do this several times. Each time you switch to Source view and back, a <br /> tag will disappear.

In my case, I am inserting the html entered in the editor into another page dynamically and want to allow the <br /> tags to increase the distance between the html from the editor and the html in the rest of the page.

#316 FF: Impossible to position the cursor between two centered tables Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal

please see the second issue highlighted in this video (the first was CSS related and is fixed):


#350 FF: <marquee> appends <p>&nbsp;</p> to the output Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

There was a previous ticket regarding Firefox ignoring the IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue and putting


whenever there was whitespace. We are encountering a similar, though likely unrelated problem, in the version that this bug was supposedly fixed in. Firefox ISN'T putting the empty paragraph tags in empty space, which is good. It's not supposed to. However there's an exception to this. If you use the marquee tag within the FCKeditor, it puts the empty paragraph tags before and after it. For example, we put in the following code into the FCKeditor:

<marquee scrollamount="4"><font size="4" color="#808000"><strong>Welcome!&nbsp; <a href="">Click Here to ask about our Event Sponsorship Opportunities!</a></strong></font></marquee>
<p>Just some test text<br />
Hello?<br />
<br />
<table width="400" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" align="center">
            <td>let's see</td>

and, upon saving our changes to the database and coming back to the page, it turned it into this:

<marquee scrollamount="4"><font size="4" color="#808000"><strong>Welcome!&nbsp; <a href="">Click Here to ask about our Event Sponsorship Opportunities!</a></strong></font></marquee>
<p>Just some test text<br />
Hello?<br />
<br />
<table width="400" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="0" align="center">
            <td>let's see</td>

This ONLY happens in Firefox (any version). It does not happen in Internet Exploder. We DO have version 2.4.1, which supposedly fixed the problem with FF and IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue. We could upgrade to 2.4.2 (and may soon), but according to "What's News", the only thing fixed in 2.4.2 was a problem with UTF, so I doubt that would fix this problem.

We are aware that the marquee tag is no longer supported in HTML specifications, but we thought it might indicate a problem somewhere and still be fixable, regardless of this lack of marquee support, and especially since it only happened in Firefox, so we thought we should submit this ticket.



#351 Inserted image gets deleted if the rest of the document is empty Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

If creating a new document with FCKeditor and you insert an image and then attempt to save the document/submit the form, the result is that the image (and the HTML image tag) gets deleted. I can workaround this by typing in some text, then the image gets saved, but if the image tag/image is the only thing in the document, when saving, the image/img tag gets deleted. This shouldn't happen. A person may want to insert just an image into a document without any text or other tags surrounding it. This bug prevents that from being a possibility. Keep up the great work, FCKeditor is the best!

#393 Cursor inside link but expected to be "after" it Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

This problem is hard to explain, but easy to repeat:

Go into Internet Explorer, create a hyperlink using the toolbar hyperlink tool, and click "Ok". Put your cursor on the right side of the link and start typing.

Now do the same thing in Firefox.

See the difference? In Internet Explorer, the new text you type isn't part of the link, but it is in Firefox. In fact, the only way to close the link is to now use the source button.

Just aggravating.



#430 Remove link issue when class attribute is defined Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

This issue exists on Firefox Doesn't appear to be an issue with IE7.

When a link tag with a defined class attribute is removed using the "Remove link" button, the link tag is converted to a span tag instead of being removed.

  1. To reproduce this issue, paste the following into FCKeditor's Source view:
<p>This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="" class="myCssClass">FCKeditor</a>.</p>
  1. Next press the Source button to return to the normal view. Select the link in the editor area and click on the "Remove Link" button.
  1. Finally, press the Source button again and you will see that the link tag has been converted to a span tag.
#433 Vanishing toolbar in full screen mode WorksForMe Firefox Pending Bug closed Normal

The toolbar vanishes in full screen mode using the following steps on a Mac platform (Intel processor) under Mozilla Firefox I have not tested this under other platforms or other versions of Firefox.

Paste a large file into FCKEditor (I used the fckconfig.js file).
Go to full screen mode.
Select a line.
Turn the line bold (button or ctrl-b).
Put the cursor at the end of the line (mouse always causes this, arrow keys sometimes do).
Press "return" key.

Result: Toolbar vanishes.

#440 FF: Whole paragraph is selected on right click Confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug closed Normal

hi try this

try to right click at the end of this code :<p><font size="-2">©2007 Google</font></p> in firefox we are selecting the whole code i didn't test it on another tags but i found it in FF in ie its working


#486 Cursor navigation difficult with multiple smileys or images in FF2 Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Insert a few smileys(or images) in a row
  2. Using the arrow keys, attempt to move the cursor around

Cursor navigation does not work. Up/Down will jump to the front or back of the whole block while Left/Right do nothing.

This issue only occurs in Firefox.

#525 FF: Sucessive DIVs are joined wrongly with del or backspace Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

Paste the following in the Source View:

<div class="title">headline</div>
<div class="text" style="color:Red">body</div>

When trying to join both DIVs by using del or backspace, we have the following result:

<div class="text" style="color:Red">headlinebody</div>

The attributes of the second DIV prevailed over the first one. The opposite is expected though.

To note that it doesn't happen if EnterMode=div.

Works well with IE6.

#534 Wrong cursor positioning with lists Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal
  1. Load 2.4.3 Beta with Firefox at
  1. Delete all the text, and type three lines of text
  1. Select the three lines, and click the 'bulleted list' icon
  1. Switch to source mode and switch back
  1. Focus in the editor and hit <Control-End> on the keyboard to jump to the end of the document.

BUG 1: First, you will notice the cursor is askew, down a few pixels.

BUG 2: If you type "Hello<enter>" you will see the cursor jump down to the next line

BUG 3: If you type any more, the characters are invisible. There is no record of having typed them if you switch back to source.

#535 Enter key inserting multiple breaks after using shift-enter Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal
  1. Load editor in Firefox at
  1. Delete all text and type "Hello<enter>".
  1. Hit <shift-enter> three times
  1. Type "Hi<enter>"

After the word "Hi", you will see the cursor jump down 4 lines, instead of 1.

#539 FF: if the HTML has a table in it and you right click in the table while in FCKeditor, the cursor jumps to the top of the HTML Firefox Confirmed Bug closed Normal

Only in Firefox, if you have a table in your HTML and then while you are in FCKeditor you right mouse click when your cursor is in the table or table cell, the editor jumps up to the top of the HTML no matter where you were when you clicked.

Wrote to Frederico about this and here is his reply: I was able to create a very simple test case for this bug, based on your pages. In Firefox, if you scroll down the contents and right click inside the table, it will scroll up automatically. If you instead click at the "More text" phrase at the very end, you will have no problems. It only happens if the editor is inside a table, and if you click in a table in the contents. There is no solution for it for now, and no predictions, but this TC is an important step to find out something. Frederico Caldeira Knabben

#584 Firefox: Style error in parsing value for property 'height' Firefox Bug closed Normal


I keep getting this error in firefox:

Warning: Error in parsing value for property 'height'.  Declaration dropped.
Source File: .../editor/fckeditor.html?InstanceName=FCKeditor&Toolbar=Default
Line: 0

The FCKeditor is contained inside one DIV block that has this style:

width: 400px;
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
padding: 5px;
z-index: 4;

I get this error when I'm opening the page and when using javascript to show/hide the container div block.

Thanks in advance for your consideration.

#912 cannot bypass buttons using left/right arrows Firefox Bug closed Normal

if your cursor is to the left of a button, you cannot skip past the button by hitting the right arrow (and vice versa).

to test:

  1. open demo FCKeditor 2.4.3
  2. select all existing content and hit delete.
  3. insert new Button
  4. try navigating to the left or right.

the bug is similar to #739, but not quite the same
tested in Firefox

#994 Unable to add text below a DIV if the DIV is the last line of a document Confirmed IE Firefox Bug closed Normal

Steps to reproduce:

1: Go to FCKeditor Demo at
2: Click the New Page toolbar button and then the Source button
3: In Source view, enter the following HTML: <div style="border-bottom: green 2px solid">Just some text</div>

  1. Return to non-source view by clicking the Source button
  2. Attempt to add text into document in this view after the green line.

The cursor is always placed just after the last 't' and it's not possible to get it in a place that is outside of the DIV.

#1053 Unable to apply table style in FireFox using Styles Combo Firefox Bug closed Normal

Using the following code in fckstyles.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Styles>

<Style name="Blue Table" element="table">

<Attribute name="class" value="tableCS" />



In Forefox the style selector is blank when I have a table selected and I am unable to apply the style to any tables, where in IE is shows Blue Table and allows me to apply the style.

#1060 Not compatible with Firefox 3 Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

I have been using FCK Editor in my web pages for quite some time. It works great in IE6/IE7, FireFox Versions 1/ 1.5 / 2

But to my surprise it just failed to appear in upcoming Fire Fox 3.
I have tested with Fire Fox Alpha 3 Build 7 ( Gran Paradiso )
I have downloaded Firefor 3 from :
I am worried : It is just a temporary bug or Firefox is going to drop support for Design Mode functionality all to gather.



#1189 Javascript-Console Errors for skins Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

Using Firefox > 1.5 and starting the FCKEditor-2.4.3 we get some errors in the Javascript-Console for ignored properties display, filter, text-overflow. These properties are not supported by Firefox and so we dont like to see them as errors.

#1255 Javascript error in Firefox: FCK is not defined Firefox Bug closed Normal

Dynamically adding and removing FCKEditor textareas is creating Javascript errors. I created a test page for this issue, using the latest nightly build:

To reproduce the problem:

  • go to the URL above
  • click on 'Add Response' --> a new FCKEditor textarea dynamically appears
  • delete the FCKEditor textarea you just created by clicking on the "Delete" link
  • click on 'Add Response' again

-----> ERROR: FCK is not defined

#1260 Inconsistent results when switching betwen Source view containing iFrame Firefox Bug closed Normal

I am having a problem when switching between source/render view in FCK when the source contains the following iframe code:

<iframe width="500" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="No" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=";hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=auburn+hills,+MI+48326&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;om=1&amp;s=AARTsJpdr6dyTOcbLJBOCfJjsMkq6xbZqA&amp;ll=42.720786,-83.229675&amp;spn=0.17656,0.343323&amp;z=11&amp;iwloc=addr&amp;output=embed"></iframe><br><small><a href=";hl=en&amp;geocode=&amp;q=auburn+hills,+MI+48326&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;om=1&amp;ll=42.720786,-83.229675&amp;spn=0.17656,0.343323&amp;z=11&amp;iwloc=addr&amp;source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

Steps to produce the problem:

  1. Load FCK editor
  1. Switch to source view
  1. Paste the above code
  1. Switch off source view

90+ times out of 100, the iFrame is not rendered and the source button becomes non-functional. However, I have been able to switch between source/render views with the above iframe before - and I can not discern what is wrong.

To further complicate matters, I can not reproduce this error on Firefox/Windows, nor IE7/windows ... the problem seems isolated to Firefox on my Mac! I can happily switch between source and non-source view, using the above iframe, on FF/IE on Windows.

I am running Firefox (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/ on Intel Mac OS X 10.4.10

Any help would be much appreciated!

#1268 Cursor and Whitespaces: not right blinking on the right position Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

OS: Kubuntu 7.04 / Windows Vista Browser: Firefox FCKeditor: 2.4.3

Just write a letter and the make a whitespace. The cursor is still blinking after the letter, not after the whitespace.

#1397 Fx formatting lost when using enter and backspace Firefox Bug closed Normal

tested: svn-trunk Oct-10-2007
Happens in Fx (not IE7):

  1. Highlight text and change font size to medium.
  2. Go to the end of the line (I did this by clicking at the end of the line)
  3. Hit enter twice, then hit backspace twice.
  4. Notice the size combo is reset to blank and formatting is lost.

(splitting up multiple issues from ticket 565)

#1407 Dynamically setting link / vlink / alink doesn't work in Firefox firefox Bug closed Normal


I want to be able to dynamically change the link colors in my FCKeditor.

In internet explorer, i can say

editorInstance.EditorDocument.linkColor = "#00FF00";

In Firefox, this results in no change at all.

When looking at the rendered (generated) source of the editor window, the attributes are set.

I've tested this with all versions up to the 2.5beta.

#1476 [Firefox] Deselecting by mouse click inside of selection does not trigger GetState function of buttons. Firefox Bug closed Normal

When someone selects a part of the document in the editing area and clicks with the mouse in the middle of it, it does not trigger the GetState functions of the buttons of the toolbar. The bug is present in the "nightly build" both under Firefox and Explorer 6.0.2900.2180... (Explorer triggers correctly sometimes - don't know why)

Reproduction (eg. with the default sample text of FCKeditor): -Click in the editing area and select the whole sentence by mouse or Ctrl-A -Click in the middle of the word "sample" (which should be in bold):

This is some sam<click here>ple text. You are using FCKeditor.

-Selection will collapse and the cursor will be "...sam<here>ple text..." but the button of 'bold' WILL NOT BE SET to FCK_TRISTATE_ON.

-On the other hand, if you select something and click outside of it, eg:

<select from here>This is<to here> some sample text. You are using FCKeditor.

-Click in the middle of the word "sample" (this should be in bold and outside of the current selection):

This is some sam<click here>ple text. You are using FCKeditor.

-Selection will collapse and the cursor will be "...sam<here>ple text..." and button "B" WILL BE SET to FCK_TRISTATE_ON.

#1477 In fullscreen mode, pop-up menu position relative to "content div FireFox Bug closed Normal

In FCK + Mediawiki, click on the fullscreen button, then right-click in any part of the text.

The pop-up menu will appear at some distance of your click point, probably due to the fact its position will be determined relative to the "#content" div from Mediawiki.

#1495 [FF] oEditor.IsDirty not handling spaces and CR correctly (in some cases) Firefox Bug closed Normal

I'm currently using this to see if content of an FCKeditor has changed

if (oEditor.IsDirty()){ return true; }


This is a test<br /> <br /> This is another test


IsDirty test mostly works but not allways, on the source above: What I found is this: If I place cursor after "This is another test" (see example source above) and hit spacebar some times, and then backspace to remove them then IsDirty return true. If I do the same after "This is a test" the IsDirty return false.

I also note that I get same result when hitting CR where I previously tried with spaces, and then removing with backspace as for previous tests... and get the same result. And if I (said it before, but anyway).. just add some letters and remove them with backspace after "This is another test" then IsDirty returns false (as it should) ..... weird!!!!

As far as I can see, it looks like this is happening on text that does not have anything (letters, tags) follwing it (in source). If I test on one text string only (with no tags after it), I get the buggy behaviour. If I then add a CR and save the record, and then place cursor after last letter and add and remove spaces and/or CR then it works as expected.

Also found the following: If I place cursor after "This is another test" and hit either spacebar or CR and then backspace to remove the newly inserted spaces or CR, and then click source button to get in source view, and click source button to get in normal view, and then click a link or change URL of the page to trigger my code that uses IsDirty then the bug is gone. So it looks like something is added to the source, which is cleaned up when entering source mode. Weird.

The above was tested in Firefox (have now also tested in IE6 and IE7 and could not reproduce the bugs there).

Also note that I use this in fckconfig.js: FCKConfig.EnterMode = 'br' ; FCKConfig.ShiftEnterMode = 'br' ;

#1497 Bottom border around the editor gets hidden if you... Firefox Bug closed Normal


This bug happens both FCKeditor 2.4.3 and the new 2.5 beta version. Only managed to get the bug in Firefox.

How to reproduce:

  1. Go to:

  1. Click the "Collapse Toolbar" icon on the left of the toolbar, to hide the toolbar.
  1. Click the "Expand Toolbar" icon --- Keep mousepointer just above the same place you clicked in #2
  1. Now if you still keep the mousepointer just above the "Expand Toolbar" icon after you clicked it in #3, then you will see that the borders around the editor are visible.
  1. Now move the mousepointer over some of the icons in the toolbar.

What happens is that the bottom border of the editor is hidden.

This can be confusing for enduser, especially if bg-color in FCKeditor and bg-color below the FCKeditor.

#1602 Delete key causes Javascript error when editor is empty Confirmed Firefox Safari Bug closed Normal

Congrats on 2.5! Here is your first bug - :)

  1. Load 2.5 demo at using Firefox
  1. Focus in the editor, Control-A to select all.
  1. Hit the Delete key to delete all content
  1. Hit the Delete button again

JavaScript Error: FCK.EditorDocument.body has no properties

#1605 [Firefox] Unnecessary <p> tags are inserted in InsertHtml function of FCKEditor Object Firefox Bug closed Normal

Unnecessary <p> tags are inserted in InsertHtml function of FCKEditor Object. Suppose we insert HTML text programmatically as follows

var html_text = " This is <b>some <span style=\" color: maroon; \" >HTML</span></b> text " ; var ed = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('TEXT') ed.InsertHtml(html_text);

Than some extra <p> tags appear in the inserted text. ( confirmed by viewing HTML source )

This problem is seen only in Firefox 2/3 Beta ( Or any GECKO browser )

It is not seen with IE7 / Safari 3.04 or Opera 9.5 Tested on Windows XP SP2 Thanks

#1623 Removing Bold, Italic, Underline, Striketrough and maybe more is buggy/counterintuitive in Firefox FireFox Bug closed Normal


Done some more tests in version 2.5 and found this: Also tested on the demo on

In Firefox:

  1. Enter some text in the editor.
  2. Select the text and then click Bold, Italic, Underline, or Striketrough button
  3. Select something else in the editor than the selected text or just give focus to something else in the page or editor.
  4. Select the same text again that you previously applied the Bold, Italic ... or whatever.
  5. If you now in #2 clicked Bold button, then you will now have to click the bold button TWICE to remove Bold from the text.

If you only place the cursor somewhere in the text that is bold without selecting anything, then one click on the Bold will remove it.

I find this very little intuitive. I do not mind that one can just place cursor within text and the click the button to remove previously applied Bold or whatever. But the fact that you cannot actively select same text as you selected before applying e.g. bold, in order to remove it just counterintuitive.

In IE6 (only tested in IE6 and Firefox, selecting the same text one previously applied the Bold to in order to remove it, and then clicking Bold button will remove it with only one click.

I have only tested Bold, Italic, Underline and Striketrhough, Subscript and Superscript buttons... This may allso be an issue with some of the other buttons as well

Also found an anomality with Remove link button in Firefox:

  1. Enter some lines of text in the editor.
  2. Select a line of text.
  3. Clik the Insert/Edit link button and insert a link for the selected text.
  4. Click somewhere else in the editor to deselect the text.
  5. Click somewhere in the link once, or select whole text or a part of the link (do NOT doubleclick to select the link (text)). You should now see that the Remove link button is enabled which is as expected.
  1. Click somewhere else in the editor to deselect the text.
  2. Double click somewhere in the link to select the link text. Now the Remove link button is not enabled.

#1655 FF: Bulleted point dissaperas when changing the indetation FireFox Bug closed Normal

Tested on Firefox

To reproduce:

  1. Create bullet point list
  2. Notice tab does nothing
  3. Indent a new bullet in list
  4. Type shift-tab
  5. Notice removal of one indent level but bullet-point disappears
#1660 <br type="_moz"> and <p>&#160;</p> in empty source FireFox Bug closed Normal

When FCKConfig.EnterMode option is explicitly set to BR value, empty textarea right after initialization contains <br type="_moz"> string after switching to source code view.

When FCKConfig.EnterMode option is explicitly set to P value, empty textarea right after initialization contains <p>&#160;</p> string after switching to source code view.

When FCKConfig.EnterMode option is explicitly set to DIV value, empty textarea right after initialization contains <div>&#160;</div> string after switching to source code view.

When FCKConfig.EnterMode option is left to use implicitly set default value (P), nothing appears in source code of empty textarea, which is OK.

Reproduces: Always

Browsers: Mozilla Firefox on Windows XP

Extra: Opera 9.50 shows always &#160; sequence in all three possible FCKConfig.EnterMode options. Internet Explorer 7 is OK.

#1697 OnSelectionChange event in certain Controls don't fire when using Firefox. Confirmed FireFox Bug closed Normal

This happened to 'dropdown list', 'radio button', and 'check box'. I think the right-click context menu is also using this event.

Step to reproduce:

  1. Using Firefox, go to the Demo and use Sample 01.
  1. Create either a radio button, check box, or drop-down.
  1. Try to right-click on any of those. None of them showing the context menu, in my app., the OnSelectionChange event is not fired.
#1698 Phantom scrollbar problem experienced when switching between normal and expanded editor views Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal

A new client sent me the attached .PNG examples of an ongoing "phantom scrollbar" problem experienced when switching between a "normal" and "expanded" view in the FCKEditor (version 2.4.3) with Java integration (version 2.3).

I'm also attaching copies of the editor/css/fck_editorarea.css and editor/skins/default/fck_editor.css files.

Mac OSX 10.4.10 (Tiger) is the OS and Firefox is the browser. The problem is reportedly occurring only on the Mac.

I don't have a Mac, so must analyze the problem in the doc and on the Wiki. So far, I haven't seen a clue to a possible answer from either doc or Wiki.

Advice or suggestions?

#1719 Can't do unbold / unitalicize Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

I just copy and paste the following at in source

<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">&ldquo;To be well-informed is to have the world at your fingers.&rdquo;</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">&mdash;Joseph Jones</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">Dear Friend,</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">Did you know that 2007 was actually the fifth highest year for home sales in history? Take a closer look at the numbers and you will discover that the state of the real estate market may not be everything the media leads you to believe. Sometimes we all need a little historical perspective to see the big picture clearly.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">Fortunately, I did all of the research and analysis for you already. This month&rsquo;s Item of Value includes a variety of interesting and informative statistics that illustrate why last year was a good year overall for home sales. With mortgage rates historically low and new, innovative mortgage programs being unveiled, there is even greater promise for home sales in 2008.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">On the backside, you will find a noteworthy study on the rising trend of vacation home sales. Nearly one-third of vacation homes are being purchased with the intent of becoming a full-time residence upon the buyer&rsquo;s retirement. With today&rsquo;s mortgage rates, renting options and family gathering advantages, buying a vacation home is a great option to consider.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">With so much to take into account&shy;&shy;&shy; when you buy or sell a home, I am always available to help you sort out what is best for you.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman">Sincerely,</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: Times New Roman"><i><b><span>Oh, by the way&reg;&hellip;if you know of someone who would appreciate the level of service I provide, please call me with their name and business number, and I&rsquo;ll be happy to follow up and take great care of them.&nbsp;</span></b></i></span></p>

And I couldn't do unbold and unitalicize in last line. Sometimes it does unbold and sometimes doesn't do it.

#1730 Delete 1th item from nested list IE Firefox Bug closed Normal

I have nested list, which I create using Increase indent from standart bullet list. Sourcecode is:

    <li>item 1-1
        <li>item 2-1</li>
        <li>item 2-2</li>
    <li>item 1-1</li>

When I delete first item in Wysiwyg mode then I get various results.

in IE 6.0, source code is bad, in Wysiwyg look OK:

        <li>item 2-1</li>
        <li>item 2-2</li>
    <li>item 1-1</li>

and If I try Decrease Indent, I get Runtime error on Line: 81, (indent is null ...) and then source code is:

        <li>item 2-1&nbsp;<span id="1199966901715S" style="display: none">&nbsp;</span></li>
        <li>item 2-2</li>
    <li>item 1-1</li>

in FF, source code is OK, but Wysivig look bad:

        <li>item 2-1</li>
        <li>item 2-2</li>
    <li>item 1-1</li>
#1753 No context menu for text field properties Confirmed FireFox Bug closed Normal

If you have a text field in a form you can use the context menu to change the text field properties. In version 2.5.1 the context menu has no entry "Text Field Properties". This bug is for firefox ONLY (tested on version - it works on IE Version 6 and 7.

#1758 alignment and font formatting doesn't work inside a table Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

In fckeditor version 2.4.3 when i choosed a table line and i changed the alignment to center is working. In version 2.5 is not working. Same when i changed the table line text to bold.

#1772 cmd-[back arrow] on FF Mac navigates browser instead of moving cursor in editor Firefox Mac Bug closed Normal

Browser: FF 2 OS: mac (os x 10.4)

Normally, while editing in a standard text area, I can press the CMD-back arrow (also known as "open-apple, left-arrow") to move my cursor to the beginning of a line.

In the FCK editor (see latest build: the "open-apple, left-arrow" will navigate you one page back in history in FireFox. NOTE, this only occurs if you actually have history. If there is no history, it seems to do the correct thing and move your cursor to the beginning of the line.

Navigating back in your history is actually the correct browser behavior, EXCEPT when you are doing some text editing.

Seems to work correctly in your latest build on Safari though!

To Reproduce:

  1. View your nightly build in a browser window
  2. type some stuff
  3. type CMD-[back arrow]
  4. If your browser window had history, you will navigate back one page. If not, you will move to the beginning of the line
#1784 text formatting (bold, italic, underline) gets confused Firefox Bug closed Normal

I was doing some simple tests on the demo site and found the editor loses track of formatting changes in a way that effectively disable the bold, italic and underline features.

This problem occurs in version 2.5.1. Version 2.0 RC2 did NOT have this problem. I have not tried interim versions.

To duplicate the error, type this text into the editor:

This is the text.

Doubleclick the word "text", selecting the word. Click the bold, italic and underline buttons to add this formatting to the word.

Doubleclick the word "the " and type "some ", replacing the word. The new word, "some " will have the same bold, italic, underline formatting of the word "text".

Bug 1: doubleclick the word "text". You will not be able to undo the formatting on this word.

Now select both words - all of the text with bold italic underline formatting. You will be able to undo this formatting for the second word, "text", but not the word in front of it, "some ".

Bug 2: even after you are done working with this selection, if you try to select the word "some " and change any of the formatting, you will not be able to.

In essence, it is possible for the user to create formatting which can not be undone.

#1826 link editor dialog and firefox 2.0.x FireFox Bug closed Normal

Descriptive summary

opening a link, the present href is not received by the link editor dialog, so it's like creating a new one.

Steps to reproduce

  • please select the link "FCKEditor" and click the link icon in the toolbar
  • In the dialog the URL is empty on my Firefox configuration

Browser name and OS
FCKEditor 2.5.0 and 2.5.1:
Firefox 2.0.11 MacOSX 10.5: don't work
Firefox 2.0.9 WinXP SP2: don't work
IE6 and IE7 WinXP SP2: fine
Safari3 MacOSX 10.5: fine

FCKEditor 2.4.3:
Firefox 2.0.11 MacOSX 10.5 and FCKEditor 2.4.3: fine
Firefox 2.0.9 WinXP SP2 and FCKEditor 2.4.3: fine

So for me it seems to be a new 2.5.? specific problem?!?!?! I didn't find any information whether this was changed actively due to problems with Firefox in general, or this is a new bug of fckeditor?

Screenshot, Sample data, Test case file: not neccessary!

#1847 Drag picture in Mozilla trashes src Confirmed Firefox Bug closed Normal

In mozilla, if you drag an image around, the src changes from url to ../../url; problem if you use absolute urls for images (/path/to/image) it changes to (../../path/to/images) or a base url for the editor and the image disappears. Going to source view and back again, the good src is restored, presumably from _fcksavedurl.

#1858 FF:cannot format entire table column - adds code outside <td></td> tags of 1st cell HasPatch Firefox Bug closed Normal

To replicate the bug, create a table with more than one row, enter text into cells then select content of an entire column or row. Select a formatting option such as BOLD or Right Align. Result: firstly, the entire column is not affected secondly, the first cell stuffs up. In the right align example (shown below) the first <td> is altered, placing two empty <p> tags and css styles. In the editor it looks like another cell has been added to the table.

I get a similar issue when trying to format the whole table as "normal" paragraph text.

<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">



<p style="text-align: right;">&nbsp;</p> <td style="text-align: right;">aaaaa</td> <p style="text-align: right;">&nbsp;</p> <td>aaa</td>

</tr> <tr>

<td>aa</td> <td>aa</td>




#1869 Jerky text while dragging new floating panels Firefox Bug closed Normal

see attached file. Using FF and XP

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